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55458574 No.55458574 [Reply] [Original]

The fuck happened in 2008, also why don’t these men just fucking pay for a whore if it more economical.

I had amazing time fucking whores in China/Korea/Japan and it cheaper than a divorce.

>> No.55458613

Pornography and video games

>> No.55458636

Real men grave relationship and companionship and not hedonistic seamless sex, retard.

>> No.55458651

Getting laid was never an easy feat. You have to put yourself out there. The world gets more virtualized and less young men put themselves out there now.

>> No.55458655

social media and dating apps raised women's self confidence and expectations 10 fold

>> No.55458658

>The fuck happened in 2008,
OWS was subverted by various parties who funded many different psyops programmes with the intention of distracting, dividing and discrediting the population which was rising against them and their interests.
All public info easily found. They are smug about this. I would be too.

>> No.55458667

The juice no longer became worth the squeeze.

>> No.55458669

Midwit retard take. Those are merely symptoms of men not being able to get laid. What is the true cause is female hypergamy lead by social media

>> No.55458679

release of the original eye foam. getting pussy during the golden age of smartfoams and tinder was like shooting fish in a barrel. even my fat autistic ass got laid a few times from tinder, back in 2014.

>> No.55458685

Midwit take, why the fuck would I blow potentially hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars taking these women in america on dates when i can just hop over to asia and have sex with 7-8+/10 women while i’m there.

It a game of economics and cost analysis at this point.

>> No.55458687


Men are still getting shyer and progressively more shut-in. It's always going to be easier for a girl to get laid, so they aren't facing the same selective pressures. Prior to mass media men had literally nothing to do other than wander around outside interacting with people and doing things and that had a much higher chance of inevitably finding your way into a vagina of some sort.

>> No.55458703



Sounds like something a retarded, wimpy little midwit faggot would say. I rest my case, and also this: >>55458687

Dumb, poor dudes are still fucking girls. My tall friend with a beaten up Cobalt was fucking a girl every month while my autistic friend with a brand new Mustang couldn't find a date to save his life. It's your inability to interface and convince a girl to fuck you, not some overarching scheme to deprive men of puss.

>> No.55458707

>man who uses his comparative wealth and high social status to fuck third world gutterpussy bemoans first world women demanding men who are comparatively wealthy and high status
really makes you think.

>> No.55458709

It's led by capitalism and having women in the workforce. Social media is just the advertizement that pushes the ideologies on how they should blow all their money away and live empty, fake lives until they're dropped and forgotten at 30+
It's really Lovecraftian how dating apps are now getting filled with 30+ roasties who have been living like this close to 10 years now so when they're early 20s and they couldn't settle because of it. All of them with shit skin visible even with all the filters on, clothed dogs like toddlers and all the yoga self fulfilling life coach bullshit professions LMAO

>> No.55458713

Why the fuck are third worlders so obsessed with sex? American women are fat and bitchy, that's why no one wants to waste time trying to fuck them. Imagine a 300 pound lardass that's fucked 100 men before you for free and now she wants you to 'commit' to a relationship before you can get some sucky suck and she's mentally ill and thinks she's actually offering you a great deal since her mind associates herself with her peak when she was 18 instead of her 38 year old trashdump self. That's why American men don't care and don't bother, women are a lot worse than they were 20 years ago.

>> No.55458728

>men are getting shyer
Women were not whores 100 years ago, it is demonstrable through statistics that women waited until marriage. Women now are fat bitchy sluts who think 20 years of getting plapped by chad and then settling down with you is a fair trade. Men are not engaging because it is not worth it at all. Passport 'bros' exist specifically to refute your retarded assumption- dudes will go to mexico or bali or poland to fuck women who aren't totally worthless, they just don't care about american ones. There you go.

>> No.55458731

You're on /biz/ and 4chan in general and you don't know what happened in 2008?

>> No.55458734

u dont think hikkimori allocate a portion of their funds to seeing whores regularly? what gives you the impression they are not doing it at all?

>> No.55458778


Why are you even going on about this bs? The OP stat is referring to young American men being virgins, not going to fucking Thailand to fuck trannies you fat delusional retard.

>> No.55458788

Who says they want to bother with women at all, paid or not? I don't.

I have no desire to raise another mans child as the VAST majority of single women are now single moms and this will only get worse.
I have no desire to deal with shit tests 24/7 and having to constantly maintain the stance that they are "on the brink of losing you" to try keep them around.
I have no desire to chase them and be "Name 33 Location" in her phonebook while the message I sent 30 minutes ago is now under 10 others guys messages.
I have no desire to invest my time, energy, and resources in something that will just fuck off on a whim, no matter who you are or what you do.

>> No.55458790

But these girls are fucking hot, i swear to god these girls are hotter than anything i’ve seen in the west.

Like I said you can easily go to a trip overseas every year and in those two weeks you can have rotating harem of 7+/8+ thots.

If you were born in America use it to your fucking advantage. Relationships are fucking over since the Jew has ruined western women.

>> No.55458792

If prostitutes are my only option I'd honestly rather die a kissless virgin

>> No.55458794

hikikomori do not see whores they are pure boys and girls and not mongers

>> No.55458805

>Thinks female hypergamy began in 08
Kek retard.

>> No.55458809

you missed the point.

