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55459144 No.55459144 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like one day humanity just collectively chose to forget it happened in the first place.

>> No.55459160

Google it. Wikipedia. Just learn to read.
I ain't spoonfeeding you.

>> No.55459192

we've moved onto black lives matter.

>> No.55459196

There was not enough diversity and ethnic representation in the movement.
True story.

>> No.55459206
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they started blaming white people for everything

>> No.55459224
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Consider the following:

>> No.55459231

these, except it was planned. The news stories all went from 'missing blonde girl' to 'black boy shot by police' for a reason. Racial tensions were inflamed so that Americans couldn't work together to take down the big boys anymore.

>> No.55459245

Divide and conquer

>> No.55459260

>media interviews the dumbest and least articulate people holding signs in the street that they can find and only airs those interviews when covering OWS
>media conveniently pretends that they have no concrete list of demands
>mass arrests by police, often while inserting agent provocateurs into protests
>literal footage of the police protecting their own plain clothed informants when OWS protestors turn on them because they figured out what's happening
>liberals from colleges like Berkley showing up to OWS protests to demand things like the progressive stack, derailing a broadly popular grassroots movement with identity politics, weakening its broad support and diluting its purpose
>because, you know, some kid from an elite college should be telling you how to organize your anti-elite movement and what you should be protesting about and how
>anarchists giving mixed advice on how to organize because "they'll target your leaders, leaving you leaderless, so you should be leaderless to begin with", which was true but led to an inability to organize a meaningful counterresponse
>constant vilification by media talking heads who previously portrayed themselves as economically left wing, but who inexplicably have a problem with OWS
>rightwing Tea Party created as an astroturf response to OWS because regulating the banks was an idea that initially appealed to people across the political spectrum after the fuckery by banks that culminated in the 2008 crash
>culture war issues dialed up to 11 by all media
>once it was clear that the initial grassroots wave of the movement had passed the media stopped covering the ongoing protests as though they weren't even happening even as they were being cracked down on by the police increasingly heavy handedly

Some of us remember the very strange set of highly unusual forces that mysteriously aligned against occupy.

>> No.55459300

>people get pissed off the elites get to keep their cake and eat it too
>try to do something
>(((cabal))) gets spooked and subvert the shit out of it
Typical day in a goyim country

>> No.55459309

During OWS, bankers had their agents infiltrate protests to fuck it up from within
>if we're the 99%, where are all the blacks!?
>where are the women!?
Now we bend over for the same entities that were being protested. They had to ruin it because it actually threatened the system.

>> No.55459329

Occupy Wall street was a bunch of faggot commies, but of course Biz likes it now

>> No.55459336

Very good post

>> No.55459356

even if your poor grammar didn't expose you as an outsider, your lack of knowledge does. This board doesn't really have a political bent, what we have in common is money, and that draws in an audience from a much wider sample of the political spectrum.

>> No.55459363

It got hijacked there was a shift from financial to racial/gender politics. It's the same with atheism really, it became atheism+ then full on lgbtai+

>> No.55459425

OWS was the turning point and the redline that suddenly appeared.
The satanists realized the public can destroy the economy with ease so they began full out brainwashing propaganda campaigns since then.
Meanwhile they are building up plans to completely genocide the population to retain power.
The only thing that matters for elites is retaining power.

>> No.55459433

they turned the oppostion into troons who worship and consumerism and big pharma

>> No.55459444
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>> No.55459467

The man got scared, so ramped up identity politics. Now he's not scared and we're perpetually at each other's throats over nonsensical stuff we would've laughed at 20 years ago.

>> No.55459514

it birthed btc member? I remeber

>> No.55459564

strangely, a rise in "racism" in nyt articles overtook occupy wallstreet. how curious and cointelpro.

>> No.55459799


You're leaving out some important details.

