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File: 383 KB, 956x1201, 1688464936546844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55468519 No.55468519 [Reply] [Original]

Nuclear war is about to stop chainlink from pumping.

I'm going to be laughing all the way to my grave at how bizarre clown world has become


>> No.55468532
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>tfw im sitting in some overcrowded nuclear bunker because they can't let chainlink moon to fucking $50

>> No.55468534

1 more week, maybe 2

>> No.55468536

One more fortnight

>> No.55468557

Youre thinking XRP, not chainlink. Chainlink is a scammy shitcoin like ethereum. Nobody gives a fuck about chainlink pumping because chainlink is never going to pump because the token is not needed.

>> No.55468574

Fucking larpers and morons taking screenshots of larping bullshit

>> No.55468585

read the article, russian intel viewed the larp as real

>> No.55468598
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>> No.55468632

If its real its either a psyop or a fakseflag so its still fake and gay, thats how they fuck with you
But of course you have to slurp up all their bullshit like always

>> No.55468681

Why are people hellbent on making the usa and Ukraine look like the bad guys

>> No.55468692

jeez i wonder who

>> No.55468695

>On July 4th
>or 5th

Such a credible we source we have here.

>> No.55468747

>Mr president should we still go with the plan even though some schizophrenic leaked it online?
>yeah they will never believe him even if we did it

Why the fuck would they go thru with this fake and gay schizophrenic plan after you leaked it. If it were to happen you just cancelled it moron. Thanks I’ll keep buying. Fuck off back to /pol/ chud

>> No.55468755

>Why are people hellbent on making the usa and Ukraine look like the bad guys
Because they provoked the war well knowingly

>> No.55468764

calling russians people is a stretch

>> No.55468775

shut up, faggot

>> No.55468815

yeah uh so like tomorrow or the next day if not maybe next week or somethin idk lol but i'm serious bro for real it's gonna happen

>> No.55468816

Nothing ever happens bros, did we get too cocky?

>> No.55468851

Bro Im thinking miniatures CGI generated explosions with AI generated people. Immigration is already creating fake passports for the media to do their investigations
AI people will be made real with enough fake paperwork generated by a corrupt institution and you will mourn their passing cuck
get down on your knees and we might MIGHT offer you a blockchain backed guarantee using chainlink oracles to carry the fake immigration information onto any blockchain of your choice to validate our cgi explosion hell we'll even use this ccip to carry the data on to multiple blockchains

>> No.55468863

>a guy on 4chan posts what would be extremely confidential information, which would be catastrophic if was real.
Yeah I haven't seen this before.

>> No.55468946
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>> No.55468985

how do i carry my ledger around discreetly without the military confiscating it when we're sent to the shelters ? .. i have enough xrp to be a baron of the wasteland that remains

>> No.55468988

>security leaks happen all the time goy
>the internet is important!
>please believe our larps

>> No.55468996

Every bad thing that happened in the world in the last 100 years is a direct result of the actions of the intelligence community or jews or both, acting at the beheast of a zionist banking cartel who are entrenched in an ancient jihad against every living thing on the planet. (((USA))) will not stop multiplying global hatred and suffering through propaganda and war until even the worms in the ground are dead because any life at all is an affront to the prophecy that Israelites will be the only thing which exists, so they can achieve Godhood.

>> No.55468999

Nothing will happen.

>> No.55469015

larp, i might be willing to believe a false flag at the power plants in order to put nato boots on the ground
but not even the biden admin is senile enough to first strike nuke major russian cities and not expect it to be the end, thats the part the larper fucked up
in any case i do love it when these larps have a very imminent timeframe to dismiss them in

>> No.55469130

It didn't happen! The larp stopped the false flag! We did it Reddit!

>> No.55469141

Check zelensky’s Twitter. It’s ogre

>> No.55469202
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>> No.55469235

2 more weeks
>nuclear war will stop my shitcoin from pumping

>> No.55469239

Pol is glownigger infested psyop retard chamber
Into the trash it goes

>> No.55469251

maybe because all they had to do to avoid war was not push Nato into Ukraine? And repeatedly still could have done but refused to?

>> No.55469310

Yeah what's going on?

>> No.55469388

>Marine corps infantrymen
>Somehow knows secret info

>> No.55469393
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Ukrainian intel is preparing as well

>> No.55469402
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And if it does happen Blackswan will be there to short the shit out of crypto.