>> No.55458817

why do they only report from 18 onward? what if someone scored before that?

>> No.55458987
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>> No.55459020
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ok genius, tell me exactly how much i need to budget to pick up young girls like picrel. and should i be expecting a relationship long term with these girls or pump and dump? elaborate.

>> No.55459025

This 100%. Dating apps became a thing when I was in college around the early 2010s. Now all whores want is Chad

>> No.55459056

zoomers have realized, thanks to the internet, that the vast majority of people just completely suck. everyone wonders why we have a "loneliness epidemic," well you fucking retards if people were worth interacting with zoomers would have relationships with people, but they're not. everyone is selfish and ignorant and delusional and lazy and will create drama over the smallest shit. it doesn't help that everyone is also fat and ugly due to processed food and drugs. even if you find someone who isn't those things, they're probably just boring. an archetype of someone we've already been exposed to time and time again through mass media and have no interest in anymore. a truly unique person who's worth keeping around is 1/1000, and finding someone like that you can also sexo is next to impossible. everyone else is a mutt or an NPC and zoom zooms don't have time for people like that when they have to work 2 jobs just to stay afloat.

>> No.55459113

absolute retard opinion. i play video games and watch porn whenever i like and have been laid regularly since 18.

the issue is women. every woman thinks they are a 20/10 making every man think they are a 1/10. i am legitimately a 7/10, paid well, muscular and live in a 4 bedroom house in a famous medieval city. im telling you right now i have NEVER had as much trouble pulling now than any time in my life, even when i completely neglected myself.

the only girls that hit on my now are 2/10 land whales and they do it with rabid confidence.

it makes no sense, every woman i see is single or whoring yet they cant find a decent man. we need a war.

>> No.55459116

>Men are still getting shyer and progressively more shut-in
You can thank feminists making men think that looking at a woman the wrong way will get them expelled from university. Lucky me, makes going to the university bars so much easier, women love getting the attention that they don't get from overly professional retards that don't know how to act around women lel.

>> No.55459132
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>ruins civilization

>> No.55459158

Dunno about eastern euro whores, but i prefer quality over quanitity. So expect $300 for a good session.

>> No.55459165
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>women are having more sex than ever, and that's why men are having less sex than ever
self-evidently retarded take

>> No.55459186

the progressive stack was deployed to crush occupy wall street

>> No.55459267
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this is the correct answer. Before the internet, men used to spend their free time chatting with people at the bar, making new friends at the bowling alley, talking to people at bible study, etc. etc. Now they're shut-ins who spend all their time online. Men are having less sex with women because they're meeting fewer women in their day-to-day lives.

And the problem is compounded by men adopting incel ideology ("it's women's fault that women aren't having sex with me!!"). These guys spend all their time online talking to other men who have also been infected with incel ideology. They end up stuck in a self-fulfilling doom loop where they never even try to meet women or leave their computer chair and engage in hobbies that would make them an interesting person that women want to have sex with.

>> No.55459397
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oh also pornography plays a big role. Men watch a ton of porn and see that every male pornstar is tall, ripped, and has a big dick. So they convince themselves that women only want a guy who is all of those things.

in reality, most women don't care if you're muscular or not, as long as you're not fat. They don't care if you have a big dick as long as you're good at eating pussy. And they don't care if you're tall or not, as long as you're taller than them.

men basically trap themselves in a mental prison. If only they would try talking to actual women they'd realize it's all in their head.

>> No.55459407

Housing crisis began. Easier to fuck when you have a house

>> No.55459430

it means women are sharing fewer men bud

>> No.55459696
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>rise of smartphones fundamentally changing how society works and how people interact.
>Smartphones giving acces to the internet to normies at all times
>rise of dating apps and more importantly social media apps allowing women to essentially get an objective value of a man's social status/wealth via follows/likes/whatever
>dating apps/instagram/video calling allowing women access to men way outside of their geographical area, meaning men are now competing on a global scale.
>cost of living/housing crises in a lot of first world countries partially brought on by immigration, partially brought on by government money printing/inflation. Meaning a man must be earning way above average to own a house (even with mortgage) in most countries while living as a bachelor.
>women's standards raised due to global competition on the internet. Earning 6 figures is not really enough to be classed as 'rich' anymore. You must be the top of the top to get women's attention in any measurable aspect. Be it looks, money, fame.
>men now fear approaching women for romantic prospects due to fear of constantly being surveilledvia people recording their failures and posting them on social media to shame them for attempting to approach women.

There are probably a few im missing here but you get the picture. Im not saying not to try. That is a decision that only you can make but the only real option to have any real dating options/prospects is just
>yo bro just become a top 1% man in looks , money or status

There arent really any shortcuts or 'tricks' to getting women anymore. Everything is laid bare. Women can instantly see if you're a loser via your social media pages or lack of them. You simply have to be the best. And some men just arent cut out to be the best. In fact most guys arent. Most guys are average and women dont want that.

>> No.55459742

So many different factors, but definitely the Internet and smartphones being the main ones. Throw in a bit of long depressed economy making young people poorer and therefore more economically insecure and therefore lower status/lower confidence for good measure.

>> No.55459746
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Most of the answers here are correct, but, the realissues,as always, is capitalism and the expansion of alienation under it. Under capitalism people (young men) are alienated in many ways but one of the most apparent ways is alienation from their social and personal lives.

