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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55474095 No.55474095 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday I heard a guy at the grocery store talking about how “they want us to work until we die”. Anti-wagie/anti-capitalist posts are getting to the front page of Reddit all the time. I think these are the can early in the cold mines that something big is coming bros.

>> No.55474112

An anti-wagie/anti-capitalist with something big just flew over my house!

>> No.55474126

I'm at a point were I rather blow my brains out than to ever wage again if they ever take my autismbux from me.
I already cut every normie out of my life.

>> No.55474141

(((They))) really need to start thinking about slightly improving the nigger cattles lives. If they don't things could get bad for (((them))). Have some self preservation you utter mongs

>> No.55474147

if my only opportunity in life was $15-25/hour unskilled wagie hell i would wage diligently to save up a few hundred dollars. i would take that money to the nearest drug dealer and buy a massive amount of LSD. i would dose every day until i induced permanent and debilitating psychosis, at which point i would be a burden of the state.

>> No.55474153

And that's where it will stay. The powers that be use reddit and the like to corral the piggies together and make them feel like they're accomplishing somethng. But ensuring they never leave the pen

>> No.55474158

>can early in the cold mines
This is who you're sharing a board with

>> No.55474165

kys redditor

>> No.55474168

It's also where OP should have stayed

>> No.55474200

No revolution has ever happened without people starving to death.

>> No.55474219

>pinning the niggercattle against each other every 4 years to blow off steam
Nothings ever gonna happen

>> No.55474233

phone posters? At least, I need to convince myself that this is the case because only niggers are retarded enough to make these type of mistakes.

>> No.55474237

Misused cliches are a diamond dozen.

>> No.55474328

Daily reminder that finance is pseudoscientific make believe garbage and capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, worsening labor conditions, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war and overall evilmaxxing are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.

Unless every single financier parasite, banker and trader is euthanized and every stock market and bank is burned to the ground, and the status quo completely abolished, the biosphere and all life will extinguished. The higher the "Line god" (GDP) is, the lower life is. Every single parasite like you needs to be euthanized

"Arbeit macht frei" the masters always say

>> No.55474340

it's weird to think actual black niggers are using pepes regularly now
many of them
at least it weirds me out

>> No.55474440


>> No.55474578

Holy fucking based

>> No.55474587

You fucking retard, kys. I was using pepes before you were born.

>> No.55474674
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picrel OP

>> No.55474756

>can early in the cold mines

>> No.55474896

My parents are about the furthest thing from anti-wagie and anti-capitalist. They are retired boomers. Not only are they retired boomers, they are retired boomers who have 7 figures in savings and investments, own a home in a nice suburb, and have multiple penchants from their jobs in addition to social security.

For the past... I would say several years, I have heard a particular set of complaints from them. They go and buy meat from a place where you can get it cheap, like Wal-Mart or Sams Club. The meat turns out to be shit. They are absolutely fucking outraged and vow to never buy meat from that place again... then they fucking do it again. Why do they keep fucking doing it? Inflation is eating their penchants and social security. Which is funny, because I've tried explaining that to them and they just don't want to fucking hear it.

They also complain about the neighbors chicken raising and egg laying operations, of which there are multiple, because they think that suburbs are no place for raising chickens and they are constantly trying to work out the ways that it might be illegal. Keep in mind that these operations are, surprise surprise, dated to the last few years as well when the price of eggs, chicken, etc skyrocketed even as the quality plummeted.

What I'm getting at is that there's a wave of economic forces simultaneously hitting everyone, from workers my age to retirees my parents age, and it's starting to dawn on them that they have to acknowledge what's going on and formulate some sort of reaction to it. People like my parents are stuck in perpetual denial, people like the neighbors with all of the chickens have just decoupled themselves from the system that's fucking them over in small ways by raising their own food and growing gardens, and the people you overheard are considering "political solutions" to the common problem.

>> No.55474908

Better than canning late in the coalmines

>> No.55475020

Animals dont have financial capitalism but they are still bound to the same pressures of evolution, destruction, hunt, suffering and pain as you describe there.

