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55467113 No.55467113 [Reply] [Original]

Do you respect any YouTubers? Is it just a soulless business model for zoomers/millennials?

>> No.55467151

youtubers get corrupted by wealth easily. its like getting subs is their first time tasting success. So i usally unsub the moment they powertrip and try to shill me shit.
that said get sponsorblock or just go to odysee for good videos.

>> No.55467170

There are smaller youtubers that I watch who have such a crazy work ethic that it's insane. From a /biz/ standpoint I prefer them over the larger youtubers who are getting hundreds of thousands of views per video and who drop a handful of videos a week, many of which are sponsored. Some of those small youtubers have a level of hustle to them that I just really respect.

>> No.55467187

yes but only ssethtzeentach

>> No.55467210

can you give some examples?

>> No.55467215
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Honestly no not really.

PewDiePie may be the exception because he is essentially retired and enjoying his life now and refused to become a generic corporate spokesperson for youtube.

But modern professional youtuber 'creators' are cancer. This new mrbeast style video genre of viewfarm videos is also cancer. Where the video is just an absurd sounding premise with a large number attached & someone in the thumbnail doing the soijack face. Then the video is actually just a 10 minute 5 second vlog where the charisma vaccum creating it potters about describing the logistics of creating their absurd premise
>throwing 10000 basketballs in to the grand canyon
>cutting a window in half with a heated blade
>sucking off 1000 bbcs in front of parliment

these videos are soley there to garner views and ad revenue (largely from impressionable children). They actually serve no other purpose. They are the modern equivalent of banner ads popping up on a website with obnoxious noises coming from it to hook you in to going to a webpage. They are predatory, cynically made videos that are designed to get you interested enough to click on them and have no value beyond that.

While i know it will never happen, Youtube needs to be fully demonetised to get rid of these people. The only people remaining will be people that upload stuff because they are legitimately interested in it, not simply interested in getting rich with google money. You could argue that youtube monetizing itself and paying video creators has garnered a lot of talent to the platform and i could partially agree with you. But is that talent being brought to the platform really worth the sanitized corporate hellscape youtube has become.

>> No.55467223

>Do you respect any YouTubers?
No, I'm not a manchild or 13 years old like all the dumb zoomers on this website including you

>> No.55467240


>> No.55467250
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yeah I remember when there was no money in youtube and videos were soulful. Even pewdiepie started out adding a lot of art/creativity while mixing in gaming and life in Sweden. As he grew it became more about following trends and now it's moreso travel vlogs and sometimes literature review videos. He still shills goyslop g-fuel products which I dont understand since he's already retired/extreme rich. At that point I'd just go 100% maintaining dignity

>> No.55467743

I like Isaac Arthur and alot of the RuneScape YouTubers

>> No.55467751

Complete Walkaround does incredibly good, short videos on airplane ownership. Its not comprehensive, but I'm looking to buy and it really is a good way to get a big picture idea of what it'll cost.

>> No.55467756

how is soulless business model to make you a millionaire worse than living a soulless life waging for some globohomo and living a middle class life?

>> No.55467757

Pewdiepie gets my respect if only for shilling Mishima to his zoomer fanbase.

>> No.55467798

>Is it just a soulless business model for zoomers/millennials?
It's the same model as boomers and genX glorified on T.V
I respect no-one i have not met in person. If they appear on screen i automatically assume their motive for seeking my respect are not respectful motives.

>> No.55467849

pretty cool channel
didnt make that comparison, but at least if you have some skills and dont prostitute yourself online, then you keep your dignity. These YouTubers will make onions faces, make slop videos they dont even like all to buy material possessions for people that dont really care about them. The wage slave that's actively building their skills to work in higher dignity positions and not doing that bs is more respectable IMO. Keep your soul.
he's one of the better ones but still an attention-seeking whore. Thousands of videos screaming like a girl playing horror games and showing off his every experience to zoomers. Better than a stripper but it's a similar dynamic
>I respect no-one i have not met in person. If they appear on screen i automatically assume their motive for seeking my respect are not respectful motives.

>> No.55467856

what it there to respect? They're a result of mindless TV being replaced with mindless internet video streaming sites.