>gays are more or less accepted
>active homophobes who screamed batshit insane shit about gays being demonic were understood to be insane people by just about everybody
>the real debate was whether or not they should be allowed civil unions or marriage
>cut to today
>it's mainstream by rightwingers to scream batshit insane things about gays grooming kids that would have never flown 20 years ago
>while yet another major religious organization has a child sex abuse scandal

It's not just the liberals who got moved around the chessboard. In fact it's even more noticeable when they are because they aren't normally as easy to manipulate by authority figures as rightwingers. That's part of why OWS stands out as a big deal, because it was a mask off moment for a lot of "progressive" elements in society.

The Tea Party, and before it the birther movement, was really instrumental in radicalizing the right. It helped to ramp up the process of driving rightwing extremism.

>> No.55459855
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>> No.55460067

No one cared about it. Ever. It was a thing libtards cared to pretend about then you went the way of African children and islands sinking in the pacific.

>> No.55460113

Every interview I ever saw of an OWSer was a white dude lolbertarian listing off his personally-desired gibs rather than the movement's actual aims, so yes.

OWS should have Jan 6'd JP Morgan's/Goldman Sach's offices and the NYSE, but every time people got riled up enough to try, there was someone there to warn about "optics" and "civility" or to at them out to the cops.

>> No.55460138

This is the most accurate. I would further emphasize the role of right-wing bystanders who encouraged the common discourse of it being a liberal elite con, sharing videos of protestors being corralled and pepper sprayed to laugh at, etc. It was a grassroots phenomenon that took the concerted effort of elites on all sides to rip apart (not unlike the CRM/socialist movement which had multi-ethnic, multi-cultural wings).

>> No.55460151

It got subverted by identity politics

>> No.55460192

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.55460205

Someone post the chart showing how right after OWS happened no of articles about “racism” and “white supremacy” went into a long term bull market making one ATH after the other…

>> No.55460212

I often used to wonder why they cracked down so hard with such a broad constellation of forces to destroy OWS. They could have passed some short term legislation, then had lobbyists water it down over time while captured regulatory agencies failed to enforce said legislation, and sucked most of the energy out of OWS fairly quickly. Then it occurred to me that it wasn't so much about fighting against regulating the banks per se, and it was more about making sure that the idea of a true grassroots movement spun up by non elites to hold elites accountable was burned to the ground so that the idea that the common people could do this sort of thing wouldn't take root.

I also recall fraternities at my campus hanging up signs with slogans like "We are the 1%", and yeah. Rightwingers at the time were reveling in the suffering of OWS protestors, even though I knew some of those people's families were 100% hurting from the banking collapse just like everyone else.

>> No.55460250


>> No.55460275

> BLM: 13%
> OWS: 99%
Really makes you think.

>> No.55460297

gubbie "removed" most of the people who participated.
since then, we've been under soft eugenics programs designed to reduce the amount of motivated people who take action when gubbie harms them.

>> No.55461035

bump and fuck jannies

>> No.55461045

>grassroots s
same reason why there are FUD cycles around crypto

>> No.55461090

OWS freaked TPTB the fuck out. For a fleeting moment people of all moderate political alignments were realizing who the real problem was, and they couldn't allow that to continue. So they got all their paid for politicians and buddies in the media to start screaming about racism and pit everyone against eachother again, and nearly everyone fell for it.

It's really that simple.

>> No.55461093

Black rights secure rights for everyone else. The latest wave of SCOTUS bullshit started with gutting the VRA. Soon they'll go after consumer protections and we'll be back to credit card debt giving supermarket cashiers the right to ventilate your forehead if your Visa is declined.

>> No.55461108

The best part for them was that the racism was real. They'd kept a mountain of unreported corruption in their back pocket for just such an occasion. Remarkable gambit on their part. Baby KKKs never stop at blacks, of course, so truly a gambit.

>> No.55461119


>> No.55461134

Everyone started sperging out about race and trannies

>> No.55461331

I remember when there was a segment about OWS on The Colbert Report where he made a mockery of the movement by interviewing a woman who named herself ketchup. Looking back, that was a clear sign of who he really was when the chips are down. Of course best of luck to anyone who wants to find that clip.

>> No.55461455

I think in retrospect that's why it's so easy to hyperfocus on the progressives. After the reign of Bush the Lesser we had come to expect that kind of shit from the right, but getting stabbed in the back by public figures that were supposedly on our side was an unexpected betrayal.