Maybe the flaw is with the physical realm itself that has finite resources and immense constant competition, rather than your deluded hatred of a particular system?

>> No.55475117

personally I'm doing okay. I just want to find a wife to cuddle with at night

>> No.55475146

You're presenting the Communist with an argument that he's heard before and can reflexively dismiss. You have to go a little bit deeper into the argument of material conditions to get to a point where they have difficulty refuting it reflexively.

That said, I'm also no big fan of Capitalism, I just think that the Commies diagnose some of the problems correctly but fail to present a valid alternative.

>> No.55475156

>meat from a place where you can get it cheap, like Wal-Mart or Sams Club

lmao, meat from there is expensive

>> No.55475299

Your parents don’t deserve to have made it. It should have been me, ignorant boomer scum.

>> No.55475326
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its insane to me how many people have absolutely mundane goals like these

>i just want a gf/wife bro
>just want kids bro
>bro i just want a family and good job

kek holy shit, those are literally the easiest things in the world to achieve. i love my gf and we could have kids at any moment, but i have way bigger goals than that

>> No.55475381

Even if we do agree that this physical realm is Hell (it isnt just hell and things other than suffering exist but for arguments sake lets assume it is Hell) it STILL doesnt make ANY sense for man to create a SECOND simulation that simulates all the worse aspects of existence: conflict, struggle, survival, suffering, fear, insecurity, competition and war. What argument do you have in favor of creating the second layer of Hell/simulation in this physical realm? Why create a simulation within a simulation? Why create an artificial world is the natural world is already artificial?

Braindead rightoid parasites i hate you SO FUCKING MUCH

>> No.55475392

Retirement is a recent innovation. Working until death, especially in unsafe conditions, has historically been the norm, and it will return.

>> No.55475398

what are your goals? im sure they're gay and meaningless in the face of eternal nothingness.

>> No.55475399

>You're presenting the Communist with an argument that he's heard before and can reflexively dismiss.
NTA but "reflexive dismissal" is not an argument. Cucking like that is one reason we're all in this mess.

>> No.55475425

Unironically take your meds.

>> No.55475431

>im sure they're gay and meaningless in the face of eternal nothingness.

isn't everything? doomer faggot

>what are your goals?
they're definitely more complex than doing what 99% of humanity has done lmao

>> No.55475437

>Working until death, especially in unsafe conditions, has historically been the norm, and it will return.
>im sure they're gay and meaningless in the face of eternal nothingness.
Also this. But then again, why not?

>> No.55475542

>more complex

You literally participated in 4chan not only are you not more "complex" you are actually among some of the most braindead diagusting putrid vile and cancerous parasites on the face of the earth. The ultimate inferior life form. True parasite.

The universe truly works in mysterius ways. How is it always that the most ignorant and disgusting parasites are the ones who are most arrogant and full of themselves lmao

>> No.55475599

>cope cope cope

kek im literally WFH you dumb seething faggot.

>> No.55475607
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Invest in AI coins like Blackswan.

>> No.55475634

>t. the commiepastaposter
Are ya winnin son?

>> No.55475654

Daily reminder that politics is pseudoscientific make believe garbage and central governments are inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, worsening labor conditions, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war and overall evilmaxxing are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under central governments. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.
The state exists to facilitate the functions of politicians and cater to the political class.
Unless every single political parasite, bureaucrat and regulator is euthanized and every central government and council is burned to the ground, and the status quo completely abolished, the biosphere and all life will be extinguished. The higher the number of politicians is, the lower the QoL is. Every single parasite like you needs to be euthanized
It is parasites like you who worship authority that are the only reason why we currently exist in the worst imaginable dystopia
Here is the superior take.

>> No.55475671

This. Reddit is the ultimate midwit psyop. Everyone who posts on that site is just a controlled mindslave of the establishment.

They try to do the same thing with this site but due to the anonymous nature of it all, they don't have as much control as they do on reddit.

>> No.55475778

Holy based.

