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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.39 MB, 1721x548, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55463960 No.55463960 [Reply] [Original]

why are all these fags hellbent on staying in the large coastal concrete jungles and crying about how expensive everything is, when you can come live a good middle class life in the plain states.

yea the winters suck but i rather have a few months of bad winter than crying all year about how you cant pay your rent or your waggie job sucks.

>> No.55463964

You are out of your mind if you think I am going to pay 170 fucking thousand for a three bedroom

>> No.55463968

That's not how the fucking meme works.

>> No.55464019

shh.. don't tell them about Oklahoma.

>> No.55464071

wisconsin, iowa, oklahoma, michigan, kansas, nebraska...these are fine places to live and build yourself up in your career and get equity. if you want to move somewhere fancier and nicer you'll have the means to after five years.

but nobody wants to hear that they have to wait. they want it all now, and then its five years from now and they're still wagies still rentoids and still seething.

tl;dr imagine if you bought this in 2018 when it was even cheaper.

>> No.55464226

>it does-ACK

>> No.55465607

rather live in a camper an hour away from town then keep doing this, the vaxxies are acting crazy these days.

>> No.55465613

lmao whats the point? normies will buy these houses and make everything more expensive there

>> No.55465617


>> No.55465665
File: 161 KB, 665x828, Bronx_condo for sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to all move to the same area in order to make it better.
I'll be moving to the Bronx soon and I recommend other Anons do that as well.
>Cheap condos
>You can conceal carry
>WFH and save money on owning a car
>Manhattan is only a train ride away

>> No.55465729

That would be 700k-1.4million depending on location in Canada.

>> No.55465755


>> No.55465756

no one wants to live in bumfuck oklahoma city, not all of us are redneck chuds

>> No.55465766

stay poor
they'll survive without you

>> No.55465786

That house has 231 saves in 2 days. It’s listed 30k under market value and they are doing “best and final offers”

I live less than 10 minutes from that exact house and it’s a relatively popular area for the enlisted stationed at Tinker AFB. Even here in Oklahoma housing prices have nearly doubled since Covid and nothing is affordable for normies.

Virtually guarantee it will be purchased by an investor and listed for $1.8k-2.2k/mo rent

>> No.55467748
File: 66 KB, 752x436, del city.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats anon, you found a house in the worst school district in Oklahoma, the worst state for education in the country, with the highest home insurance rates in the country.

>> No.55467779

> flyover state
Yeah that tracks.

>> No.55467796
File: 185 KB, 1023x936, home equity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the exact opposite of what you should do if your goal is to build equity.

>> No.55467838
File: 845 KB, 2115x935, firefox_JLGgBmk7MJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucking suburbian parody hellscape that house is located in. I wouldn't live there if *you* paid *me*.

>> No.55467942

>171st of 171
>39.1% african american
>63.2% free lunch
>170k 3br/2ba
the absolute fucking state

>> No.55468216

>nearest neighbor is literally 10 feet away
Kill yourself you fuckin bug swine
Beaner built manors aren't any better
But kill ypurself
Fuck suburbia
Fuck garbage jews and their stupid desire to fuckin micromanage cuz their brains are disease ridden trash bins
Fuck people who accept living so close to one another
You are all out Of your fuckin minds

>> No.55468253

I wonder how fast a fire would spread.

>> No.55468276


i work as a shitty delivery driver waggie job and pay my mortgage and bills and live comfortable , now if i lived back in the east coast ill be coming home to my 1 room shitbox with 10 niggers living next door.

no thanks bro if you want to stay in that hellhole be my guest.

>> No.55468288

That's less per month than I pay now, for a smaller place.

Then again: how old is this listing?

>> No.55468294

$170k is too much for OKC.

>> No.55468301
File: 49 KB, 1491x565, price income ratio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think it should be priced? Median household income is 43k in Del City. Even fast food/retail wagies are making $15/hour these days. At 170k it's 4x the incomes for the area.

This isn't some 80+ year old Midwestern shack with one bath that needs extensive work in a dead economic town. It's a 20 year old home with an attached 2-car garage in a major metropolitan area with tons of jobs/amenities. Backyard is fully fenced and you're surrounded by one-story homes. You can avoid your neighbors completely if you enter/exit through the garage.

>> No.55468310

I wonder how long it would take before I could find my way home without GPS.

>> No.55468641
File: 118 KB, 384x378, 1619598844093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take a flipping burger job
>put the wages into shibart
>sell at the to when it launches
>buy a house
im sorry you were saying?

>> No.55469128

OP these men literally live in their childhood bedrooms and don't have two pennies to rub together, there is no solution for their housing problem

>> No.55469192
File: 2.22 MB, 1050x800, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand, what is the preferable top-down view?

>> No.55469210

Oklahoma in general is pretty GOAT for cost of living, it usually ranks near or at the bottom of the list I thought among states. I rented a 1BR for $300/mo for years that wasn't a dump or in niggerville. By the time I moved out I had saved enough to almost purchase a home outright, just had to get a small mortgage, ended up putting about 75% down on the house.

