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55471658 No.55471658 [Reply] [Original]

Have heard normies refer to passive income as fake Don't care. Tell me what you're staking and where anon. Also share your trading strategies.

>Here to slurp

>> No.55471676
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Not entirely passive but I co-own a bar with a friend. He lives above it and runs it and I paid 140k for the liquor license. The license appreciates because there's only a finite number in my state(Pennsylvania) and sell mixed drinks is more or less printing money. I help with some things but have a normal full time job.

>> No.55471703

I love the internet

>> No.55471715


>> No.55471803
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anon tell me the blue print or how does one start this do i require any specialized knowledge or do i just need capital?

>> No.55471853
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I was fortunate that I did not need any specialized knowledge because my friend would be running it mostly. He's someone who's worked every job in a bar Manager/bartender/linecook/payroll so it was really just copying what the bars in the area were doing. I normally wouldn't go into business with a friend but not having a landlord because my friend is living in the building was just such a good opportunity. Nobody raising rent on us and owning the property is nice.

>> No.55471868

I'm sure anon want to know about crypto passive income not your local bar fag. On a second thought, learn index trading and dump the profits in there. Way to start.

>> No.55471889

I make about 3700 a month after taxes from SCHD.

>> No.55471935
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I also "moderate" an NFT discord (aka "director of vibes") which I get paid $1200 a week for and all I really have to do is post memes. All the moderation is automated to pretty much ban link posting and shilling from anyone who isn't a verified NFT holder, so there's not really any mod work I need. But the project leads pretty much pay me to shitpost because I'm funny and that keeps people happy. I got laid off in 2021 because I refused to get the vax, so my company gave me a compensation package to leave. They called me back in 2022 but by then I already had my mod gig and I haven't looked back since.

Oh, aside from that I stake ETH with my own validator. It gives decent rewards so far, nothing that I can quit working with, but together with my Discord "job" I can live pretty comfortably. I'm definitely not rich but I don't really care for luxury or anything.

>> No.55472016

>I stake ETH with my own validator
Sounds like you are already on the right track. Add AstraDAO to that and you are set for life.

>> No.55472055
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A decentralized VPN network, where you have to pay for the usage of residental/cloud IPs. 20% of all payments to the VPN providers get redistributed among the stakers accoring to their stake.

Current network usage can be seen here: https://stats.mysterium.network/?orgId=1 , but that does not include payments.

On https://mystnodes.com/earnings you can see the earnings per month per country, if you sum up the earning of each country you get to aroung 120,000 MYST per month, which is around 30,000$ per month. As 20% get paid out to the stakers that is around 6,000$ a month that is paid to the stakers each month, without creating any new coins. Current market cap of MYST: 8 Million $"

>> No.55472061

>Have heard normies
Imagine even beign in hearing distance from normies. They are always wrong otherwise they would not be normies

>> No.55472134

Normies don't know shit about about anything. Anon must be a retard for listening at all. Trading winning indices is where he needs to look into.

>> No.55472145

Passive income is only a thing when you already have multiple millions.
Don't have that? Don't concern yourself with it.

>> No.55472158

>I'm sure anon want to know
ESLs always so uppity

>> No.55472279

80% MSCI World and 20% MSCI Emerging Markets is still the safest investment with 8% average return per year.

>> No.55472336

Depends on your pasive income needs and how much yield you can earn with wherever you park your money.

>> No.55472344

>Tell me what you're staking and where anon
iToken of astradao index gives me all the rewards I want now. What do you have to say about that?

>> No.55472361

I'm making use of the user-staking model on AstraDAO and it's fucking based

>> No.55472368

I stake stable coins in Leverage trading protocols Like unidex, trigris or gns

>> No.55472373

DYOR decentralized and noncustodial automated crypto asset allocator, specifically built on Ethereum

>> No.55472378

Passive income is for those who have multi million dollars, i am fucking broke

>> No.55472381

I have been staking Astra and Uniswap for a while now

>> No.55472384

Harvesting strategy investment profit is what anon should be looking at.

