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55464157 No.55464157 [Reply] [Original]

What were the worst, life alteringly bad financial mistakes you made?

I’ll start: Getting a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering instead of a getting something lucrative

>> No.55464198
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Ouch! A very bad investment indeed.

>> No.55464206

I took out $20k in credit card debt to travel and never paid it back. nows its fallen off my credit report.

>> No.55464208

better than finance

>> No.55464210

too scared to take risk

>> No.55464217

I bought my first crypto on Pay Pal. I just can't get rid of The Gay Feeling.

>> No.55464364

MechE was fucking pointless to study
boomers pushed the engineering meme so hard on us man

>> No.55464577

Investing alot of money in crypto.
Crypto is a scam and I should have known better

>> No.55464586

Bought about 5 BTC worth of drugs when it was 200 bucks.

>> No.55464591
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my entire life.

>> No.55465026
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In the same boat lol, one more year.
Probably should have went with CS but in the end I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter that much, everything I've learned has given me a pretty solid base to study anything I want to on my own.

>> No.55465111

Finally someone who fucking gets it

Not just sticking with buying eth at $2k during the early bull run

>> No.55465122

Not moving back in with my parents after graduating. I've spent about £60k on rent since then. I'm now considering moving back to save for a house. I would be able to get a higher paying job from there.

>> No.55465155

>he fell for the STEM meme
Same here(bachelor's in CS). I would regret it more if I paid for it but luckily it was free in my country at least(eurocuck) so really it was just a waste of time and energy.

>> No.55465158

Cars I bought in my 20s were all brand new, spent money modifying them, and I sold them after 3 years.
Massive waste of money.
Being a "car guy" is retarded if you aren't already rich.

>> No.55465731

take out loan shark debts in a third world hyperinflated country

>> No.55465752

I took the degree that is basically MechE for retards. Industrial design. I didn't even sleep with any of the girls and now I have a deadend job. Fucking kill me.

>> No.55465838

>not investing in bitcoin when i found out about it in 2013
>getting £6000 in debt drinking alcohol and ordering food
fuck £10k back then would've been 20 million now, but retarded and cannot into long term thinking

>> No.55465901

I knew nothing about investing until last year so I literally just saved money and put it into the bank. I had about $60k liquid just sitting in my bank during the 2021 bull run. Sounds like I could’ve literally just thrown it into any top shitcoin and become a millionaire

>> No.55466018

Learned options during Covid bull run. Blew up my account of 5k. Was in credit card debt of over 10k at the time. Bank had 100-300 most of the time. Once I lost the investment money on options I lost all hope. Buckled down and went full Dave ramsey.

Other giant financial hardship was getting a DUI. I had about 10k saved and it wiped it out plus some

>> No.55466023

This always made me laugh. Who the fuck isn’t a “car guy”. I drive a piece of shit because I’m cheap but don’t think I wouldn’t want a new car or a cherry classic

>> No.55466034

Sold TSLA at $186

>> No.55466112

>Not moving back in with my parents after graduating. I've spent about £60k on rent since then.
I went back to the parents as soon ass i discovered rentoids were being scammed. This was 10 years ago and it's even worse now.

>> No.55466132

I just had a job interview with an automotive manufacturer.
The manager tried to make conversation and was like "Soooo...are you a car guy?" and I just flatly said "No." and there was awkward silence for like 20 full seconds.

>> No.55466138

i took the me pill and now have a comfy job making 100k in a low col area. downside is no progression and almost lost job due to not being vaxxed

>> No.55466159

buying bitcoin when it was at £30 and using it on the silkroad. why would I buy any more bitcoin than I needed when cash works fine? that was back when it was all unregulated as well. goddam if only I was a few years older and wiser.