Of course jobs tend to pay commensurately less as well. But if you have an above average income, it's great. Where I lived I was earning above the average household income for the area. Lived around mostly Native Americans, it wasn't the most affluent area, but you don't have to deal with violent crime and the stuff you do when living around nogs and to a lesser extend Hispanics with them.

>> No.55469480
File: 767 KB, 2000x1673, homeowners-insurance-rates-2020-MAIN-(1)-e7a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get raped in home insurance due to the tornado threats

>> No.55469507

A problem with this model is that people are going to school longer, waiting to have kids longer, working until they're older, and now dying earlier because of drugs + obesity + bioweapons (COVID or vax, I don't care). You have a very small window of time now to actually "move up" with the financialization of housing ever increasing

>> No.55469513

as a euro, what exactly is wrong with the flyover states?

>> No.55469525

>43k income
>30% tax
>10k/year health insurance/costs
>Just buy a house in the shittiest state in the shittiest school district for a modest $170k
This would have been like $70k 5 years ago, that's the problem

>> No.55469725
File: 12 KB, 439x290, del city.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This would have been like $70k 5 years ago

>> No.55469839
File: 61 KB, 976x850, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Ohio and rent is $1200+ for a 1-bedroom in a city that doesn't have a movie theater, a store that sells consumer electronics, and the 1 (one) grocery store is a ghetto Kroger that's camped out by homeless druggies asking for handouts

>> No.55469851

My impression is that people in coastal cities think of people in all the cities in-between the same way Parisians think of everyone else in France

>> No.55469857
File: 39 KB, 824x336, usda loan info.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't you bought a place then?

>> No.55469878

its bad enough having one london, let alone two entire massive coasts filled with snobby cunts.

>> No.55469897

Because I don't want to be chained to a shack in Ohio for up to 33 years. If I spend the rest of my life in a flyover it'll be a better one than this

>> No.55469954

You rent the home out once you leave. That's what I've done with 3 properties and now I don't work.

>> No.55469980

Paris isn’t that special amerifat. Most people view it is a shithole full of hajis and kike finance people

>> No.55470039

incredibly boring

>> No.55470179
File: 54 KB, 1200x743, 1200x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the cheap COL places are in Tornado Alley

>> No.55470326
File: 890 KB, 2436x1664, price income ratio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is correct

>> No.55471074

Remember, thousands of dumbasses are willing to pay $20,000-$30,000 above that price just to get into a home.

>> No.55471328

There is no way that home costs that much in OKC LMAO

Shit there is just as expensive as Austin is right now.

But those house prices are realistic for North of Wichita Kansas.

>> No.55471343
File: 137 KB, 766x225, Screenshot 2023-07-04 23.05.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>housing is unaff........ACK!

>> No.55471353

God I fucking love the state of Washington so god damn much.

>> No.55471361

>East St Louis
Why not Sudan? Very cheap houses!

>> No.55471371

whats so bad about east st louis?

>> No.55471423
File: 809 KB, 1191x564, Screenshot 2023-07-04 23.27.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.55472724

serious question, say im paying a 30y mortgage and after 10 years i cant afford it any more, does the bank step in and sell it and pay me out the value ive paid onto the home and keep the rest or do i just lose everything in terms of equity? asking for a friend

>> No.55472757

you lose everything

>> No.55472766

Realistically you would sell the house yourself to capture the equity before the bank foreclosed

>> No.55472771

If you just do nothing and allow the bank to complete foreclosure proceedings you get nothing, but if you have two functional brain cells you list the house yourself before foreclosure can complete and delay the bank until it sells

>> No.55472777

It's a brick house and is better than those matchbox houses you call a home. Its actually undervalued because of the relatively little maintenance you'll have to do.

>> No.55472975

at most semi-brick, entrance isn't brick
at worst its typical american fake stone facade made of various plastics

>> No.55473073

98% nig and statistically one of the most dangerous cities on the continent

>> No.55473077

If you want to volunteer as tribute be my guest

>> No.55473089


It's probably a price controlled unit for low income applicants

>> No.55473098


"It's too boring", the mass of people who stay inside and spend 95% of their time watching tv shows or playing video games, will tell you

>> No.55473361

>if you want to move somewhere fancier and nicer you'll have the means to after five years.
Even if you had the house paid off in 5 years, the $170,000 wouldn't be enough for a down payment anywhere near San Diego lmao

>> No.55473370
File: 719 KB, 997x847, net domestic migration by county.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's ok, no one's planning on moving there anyway

>> No.55473378

True, that's why prices doubled in the past 3 years

>> No.55473395

>oh yeah well already megarich land barons doubled their equity thanks to collusion with local NIMBY governments artificially restricting supply, take that anon!

Right, no one is moving there anyway. Have fun swirling the toilet.

>> No.55473422

>w...well you have less people now, t..take that!
okay, enjoy your double-wide, flyover
my point is still correct, you will forever be poor

>> No.55473429


Your state and streets are filthy and covered in homeless people, you aren't fooling me. Go buy another car window for the 6th time this year.