>> No.55467870

they make videos that the average....child I guess, wants to watch.

>> No.55468051

>Isaac Arthur
Based. That guy puts a lot of effort into his videos and a lot of the futuristic concepts are very cool. He’s like the youtube version of one of the classic 20th century sci-fi authors like Bradbury or Clarke or Dick.

>> No.55468062

this old tony

>> No.55468086

I respect pewdiepie because it’s quite obvious he has a fairly high power level, hidden so he can operate successfully in the kiked world of online media. But it’s clearly there

>> No.55468142

>I respect pewdiepie because it’s quite obvious he has a fairly high power level
just because he said niggers like 5 years ago? lol

>> No.55468170

Where did I say that?

>> No.55468186

how is his "power level" so high if he still needs to post videos/social media content "in the kiked world of online media" while he himself states he's very rich and doesn't need to work ever again

>> No.55468188

why are you upset LOL what else? hows he hiding his powerlevel? what huh? idiot

>> No.55468197

>Do you respect any YouTubers
HELL no.

>> No.55468210

soulless corporate nu-internet environment

>> No.55468228

Mad you can't make their easy money and live their lifestyle?

>> No.55468257

>reccs Mishima to his audience (a literally Japanese fascist who is also an inspiration to people like Bronze Age Pervert)
>says muh n word
>wears a nazi uniform “as a joke”
>pays some 3rd worlders on fiver to make a video of themselves holding a sign that says “gas the kikes” or something similar and laughs when they actually do it
>only ever lived in 90+% white Sweden, 90+% part of UK (not London which is 3rd world now), and now in Japan which obviously isn’t white but has even fewer 3rd worlders than Europe
>recently began to dyel
>having a white baby with his white Italian wife who is extremely mousy cute and feminine
>never moved to LA and cucked out completely to corporate america like so many youtubers and other influencers
>has taken moderate-to-right leaning positions on various issues back when he used to respond to topical issues of the day
>turned (or helped turn) the phrase respecc wahmen into a meme and a joke
I agree he’s at least partially based and possibly is hiding a much higher power level than is visible in his videos.

>> No.55468318
File: 67 KB, 1200x675, songs_babyshark_thumbnail_supersimpleapp_en-1200w-blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make catchy children's song
>earn $25M+ in ad revenue from babies replaying it constantly
Why aren't you making YT videos, anon?

>> No.55468321
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Thanks, anon
I never claimed he was secretly Uber nazi, I said “fairly high”
Didn’t know it’d triggers a sperg response

>> No.55468330

That's kinda fucked though. A white kid should be raised around other whites not in japan

>> No.55468351

I like Andrew Camarata. Seems like a good dude.
He's a really talented mechanic and his videos are all pretty based

>> No.55468385

maybe so, but there are other white people in Japan and most countries have expat communities, international schools or english-speaking schools, etc. I also never said he was perfect or anything just that I agree he’s probably hiding his true power level. we also don’t know if he’ll live in Japan forever or just for a few years or what.

>> No.55468418
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>> No.55468422

i respect your mom

>> No.55468942

>PewDiePie may be the exception because he is essentially retired and enjoying his life now and refused to become a generic corporate spokesperson for youtube.
Pewdiepie stopped because he got redpilled and is wallowing in depression like the rest of us. Otherwise he'd likely be a full on youtube drone right now.

>> No.55469137

>wallowing in depression
don’t let the glowies blackpill you anon, that’s exactly what they want. a healthy happy white man is to a jew like the sun to a vampire. in 1988 if you took a poll (a real one, not one faked by the government) of people in the soviet union and asked them if it would still exist in 2000, 2050, 2100, you’d have gotten like 90% yes. and that was a far more restrictive commie dictatorship than ours (no guns, no 4chan or other ability to communicate outside official government news, no ability to own property, etc), and now it’s fucking wiped off the face of the earth, and it happened almost overnight and without a shot even being fired.
my point is not that victory is certain, because it’s not, but my point is that to say there’s no hope is objectively false and is exactly what the glowies who shit up this board for a living want you to think. there absolutely is hope, anon. worse empires than this one have fallen, and the people previously living under its boot are much freer now. victory might not be certain, but neither is defeat. they want you to think it’s hopeless and to give up. don’t.

