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55472091 No.55472091 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything sadder than seeing those small town popular kids move to the big city and just get fucked by reality. And I'm not talking about just Stacey's who end up doing porn or stripping, guys who were popular in their small Midwestern town but was just another below average Joe in a major city who ends up addicted to drugs working uber and a retail job

>> No.55472097
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Kys cultureless mouth breather

>> No.55472111

That's basically the plot Mullholand Drive and it still haunts me.
These 30 first seconds are very painful in hindsight once you've understood the movie.

>> No.55472114

>popular kids

dude are you still seething because of highschool?

>> No.55472136

The same thing happens regardless of where they end up. I'd argue it's actually sadder when it they stay.

>> No.55472146

It's it like 3am in USA you larping Jewish glownigger?

>> No.55472174
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For every one benevolent chad in high school there were at least ten complete asshole "popular guys" who I wish nothing more than pure misery.

>> No.55472211

OP is literally seething about his anus being so stretched out that shit literally just falls out

>> No.55472347

No because 99% of men are disposable by will. 50% of the people are women and women are the capitalists of the sex market. ie they coast thru life thanks to all the orbiters giving them free shit and solving their daily problems free of charge.

50% of the rest is men and men live to compete for women and pay their rent and entertain them and pleasure them. men dont even want to be paid for all this lol. Men literally believes they are the stronger sex because they spend a life of suffering trying to please vaginas. They put vaginas on a pedestal and they suffer from this.

Men do this because they get depress and commit suicide if a woman doesnt acknowledge them. That's what drive people
-women are not driven much because women beak at the age of 15 when they understand that no matter how awful women are, men will give them an easy life
-men literally live for women and the few who dont commit suicide and are transparent to society

It's pretty fucking simple: women are hedonistic machines and it turns out that men are infatuated with it. And Men build societies to keep being infatuated with it.
99% of men make up spooks while they live to compete for women' attention, irrespective of the moral behavior of those women. It's women who give meaning and control the lives of all the men you will ever see in your life.
men seek to be valued by women at all cost.
All those men are cuckold sooner or later. As soon as a man values a woman, he will be cuckold. Society is based on men being disposable and replaceable by women & the ruling men. A woman has no problem replacing a lover, a husband or a father, especially when she does it for the kids, as opposed to doing it for her, which would be selfish from their POV.
Same thing with the ruling class. Men will serve them and they be happy to hear about merit or honor lol.

>> No.55472352


this is the truth about society that you must accept to go beyond it.

-1% of men try to find something else to value
-99% of this 1% go crazy in the woods becoming hermits and failing hard, making up retarded spooks, being a laughing stock for the men in society.
-the 1% of the 1% get good at meditation
-99% of those 1% of 1% confuse meditation with enlightenment
=>so 1% of 1% of 1% of men actually stop being coomers.

>> No.55472371

Yeah they looked enthusiastic at first.. but it's not the saddest thing in the world. For example most people who shill something online for a living are already sadder than that.

>> No.55472486

If women coast through life thanks to everyone giving them free shit, why are there so many working?

>> No.55472499

>be you, finish hs and seethe forever
>be me, drop out and stayed comfy

>> No.55473984

>puts all globohomo fag shit in one easy to access location
>lives away from it
>this is bad
lmao city cucks just LOVE wallowing in anger and neon lights.

>> No.55473998

I've never seen more cope about not being able to make babies in my life.
A woman IS more valuable than you you absolute fucking mong.
Get over it.

>> No.55474130
File: 789 KB, 1714x2286, C8A8DF4F-0C15-464D-9DFC-0F157A36CFFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pic is just a rest stop, there are no residences there, it’s like posting a picture of a train station or a very large gas station and saying “this is where muh americans live”

>> No.55474144

Holy incel batman I’m not reading all that

>> No.55474149

Cityfags have no idea about how 99% of the world outside their bubble works so they make up these copes. I remember the reddit post by the tranny where she would start crying whenever she left the city.

>> No.55474210

You must remember that the yuropoor can't afford personal transportation so the concept of a rest stop is foreign to them

>> No.55474242

this kills the demoralizer
kill yourself

>> No.55474256

i moved from a town of 2000 people in northeastern pennsylvania to the suburbs of philly. i don't understand how you can "get fucked by reality." just get a job. life in small towns is the same as life in big towns: 50% of your waking hours are spent wageslaving or doing wageslaving adjacent activities.

>> No.55474262

>kill yourself
It was a woman larping as "a gender" or some shit. So no, I won't kill myself.

>> No.55474732

What did he mean by this?