>> No.55469406

Intel slava said this night

>> No.55469444

retard posted classified documents from his ip address?

>> No.55469456

Russian trolls still hard at work, and worst of all people still believe them. Just because they glow red doesn’t mean they aren’t glowing.

You all are faggots of the highest degree getting manipulated by the US govt, Black Rock, the Russian govt, and the Chinese fucks.

>> No.55469460

>if a guy writes on 4chan he has secret info from the military it's true!!

>> No.55469473

Who care, fuck america

>> No.55469488

digits confirm also the retard posted to a honey pot

>> No.55469511

wtf I'm getting the same feeling as right before covid

>> No.55469515

>Russian trolls
You're kidding right? Same guys that hacked the election?

>> No.55469518

Fuck you, and your gay ass gremlin onion spires.

God, you cucks just can’t stay in your muddy snow and mind your own business. You have to drag the entire world into a precarious situation because what? Pootin wants to go tootin? You people are so goddamn irrelevant that the only thing you could do to make yourself relevant as the world enters into an age of technological enlightenment is to fucking start wars. Wow, how brilliant. And when your shit country balkanizes, again, we’re going to have to worry about 50 slav thugs arguing about nuclear armaments. Why can’t you fucks just mind your own goddamn business and eat your borscht.

>> No.55469532


Show me your hands real quick.

>> No.55469535

7 deities flew over my house, TWICE!

>> No.55469537

Every goddamn country worth their salt has internet fag forces. Russians and Israelies are just too fucking obvious when they do it. If it glows it glows, no matter the fucking color.

>> No.55469542

every nation state has influence campaigns to manipulate other societies. the US does it more often and better than all of them

>> No.55469554
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There was another "larper" that said the only reason Prigozhin stopped the takeover was that he uncovered Putin's master plan. which was to use Wagner as a scapegoat. Wagner would take control of the government then Putin would finally be able to use WMD to quickly end the war all while blaming Wagner, they would also target themselves so they would be seen as the heros when they retake back control. It would of been the loophole of the century since the attack would be a terror attack instead of a declaration of war and is unfathomably void of all countermeasure clauses in Nato. He discovered this thx to a 4channer apparently and the only winning move was to not play.

>> No.55469624

Really nice project

>> No.55469631

for the love of god nobody is buying your fucking bags ransheet

>> No.55469681

Yeah noting happened

>> No.55469699


But wait you forgot that this is definitely also happening tomorrow, maybe.

>> No.55469705

You ok? Looks like your blood sugar might be a bit low

>> No.55470004

We have tangible evidence of Israel and USA gigantic presence online. Prove Russia has the same without CNN articles

>> No.55470812


Also lol'd at this.

>> No.55470883

do prigozhin got the nato/us payout?

>> No.55470943

the US and Poland and Romania have already declared that if anything happens to the ZNPP they will consider it an article 5 attack and enjoin the Ukrainians in combat. and Putin knows this already.

>> No.55470948

Its real guys

>> No.55470955

It's clearly AI, look at the letters on his fucking shirt.

>> No.55471408
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It's all so tiresome.

>> No.55471452

Interesting post. I did fall in with more conspiracy and schizophrenics early on in life. Really makes me wonder.

>> No.55471557

>Prove Russia has the same without CNN articles
Just go on /pol/, it should be obvious if you're not retarded. It's 90% russian shills.

>> No.55471560

And what made it appear so?

>> No.55471568

Is this a sell the rumour buy the news event?

>> No.55471628

Even if right wing extremism is Russian-backed, why is that necessarily worse than blatantly antiwhite ideological movements supported by the US establishment? There's more evidence that BLM/Antifa are puppets of US intelligence than Russia.

>> No.55471638
File: 55 KB, 944x745, 1603732015695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia is really losing to Ukraine lmao. I thought they were a super power kek

>> No.55471846

lmao a glowie post by a US glowie with US glowie answers that all back it up in the same way (read the book!)

you're right, it is tiresome

>> No.55471855


fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.55471876
File: 540 KB, 1230x1304, Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 3.28.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55472483

Nothingburger unironically like that entire war. Pointless waste of human lives. There is nothing """tactical""" about a nuke. Should the US launch nukes at Russia they would send their arsenal back

>> No.55472492

wow a /pol/ screenshot, must be true

>> No.55472497


>> No.55472504

>/pol/ is 90% Russians

>> No.55472509

It's Jews on both sides sending white men to their death. It's no wonder the (((shills))) are so gleeful about it. They love white people dying.

