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55477799 No.55477799 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody else unironically hate poor people?

I don’t mean like homeless people or starving African children I mean honest normal working class Americans?

So many of society’s problems would be solved if there was a federal program to pumps gas into Dollar General

>> No.55477809

>Does anybody else unironically hate poor people?

Yes but only if they're nonwhite.

>> No.55477817

>Does anybody else unironically hate poor people?
Yes but now I'm one of them after losing all my money in ICP. If only I didn't fall for such an obvious scam, I'm so fucking stupid. Now I have to mingle with all the fat old walmart rednecks.

>> No.55477830

yes they are some of the dumbest fucking idiots around

>> No.55477840

Rednecks and white trash are just white niggers.
They're just as fat, ugly, useless, and dumb.
They're just as ignorantly impressed by loud cars, and they do stupid shit like smoking cigarettes, buying scratch-off lottery tickets, and not wearing deodorant.
t. White person who grew up poor but escaped the poverty cycle, thus witnessed both extremes.

>> No.55477844

Poor whites are still less violent than rich niggers and spics.

>> No.55477849

the only upside to poor whites is that they won't commit violent crimes against you. but they might steal your property on a meth binge.

t. also escaped a rural hellhole

>> No.55477861

>the only upside to poor whites is that they won't commit violent crimes against you. but they might steal your property on a meth binge.
Eh, not really.
As a kid, we'd have the cops come to our house all the time for domestic violence issues.
My stepdad would routinely smash the doors, windows, and furniture every time he and my mom got into fights.
Sure, they're not committing drive-bys with Tech-9s, but they're just as niggardly in their own ways.
I grew up in the city, moved to the country, moved to the suburbs, then to another city: I've seen it all.

>> No.55477867

poor/uneducated people are bad decision makers but i would rather not say it outside big cities.

>> No.55477883

wonder if rich urban elites hate homeless or just ignore them

>> No.55477894

>wonder if rich urban elites hate homeless

They don't deal with them daily so they don't care

>> No.55477926


>Does anybody else unironically hate poor people?

Nope. Hating people is a trait of poor people.


>> No.55477934
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Imagine smearing Jew paste filled with phytoestrogens on your armpits everyday just to feel better than everyone else

>> No.55477947

Uh oh, stinky.

>> No.55477949

Poor people eat free at Walmart.

>> No.55477962

Ironically, it's the rich people who everyone should hate. By virtue of greed and monopolies, rich people directly control the lives of the poor. In fact, the worse niggers out there are the politicians, on both sides, who pretend to be for the people, but sell out to the richest niggers. Poor people, realizing that there is slim to zero chance for them in this society turn to meth or gang bangin because there is nothing else for them besides cleaning toilets. Even for people who try hard, most are shut out of degrees that could bring them wealth because they limit seats. There a million other ways the rich fuck everyone, and once you become rich, you join the fucking of the minions, because wealth is awesome.

>> No.55477970

I would say that poverty and all of its trappings horrify me, and it's easy to transfer my horror of poverty onto the impoverished.

>> No.55477974

Look up who Yuri Bezmenov is since you dont know.

>> No.55477976

There's magnesium based, aluminum free deodorant that doesn't use those toxic additives.

>> No.55477981
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ban test

>> No.55477986
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I'm aware.

>> No.55477990

poors? not necessarily
browns? absolutely.

>> No.55478008
File: 3.45 MB, 464x848, ny car puncher.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those that make policy decisions know that having the homeless on the streets pooping n shooting, is a powerful message to the wages:
>continue marching to the office, or else this is your fate

>> No.55478021


>> No.55478048

Entirely based recovery.

>> No.55478058

Everyone living in NY deserves this.

>> No.55478072

>a gross fatfuck anti-semite on 4channel

imagine my shock

>> No.55478073
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My high test musk repels soiboys and roasties on birth control leaving only the cream of the crop. You have no idea how many ovulating women I pull into my orbit on a weekly basis I already have 4 kids.

>> No.55478085
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>> No.55478098
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I mean, fat lards who don't take care of themselves will always smell nastier than some regular fit dude.
I wear deodorant because I work in sweltzering heat next to other people.

>> No.55478239

I like them in theory, I project they are literally me with less resources. then I'm reminded when I'm around them. having a little class is legitimately free. being poor didn't rob you of good manners.