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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55474566 No.55474566 [Reply] [Original]

>Age: 29
>225k in 401k (target date 2060 funds)
>40k in a Roth IRA (SP500 index funds)
>0.8 BTC and 1500 LINK
>195k in brokerage in S&P 500 index funds
>own a house worth 600k w/ 200k equity, 2.3% mortgage (400k left)
>14k in HSA invested in index funds
>18k in cash
>paid off Porsche worth like 70k that I bought because I’m a retard

>fagman job: base 190k, 80k/yr RSU, 50k cash bonus. Roughly 320k Total Comp

>> No.55474608

bait but your skill set will be probably completely useless in 5 years and you'll compete with 23 year olds who specifically learned the most recent relevant tech skills

>> No.55474644

wow man you have it so bad what a loser lol

>> No.55474649

Honestly that depends on his skillset. Paradigms and proofs are timeless.

>> No.55474668

Over half the people I work with are way older than me, ageism in tech is a myth. The main thing is that a lot of people get lazy and complacent as they age and don’t want to keep learning new skills, the boomer clock in clock out daily grind mentality is what will kill your career if you aren’t careful. Constant learning is just part of working in tech if you want to be successful at it long term

>> No.55474680

>tell me im fucked
>instantly starts defending himself

>> No.55474694

Ignore, >>55474608 who graduated and is still unemployed. Kek.

>> No.55474808

i am 29 and wfh in tech and it's abundantly clear tech skills are accelerating more every year. It's getting to the point where if you're not constantly learning new things you are literally falling behind. This tech bubble slowing down will be a huge wake up call for millions

>> No.55474829

What causes you to make threads like this? Posting frogs and shit too? Son, I am disappoint.

>> No.55474851
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>Over half the people I work with are way older than me, ageism in tech is a myth

>these way older people have to compete with me
>no it won't happen to me

>> No.55476530

if you make six figures you don't belong on this website, much less this board.

>> No.55476579

Put 25k from your 401k and top your link stack up to a solid 5k link which is an OG suicide stack.

>> No.55476597

That's a pretty low TC for 7+ years into a FAGMAN job. You should be making at least $500k+

>> No.55476643

OP here I’m currently 4 yoe in fagman, 6 yoe total. still sort of low I guess but the job market is somewhat shit rn yes?

>> No.55476708
File: 222 KB, 382x387, capo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin will fall to 10k and never recover, cap it.

>> No.55476845

Why are you invested in so many index funds if you're not socking money away faster? Your Roth IRA is dangerously low for that age, and your brokerage should be cut in half and put into blue chip crypto.

>> No.55476989

Name your job and how did you get it. I know you are 99% lying but just in case.

>> No.55477064

>Name your job and how did you get it. I know you are 99% lying but just in case.
it's software engineer dumbass
anyone working in big tech for their 20s makes approximately that much.
go cope and call it a LARP and then jerk off to some hentai.
I'm 30 and make 250k remote at a tier just below FAGMAN.
850k net worth; got the job by responding to a recruiter and clearing a 7 interview loop and having a counteroffer of 300k (but onsite in bay area)

>> No.55477093

He makes 320k but probably spends 150k just on living expenses, so it's more realistically 170k which you should easily be able to make working hard in a blue collar position after 5-6 years if you aren't a retard.

>> No.55477209

>He makes 320k but probably spends 150k just on living expenses
How are you eyeballing $12,500/month expenses? Even in a place like seattle, OP can rent a central place for $2-3k/month, but he actually owns a home already.
Show me any tradesman that actually (not theoretically, but actually) accumulated a 200k brokerage, a 70k car, and is nearly a wholecoiner in 6 years.

I didn't even add in the other ~400k OP has.

>> No.55477952

You are pretty fucked, buddy.
And there's nothing you can do about it.