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55467178 No.55467178 [Reply] [Original]

> rice university (Ivy League sibling)
> 4 internships
> cs degree in 3.5yrs instead of 4

What did that get me?
5000 applications and unemployment for 7 months.

My friend (women) who learned data science and coding for 5 months as a psychology major got a job after 2 weeks with Redfin making 145k/yr

I’m gonna kms

>> No.55467191

>My friend (women) who learned data science and coding for 5 months

Literally me. Minus the woman part. Then again I worked for the company before getting that promotion

>> No.55467208

welcome to america lots of jobs lots of jobs the statistics definitely aren't fake welcome welcome please remember to pay your taxes

>> No.55467211

Do you think she actually sits like that or she's arching her back to make her ass look big so more people will like her shitty video blogpost?

>> No.55467222

>Ivy League sibling

Kek. That’s a huge amount of cope. It’s not even a top 20 school. Try northwestern or Georgetown.

>> No.55467230

Kys u try getting in at 3% nig

>> No.55467262

Ranked 15 this year but below Northwestern and Vanderbilt and Duke

>> No.55467279

Over the past 6 months I've interviewed about 20 candidates for a private investments controller/CFO services role. Four of them were Ivy League, Rice, Columbia, and University of Pennsylvania. The Ivy League candidates were essentially autitist who've never had to overcome adversity to accomplish a goal, having everything handed to them their entire lives. None of the Ivy Leaguers were able to formulate concise, coherent, responses to basic interview questions and not a single one of them had a shred of situational or self awareness. I ended up hiring a person who went to some podunk west Texas University and he is the top performer on our team.

TL:DR Ivy League is bullshit. We now regularly make fun of all the Ivy League candidates we get to send rejection notices to. Ivy League education is laughable.

>> No.55467348

That isn't the point. Is an Ivy League CS degree better than a 5-month bootcamp? These people may be "autists" but they were able to do something you weren't: get into a very competitive school, work hard, and complete a degree.
I know a guy who had never coded, no bootcamp, no college, poor grades, applied to a DevOps role, got hired...he was a minority and he got the job through a special scheme for minority hires.
Know someone else in banking, no university, poor grades at school, this company manages $500bn+, they created a job for this person because she is a minority female and her mother is a member of the same political party as the CEO (she left shortly after, and went into a high-paying, no-show job in politics).
And people wonder why tech companies have productivity issues. Data science is particularly bad because you need a solid grounding in multiple areas to actually be productive (psychology majors know fuck all about stats).

>> No.55467394

you didnt network with the 4 companies you interned with?

upenn is ivy league. every ivy league person i interviewed was pretty good. going to ivy makes interviewing easier because it means theyre gonna be coachable and not a dumbass.

HR forces to hire people that are underrepresented. women are not common in engineering fields so its unlikely to make a company become 50/50 gender ratio by looking for experienced female engineers. Hence, entry level females will ALWAYS be selected over male candidates because we just have to select the candidates that meet the minimum qualifications. yes a white or asian guy can be more qualified. a woman, black/hispanic will always be preferred

>> No.55467453

I went to northwestern, so cope harder.

>> No.55467482

It is top 20
It is not top ten

>> No.55467515

>He doesnt apply to jobs as a woman
kek, its like you want to play on hard mode

>> No.55467535

>get into a very competitive school
Nobody gives a fuck about college applications other than colleges. Nobody cares you managed to perfect your college essay. Nobody cares you were well rounded, you played clarinet and soccer. No ody cares you were a valedictorian in high school.
>work hard, and complete a degree
Same as 70% of other people applying to the job.

What matters is that you can interact well with your boss and coworkers, that you can answer problems related to work. You cannot flash a degree and expect all of your workplace problems to go away. The only thing a degree tells memos that you were a good high school and college student.

>> No.55467561

>5000 applications
Are you sending a customized cover for each application demonstrating that you researched company and explaining why you fell you'd be a good fit.

>> No.55467581

Nigga nobody can get a job right now are you kidding? My guy, I was a principal backend dev at a fortune 100 company for a decade and not a single recruiter has contacted me for months. Literally not a single application has resulted in an interview. Nobody I know has had an interview since February. We are considering starting our own business because these retards clamoring about nobody wanting to work are full of shit.

>> No.55467590

Goona be honest wit u my man, I’ve been catsfishing incel simps and have them send me money every other day. The current state of things is due to simps and I need my cut

U should try larping as a girl

>> No.55467599

This is great advice for the year 2018. Homie better have a portfolio it the "work he's done" in order to get a help desk position. Hope he's got some IT shit saved somewhere from his time at college because nobody is hiring at all right now.