>> No.55469211

ba$£d huwhitepiller

>> No.55469232

can you imagine reviewbrah being anything other than a youtuber? kek

>> No.55469452

I'm never not surprised when I stumbled upon some youtube kids channel I've never heard of, and the fuckers have like 20 billion views making the most mindnumbingly braindead content.

>> No.55469538

Pewdiepie is usually based, but as always don't idolize anyone because sometimes he says some conflicting stuff, it remains to be seen if it's what he truly believes. A small(er) creator I've been loving for years is The Librarian. Basically comfy horror with intellectual discussion. After watching him for years I'm starting to think he's a little pozzed though.

>> No.55469549

all my favorite youtubers that I respected left youtube around 2014

>> No.55469620
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softspoken shaman is based

I like Divergent too.

>> No.55469779
File: 151 KB, 735x999, PepePolice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only correct answer is MeatCanyon

>> No.55469842

Thanks anon, always glad to see whitepills like these.

>> No.55469846
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>> No.55469889

I've got huge respect for Mechagamezilla/The Infinite Review. He's been making videos for over ten years now and only like one of them has ever broken 50k views, mainly because he makes niche videos about shit he's personally interested in. He almost stopped making videos, but opened a Patreon just to see if anyone actually liked his stuff, and now he makes like $2k every time he makes a video about celebrity model train collections and the Resident Evil movies.

>> No.55470424
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this guy!

>> No.55471047

it was surprising to learn that my favorite memelord and video game autist actually has a degree in immunology

>> No.55471076

PilotRedSun and nana825763.

>> No.55471225

No respect for you tubers desu. The thing they do is thr same model of 2000s creating rich people by selling content and advertising. The basic model was make a website. Drive traffic. Count cost per click profits. Youtubers are so fucking stupid they rely on the YouTube algorithm instead of creating their own website and taking 100% of the profit.

>> No.55471383

These guys have pretty good content.

>Louis Rossman

>Joshua Fluke

>Investment Joy

>Craigslist Hunter

>The Plain Bagel

>Brandon Foltz

>Ben Mallah


>Truthstream Media

>> No.55471384


>> No.55471387

I like ManlyBadassHero. He does let's plays of horror games. I don't think he ever sold out and brings attention to devs who would otherwise have barely any players. Also no facecam or screaming that distract from the content.

>> No.55471433

>But modern professional youtuber 'creators' are cancer. This new mrbeast style video genre of viewfarm videos is also cancer.
This. I have youtube fatigue. But everything not described here is just autistic video essays or self-absorbed vlogging. What's the next untapped or underserved genre of content?

>> No.55471652

I learned english because of this fag. Thanks pewdiepie

>> No.55471757
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Coldmirror, but you Anglosaxon faggots wont know her.

>> No.55471937

what does he do now?

>> No.55472559

ive been watching asianometry for a few years and man, the first few minutes are good and then the video gets boring, guy is the most monotone person i have seen

>> No.55472980

Nick's house streams are most kino thing online rn

>> No.55472989

He lives

>> No.55473019

>autism hobby project low view count videos
>basedjack thumbnail RED HOT BBC CUTS THROUGH A LIQUID NITROGEN COOLED WHITE PUSSY clickbait aimed at mixed race 7 year olds being raised by a single mother and an Alcatel™ tablet

>> No.55473044

>Do you respect any YouTubers?

>> No.55473052

The thing that always pissed me off was back when letsplay was new. I'd look up shootemup gaming video to figure out best way to clear sections and come across some 1 credit clear player that would use text and wouldn't speak, his video would be to the point and helpful. 100 views. Then you'd see some faggot video 40x the length playing on easy and dying 100 times getting 100k views

>> No.55473065

and the best part...
>search for good videos using specific keywords that should filter out garbage clickbait videos
>90% of the results are literally irrelevant (random search results generator)
>10% of the results that are relevant to some of the keywords are clickbait thumbnail goyslop

>> No.55473078

Its completely fake and gay now. Go check out a letsplay of RE4 remake or some other "horror" game that came out recently. I guarantee its soiface "WOAH DID YOU SEE THAT HOLY SHIT" every couple of minutes