Not only has virtualization made it easier than ever to ignore getting laid, pornography, etc etc, but it is actually anti-thetical to the profit motive of most corporations to have people go out and socialize.

Most socialization is free. Sure you can go to the mall with your friends, or, you cna go to the bar,but, you don't *have* to pay to socialize. Think about most companies like discord, or, facebook, or, especially, tictok. Most of these companies get paid to keep us glued to our screens and communicating through their applications.

Hell when you aren't doing that, because they generate revenue off your data. As all you are is a data piggy to them, you are costing them revenue. It's in their own monetary interest to keep us socializing over the internet as much as possible.

What a sad world we live in and have created.

>> No.55459761
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nice cope

>> No.55459780
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>Most guys are average and women dont want that.

>> No.55459785

Decline in the priesthood.

>> No.55459800

Facebook & IPhone in 2008.

Then tinder, instagram etc. etc.

>> No.55459807

>The fuck happened in 2008

the heyday of MSN where any young male could pick up barely legal puss very easily

>> No.55459825

Rise of internet usage
Rise of phones
Rise of social media
Rise of porn
Rise of YouTube
Rise of gaming
Rise of shittier foods
Rise of clickbait/ragebait
Rise of educated women (who expect more to their own detriment, which they only realize too late)
Rise of wealth disparity
Rise of US debt
Rise of doomer ideas
Rise of dating apps

Coagulation of all these

>> No.55459828
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no m8 what you really mean is technological society.

Capitalism is just the natural order that humans default to when technology progresses to the point where mass/global trade occurs. That is why communism doesnt work. Because capitalism isnt a formal structured system with rules, it is a natural system people revert to. Capitalism is just the externalization of human's natural instincts to socialize and trade. When you TRY to put humans in a system with structure and rules to regulate trade you just get disaster as has been proven time after time.

The real problem is that technology has progressed to the point where our very social hierarchy and social rituals have been dissolved in to said technology and replaced with skinner's boxes that give us a replacement dopamine hit that said social hierarchy and rituals used to give us.

Stop reading marx, start reading Kaczynski

>> No.55459862
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>Another fake survey that neither you nor anybody you know took
People just love to consume glowslop

>> No.55459865
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I mean, yes, the urrent technologcail state of our capitalist society, but, wether capitalism is human nature or not that doesn't change the fundamental forces driving our society and driving people to become shut ins; Profits. Just because something is objective doesn't mean it is necessarily "good" according to our moral and ethical system.
Lots of fucked up shit happens in the universe and it keeps going with no care about us what so ever. Why would this be any different.

I personally do not think that capitalism is human nature and I agree that you can change the system to something better,but, assuming your proposition is true that doesn't change the fact that it is the cause of our social alienation,

>> No.55459912

When the great recession happened shittons of poorfags lost their houses, women make up an extremely small portion of homeless because most are perfectly happy pretending to love for the bennies. No bennies no pussy.

>> No.55459933

>fucking whores in China/Korea/Japan
it's over. as a white man there's no coming back from this. it's the ultimate sign you've given into pure debauchery dressed up with cope

>> No.55459939


>the fact that it is the cause of our social alienation,
Like i have explained.
Technological society is the cause of the isolation, not capitalism. If it were capitalism then people would be feeling the specific isolation we do now 100 years ago, because 100 years ago we had capitalism in it's near exact form of today. But people did not feel the kind of isolation we do today. They did not have the technological conditions we have today, hence why the mass societal sense of isolation was not present as it is today. The determining factor is not capitalism, it is our technological conditions.

>> No.55459975

Capitalism isn't the cause of these problems when the problems exist everywhere and capitalsm does not.

>> No.55459996

You haven't actually explained anything to me.
You keep asserting that it is technology andnot capitalism, yet, contrary to that belief is actual evidence which I have presented.
E.G: That it is not profitable to have us go hang out publicly. It's more proitable to keep us glued to screens where they can data mine us.
Even right now on 4chan we're having our data harvested and sold to the highest bidder.

You people are cucked out to your pro capitalist ideology and so was that faggot kaczynski,.

One of theproblems here is you do not see or understand capitalism as it was 300 years ago and as it is today as one continuous developmental and historical force. You see them as two different things, when. in reality they are superficially different but share the same fundamental properties that underline how they behave: Profits.

Capitalism does exist everywhere. It's a global economic stystem and you do see this shit everywhere.

>> No.55460114


>thinks kaczynski was pro capitalist
lol. Is there even any point in trying to converse with you? it doesnt matter which arguments i put forward if your retort is just going to be
>urmm no its capitalism its actually the evil capitalists gluing us to our screens

You literally have it the wrong way around. we are glued to our screens all day due to the progression in technology allowing us to have everything at a touch of a button. Corporations take advantage of that because we already are glued to our screens due to this advancement in tech. They arent the ones gluing us to our screens. they are simply monetizing people's attention because older methods are now obsolete due to the advancement in communication technology.
E.g. there is no point putting an advertisement in a magazine when nobody reads them anymore. Everyone is instead on their phone.

It is technology fuelling the shift. Not the capitalist boogeyman you talk about. Which as i have said, is not even a structured system, but is just a broad stroke that communists like to paint any society with that doesnt try to adhere to their retarded economic rules which do not work.