>> No.55461468


The internet.
It killed the need for trading floors or the market in general that played it live.

The internet allowed the big players to set up the fiber optic cables literally closer beating the private practice. Most buying power is with the institutions

Retards that will never learn.

>> No.55461788

>>rightwing Tea Party created as an astroturf response to OWS because regulating the banks was an idea that initially appealed to people across the political spectrum after the fuckery by banks that culminated in the 2008 crash

spoken like a true retard. You have the timeline completely wrong. Tea party happened first then OWS. You are off by about 4 years. OWS was a shit show of retards that was ruined by liberals. Started out as just general protests then morphed into the slogan OWS. Just like the alt right never really existed and never called themselves that. Im shitposting on 4chan with other "racists" like I had a decade before. Suddenly we are called "alt right". All these AOL niggers finally made it on the internet and see us droping n bombs then lose their minds. Meanwhile we had been calling each other joggers in Team Fortress Classic since we were 11 because it was edgy. None of us actually hated black people, didn't have any reason to yet. Dave Chappelle made race shit funny again. Then we had Obama and Dave ran away to africa. SJWs were annoying but a minor problem. People didn't like them but felt their hearts were in the right place. This hit the peak in 2015-2016 which people got tired of and entered Trump. Now here we are.

>> No.55461860

Checked here's your answer op

>> No.55461994

It's impossible for goyim to unite. You can see examples of it in this very thread.
Collect as much money as you can and fuck over people who have less than you. That's the moral of the story.

>> No.55462012

Everything you said is wrong. If you like money so much, you should love bailouts

>> No.55462033
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They killed Greaber

>> No.55462516

the only way to unite people from the top-down is by promising them material gains, because it's the only thing enough people have in common to rally behind. you're pretty much guaranteed to lose to sociopathic strivers if you go for this angle.

you have to start from the bottom-up, and form strong bonds and act locally, cooperating with others for a concrete goal. if your strengths are common sense and sincerity, this route will be much more fruitful anyway. but you won't get people to rally around the 2nd holocaust, your ends need to be more positive and benevolent. I realize this is easier said than done, but church basically does all of this for you if you find a non-pozzed one. at least try to stay on good terms with family and friends, which is increasingly hard these days.

>> No.55462841
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It got hijacked, anon. That's why I'm vigilant af and watching BrillionFi closely. They're tapping into the AllianceBlock Nexera ID and harnessing the insane power of the DUA protocol. Ain't letting anything slip past me, gotta stay on top of the game!

>> No.55463391

it immeditately got co-opted and subverted. Then anti-white propaganda started.

>> No.55463846
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kikes saw the goyim organizing a revolt, and acted accordingly to divide the classes again. the kikes in power always want division among the plebians

>> No.55464837

T: jew

>> No.55464840

>what happened

false flags

>> No.55464912
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OWS was started by genxers who lost their jobs and carried to fruition by politically active millennials in their 20s.

Obongo then SHUT IT DOWN while liberal media outlets began pushing for more immigration, D/C and faggotry to distract people from Lemon Brothers destroying the economy.

The "zoomer" generation was 'invented' by media to blunt the idea of a 'youth movement to change banking', previously generations were Boomer (46-64), Xer (65-84) Millennial (85-2004) this was changed to Boomers being the same, Xers to 65-79 and Millennials to 82-96 (later changed again to 80-94) this was done specifically because millennials, especially ones born in the 1990s, are very gay and snowflakey so they wanted to be their own special thing- but this would also allow them to generationally break up the idea of people born in the 80s and 90s acting in their interests. This is why there are so many ugly zoomer trannies who are like "fr fr millennials are cheugy, I make 70k a year as an IT guy for cuck corp, they wish they wuz like me". Ironically Trump's booming economy of the late 2010s likely contributed to zoomer retardation, as most zoomers don't seem to have a concept of "massive layoffs in which no one can find work" and just assume 2008 wasn't shit and millennials uniquely were lazy, when in reality zoomers are about to get hit with the recession beatstick. The weirdest, fattest millennials were promoted as progressive voices of the future.

