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55461825 No.55461825 [Reply] [Original]

5’4 white guy dating a 4’11 Asian girl here. I live in America. What happens if I have a son and he’s like 5’1

I know you’ll say to not reproduce but I’m high IQ and rich

>> No.55461833

race mixing leads to cancer, autism and heart disease. Its child abuse

>> No.55461835

5'4 is almost ideal male height (5'7). Still, you shouldn't race mix or have a short wife.

>> No.55461837

He'll soon be your daughter given enough time

>> No.55461842

I'd suggest, stop being superficial. It's hindering your ability to know peace and happiness.

>> No.55461854

It doesn't matter. Height is no longer a limiting factor to success. Reproductive or otherwise.
Anons who think so are copers who would blame anything else for their short-comings if they were taller. Or are just dishing out banter.

>> No.55461855

You can chad max your son by raising him correctly. Feed him lots of steak and let him breast fed as long as he can (make sure your girl is eating healthy so she has higher quality milk), keep your kid away from endocrine disrupters and put him in sports. If you know how to chad max your son he will grow up and be tall, handsome and smart and he will be extremely thankful for you for knowing how to take care of him properly.

If you have a daughter then you have the opposite problem of having a son and have to make sure that she doesn’t become a whore

>> No.55461869

>Business and Finance

>> No.55461916
File: 120 KB, 853x739, 4chanheightchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'4" and my dad was 5'7" and mom 5'5".
You wouldn't believe the women I get just because of my height and fitness.

>> No.55461930

Engineer your embryo, it's been done before and it's way easier than editing your own DNA. Make him a chad of chads

>> No.55461974

>5’4 white guy dating a 4’11 Asian girl here. I live in America. What happens if I have a son and he’s like 5’1
It's unironically over before it's even begun. You better hope for girls, because your son will have no chance since even among Asians, that's tiny. In the off-chance you force feed him a gallon of milk every day to heightmaxx, he might just reach 5'10" manlet king status and have a shot at a 6/10 white roastie or a 7/10 asian qt, but that's a low probability events bro. Regression towards the mean is real so he's more likely to be around your height. Unironically go to Asia, don't stay in Amerikkka if you're going to have mixed race manlet kids because they'll just become bitter and resentful of the height and looks obsessed culture and definitely will go Elliot Roger mode.
>I know you’ll say to not reproduce but I’m high IQ and rich
IQ also regresses towards the mean. Your son will more likely be stupider and poorer than you (unless you leave a massive inheritance obviously).

>> No.55461978

You've daughters will be fine, your sons will likely turn into elliot rogers regardless of height. Can't you go to a country that allows you to choose the sex of the child?

>> No.55462267

Yes I would, they’re top of funnel gutter trash like every other Lanklet.

Post pics of her.

>> No.55462282

why don't you just marry a tall athletic white girl, then your kid may come out balanced.

>> No.55462302

They aren't fucked, they will be Supreme gentleman

>> No.55462474

5'10 hapa bro here, i get treated like a god moreso than my white friends in asia. (good looking) hapas are kings in asia and have a wider selection of women due to both foreign mysterious feelings and familiarity.

>> No.55462486

Why the fuck do we have like 10 "Le Sexo Asian Woman" threads right now

>> No.55462616
File: 27 KB, 640x360, AN44390812Pic-shows-Elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, it's over.

>> No.55462640

If he inherits your money he’ll have no trouble bagging genetic supreme aryan bitch.

>> No.55462675

Make sure he is breastfed until 4 years of age. Do your best to keep him healthy, don't ever let him get sick. Make sure he eats nutritious food, not goyslop. Your kid will have every chance of being 5'7" or taller even. I am taller than my dad and my mom is average height for a woman. Your family will be fine. Also, with veganism and vegetarianism on the rise and parents forcing their kids to eat shitty diets, the average height should go down making your kid closer to the average.