Like i said, capitalism is just our default. It isnt a rigid system and changes and moulds itself to the needs of the society and is fuelled by human nature itself in response to technological society. That is why you will not beat it. Even communist Russia had a proxy form of capitalism in place of monetary capitalism via social value.

Its like the animals at the zoo trying to come up with a new form of food distribution. The food is thrown in by the zoo keeper. Try and do what you want but you're constrained to your conditions. Our conditions being the technological society we live in

Im wasting my time even replying to you because you're obviously a complete brainlet but hopefully some of this has got through to you. Read ted's manifesto. Then read technological slavery.

>> No.55460200

>The fuck happened in 2008
Everyone's money got nuked. I only have money now because I went full turbojew.

>> No.55460347

Im not reading that gay wall of text but Schopenhauer had lots of sex. His whore mother caused his father’s death and then pissed away his inheritance which is why he disliked her.

>> No.55460359

This. Vidya scratches that competitive and fun itch men cant get anywhere in school or work due to how sterile and overly feminine those places became. And porn is easy access way to blow your load to infinite material. Is it healthy? No but neither are drugs and this is no different.
It also doesnt help that women became less rewarding and higher risk. All while demanding more from men.

>> No.55460360

Retarded faggot. His whole thesis is fucking stupid he had running water and electricity in that gay little cabin and he complained about surrogate activities while solving mathematical theorems which he had 0 reason to do so. Goddamn you 2018 niggers are retarded. Kys shitskin faggot

>> No.55460369

How about roasties stop being whores?

>> No.55460403

Women wont stop being whores until men force them to. Coping with porn and vidya is a short sighted strategy but understandable. Its better than jestering or simping.

>> No.55460431
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>rich people are getting richer therefore poor people doesnt exist

>> No.55460448

I never said kacynski wasw pro capitalist I said he was cucked by he's ideology of pro capitalism.

If what you are saying is true then there would be some objective force that you can point to that is keeping us glued to our screens. You can't just say "technology is making us do it"

We're not being forced to watch screens by an AI with a gun to our heads. What about technology, in and of itself, forces us to eyeball screens all day? What forces with in technology drive people to be hooked on screens all day?

You and your faggot daddy bomber retard cannot and could never point to anything intrisically found in technology itself that causes this phenomena to happen. It's clearly PROFITS because PRFOITS have a tangible explanation and actually are foundational what drives capitalism.

Go a head and run away now you stupid luddite.

>> No.55460605

Nobody is being forced to do anything. Corporations arent forcing you to your screen with a gun either.

The problem is that technology has immediate benefits that people use it for but people are too short-sighted to understand the long term consequences of using these advancements in tech in their day-to-day lives. Technology has huge rippling effects in society that are near impossible to predict that nobody accounts for. We are too short-sighted to even weigh these effects in to the equation and once a piece of technology is out there, it is out the for good. There is no rolling it back once it is integrated in to society. Technology is a pandoras box and furthermore, technology integrates itself in to society and becomes fundamental in that society's function once integrated.

An obvious example of what im talking about would be the invention of the automobile changing the way cities are structured and planned out, which in turn creates a world where having an automobile is actually near-mandatory and a world where small businesses suffer as does community. As the automobile becomes common place, people can obviously use them to drive to places, which means that businesses arent as bothered about having a convenient place for their store. This leads to the rise of the business park. Places out of the way where huge stores can be built and due to economy of scale, can be cheaper. This means that smaller businesses cant compete and a lot of people in communities use these small businesses to socialize. The small businesses go bust and then the people in the small communities need to buy a car to get to the supermarket 10 miles away. This means that everyone in this community is less bonded, is poorer because they now require a car, are more dependent on the system as they need to tax their car , need to have paved roads, need to have more infrastructure to support their car.

keep seething fag

>> No.55460647

Men are weak and more scared to walk to women today. It's just that simple. Making excuses for being a 40 yo virgin is just unironical cope.

>> No.55460654

Because we don't want whore sex.

>> No.55460672

Uncle Ted was right in his analysis of modern society. He was wrong about the solutions. What we have now is merely humanity unmasked and similar characteristics would have been observed in Hunter gatherer societies.
The next step is to fully replace most human interactions with AI.

>> No.55460752

>Uncle Ted was right in his analysis of modern society. He was wrong about the solutions

i agree. I think in the long term technological society cannot be beaten. It will continue it's course of destruction until we nuke each other or run out of resources. The earth will be scorched, nature will be temporarily destroyed until we go extinct. Nature will then heal.

But in the short term (our lifetime) i say ted's message is very important to understand. Unshackle yourself as much as possible from the confines of technological society, replace your surrogate activities with natural ones as much as possible (building shelter, hunting, some light form of harvesting), ween yourself off technology dependence as much as you can, even if it takes you a lifetime or decades. Try to regain as much of your autonomy as you can and try and live as much outside of industrial society as is humanly possible. While it is impossible to completely remove oneself you can still go off-grid, become as self-sufficient as you can muster and live a better life than the cattle having their freedoms eroded daily. Doing this with a small community of course would be optimal.