>> No.55466192

I made 32eth from zero and then daytraded it to 1eth

>> No.55466220

I didn't get a job and buy crypto when I was considering buying ETH for $75/ea. Instead I decided to join the military and use my check for crypto but instead I tore some tendons and crypto mooned without me.

also, I didn't sell at the top of the last bull market

>> No.55466228

My financial mistakes pale in comparison to my financial accomplishments. I have no regrets.
>t. millionaire since age 32

>> No.55466231

>invested 250k in Nodle private sale
>entered private keys of an address somewhere, then started using that address again after a while and put 70k on it which got hacked
you guys don't know true suffering (or true retardation)

>> No.55466246

I studied biology (lol)
What's more, I got a scholarship to do so in Russia (extra lol)
I graduated right after the war started so everything was messy, no jobs or any possibilities for me to find a job (didn't want to stay there anyways)
I have a diploma that i didn't have time to apostille and I'd need to go back there in person to get that done because they're retrograde cavemen who can't do apostilles online.
But travel to Russia at this moment is prohibitely expensive so I quite literally wasted 5 years of my life getting a useless piece of paper that is extra useless outside of Russia because I'm still treated like a 25-year old fresh highschool graduate.
I'm working at a callcenter because my credentials are worth shit and the only thing I can show is that I speak English decently.
My life has been fucked to such an astronomic degree that my only chance at things becoming better is gambling in some crypto shitcoin taking me out of poverty, unironically.

>> No.55466256

My worst "financial" mistake was thinking it was a fart but it was a shit when I was in the lobby of my bank. Forgot where I was temporarily so reached in to check and my hand came out with clear evidence, and the smell was instantly intolerable.
They made me leave and closed my accounts. I got several payments bounced so owed penalties and was out of pocket like 2 weeks getting everything switched to a new bank.

>> No.55467260

I did it for pussy. I did get some but not £60k worth.

>> No.55467297

Why are whytis like this? Living with your parents is default in asia. Why even have kids if you don't live together as family

>> No.55467317

Go to some third world or second world asian country where foreigners are worshiped and you will be easy professor in some urban elite university. Cmon anon don't be discouraged

>> No.55467324


>> No.55467347

Yeah fuck the engineering meme.

>> No.55467410
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You faggots should only be buying btc, that's where everyone went wrong.

>> No.55467419

Buying $500 worth of bed bath beyond stock at $20 because of the hype and thinking it was the next gme

>> No.55467423
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This you?

>> No.55467610

>Living with your parents is default in asia
Having sex is default in the west

>> No.55467640

bought chainlink

>> No.55467697

All ins after the market has cooled, staying away after trend lines are established. I'd make an easy 30% a month if i could reverse the polarity of my trading strategy. Once i was gonna all in qsp and said "na", next day it hit 80% up.

>> No.55467711

I got a degree in CS and I have been without a job for over a year now and I want to kms, I apply and interview but I guess I'm just too autistic, I should have taken the finance pill like every other chad

>> No.55469645

I should’ve done CS

>> No.55469707

Not investing any money into crypto until 2022. I would go back in time and tell 20 year old me to debt max and throw every paycheck into crypto.

>> No.55470572

Shorting BNB when I should've shorted ETC last August. That interest rate sucks ass. I think it was 107% annual and I nearly got liquidated, where I would have made 4x my money if I shorted ETC instead like I contemplated. Lost 66% of my networth, 30K to 10K.

I'm 21 with 60K salary and 768 good goy score, I'm planning on debtmaxxing by the end of December. Already got a 35K PLOC but I'm gonna try and get one or two more. I spent a lot of money getting the score up there but I guess it's ok in the end if I can at least get one more PLOC.

>> No.55470646
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Kek, nope. I bought the stock after hearing it from this board. After i heard Cohen dumped all his stock i just went on with my life, still holding to this day as a reminder to not be retarded and buy into the hype

>> No.55470690

Not selling everything in January 2018.... I could have been a millionaire.

>> No.55472644

I put 300000 EUR on a fucking betting project run by an autistic redhead and probably lost it all.

>> No.55472658

moving out of home with my ex girlfriend

>> No.55472721

Doing my shitty mechanical engineering degree (not even memeing). What a shitty paying area. I should've done a computer science degree. Engineers are a fucking slave caste in the UK. I didn't go in to the field.