Trading with various strategic products and harvesting profit is based

>> No.55472394

You are rich ser, I assume as you a bar, you must have a lot of fucking chicks with you.
Trading index requires a lot of TA, I do not have so much time and resources for me NGMI

>> No.55472402

The win-win incentive is quite profitable for indices investors and holders. They have a solid innovative model

>> No.55472405
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my strategy is to see if VINU's blue dog is in a good mood to do another pump, I literally just wait patiently to see green numbers like a fucking gacha

>> No.55472408

Self custody should be the priority now. Lots of exploits out there. Add good yields to it and you'll ready to moon.

>> No.55472413

If only could comprehend it , I really would been so rich now,
What is the apy with Astradao?

>> No.55472418

Creators earn up to 80% in performance and early exit fees. Tell me why I won't slurp

>> No.55472425
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Staking with Astradao is fine, Validator staking is risky I presume. The way BTC and ETH are hovering, I feel passive income is the key.

>> No.55472426

Interesting, fucking tired of projects that are all talk and no bite. DAO-managed treasuries are some good staking ecosystems and it's becoming popular as well

>> No.55472427

>Trading index requires a lot of TA, I do not have so much time and resources for me NGMI
There are tutorials out there for it. Don't be a lazy fag.

>> No.55472437

The need for governance decisions can't be overemphasized. Gives investors power over their assets.

>> No.55472438

normies just invest in bank

>> No.55472439

I stake on BitDAO and JUNO, lots of hype on AstraDAO on here, I'll check it out

>> No.55472453

Governance is fine< it must be fully decentralized and non custodial for me. I have already lost a lot of money FTX and LUNA

>> No.55472456

You should, you'll find the index funds very great for crypto investors in the crypto market as it enables diversifying their investments

>> No.55472471

Pretty much so, looks like AstraDAO that provides convenient and practical access to crypto-oriented investment strategies

>> No.55472482

I love this board
You are living your life King size
what is the fee to create an index on it ?

>> No.55472690

>ave heard normies refer to passive income as fake Don't care
Anon, normies can call it whatever the fuck they want, but passive income is the real deal.

>> No.55472696
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Trading-wise, I ride the waves, following TA and keeping an eye on market trends.

>> No.55472714
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As long as you're cool with the rewards, it's all good, Desu. So, tell me, what are the rewards like? Are they juicier than those sweet gains you can get from staking ADA and ETH? Spill the deets

>> No.55472732
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Trading indices? What a pussy move. Real degens like us don't settle for that basic shit. We dive into the darkest corners of crypto, chasing those moonshots, rugpulls, and all sorts of insane pumps. We embrace the risk, ride the chaos, and snatch those life-changing gains. Normies can keep their safe little indices while we dominate the wild crypto jungle,

>> No.55472744
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Normies? Fucking plebs, amirite?

>> No.55472755

Only retards go about on Biz telling how broke they are when they have all the opportunity in the market to make life-changing gains. You don't need much to become a based chad in this space.

>> No.55472833

Normies are yet to dive into index investment because they are still busy chasing memes.

>> No.55472857

Does anyone do vending machines? I have someone asking if I want to go in on some. I haven't done much research but it seems like you just get them set up and pay for restocking.

>> No.55472957

We are in a fucking bear market. Passive income is the major means of earning cool money from your bags while you continue to accumulate.

>> No.55472977

I understand your pain, anon. Full decentralization and non-custodial setups are the way to go for me too. Losing money on FTX and LUNA sucks big time, just make sure to do your homework, know the risks, and assess your risk tolerance going forward.

>> No.55473369

You're fuckin right. I can't snooze on that either. Earn some returns on sylo-wbtc and dai-eth pairings in LM pool has been my thing for a while now

>> No.55473372

Why can there only be a finite number? Seems moot and that its only there to garner perceived scarcity. Feel like the geographical location is way more important.