You can live by ted's values in shades of gray and not have to be an ideologue. Tearing the whole system down is never going to happen so you can only work in the constraints of the current environment we live in.

>> No.55460753
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But that the only way to bang JKs and OLs.

>> No.55460784

Not physically forced to do anything sure, but, we are being influenced by the drive to collect as much profit as humanly possible in our society which is a fundamental property of the system of capitalism. You cannot point to any such force with "technology" because it does not exist. This is the problem with people like Ted they think things magically influence people through some mystic force, but, the fail to ever actually explain what that force is. The things you are saying are correct, but, its only with in the system of capitalism that it really is a bad thing and it's not so much that we are short sighted, but, that we are not in control of our society, again, because of the systems of capitalism. It's actually funny that you bring up cares because cities were not planned around cars because of cars themselves existing.Actually if you understand the history of this topic you would understand that Henry Ford launched a massive propaganda campaign against the population to convince people that roads were for cars and not people because these new cars kept killing people and the population was freaking out over it. Idealists like Ted think that things happen for no reason. Marx on the underhand understood that material and historical forces shape and create societies and human behaviors.

If we had an economy where society was planned and better managed by the people who actually work on that society things would be much better.

You keep avoiding the question but again what about technology inherently makes people lurk 4chanall day?

>> No.55460794

Yeah sure you can become a cave dweller unibomber retard 2.0 if you wish. Typical idealistic faggotry.

>> No.55460796

The part Ted got wrong is that human nature isn't inflexible, we can adapt to being happy and suited to a technological environment given enough time. Just have to avoid creating an environment so adverse the species dies off before it can cope.

>> No.55460803

mass media amplifies the costs of social embarrassment and rejection, which is the real reason all the young men ITT are mentioning smartphones "ruining women" (FOR YOU)

there are literally guilds of women gossiping about local men and sharing their intimate details in group chats in every big city in America, and probably the world. women have absolutely ZERO discretion, especially if you embarrass yourself or fall short of their standards.

this is also the real reason men are "turning gay", they crave intimacy but cannot attain intimacy in an age where public and private distinctions are blurred, so other men are the only possible source of discretion.

tl;dr - its hard for men to express themselves and connect with people in an era of censorship, mass surveillance, and snitch culture. this isn't as big of an issue for women, who are natural exhibitionists.

>> No.55460850

The gynoid along with the artificial womb would be the solution.

Biological women get to fuck their chads and then raise their cats and nigglets.
Incels get to experience marital love, reproduce, and have a reason to participate in society.
Everybody would be happy.

Mark my words, the gynoid and the artificial womb will be banned in some countries, regulated in some, allowed in some, unregulated in some.
And the unregulated countries will absolutely and utterly dominate in all areas and all metrics.

>> No.55460973

Larp. The more money i make and higher status job i have, the more i get sex. Women feel way more desperate than just 10 years ago because porn has made men approach them much less than just 10 years ago.

>> No.55460989


>> No.55461010

i think you're just wilfully missing my point because you're an ideologue.

You talk about people being 'forced' or 'influenced' by technology as if they need to be. I specifically mention that people use technology for it's immediate benefits, and you ignore it. People use cars because they allow someone to move long distances. Is that really that hard to understand? Do you think that is some mystic force? an immediate benefit? Im not going to go over all of your leftist communist word fluff but i will mention that communist countries also had the exact same phenomena happen that western ones did regarding my road/car example.

>what about technology inherently makes people lurk 4chanall day?
Social media specifically (which came about due to progression in comms tech) such as 4chan, insta, tinder, whatever, are used as a replacement to social interaction that allows us to get the same dopamine hits that are biologically wired in to us associated with validation, with feelings of high social interaction, but without many of the same risks of being physically present, risk of embarrassment, risk of all of the negative associations with socializing with people. Places like 4chan specifically also gives one the sense of belonging to an in-group. People take the path of least resistance typically and this means that they actually replace normal human interaction with this due to it's low risk, high reward nature. Its kind of the same with porn and jerking off. You get the stimulation without any of the risks.

>> No.55461015

>also why don’t these men just fucking pay for a whore if it more economical
Prostitution is a natural result of society, but our matriarchal longhouse world has outlawed all but virtual prostitution. The Jesus worshippers went right along with it too, because the old female screeching was nominally agreed with their puritan virtues.

Ever noticed that established, soft-regulated red light districts are only part of the safest, nicest societies? Japan, Netherlands, Scandinavian countries.

>> No.55461019

>The part Ted got wrong is that human nature isn't inflexible, we can adapt to being happy and suited to a technological environment given enough time. Just have to avoid creating an environment so adverse the species dies off before it can cope.
this is only true to a point. technology for its own sake scales and conquers every domain of public life until it's the only thing. once you go far enough, the only "correction" comes from massive destruction because of reliance on these systems. you can never see where things are headed because technological advancements become increasingly unpredictable and difficult to control, all while making us more reliant on them.

that said, Ted is wrong in trying to condense the problem to "technology". it's the same mistake people make when analyzing "capitalism". some blame "usury". the technocrat globalists are building their Tower of Babel in a similar spirit. there's no "one weird trick to fix humanity" except for God. God has to be placed in a position of primacy or the civilization becomes untethered completely. anchored in God, all of these other problems become manageable and we have an escape from their harmful effects outside of collapse, and a safety net in case of collapse.
desperate how? I have noticed women are more likely to show interest or signal attraction in obvious ways recently

>> No.55461027


The problem with this is that it is merely a facsimile of social interaction, similar to how surrogate activities are a facsimile of having autonomy and doing actions that add to that autonomy or how porn and jerking off is a facsimile of sex. While we are getting the dopamine hits of interaction, we arent actually getting the real experience nor the social skills, social status, true social belonging, the physicality that you get with real interaction.