>> No.55462687


this is funny because I am 5'10 and I only chase petite girls lmao

>> No.55462712

Your sons will be Elliot Rodger and your daughters will be fuck puppets

>> No.55462749

Anyone normal height isn't going to be able to tell the difference between 5"4 and 5"1 midgets so you're good champ. King of the manlets is still a manlet afterall.
Now THIS is some grade S copium. And how much do you make cobbling regular sized people's shoes little guy? A crumb of bread and a thimble of milk? Kek!

>> No.55462777
File: 220 KB, 589x617, Billions must snooze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feed them lots of milk, meat and Human growth hormone and they will be 6'0+ trust me. Make sure they sleep and exercise properly and keep them off the internet. Make them take psychedelics when they are a adult and give them a classical education.

Do this and your son will be a HAPA aryan GOD

>> No.55463039

biggest player I have ever met was 5'8 he wasnt even white lol

>> No.55463054


>> No.55463070

He'll be fine, just make sure to feed him right and get him into sports as early as possible

>> No.55463081

Just get height surgery My man

>> No.55463087

Cope,he will be an incel.
The only solution is to move out of the west and go SEA. Being rich and half american will offset their misgetness.

>> No.55463118

This >>55461855

Lots of meat, a diet avoiding (((high fructose corn syrup))) and (((enriched flour))), varied vegetables and fruits, green juices (cold pressed only), exercise, good quality sleep, good quality booba milk and no circumcision.

Avoid vaccines like the plague, unironically, no joking.

>> No.55463137

This is why you don't date midgets.
Sorry, I mean dwarves.
Sorry, I mean shorties.
Sorry, I mean hobbits.
Sorry, I mean small folk.
Sorry, I mean the vertically challenged.

>> No.55463160

Give him HGH before the growth plates close and he'll be fine.

>> No.55463257

Fuck you. Just be qoeeiws about yourself. If you are worried about your children, then only have girl, they'll be ok. If you're worried about your boys then make more money. You're better than 90% of all 4chan, and for that,.fuck you, you son of a bitch

>> No.55463389

Height is a meme, anon. Nobody cares except for shallow women and mentally ill insecure men.

Ps. I'm m not coping. I'm 5'10 myself (more than avg)

>> No.55463462

if ur so smart and so rich why aren't you taller?

fuck you mark zuckerburg

>> No.55463469

Your kid will be fine. Height comes with a ton of disadvantages to including earlier death etc.. I’d argue there are more evolutionary benefits to being short. Don’t let social media tell you short is bad. It’s a bunch of tall dudes and single women coping.

>> No.55463474

>IQ regresses toward the mean
Love when low IQ people say this. Explain how that works bucko. Here’s a hint; it doesn’t. You inherit genes from your parents, not from your parents entire race. IQ regresses toward the mean kf the two parents, and even then, often not at all, due to assortive selection

>> No.55463486

And hormone blockers, and covid vaccines

>> No.55463504

the only race for sons that matters is purebred european.
for daughters european/east asian is suboptimal but acceptible
everything else is not worth giving birth to.

>> No.55463518


>> No.55463531

Survivorship bias, verne troyer (mini me) fucked alot of hookers too, right before he suicided. Poor fella.

>> No.55463533

just move to Asia you faggot

>> No.55463535

Just movie to Asia bro. Southeast Asians are small and tight he'll be fine

>> No.55463579

Just start him on growth hormone as soon as he's able.

>> No.55463607

dude are you fucking insane
>high IQ
My ass, or else you wouldnt be stating this stupid shit, not only is ur kid gonna be short, but he'll have, heart issues, blood issues, bone marrow issues, organ issues, random cancer later in life, diseases that will stem later, short life expectancy, and god know what will happen to his brain. Literal child abuse and ur gonna 60 years old listening to kid cry about how much he hates himself and what a freak he is. You moron

>> No.55463609

5'10 is ideal. wtf you on about?

>> No.55463645

OP's refering to mild dwarfism not progeria fucking moron.

>> No.55463686

Also hgh treatment can help if you keep him in America

>> No.55463700

It's propaganda from pol that race mixed children are full of health issues and mental illness.