>> No.55473434

>still can't debunk my original point
stay poor

>> No.55473454


>typical owner occupancy mortgage can be attained with 5% down
>$170k is 5% of $3.5m
>there are tons of houses $3.5m and below around San Diego

Ok, debunked. Next

>> No.55473545

please go get a pre-approval on a $3.5M property with 5% down and post it here

>> No.55473555


Great comeback!

>> No.55473585

>i..i can totally do it, b..but I just won't okay!

>> No.55473603


>y-you have to go and literally get a home mortgage for your obviously true statement to apply ok??

>> No.55473627

>y-you have to go and literally get a home mortgage
That's not what a pre-approval is you midwit
confirmed either underage or sub-80 IQ
nice try though

>> No.55473639


I'm not reaching out to a mortgage company due to your autism you fucking retard. If the DTI is fine you can totally qualify for $170k down on a $3.5m. I guarantee there are endless families of jeets and chinks doing that right now.

Regardless, the exact same rebuttal of your stupid ass original point holds even if it's 10% down for a $1.7m home, which is still quite nice in the greater San Diego area. You have no point, go ahead and fuck off.

>> No.55473667

Confirmed never even applied for a single fucking mortgage before. Thanks for playing poorfag

>> No.55475091
File: 66 KB, 688x920, san diego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on where in San Diego. My friend bought in Lakeside and 170k would have covered 20% down.

>> No.55475145
File: 49 KB, 1016x501, FHA limits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FHA limits are 977,500 in San Diego.

FHA only requires 3.5% down and you qualify with a credit score of 580 or higher (17th percentile).

>> No.55475351

>It's a brick house

>> No.55475360

Florida anon. I was beating myself up for not buying a 3 bedroom for 260k

>> No.55476910

are you ready to pay tornado insurance in FUCKING TORNADO ALLEY

retards here thinks this is cheap when you literally have to fight wind gods every year

>> No.55478753

I want out of the desert
Anywhere with good gun laws and low cost of living and decent enough paying jobs for that cost of living? In a naturally green area with water

>> No.55478769

Almost every state has some kind of natural disaster to worry about. Who cares?

>> No.55478789
File: 3.36 MB, 359x202, 1660854466419122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wagie hate thread
>housing is unaffordable threads
>six figure hell threads
>I make 500 million a year as a coder wbu? threads
90% of threads on /biz/ are meant to demoralize and psych out newfags

>> No.55480106

Why don't you take a second to think about these things before posting?

>> No.55480844

How can Amerimutts live like that? I would rather live in NY.

>> No.55481150

But who is gonna live with the jones? Living in new york is being around all the whos and who and people who matter

>> No.55481369 [DELETED] 

Same in NYC. All countries have nice areas and irrelevant areas

>> No.55481380
File: 1.21 MB, 1438x2178, Canada homes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same in NYC. All countries have nice areas and irrelevant areas

>> No.55481389

Boring. You can find cheap housing anywhere if you want to live in the middle of nowhere

>> No.55481423

More likely with an attitude like his, they'll be more than happy to see him leave.

>> No.55483371

Is there anywhere decent to live in the north east? I can't afford to live here, but this is where all my family is and I don't want to leave them.

>> No.55483395

Sometimes us leafs forget this province even exists. I think they grow grains for our cereal.

>> No.55483639
File: 708 KB, 1700x1145, firefox_FtqrAGeq4Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need close access to some kind of nature, like a patch of woods or mountains or water.
You also need close access to some facilities like grocery stores so that you aren't dependent on a car for even the most basic of tasks.
But most of all you need variety in your surroundings. Every plot, every intersection and every street cannot look identical, like some Backrooms creepypasta location or something.

Pic related is an example of what I'd consider decent suburbs.

>> No.55483827
File: 340 KB, 803x654, brain drain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no good jobs in "flyover country", so those smart enough for college leave once they graduate for higher pay elsewhere. Those who stick around are the dumbass losers. Only Denver and Chicago have been able to attract young professionals.

>> No.55483904

>POS cookie cutter McShack in the middle of bumfuck nowhere methland
No thanks.

Thats not a brick house you mouthbreather. Its a wood house with one layer of bricks around the outside to protect the wood from water and heat.

>> No.55484094
File: 1.46 MB, 1080x712, Screenshot_20230706-131032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly as fuck house in the middle of no where with no sovl and the garage is bigger than most of the front face with the human door tucked away behind
That's a pretty good definition of a pod

Meanwhile pic related is what a real house built for humans looks like, in the city too and in a 90+% white neighborhood (we're full)
Although it's small, 2 bedrooms, it's going for over a million dollars right now

>> No.55484117

that looks very similar to my house, (im european) only my house is twice the size, 5 bedrooms. also it would sell for around 450k here. its in a great location before you ask. if it was in a shitty location it would go for 350k

>> No.55484164

It's in an area built by German immigrants in 1870 and luckily the area has been protected

>> No.55484250

t. guy who lives in a brutalist hellscape of evil cubes and hostile transplants

i look at animals and trees when i want and browse when i want

rural also = safe

>> No.55484424
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>> No.55486167

McMansions are not houses

>> No.55486189

>I don't understand
Go grab a beer in your local pub, go to the cinema or just get groceries in suburbia without having to drive half an hour