>> No.55473613

This is legit cool, 'cause I truly think passive earning is the ultimate game right now, especially during this dip. Staking has been my lifesaver, yo. I hopped on the ROWAN train when it was booming and it kept me floating. Right now, I'm staking RIDE tokens and scoring a solid 12% APR. Thinking of diving into NFT staking too, and I got my eye on Cloudbreakers' skyjack NFT staking, even though it ain't live just yet.

>> No.55473657
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>Also share your trading strategies.

>get fired from job
>pirate photoshop
>get a bunch of memes
>photoshop them into good pdfs
>upload on redbubble
>do this while applying to jobs
>get job 6 months later
>sales pick up
>average $700-$1000 a year profit
>literally do nothing
>been going for 5 years now
>my exact images get copied
>copycat sellers on alibaba and amazon

>> No.55473768
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Bruh, passive earning is the name of the game, and staking is where it's at for me, doing that for Stg, Gmx, and Rune; I got Sylo tokens on liquidity mining on the side. Mad cool rewards rolling in while I grind at my full-time gig. Gotta hustle smart, for the bull yk.

>> No.55473854

The best thing to do now Anon

>> No.55473866

Redbubble has organic traffic?
I don't even care if a business is passive, I just want it to be anonymous. I don't care if it's grinding slave labor so long as I can do it behind a computer screen without using my real name

>> No.55473870
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Doing drugs in secret in the neighborhood and banking the funds on Aave while spending any amount via CryptMi app for rewards.
Nothing is more passive than night deals.

>> No.55473885

Damn fuckin way to go. Decentralized and non-custodial has been my thing and I'm all in for sylo smart wallet with its anonymous transactions and ease to use.

>> No.55473896

you are the richest anon here. I only make 1K a month from SCHD. My plan is to cash out crypto in 2025 and dump 1 mill more into SCHD/JEPI.

How did you do it anon? Why SCHD?

>> No.55474088

How frequently does this pay? I am in SPHD right now because it pays monthly but the returns are trash

>> No.55474127
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>Redbubble has organic traffic?
yes some

>> No.55474133

JEPI pays monthly:

But it lacks capital appreciation so you need to mix it with something like SCHD.

>> No.55474224

In 2021 i had a huge gambling problem, i played on these csgo skin gambling websites. To this time i made huge amounts of money with nfts (got them in 2019) and i lost really much on these sites.
The whole nft crap crashed and i lost 90% of my money (well unrealized gains whatever)
I lost like 200k and wagered like 1 million dollars there and now i have a high level there and everyday till the site dies i can open free cases which grant me like 50-80$ each day (sometimes even 1000$ but its a 0.4% chance everyday)
The 200k would have been worth 20k these days and i withdrew already 25k from these free cases and it doesnt look like the site will dissapear soon.
I could have more in the end but its a passive income

>> No.55474287

Smart choice chad, I couldn't pass up when I found out the yield was over 40% and that users would earn Sylo rewards as well.

>> No.55474323

>jeet fake shill thread gets instantly railroaded into the actual topic by chad ameriburger giving his genuine experience
holy based

>> No.55474330

I did the same thing and had okay beer money for awhile, then things sold down. I heard that Redbubble is jewy and will copy designs that sell well and direct traffic to their postings instead. I don't know how true that is

>> No.55474372
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How do you get around IL?
I got a small bag because of their involvement in the futureverse but it's just there in my wallet

>> No.55474662

Imagine being a victim of both Luna and FTX

>> No.55474676

The only passive income I've got is my 401k

>> No.55474689

That's the reason I don't do anything that involves LPing
you could lose all the rewards you get due to fucking volatility
in some cases, if the APR is good enough it simply makes up for whatever IL

>> No.55474782

axie scholarships

>> No.55474910

Well the crypto pairs are less volatile with wETH and wBTC anon. Not to mention that users also earn from the trading fees.

>> No.55474919

I'm never signing up for a 401k cos I heard it's shit

>> No.55474923

I see you like privacy as I do Anon. I don't want anyone spying on my transactions and communications, so I chose a decentralized p2p encrypted messaging protocol sylo for my interactions.