Fast forwards 15 years and Gen Xers are now middle aged, millennials are about in their careers where gen x was when they got FUCKED by 2008. Zoomer college students are degens who care about BLM or internet memes, talk to any one of them and they are retarded goylems of the establishment.

This is all by design.

Incidentally a lot of millennial chicks will put off marriage and babies even longer, leading to mass suicides in 10 years when they realize no one wants a 50yo hag 'wife'. Zoomer pussy will become really cheap.

>> No.55464981
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This anon has an accurate memory. I vividly remember back in '10-'11 when SJWs were essentially just a kind of tumblr cringe thread in /b/, not the dominating cultural power in the West.

>Zoomer college students are degens who care about BLM or internet memes, talk to any one of them and they are retarded goylems of the establishment.
I'm watching flabbergasted as the media every now and them claims that zoomers are the "most anti-consumerist", "most anti-big corporation" generation in the history. It's way too obvious what's the truth here, it's like they want us to trust them instead of our own eyes.

>> No.55465006

The existence of 'zoomers' and them replacing the 'homeland generation' is, in and of itself, a psyop. Making millennials 'old', making gen x irrelevant, creating golems who only care about meaningless social issue and white boys who actually say shit like "heh that politician is an old white guy living in a mansion, we need to get an immigrant in office" and white girls who are 100% fat dumpy bitch was the goal.

My favorite is that some corporate outlets are starting to say Genz is 1994-2005, so they're about to get replaced by gen alpha who will be even bigger golems.

>> No.55465024

>Jews use divide and conquer
>It was effective!

>> No.55465058
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>so they're about to get replaced by gen alpha who will be even bigger golems.
I try to think of things in a more positive light. You know how each new generation tries to differentiate itself from the previous ones by adopting completely different cultural and social values? Maybe this next gen will be less insane. I admit I am coping, and seething, but hope is all that's left.

>> No.55465083

Everyone realized how the bankers who stole their money and gambled it away weren't the real problem.
It was racists and anti LGBTQ+ people, still is to this very day.

>> No.55465388
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>> No.55465391
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It didn't work.
I guess they didn't stand around and shake their fingers long or hard enough.

>> No.55465395

Goyim came too close to knowing so they changed narrative to black whitey
This kek

>> No.55465422

It was recognized as the illegal trespassing that it was.

>> No.55465490

>while yet another major religious organization has a child sex abuse scandal

Yes, let's talk about the child rape assembly line ran by Orthodox rabbis in NYC, which distorts the stats the way black murders do. A child is 18 timed more likely to be raped by a rabbi than a priest.
I'll grant you, if Catholics owned any media besides EWTN, we wouldn't hear about their problems with (Jewish converso) who go on to diddle kids.

>> No.55465518
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>> No.55465531
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>This board doesn't really have a political bent

>> No.55465554
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>you're not a pozzed faggot who likes to dress like a girl and self-mutilate like i do
>you're batshit crazy and radicalized, the fact that we created a "nazi problem" in every community we touched and seethed for 4 years of orange man rule doesn't make me radicalized
>dude rightwingers are more gullible despite the majority of shit eating consumers of goods and media are liberals and center-left so.ydrinkers and the system actively shits on rightwingers
They should have beaten you to death when violence against faggots was still a thing.

>> No.55465571
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>> No.55465627 [DELETED] 

So how do we restart it?
Ocuupy Wallstreet: Year zero addition.

>> No.55465635

So how do we restart it?
Occupy Wall Street; Year Zero addition

>> No.55465670

The only way is for the peasants to all come together for a mass strike, however people are way too divided/poor/retarded to ever commit to getting on the same page. The only hope is that another catastrophic market crash kills enough 401ks and pensions and puts enough people out of work where they have no choice but to riot.

>> No.55465797

i'm talking about us here on /biz/, fuckin' who cares about normies, they follow whatever is popular.