>> No.55475934

Everyone reflexively dismisses arguments that they have heard before consistently that failed to persuade them on the first go around. It's not an argument, it's the human brain shrugging off what it perceives as background noise.

>> No.55476272

It's a heuristic which is only valid if the argument they are dismissing is not sound. The problem is when people dismiss good arguments because they don't agree with the consequences and hence are "not persuaded". This needs to be called out. In the case of commies, you can't let them ignore basic principles of economics just because they don't like the consequences. Same with wokefags who want to disregard genetics because it doesn't fit their preconceptions of gender and race. Saying that this (shitty) heuristic of reflexive dismissal is valid and that we need to come up with alternative arguments just because they didn't like the original ones is exactly like being a cuck and gets you nowhere, since "people" like that aren't going to accept your next argument either for the same reasons.

>> No.55476293
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Whenever I hear shit like that, I report it to the store manager. I do it at work all the time, we have a hotline we can just lie about people to and they'll go away in a week or so.

>> No.55476526

Anon... i think I am your parents' neighbor.

>> No.55476555

Perhaps OP dictates his posts whilst his servant transcribes.
Regardless, I chuckled and it made both of us post.

>> No.55476583

>basic principles of economics
That is true.
>same with wokefags
Oh boy, you're one of those.

You took the eggpill huh?

>> No.55476615

they'll get a cbdc ubi, a small basic state provided single person dwelling 15 minutes from everything they need, free internet/phone and go back to being happy

>> No.55476625

You have been my favorite poster for awhile

>> No.55476631

>>same with wokefags
>Oh boy, you're one of those.
You need to go back.
In the >>oven.

>> No.55476681

I'm a biochemist. This conversation goes like this. I tell you that yes, genetic factors in intelligence are very real and strongly correlated to it as a trait. Then I tell you that those genetic factors correlate with race. You start to salivate. Then I explain that correlation is not causation and that those genetic factors are independent of race, and their distribution among racial groups is largely caused by a combination of founder effect and various types of selection. You don't understand what those things are, and you either scream some weird nazi shit or try to convince that genetics work like you need them to in order to justify your ideology and I realize that I can't spoonfeed you several years worth of undergrad genetics to make you understand that the way you think it works isn't how it works because you don't actually care how it works, you just want to justify being a nazi.

>> No.55476887
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Coping pretty hard, I see.

>> No.55476904

>Then I explain that correlation is not causation
then i explain that this line of reasoning is irrelevant when simply adhering to "around blacks, never relax" or "pull the trigger on every nigger" is sound advice whenever you're near these criminalistic beasts.

>> No.55476908

>a cherry picked chart that you don't even know how to interpret, cite a source for, or show methodology of proves all of the experts wrong

Yep. The usual nazi nonsense.

>> No.55476917

>the state will impoverish us and then the mass of seething morons that results will empower the state even more as a response
I hate commies so much sisters

>> No.55476943

>preaching academic rigor
>conflating biochemistry with molecular genetics

>> No.55476945

>>a cherry picked chart that you don't even know how to interpret, cite a source for, or show methodology of proves all of the experts wrong
Cope. I'm a mathematician and I'm well-versed in probability and statistical methods. I'm sorry you couldn't hack it in a real academic disciple and had to go with biochem where you just memorize a bunch of useless information and make no money all the while thinking you're smarter than muh nazis on 4chud and impotently sperging at the strawman you put up in posts like this >>55476681.
Kek I bet you're holding pretty heavy bags as well.

>> No.55476987

if you're too dumb to turn off auto correct thats even worse

>> No.55477242

I wouldn't go on /g/ /pol/ or /k/ then if you don't want to see anti capitalist propaganda.

>> No.55477251
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Ok vatnick we get it you failed your father so you worship marx, your very smart and a free thinker.
FYI communism has killed more people in 50 years then capitalism has killed AND harm throughout mankind's history.

>> No.55477306
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FYI plus, communist funded the current day wokeies we're dealing with, just thought you should know's