>> No.55474937
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how's it going with this being a better ecosystem than yuga and bayc kek

>> No.55475098

That is more like incentivised nodes where Seekers are the nodes. Who wouldn't want some sweet passive shit?

>> No.55475116

You are retarded

>> No.55475135

Yuga themselves aren't doing great right now, they're getting sued and their top collections are losing their floor price while Ape is tanking

So what's your point?

>> No.55475201

If the returns are trash, then get the fuck out of the ecosystem and move into a better plan, Sylo for instance gives a nice yield on tezos baking, yoroi also gives a good reward on Ada staking.
The choice is yours anon

>> No.55475237

Not interested in pajeet scamcoins

>> No.55475238

Yuga and Bayc ain't got shit coming close to best-dressed Party Bears appreciating in value on Opensea like no other

>> No.55475439

This is really cool. How did you guys start this? I've thought about this with a friend but my worry is he sees this as "dude, chicks lmao!" and less a money making venture. How do you guys handle disputes? The money, etc? I've personally lean more towards a coffeeshop but the issue is still the same of getting enough capital and reliable hands on deck to see things through.

I want to try again on this. My 1st store was a disaster and was out a little over 1k just from laziness and mismanagement. I don't expect to make a ton on this but my goal would be to have this run with little maintenance and generate at least enough for a few bills or rent. Thinking of leaning more into the JDM crowd, spamming AI generated waifus for one shop and for another I'm reading into droppshipping D8 but there's a lot of hoops to jump through.

>> No.55475874

>Seems moot

>> No.55476581

It definitely would anon, Flufs and Buzzies sales are going through the roof and it seems to only get better.

>> No.55476619

80% VXUS, 20% TQQQ

>> No.55476966

Staking RAIL and JUNO for passive income

>> No.55477037

Only retards would pass up on juicy yields anon. I heard the incentives would be going live before Q4.

>> No.55477043
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>> No.55477356

Only faggots keep their assets on centralized platforms anon. I've always used self-custodial wallets like Exodus and Sylo to store mine for top tier security.

>> No.55477574

I'd still prefer crypto gems anon. I currently see potential in one which enables user data privacy in web3.

>> No.55477871

Where the hell are you making nearly 5000$ a month from Discord modding?

>> No.55477927

lmao, kek, bruh, that's why we got some epic asset management solutions like OREID. It's all about making self custody hella simple, senpai

>> No.55478000

Explore the based yields for Flux, Sylo and Near on Huobi anon. One can never have too many.

>> No.55478248
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Based chad. I recall winning NFTs and USDT on the Seeker's 3d animation contest earlier this year.

>> No.55478391
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If you are here to slurp, then I strongly recommend you to slurp on XOR (Sora Token)
They've touched floor and now they're rising, also they're having a lot of updates lately so it might get bigger in a few months

>> No.55478864

Damn right anon. It's why I keep staking my RAIL.

>> No.55479708
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None of you talked about crypto rewards in cashback now that web3 payments are becoming popular. CryptMi and BitreFill have the best cashback rewards IMO

>> No.55479803

I'm staking 10k cash in a high yield savings account that's FDIC insured.

>> No.55479861
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So many way to keep going in the bear market if you researching. I just hopped on the web3 car-sharing wave with eloop. They're tokenizing Tesla rides using peaqnetwork, giving each ride a unique ID. Like, how sick is that? But wait, there's more! They're even sharing the damn revenues

>> No.55479926

>passive income
Staking shitcoins is not a stable way to earn passive income. You can go from Having a very nice yield to it dropping to almost nothing in a span of to months because some bankman got caught frauding. You're better af putting money in dividend yield stocks with a good track record for long term passive income. You're not getting that much more from staking %wise and you have less chance of a 20% drop caused by Genslers mood.

>> No.55479971

Meaningful passive income in crypto will never be a thing. There's little real economic value in it. If you think you're going to put your 100k into the next Big Thing that you happen to find, and be able to sit back and play videogames while you become a multimillionaire, I have a shitcoin to sell you.