Not giving a fuck about my personal finances at all until I was 27. I struggled to get a job after university, had some scholarship money, and lived at home, so I never gave a fuck. I would've worked more, even in shitty retail jobs, and started investing earlier.

>> No.55472834

Didn't buy Chainlink

>> No.55473285

>60k in rent
Just rent a whore instead lol

>> No.55473320

if its not in ur report anymore hows that a bad financial mistake

>> No.55473323
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You couldn't have been dealt a worse hand. Sorry for your loss anon.

>> No.55473339
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You bought a Rivian car, share? Have 0 clue what's been up with them other than they were considered, "the cybertruck killer" for some time.

>> No.55473383

thought i wanted to be a doctor. spent $5k on applying to medical schools and interviewing. took out a $40k loan for a semester. absolutely hated it and dropped out.

>> No.55473659

I don't fucking get why people say this shit, 'cause I've made a shitload of cash on crypto and yes boytard I made money in the last bull run, I'm still making cool stash and yes I'll make more in the upcoming bull.
Y'all can keep tail wagging for shit or get BTC, Eth, Gmx, Ride, and Rune, pull your head outta your ass and open your eyes ffs.

>> No.55473773

Sold my LINK in April of 2019

>> No.55473806

Spending 20 years in school from kindergarten to get certified. But finally making a living from a skill I learnt in 1+ years on blockchain tech, while also earning cashbacks from CryptMi card which I disliked earlier due to ignorance.
>Wish I can go back to time.

>> No.55473835

No. I'm a truck man.

>> No.55473953

It's easy to kill something that doesn't exist.

>> No.55473968

back in march 2020 I dumped all 40k I was saving up to get plastic surgery and leg lengthening into the stock market. the returns were good but it costed me the opportunity of ever finding a gf, now its too late and over for me

>> No.55474685

why is it too late for you now, but not too late 3 yrs ago??

are you going to home school your children? I have been thinking about how every year up to grade 11 is a sick waste of time serving brainlets. What's your strategy for your children?

>> No.55474778

i was still in college back then, there was an actual chance of me meeting someone. If I got the surgeries I need now it wouldn't matter because theres nowhere for me to meet women, and every year that goes by im less and less likely to find a virgin to marry. Unless I win the lottery I think its over for me, I squandered the only opportunity I've ever had

>> No.55475944

It's the season of home schooling for my entire generation and once up to 5 years, tech skill introduction because I will like my kids to build something like Visa, CryptMi, PayPal etc that's designed to target grassroots.
Mainstream education is a misplaced priority.

>> No.55476737

I'm a virgin female lol (male)
It's not my time yet tho, but when it is I'm gonna make a massive shill campaign to find a husband on /biz/ or irl using the money I made from crypto (3 years from now) and then that guy is gonna homeschool our kids cause I'm on a contract

>> No.55476759

I didn't buy bitcoin when it was under $5 a coin. Instead I went and partied on spring break with that money.

>> No.55477321

Anon, We've all been there and shouldn't keep looking back but take advantage of what we have at hand. I wouldn't want to repeat the same mistake on Matic, Ride and Hero. The next bull run is coming, hence we've got to be positioned for the best.

>> No.55477339

I always buy on auction and then flip it, and even now I make payment with CryptMi crypto card which offers me cashback

>> No.55477347

Catching a falling knife.

Not autistically researching and reevaluating fundamentals and the entire teams and career histories of every single major executive + competitors for companies.

>> No.55477678

Crypto cards with good cash back plans are worth holding. I also use one

>> No.55477698

Wow, cool. Congrats on being a faggot unable to engage in a basic conversation. That is so cool and autistic of you! I can't wait for your reply where you call me a normie, tell me to get off your board, and tell us more about how much of a faggot you are.

>> No.55479453

I lent my dad 10k, he promised to pay me back when he sold his car, he sold the car but never payed me back.

>> No.55479525

Sold TSLA in the first week of October, 2019. Look up that chart if you'd dare.

>> No.55479802

Selling 2000 of my 3000 link to cover lawyer costs in a common marriage court case.
Now have 1000 left with no real way to get back to my old numbers

>> No.55479823

I turned $100 into $-200