>> No.55465810

Well /biz/ is just as divided/poor/retarded as the normalfags so don't get your hopes up

>> No.55465822

>the power of jewish propaganda
Those evil fucks are master manipulators. One of the many reasons so many humans wanted those anti-human subhumans killed throughout all of history. They're evil on a genetic level.

>> No.55465835

The left has an insane platform but now the right is just insane in general. Really feels like Trump broke people

>> No.55466264

No, it's inaccurate. The Tea Party (as an actual movement, not just lolracism) was a fringe movement until it was co-opted and astroturfed into a national thing contemporaneous to initial grassroots talk of OWS, and the push was expedited so that national awareness would hit before OWS' formal protests began. So the other poster is correct: it was astroturfed in response to the threat that OWS posed. Both of them also predated Trayvon Martin's murder, which was the initial catalyst for what would become BLM (and which the media ignored for months; the movement didn't actually kick off until after Michael Brown's murder).

>> No.55466274

Kino, in a sense.

>> No.55466282

This. General strike is the only way. Should also occupy bank-owned housing for good measure. They can't kick everyone out.

>> No.55466298

>Time is a psyop
Anyway Millennials have been 1983-1998 for a long time.

>> No.55466334

No retard, Millennialfirst appears in the strauss-howe generational theory. In 2015 corporate media began pushing "gen z", an entirely new and homosexual thing beginning around 97/98 and eating into the Strauss-Howe generational boundaries.
>But 8 years is a long time
Yes zoomlet, that's why we're talking about the fake gen z in the context of OWS and peeling off 18yo millennials into a new generation so they could push tranny shit on people born after 1997 instead.

Now they're pushing gen z as beginning in 93/94 instead, to make gen a even gayer than gen z, in order to prevent OWS ahead of the next recession next year.

>> No.55466359

the media started blaming poor people
if violent crime is up
let's blame the 1 guy going to prison
not the politicians and jailers who let him out 50 times on previous serious and violent crimes because our prisons are already full of non violent weed dealers

>> No.55466669

>The internet.
>It killed the need for trading floors or the market in general that played it live.

yeah and which companies have dominated the internet and social media (but didn't create it) Yeah google and facebook who owns those

>> No.55466730
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>rightwing Tea Party created as an astroturf response to OWS
No , no its is not correct. Now if he said Tea party that had already existed before OWS was then inflitrated and astroturfed into all the rest of the shit you are saying. Sure fine Id buy that. Stating an incorrect time line makes you sound like a fucking idiot. Anything else that is said by such an obvious error makes everything else suspect. You still fail to realize this blocked by your ego for a desire to be "right" You are flat out wrong. Tea Party was formed BEFORE Occupy. Now fuck off and die.

>> No.55466741
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After a few weeks of getting nothing accomplished, the weather naturally got colder and everybody went back to their central heated comfy homes and thought this is better than freezing out in the open.
And all of them paid their mortgage happily ever after.

>> No.55466780

>leading to mass suicides in 10 years when they realize no one wants a 50yo hag 'wife

women don't kill themselves, they attempt to at a rate 5 times that compared to men. But men actually kill themselves 4 times as much as women. Just another thing men do better than women. (George Carlin joke but also true)

>> No.55466835


>> No.55466886

>Tea Party
yeah what happened to this party?

>> No.55466903
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>> No.55466911
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>> No.55466928

progressive stack

>> No.55466956

>The internet.
It killed the need for trading floors or the market in general that played it live.

how does that have anything to do with central bank/FI cronyism, opaque over-leveraged derivatives, or the abomination that is fiat currency?

>> No.55467176


>> No.55467216

Good ole subversion so clever people didn't even notice. In general people always have the memory of a goldfish

>> No.55467218

>source: straight from my hairy asshole

>> No.55467293

The next gen is going to be dopamine addled retards that spend more time in the digital world than the physical one. Imagine a generation of people like that operating at critically important levels of society.
Things are going to be on a consistent downtrend for the next century.

>> No.55467375

(((They))) decided they'd rather have you mad about race, gender, and sexuality. Keeps pressure off wall street.

>> No.55467902

Does New Delhi really care that much about OWS?