>> No.55480422

Asking such devaststing, non-specified problematic questions to a partner is fundamentally a deal-breaker.
Trust is gained by understanding each others position, stated and non-stated interests and willingness towards common achievements and so-called 'goals'. Making money can be both boring and fun if you enjoy each other's company, but having a clear understanding of what's yours, mine and ours is pretty basic, too.
Generally, shared ownership of an enterprise is a very unclear endeavour. You should know. Especially if profit is shared unjustified. The only way I can see this work out is a shared passion for something non-marialistic, like genuinely wanting a townspeiple to have a pub running, where money is a means and nt a goal.

>> No.55481210
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I'm not staking, oldfag. I'm participating in the ongoing NXERA/DUA liquidity mining campaign with a prize pool of 300k. I'll make you an offer to help the village you live in out of poverty, kek.

>> No.55481216

Anon, I'm not f***king good at trading. I'll give it a go once I get my hands on the BrillionFi beta test rewards.

>> No.55481243
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Anon, I thought the SSI of the wallet to be interesting. BrillionFi will provide me with full control of my digital identity, assets, and privacy.

>> No.55481495

also Decentralized ID projects like ORE

>> No.55483406
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Thank you for your honest response, its giving me a lot to think about how I would proceed with a few projects I have in mind.

I ask because as much as I like hanging out with friends, there's being a good drinking buddy and then there's someone with enough business sense you can reliably depend on. It sounds like you and your buddies are a good team,best of luck running your pub.

>> No.55484786

I earn around 14-18% APR staking stables on SpoolFi, and also I own some buses that I rent out to people

>> No.55485222

What's the return on that?
I can see that you are making some money for yourself.

>> No.55485304

Based fags would prefer reclaiming 60-80% cashback on Egg pot than listening to the Jews.

>> No.55485655
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>Go all in on AI projects
>If the presale autosales, it's bought by the devs, if it takes time, it's got real interest behind from investors (for example, shibart)
>In-house ai language or custom from already existing one? then you know it will most likely have competent devs
>When it launches DCAA but hold 50% of it
That 's it. Im actually credmaxxed on shibART and expecting a x2 soon. This is all the alpha i can give rn

>> No.55486461
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>140k for a liquor loicense
I don't believe it's real. You need a good goy permission to sell alcohol in America? And on top of that 140k? What is this bribe paying for?

>> No.55486534

The zealy campaign is still on, you'd be much happy feeling some QANX in your bag when you've been rewarded.

>> No.55487815

Pennsylvania has a lot of puritan laws that stem from the big quaker population from back in the day

>> No.55487841

Would fully buying out a condominium and renting it be good income bros? Any condo investors here?

>> No.55488945

sooo like $167,000ish in schd for that?

>> No.55489775

in parts of Montana a liquor license can cost nearly $1MM

>> No.55490055

Goddamn that is cucked. As long as its worth the investment, but seriously 1mill?

>> No.55490148

Get yield from two rental properties, and I run 11 ethereum nodes from when it was $500. This allows me to neet on my ass all day or travel.

>> No.55490459

Pretty comfy. How much work went into getting those two rental properties?

>> No.55490809

Just bag RAIL and hodl.

>> No.55490860

>I also "moderate" an NFT discord (aka "director of vibes") which I get paid $1200 a week for and all I really have to do is post memes.

Unreal how did you stumble upon this gig?

>All the moderation is automated to pretty much ban link posting and shilling from anyone who isn't a verified NFT holder, so there's not really any mod work I need

Did you set up the automation yourself? Is it a feature within Discord that doesn't require coding experience? How many hours a day do you shit post and share dank memes?

>> No.55493085

>You want passive income? Well, check this out: the Nxra/Dua pool on the Defi Terminal is where it's at. I'm an active beta tester for the wallet, and let me tell you, the social login feature has got me intrigued.

>> No.55493117

What are the utilities here anon? I'm aiming for entries on based AI gems like Fet, Agix and Peaq which have been working during the bear season.