You can just go to LinkedIn for a moment and see that almost nobody is getting hired for anything. It used to be that, at least, once a week somebody in my network would announce a new job. I haven't seen anybody in my network find a new job in a month. People aren't even getting interviews my guy LMAO

>> No.55467624
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>podunk west Texas University and he is the top performer on our team.

wooo wreck em tech! go patrick mahomes red raiders yeeehwaaaaw partner!!!

>middle class autist who went to texas tech

>> No.55467668


>4 internships and no return offer
>five thousand applications sent

ok buddy

>> No.55467681

What was your tech stack?

>> No.55467690

You didn't manage to work hard in high school and college but you think that suddenly you are going to be able to handle a much more competitive environment? Getting into college is very easy, even Ivies aren't very hard when you look at the competition for jobs...and you weren't even able to apply yourself enough to do that?
GL with that kid. The only way you can win is if someone takes pity on you for being a minority. Customers won't buy your products because your great-great-great-whoever used to be property.

>> No.55467691

maybe because they only have entry level jobs and expect sombedy who could last at least 5 years in the company, they know if they hire a ivy league candidate (you) gonna ask a high salary and leave the company at the first oportunity

>> No.55467719

JAM but I'm not saying exactly what because the chances for doxing is high.

>> No.55467725

No-one is hiring minorities for principal engineer jobs because these are the people who actually have to do the work.
I have only seen what I mentioned with junior jobs. Leads to problems with senior staff ofc because most of those juniors quit because it is too hard.
HR roasties cooked the job market completely...it will bounce back, not quickly.

>> No.55467728

lol git gud faggot, what have you even made? Show me something impressive.

Extremely based, damn.

>> No.55467749

I'd say it's a pretty accurate representation of the job market right now. Before the start of the year I would get multiple messages from recruiters a week trying to scalp me. I do not think I've received any this year. If I have it is, at most, one that I missed.

There was simply not a contingency plan to replace the c suite. Instead, we have the c suite migrating across businesses and they have no clue how to run shit LMAO

>> No.55467774

I'm white.

Nobody is hiring in any field. Data isn't hiring. Cybersecurity isn't hiring. Coding isn't hiring. Manufacturing isn't hiring. HR isn't hiring.

>> No.55467791

> rice university (Ivy League sibling)
Actual cope. Jesus.

>> No.55467792

What happened?
Recession fears spooking companies?
Or was cs labor market more or less a bubble

>> No.55467851

CS bubble has popped but the media won't report on it
Thousands of applications go in for a single SWE posting, they have 9 rounds of interviews because they have to weed out hundreds per round. And it's only going to get worse the more people who continue to learn to code. Already people who graduated 2022 have gone an entire year without a job offer. With most taking the L and just taking a job that isn't really tech related. This is from personal experience of watching my friends who were in CS graduate and still have nothing to show for it.

>> No.55467909

So if everyone here is complaining about engineering and programming being dead, where are the societally useful job shortages? Is uni level work just completely swamped? I think the shortage of construction workers, plumbers, and electricians has never been more serious. Is it over for unitards?

>> No.55467911

Skill issue
Students are taught to code within a severely limited scope. Everything they teach is out of date and typically not applicable to most current systems.
There are jobs waiting to be created, businesses just dont know how to use software to spur growth. The software developers out of a job right now have the "head down and code" type of mentality. If a business doesnt know how you can make them money, why should they hire you?

>> No.55467926

My son goes to Tech and has a job w a
large Austin company waiting g gif him when he graduates. Wreck ‘Em!

>> No.55467966

Are you a US citizen?
Have you tried the defense sector?
Typically the competition is much less because they can't hire 3rd worlders.

>> No.55467978

There's literally 1000s of jeets on Fiverr who can do this shit for pennies on the dollar

>> No.55467996

How do you think Ive been getting away with stacking 3 jobs for the past 4 years?

>> No.55468015

Are you people retarded, liars, or just old?

