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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 63 KB, 898x498, GLNK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55459584 No.55459584 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Chainlink Trust trade at Premium to NAV? Each share of $GLNK contains 1 LINK (actually 0.97 LINK), so why the fuck is it trading at $22?

>> No.55459598

volume is laughable. probably just a couple boomers buying from there because they think they will get aids if they buy LINK anywhere else

>> No.55459655

Why should the stock have the same price as the token? That's like saying a gold stock's price should be the same as an ounce of gold. Also, the daily volume is less than $1200. I could pump the price to $100k if I felt inclined.

>> No.55459676

kek $20k volume

>> No.55459688

How is this legal?

>> No.55459712

>Why should the stock have the same price as the token?
For the same reason a fund should have the same weighted price as its combined constituents - or else there would be arbitrage.
>That's like saying a gold stock's price should be the same as an ounce of gold.
What is a "gold stock" price? But yes, a physical ounce of gold should have about same price as the exchanged price of an ounce of physical gold, not 300% more or less unless it has unique features (collectors value such as Roman gold coins etc).

>> No.55460173

GLINK will be redeemable for chainlink labs shares while link tokens will be discarded when the company has an ipo, so the big boys can legally invest in this project with legally binding expectations of profit.

>> No.55460190

average iq of biz has to be under 100

>> No.55460227

its mostly pajeets so under 85 probably

>> No.55460296
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The average iq of link holders is a 1:1 mirror of the price chart. All thats left is the bottom of the barrel mouthbreathers who fell for hopium and accuse everyone of being paid fudders.
You can see the same exact thing going on with other dead shitcoins like SAFEMOON. They are still buying the dip and ranting about the paid fudders and suppressors

>> No.55460378

total value of assets is like 2 million dollars, thats 3 biz make it stacks
its paper thin volume

you cant arbitrage if you cant redeem, its prohibited from getting actual link tokens from gayscale so the only thing you can do is sell your share to someone else
cant arbitrage that, its a hotel california

>> No.55460392
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>> No.55460933
File: 217 KB, 868x652, 1688413881028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
