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55470538 No.55470538 [Reply] [Original]

I sit here dreaming what I would do if I made it and honestly I don't my life would improve that much. I would still be the pessimistic lonely loser that I am. Ive lost all my optimism, everything

>> No.55470543

at least you would be crying in an aston martin instead of your dad’s basement

>> No.55470549

But the thing is I wouldn't even have the energy to go to the dealer to buy one of those cars. I think I'm severely psychologically handicapped

>> No.55470550

you've been successfully demoralized and are one or two steps from an heroing. This is by design. If love isnt your motivation then let hate be your motivation. To destroy those who destroyed this world. I believe in you OP

>> No.55470570

I know how my life would improve, I wouldn't have to wage slave for money. I would be free to enjoy life.

>> No.55470630

You're not gonna turn me into a martyr sorry anon
Yea but your probably young and have friends. I'm reaching 40 friendless and in many ways set in the way I do things. It's a sad and depressing life anon. Sigh

>> No.55470650

Holy shit glow somewhere else you ciafag.

>> No.55470663

I'm 41 and tired.

>> No.55470691


>> No.55470704

Snort coke then

>> No.55470766

i feel the opposite. i think just a mil or 2 would be plenty for me to drastically alter my life
1) buy dad a new house and an old car for like 300k
2) buy myself a small house with a garage and large backyard anywhere for like 200k
3) invest a mil into whatever will generate like 5% annually so i can have a 50k annual income and bank the other 500k for nonsense
4) do hobbies and make youtube videos about random crap to not get bored open to the idea of monetizing these things

>> No.55471112

You seem to know what is necessary but have done fuck all, so whose the coward?

>> No.55471474
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you can always do something, no one here lacks opportunities, your pessimism can sometimes play against you instead of making you cautious, I'm still working on flipping some burgers and still managed to buy a couple of nfts from OBAYC, not everything is lost

>> No.55471478

demoralization thread #51589132167851

>> No.55471979

Bro I don't care how you gonna do it, but you need to get out of the house and have sex. Slap some ass, bite some fat titties til it leaves a mark, fuck a bitch hard. I promise you'll feel better

>> No.55472095


Imagine wanting to fuck girls and not even wanting to be paid for it lol. Imagine putting women such a pedestal that you want to please and serve FOR FREE. Imagine that you are such cuck that you delude yourself you are alpha by living for women.


>> No.55472131

If you're still clinging onto naive fantasies where the brave oppressed masses rise up against the corrupt elite, led by a titular hero riding in on a white horse, you need to come back down to reality, if only for the sake of your mental health. You are not up against people; you are facing what has since become a fundamental force of nature.

The powers that be are here to stay. You are subject to the perfect enslavement machine honed by generations of economic and military research. The arrival of the digital age has heralded the point of no return. There is no going back. Every contingency, and every last deviation has been accounted for.

Revolution, by any means, is impossible. Any would-be dissidents are subject to all-encompassing surveillance at all times, with data fed into precognitive AI run on quantum supercomputers that can identify an individual's threat level based on the very most trivial habits. They will know your secrets that you haven't told a soul to and planned to carry to your grave. If you have any qualms against the agenda, no matter how slight, they will know.

Federal surveillance and infiltration has made organizing and training impossible. Any poor individuals consumed by their vain defiance to lash out at the system will never become martyrs thanks to the nigh-absolute control of the media and its narratives disseminated to the masses. Any organized resistance that does manage to form will be doomed to be crushed and swept under the rug.

Why am I telling you this? For your own good. Denial is only going to degrade your already fragile mental state even further. Don't throw your life away in vain trying to fight a force beyond the scope of mortal man. The truth is excruciatingly painful, but all in all you're better off just accepting it and letting go.

>> No.55472229
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Nah you're just a stupid demoralized dumb fuck if you don't see the potential money gives you.
As for me I'm already in a limited life-space where money is the only issue, once solved I'd do things until I burned through my life.

>> No.55472271

Get psilocybin treatment

>> No.55472419

It's because you think you're a pessimistic lonely loser that your life wouldn't improve that much.
You are what you think OP.

>> No.55472571
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its funny. all a man needs is a girlfriend and love and the rest will fall into place.
you won't even get that these days.

>> No.55472663
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Stop anon stop

>> No.55472723

Why would anyone respond to a 1pbtid demoralization thread given that it’s posted every day with the same text and image and this cunt already switched ids by the second post in the thread and acted like she didn’t. No native user would reply to anyone posting ITT, entire thread is 1 Israeli college student.

I will spent every cent I have throwing a parade when Islam chases you animals into the sea.

>> No.55472791

Economic output is directly correlated with freedom.
The less free the world becomes the more likely the outcome of its collapse becomes.

The more they research and try to enslave everyone, the less control they will have and the faster their system will collapse.
No system lasts forever.
The current one is nearing the end of its short lived power grab cycle after 2 centuries of abuse.

>> No.55473176

is this an excerpt from 1984?

>> No.55473245

you probably forgot what website you're posting on, most of us here are mentally ill without a social circle

>> No.55473712

most women are mentally ill with a social circle

>> No.55473858

That's some solid fucking advice right there, my dude. Crypto is a game where it's never too late, especially with AI making research and buying at low prices easier than ever. Tools like Tokenmetrics are a lifesaver, man. I got a buddy who just jumped in this January, and he's killing it.

>> No.55473972
File: 67 KB, 1024x1024, 08CF6334-B89A-4AEC-8CD3-93D3E650B575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon is enlightened. Hate fueled me to become /fit/ and when love failed me, hate kept me going here.

>> No.55474382
File: 163 KB, 1299x707, IMG_3793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anger is a gift. Revenge is sweet. Destroy those responsible for your condition. Maybe you are responsible for your condition?

>> No.55475352

It would for me because I would get to live out my fantasies of getting 9/10 college girls as sugar babies and watching them get fucked by black bulls in person.

>> No.55475867
File: 21 KB, 183x200, mrbearwolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you realize its truly over. it's over. sorry fren. it's over
no one wants him so who cares if he has a lambo
its over.
you can't possibly be complaining about having "no friends" at 40? breh friends are for children. you grow out of that thang at 21, 25 if you are pushin it

it's over.