>> No.55468021

Rice is t20 and higher ranked than two Ivy league schools lol

>> No.55468058

>(Ivy League sibling)

>> No.55468072 [DELETED] 

If your gpa was high why didn’t you just recruit in NYBIB? Rice has those on campus you dumb chud

>> No.55468081

If your gpa was high why didn’t you just recruit in NY IB? Rice has those on campus you dumb chud

>> No.55468127
File: 2.69 MB, 4032x3024, 6C72E2CE-C829-4BE2-A449-2816D6A8D00D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>served in marines
>got out used GI Bill for state school
>business major so got to fuck around not giving a fuck
>graduate no debt
>lie and say I’m gay and people called me fag and stuff
>get disability for PTSD
>get Ch.31 Voc Rehab
>use it for law school

Set up to get like $5k a month for free, be a law chad, probably will go into sports law because there are less Asians/Indians.

What’s funny is a got my associates in science and was gonna go stem route but realized it’s full of Indians and Asians that will always work for less.

Anyways, CS fags can get fucked. Where the industry was heading is obvious.

>> No.55468258
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I thought Rice University was some kind of reference to them being a FOB Asian and getting into a good school because they had a smarter sibling vouch for them

>> No.55468279
File: 2.12 MB, 320x176, welcome-to-rice-fields.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.55468607

>work hard in high school and college
Everyone worked hard in high school and college. 70% of people applying for any given position have college degrees, they all worked hard for it. I went to college, and I had friends, they did not give a free pass to anyone. You don't need to go to an ivy league school to prove you worked hard. Because everyone has worked hard, the employers are looking for other traits, being able to solve their problems, being sociable with them, not be a schizoidal lunatic. You can't just wave an ivy league degree in a job interview and expect to get a job much less be good at working there.

>> No.55468666

This probably isn't something most of you want to hear, but if you really want a tech job, then one solution is to just come to eastern europe.
Here we have jobs up the wazoo, I'm constantly getting bombarded by recruiters even though I'm a 1 year junior.
Yes the pay is worse, but QOL in some cases is better and cheaper.

>> No.55468671

>is a burden on taxpayers
>bootlicking brainlet that needs daddy gubmit to take care of him
>CS fags can get fucked
Kek, you had to grub around for crumbs and while "CS fags" are comfy at home double-stacking jobs with AI and getting paid more in a year than you've made in your lifetime.

>> No.55468771
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My dude if you're really an ivy league graduate what the fuck are you doing on biz and what the fuck are you doing unemployed? I think you thought having fancy titles would get you somewhere. There's people on this board that never touched a college and are making 300k with a token called shibART while you're here groveling. Move your ass

>> No.55468791

Checked. Any more specific info than "come to eastern europe"?

>> No.55468826

The job market is shit right now for SWE. Especially entry level. The few positions open allow companies to have their pick of the litter and they choose diverse candidates
>t. knower

>> No.55468870

Not really, the IT wages are pretty similar across the entirety of Eastern Europe, the highest being in Estonia and lowest I think in Bulgaria. Cost of living in relation to wages is probably best in Poland.
I would just pick a place according to preferred climate.
In terms of culture, the IT sector is full of foreigners already, so unless you're looking to hang out with the locals, it should be easy to integrate.
There's a lot of startups here that offer stock options, if you're willing to risk it for a better payoff in a couple of years.
t. estonian in robotics startup

>> No.55469775

Are gRPC and C++ part of your stack? There's a certain aerospace company that's hiring aggressively right now.

>> No.55469826


That's what you get for being born as a fucking white male, shitlord.

Kidding aside, if 5000 applications isn't much of an exaggeration, sounds like you're putting basically no effort into each application. Maybe focus a bit more on quality and not quantity, pick a dozen or so positions you think you'd like and would be really qualified for, write some good cover letters and try to network and get your name out there at these companies as well. It's really not a good time for CS and coding either with all the people tech companies have laid off this year. Good luck anon.

>> No.55469868

what's the company?

>> No.55469935
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White dudes FAFO that it's about who you are, not even who or what you know.

>> No.55469956

Sounds like you should have studied harder.

>> No.55469966

This makes sense. The point of Ivy League is that you basically skip the line via connections. Anyone applying without a direct contact should expect to be treated like everyone else (judged on their merits and mostly rejected).

>> No.55470311


>> No.55470381

>he fell for the coding meme
Its over, pack your bags and go home. This industry is already like any other engineering job
Remember the genuius 14 year old jeet that got hired at spacex? He even got rejected hundreds of times.

>> No.55470539

What rank is your law school

>> No.55470806

you have posted here before and I’ve asked before:
what residential college?

>> No.55470906

I get it. In my opinion, they're very book smart but lack street smarts

>t. married to Ivy Leaguer

>> No.55471342

nigga Michigan is more elite than your bucketshop school