>> No.55474762


Another reminder that I am on a board with 19-23 yos who act like 16 yos. I will tell you like i tell my children: Worry about yourself.

The only people who went from popular to zero in my experience were the short popular kids. Short men need a high spot in a social hierarchy to survive, so leaving their established positions makes it tough. I know a Chad who is incredibly financially insecure and i can tell it eats him up mentally a bit, as we push early 30's, but also he has lived more life than I ever will already so its a break even imo.

>> No.55474775

what’s sadder to me is thinking about the thought process that goes on in someone who makes threads like this.

>> No.55474968
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Nah OP your the saddest thing here.
Also I thought stale copypastas weren't allowed anymore?

>> No.55475401

Based, I'm a tranny and guys here go out of their way to tell me how worthless I am but the reality is that even my ugly tranny ass can get guys to buy me food, alcohol, weed, and more. The last guy I dated gave me an electronic air pump for my car tires. Even being a 3rd rate straight woman is better than being a straight man

>> No.55475433
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>> No.55475441

>life in small towns is the same as life in big towns:

But what about cities with a few million people

>> No.55475462

>Is there anything sadder than seeing those small town popular kids move to the big city and just get fucked by reality.
No they pretty much had it coming.

>> No.55475471

Gonna have to rewatch it, Anon.

>> No.55475478

desu i've started to believe that many people who spend their lives in cities are mentally ill. There is some twisted fucking shitty culture that emerges from city life. It's crazy how historically wrong city dwellers have been

>> No.55475498

My favorite film. Captures the feel of being in a dream perfectly.

>> No.55475514


Crazy thing is that people in the city are healthier, in better shape, abuse drugs less than small city people.

Unless you're confusing major metropolitan area suburbs with living outside of a city..

>> No.55475529

Sirs those chain restaurants are by percentage much higher passing by city folk vs people that actually live there.
Literally basedbois fill them up while they find the next tesla charge station.
My small town has at least twelve popular local restaurants that you rarely see anyone off the highway in.

Why don't you want to live in reality?
I'm not claiming the set up is ideal. But it is what it is. Why do you want an extra twisted version of reality to be true instead of just taking it at face value?

>> No.55475560

i worked in center city philly for a bit. you wake up, you spend 8+ hours doing shit you dont want to do, you come home and prepare for the next day.

>> No.55475618

Lmao you sounds just like the low T individuals in that picture

>> No.55475665

I saw this video years ago and forgot about it, thanks for reminding me OP fucking lmao

>> No.55475712

that kid was such a goof. if you actually looked at the girls instagram she was constantly surrounded by absolute chad guys in her photos and out doing stuff that were leagues beyond that dorky eugenes fucking whole existance. that kid was a dork and thought he had a chance with her and the whole video is cringe to the max. I couldnt stop laughing when he did that whole hilarious dance for her thinking it'd impress her or win her affections at all. what a clueless simp incel

>> No.55475838

I think you imagine a lot and live in a fantasy world.
Just had my third child. I have a shoulder length hair, a beard, 12-15 employees, and was just using forklifts and crawling the dirt moving some shitty old trailers out back.
I did more manual labor today by noon than you have all summer I'd bet.

>inb4 you cope by imagining this isn't true and projecting like an actual low t faggot

>> No.55475866
File: 880 KB, 1080x1305, 1658360815157976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao you're so butthurt you write paragraphs on paragraphs that just illustrate how little of this world you've seen. Absolutely Naivety

>> No.55476205

You don't get butthurt when you have three children and are self employed.
That's a childless wagie thing.

>> No.55476251
File: 362 KB, 670x378, 2E9DC9BB-7178-4150-859B-E9C9A1CA0EE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gas station
“this is where le amerimutts live?!”
it’s just a rest stop between pic related and pic related, where americans actually live (along with the suburbs). why does this confuse thirdworlders so much? is it just because they don’t have infrastructure in their shithole country?

>> No.55476254

You need friends. God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.55476292

Name or link of video?

>> No.55477564

Have you considered god is real ?
Women being "powerful" is only due to our perverted civilization. Who do you think provided frame work on how to create a civilization?
>Nuh uh might is right
Not true it takes a village to raise a kid your lucky to have been treated with benevolence when you were too small to fight for yourself

>> No.55477652

falling in with the popular kids in high school was the worst thing that ever happened to me. i got all the downsides and none of the benefits.

>> No.55477794

Nah it's just a demoralization post. Most guys here are late 20s or early 30s

>> No.55477820

>it takes a village to raise a kid
commie revisionism. given how small pre-historic tribes were, and the fact that they were all related, it is far more accurate to say “it takes a family to raise a child”