>> No.55472518

From 2nd of February. Disregard.

>> No.55472525

Fucking 7th
My joke is ruined.

>> No.55472526

>Uses memeflag

>> No.55472594

fml if this isn't a larp. I'm still a virgin and honestly I don't know if I'm in good standing with God. I masturbate to trannies and I'm very rude to people on the internet for no reason.

>> No.55472691

Actually, it was funnier when you fucked it

>> No.55472743
File: 45 KB, 300x312, 370-3709898_170-kb-png-angry-pink-wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make plans with girl to have sex this weekend
>nuclear war imminent
Fuck this, the universe conspires against me. It's like someone got three wishes from a genie two years ago and one of them was for me to never get laid again. If I caused this through my pursuit of pussy, I'm sorry bros.

>> No.55472852

>There's more evidence that BLM/Antifa are puppets of US intelligence than Russia.
Russia was actively supporting BLM, encouraging protests etc.

They play both sides, political extremism in either direction is bad for society.

>> No.55472853

>April 7th
Why are MAGAcels this stupid?

>> No.55472855

>nuclear war
will never happen. nuclear weapons are a meme and even if they weren't, you'd be vaporised in an instant .
tl;dr: nothing to worry about

>> No.55472859

Oh no no no a burger is speaking

>> No.55472860

So nothing did happen, as expected, as it will eternally be.

>> No.55472950

enjoyable nothing burger nevertheless edge of my seat fellas

>> No.55473357

oh shit it didnt happen, what a suprise!

>> No.55473645

only reason it didn't happen is cuz based anon leaked the plan
he's a fucking hero, saving countless lives

>> No.55473671

Holy shit the fud faggots were xrp schizos this whole time. Makes sense if you think about it.

>> No.55473684

I’m on the edge of my toilet seat
Straining because I’m quite constipated and chronically so

>> No.55473757

False. You'll only be vaporised if you live in strategic locations or major capital cities. Those who live on the outskirts will get nothing but live in a lawless world where you have to kill to survive. And personally, I'd rather be vaporized than live that way, but unfortunately for me I live too far from the center.

>> No.55473843
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The last time the USA were the good guys was the revolutionary war
Also, the NATO shills are extremely tiring and, even worse funded by our taxes. That's why I hate them more than the Kremlin shills

>> No.55473882

Oh wow, a screencap of nu-/k/ right after it got flooded with shills and war tourists
This invasion is to k what gme was to biz

>> No.55474019

>live in a lawless world where you have to kill to survive
Sounds comfy desu

>> No.55474056

why the fuck did I laugh at that text lmao

>> No.55474307


>> No.55474325

That post is oldfag /k/ and it nails it. Fuck Russia and fuck its puppets. Hopefully the shit hole gets nuked

>> No.55474390

Nice larp. Tactical nukes are not used on cities. Strategic nukes are. Larper BTFOd.

t: you don't want to know

>> No.55474396

>>There's more evidence that BLM/Antifa are puppets of US intelligence than Russia.
>Russia was actively supporting BLM, encouraging protests etc.
>They play both sides, political extremism in either direction is bad for society.
""I think it is now safe to say that the exponential increase in the migratory phenomenon departing from African shores is also, to a not insignificant extent, part of a clear strategy of hybrid warfare that the Wagner division is implementing, using its considerable weight in some African countries," Defence Minister Guido Crosetto said in a statement.

>> No.55474409

Fucking retard kys

>> No.55474424

reading some of this hes saying that occupy wallstreet and silver squeeze(s) are russian ops. and theres a bit of deflection about jews - insinuating how the bad ones are actually russian agents? I dont buy any of this, its literally just "everything i dont like is russian trolls" that the american state media says

>> No.55474432

>hes saying that occupy wallstreet and silver squeeze(s) are russian ops


Yeah they were.

>> No.55474444

>Yeah they were.

>> No.55474544

is Max Keiser still a russian asset? since he shills btc is btc suspect? the bull case for precious metals is just money printing leads to inflation so pms should go up, this is still valid