These things also give an instant relief to boredom intertwined with that dopamine hit of social interaction. Instant information. We see being bored as bad but being bored actually is quite important for growing an attention span, growing out an interest, forcing yourself to do things you dont want to but benefit you. You get the instant benefit of not being bored, but the long term downsides i mention that have a rippling effect throughout society.

So you get a scenario where people turn their phone in to a kind of skinners box and look towards it for that dopamine hit as a reflex.

The specific corporations making these apps arent the source of the problem, the technology is. If all of them were shut down tomorrow another would simply take their place because they are a symptom of the available technology, not a cause of it.

>> No.55461094

Yeah as you said they just hop on to men or flat out suggest a relationship, where as 10 years ago nothing happened unless you were sble to swoon them over.

>> No.55461097

What you wrote is true enough, but simply pointing out the drawbacks of a system, even if they are debilitating, does imply that an alternative system would therefore be a superior replacement.
Marxism, if it worked, would be a great system, and if you already had it, it could even maintain itself, but it cannot come about - that is the problem.
Capitalism is a simple to set up, in that it requires only violence (the ability to exert violence to uphold contracts, not constant killing), and can develop incrementally along the natural line of economic evolution of the system: somebody sets up a shop, offers others some food and lodging, or money, in exchange for working from him. The shop is successful, the business grows, he expands.
That it, over time, enters a degenerate state which resembles, even if no one actively wanted it, slavery does not mean that it did not work up until that point, or that any alternative is better just be virtue of being different.
The development can happen at all because, it is, at each stage, advantageous to maintain it, because it gets rewarded by consumers (shoutout to my friend who pointed this out to me; he was, of course, right in his conclusion, just not in his reasoning) in the form of spending. Monetarily-driven economic depressions are a second-order effect of that, as increased demand for spending power causes an increase in credit being lent out, increasing leverage in the system. When disbelief in financial market sets in at the valuations, as it always does, any downturn is amplified, cause collapses in the credit-markets, reducing the amount of money in the system. The reason for spending power goes us is partially due to companies being incentivized to corrupt the decision-making of consumers, as that is the cheapest way to be judged as sympathetic - much cheaper than engineering better products, anyway. Partly, it is artificial competition for increasingly low-utility work not yet automated away.

>> No.55461140

>> muh sex for fun
what a waste. if you aren't going to have a baby with the woman then having sex is pointless

>> No.55461177

I absolutely agree anon. I used to deeply care about the future of white people. Now they can almost all go fuck themselves. The race/nation that allows gynoids and artificial wombs will have my full support.

>> No.55461197

Every step of this process is explainable, but this process happens at all because it is functional: It does its job well-enough to be perpetuated by the people with the spending power, namely consumers in the 1st and 2nd Worlds. But even local capitalism is advantageous to those involved in it, just on a smaller scale (e.g. the small-scale farmer or shop-owner, whose products people in the local village buy).
It might not be an optimal process to go through, but is at least a possible process, whereas Marx proposed none except for collectives, as far as I know. He and related thinkers might have made this or that prediction, and though they might have been good as visions, they did not articulate what change needed to happen in people internally to effect any of these. Saying "it'll work differently" is not enough; "why and how will it work differently?" Without that information, the most simplistic way of trying to bring anything about was tried: brute force. It is uncomfortable, but if you are honest, you must account for Stalin's dictatorship, and all the others. While you might defend them (no aspersions, but if you're a tankie, you might), the fact that they can be so credibly attacked does suggest that there might really be a problem there, does it not?
The visions oftentimes weren't economically workable even for those performing them, e.g. Kropotkin's suggestion that people wanting to do astronomy should engage in industrial-scale lens-grinding. That idea is fucking ridiculous in economic terms; you can do it if you want, but if you are doing it, you really are doing it for the joy of the communal activity at that point, not with the intent to look at the stars anytime soon. If people genuinely enjoy doing that, fine, but it genuinely entail a fundamental shift in human preferences. You do have to reckon with that too: the problem *is* human nature: human nature in the execution via force, human nature in consumer preferences.

>> No.55461200

The more money you get the more likely you are to be crushed by crazy amounts or pressure and spread out as a goo in the atlantic

>> No.55461213

I have had rich young women, most of whom were pretty attractive, try to buy a relationship with me before we were even at the third date. It goes something like

>Wanna inherit daddy's company?
>Want this killer real estate deal my parents will hook us up with for our starter house?
>Want to inherit my grandparents' mansion?

I have never had a woman try the very simple trick of just trying to fuck me to get a relationship out of me. Which would have been a lot more effective than going straight to trying to buy me, which mostly creeped me out because it was way too early to bring any of that up each and every time it did come up.

There is some terrible communication snarl that seems like it makes things difficult these days. Women want to fuck 20 guys for funsies, but then won't put out for the guy they're angling for a relationship with so they try something else, and for affluent women it seems to be financial. It's weird shit. Women aren't the only ones with delusions about how to go about getting what they want from men, men have plenty of our own, but that's what I've run into thus far in my life.

Something has gone terribly, terribly wrong between the sexes, and I suspect that technology and social media grift machines that run on using people's insecurities to extract money from them has something to do with it.

>> No.55461217

all women are whores

>> No.55461313

The people suffer from the same absence of an idea as to how any of that is to happen, thus they themselves gravitate towards someone who'll use force, and they will therefore also tolerate force. Under Stalin, the people did, as a matter of fact, not rebel. This didn't make them "weak", but they, as a matter of fact, did not do it. "Who else but the glorious leader can bring it about?", they, on some level, thought, even if just as a rationalization for other people's behavior. You know, like: how's this Communism supposed to happen? "I don't know, I'm sure someone will figure it out."
All right, well, they waited for that miracle for a decades.
Life in a Communist society can be perfectly ok, and people were happy despite everything back then too, but the theory does apparently suffer from key deficiencies which manifest themselves as sub-optimal outcomes in the implementation. This isn't anyone's fault, per se; nobody needs to be "evil" for this to happen, either in the Capitalist or Communist systems. It would be the natural outcome of the system anyway, which includes the possibility of the system changing the preferences of its participants over time so as to make the system perform even worse. Influencing its participants is simply one of the effects.
As for capitalism (our idealized meme of capitalism as in "the money just flows and there's not all these problems", not the historical development of capital-C Capitalism), it does degenerate over time, yes, but it is a structurally functional system: funding gets allocated quickly to things people are good (if it can go over into malinvestment due to artificially set interest rates, which, by the way, literally everyone knows is being done, like I'm not sure what they at the Fed think they're really doing. I have no idea what the "natural" rate of interest would be, high or low, but I do know that nobody thinks that it should be 5%).

>> No.55461356

What's the divorce rate again?

>> No.55461413

How long did the Soviet computer take? 20 years, and they did have extraordinarily talented people working on it. Everyone really did his best job, or at least could have done his best job, but the outcome of a computer having a 20-year time to market was evidently sub-optimal compared to the speed of development of U.S. computers.
They had a capitalism, dysfunctional though it was, and they did bring those things out fast.
Communism is only communism (or "true communism", as people say) in the sense of a desirable end state, not as a process. Capitalism is, however imperfect, a process, not an end goal. The conflict is thus in a sense illusory; communism would be what capitalism would approach if it structurally improved. And because the global financial system is a social game we're playing (I'm not saying it's not real; every system is theoretically speaking a <<game>>, no matter what it is. So in the sense of game-theory, not necessarily non-seriousness), the only way to change it is by changing us: if people do their jobs differently, things happen differently. The problem, in a sense, *that* people do their jobs well, that is the perfidious thing: in Capitalism, people care about the "how?" and because they become obsessed with the "how?", they come to love the means of economic activity, i.e. money. In Communism, people remain greedy and selfish, but they also act on incomplete information and are overwhelmed. But they, because they care about the "what?", they come to value ideology or just "making things happen" and they act according to a maybe even well-formulated vision, but the means end up, I am sorry, but not that good.

>> No.55461415

Behavioural sink. Resources are getting more scarce so women flock to men that have the most resources and are willing to distribute them. Alot of women wont even look your way if you make less than 40k a year. I believe humanity has loss its divine spark we are closer to rats now than to god

>> No.55461425

what percentage of those divorces are initiated by men again?

>> No.55461428


>> No.55461437

It's smartphones. The internet being available to everyone at all times.

>> No.55461459

Boys were always raised to think they're entitled to a woman, and women have started to realize they don't need to be involved in this lie. An increasing percentage of women are just choosing to remain single and not even trying to date.
So if you want a relationship nowadays, you actually need to offer something. The male role of "provide in exchange for sex" doesn't really hold up anymore.
>What is the true cause is female hypergamy lead by social media
This is the actual midwit take. The media you are consuming is lying to you about this.

>> No.55461493

>teehee men are entitled
Women have always been the ones with the most demands. fuck off with the gaslighting. What the chart doesnt tell you is how many men gave up and dropped out of the rat race. When you look at antisocial behavior and unemployment for young men it becomes clear theyre the ones who decided not to participate

>> No.55461494

But they could be doing their jobs perfectly well, and even with good intentions, but this would still happen. They both have only one piece of a two-piece puzzle, namely that, if people "loved their neighbor", they still could be participating in the same sort of financial activity, but it would actually be true that "from each according to his ability, to everyone according to his need" (though it would actually have to be need, not want, so not bullshit). I'm not saying this has to be this way; just supposing that it happened, hypothetically, as some miracle: this is actually how the capitalist system would then work.
Even if you actually feel you have to bring the end state about, it would still be a project about changing "human nature"; that IS the way to thereby makes the behavior of the system approach the nebulous idea of "true communism", because people would acquire goods to provide for others in need (while also looking out for themselves, but basically). E.g. the pension fund manager promising 7% p.a. for his retirees is not really doing it for the incredibly paycheck, is he? He might as well say that he's doing it because he cares about their retirement, but the problem is that he feels pressured to promise such an unrealistic return, thus necessitates and brittle web of financial schemes and leveraged bets that are sure to blow up. The pensions would also have to understand if he's honest with them about their returns, but, whatever the percentage of real economic growth will be - and it needn't be -99% like the doomers say - no matter what, not be 7%. Even if all the issues magically disappeared somehow, nobody would seriously give "7%" as his prediction; it is beyond "extremely optimistic".

>> No.55461553

>If we had an economy where society was planned and better managed by the people who actually work on that society things would be much better.
Which people? How would they plan it?

>> No.55461584

Not that any collapse need occur, they're at the central banks and various cabinets are trying to paper over every crisis, including crises caused by them promising 7% implicitly. The S&P500 or anything else can keep growing at 7% p.a. in dollar-terms just fine, without even causing hyperinflation necessarily (though knowing us, you know: we really would need to change course here) - but then there'd be, assuming neutral growth, 7% p.a. inflation. Why did that happen? I wonder. They printed up 7% of the dollar-supply and people run it through the S&P500 which really just measures the sum of the velocities of the bidirectional flow of money through an asset (i.e. relative buy- and sell-pressure). But obviously, there's also been 7% goods-inflation. Fancy that.
This is plus-minus however much people freak out about inflation over time, but it's not a mystery that this is happening. There is no 7% risk-free return, whether it's in stocks or bonds. Returns from bonds flow back into the financial system as coupons come due, with, if indirectly, the increased money-supply flowing back into the S&P as a "safe haven" from inflation, and it just so happens that the price of the S&P tends to rise by 7% a year over the long term.
The monetary tightening effect largely comes from the belief that money is made tight by more bonds being bought, but the government of course spends the money that people give it, it does not leave the system. The only thing it restricts in real terms is credit, or it would, were the money supply in the financial system so large (this isn't spending-money, nobody is "a hundred-billion-dollar"-rich, it's not like some dragon's hoard that they have; it's just numbers on an Excel sheet that are required to move around between banks in these large quantities to make them all fit together).

>> No.55461625

He of course means communists because hes a retard who cannot learn from history.

the problem is that no matter how the society would be planned it would end up as capitalism.

Like i keep saying, capitalism isnt in itself an economic structure. It is the lack of a rigid pre-planned economic structure. It is simply the natural economic structure humans form based on mutual benefits that this anon kindly points out >>55461097. Any pre-planned system with rigid rules would quickly devolve back in to capitalism just as the charade of communist russia fell down as nobody was actually playing by the rules, especially not the elites. a lot of what these commies criticise capitalism for is simply a criticism of industrial society. They just use capitalism as a catch-all term because they dont understand that capitalism doesnt really exist.

>> No.55461734

Less than 30%, which is my point.

>> No.55461785

>Boys were always raised to think they're entitled to a woman

They are if women want the fruits of those men's labor. Women try to use the government to funnel money to themselves by taking everything from men, and thus the men opt out. "Nobody wants to work anymore!"

Men are still providing, which women are oblivious to, it's just under the boot of the government. But the boot is slipping, and it will soon find a knife in it's thigh.

Yes, the true cause of hypergamy is evolutionary and based in genetics. But those instincts evolved in societies that did not require the labor of the majority of the men to function. When the majority of men don't get women, they stop working and put all their effort into getting access to women, and the economy and society collapses. That's why polygamy doesn't work.

>When you look at antisocial behavior and unemployment for young men it becomes clear theyre the ones who decided not to participate

As a reaction to women pulling away from the deal.

>> No.55461803

But bonds are an overlapping investment between private individuals and banks: the former want it to "have a safe return", the latter want to lock in their "risk-free rate". It is a risk-free rate: it's the risk-free rate of inflation. The credit markets are the risky rate of inflation, because lower the "risk-free rate" goes, the more leverage they have to take on to maintain "expected" returns, making any crisis caused by the increase in the "risk-free rate" a bit worse each time. The rate itself is risk-free, but it causes all the risk in the system.
But even so, it's not actually decreasing the money supply - it does in the moment, but it doesn't if you abstract away when anything showed up in markets. High leverage rations do precipitate these crises (whether higher leverage in credit markets, or in stocks in terms of yearly returns: if buy a share, you buy a perpetual but transferrable bond of the company which could have its yield in yearly payments or the increase in market share - in the latter case being illusory since, the stock owner really just sees the amount of additional money being printed on his PnL, not anything he is being continuously paid), but the crises do get bailed out (if those of friends, however one defines "friends", more so), and fairly reliably so. They have some bank lending program or accounting rule revision for every eventuality, thus they can handle these perpetually occurring financial crises, in principle, well at this point, but the crises are mathematically bound to keep occurring, and I'm also not sure what they think they're doing with those interest-rates, even for themselves.
A bond is like a coiled snake, read to strike: when it matures, or rather, when interest rates get lowered again, the inflation will be that much greater.
It doesn't matter whether it's now or later, that inflation will occur, and the FED can just choose the "when". But insofar as they keep printing money, that it happens won't change.

>> No.55461806

A look at all the fucking essays ITT is a perfect example of why women aren't fucking (these particular) men

>> No.55461813

why? Because women are stupid? Is that what you're saying? Very misogynist of you.

>> No.55461820
File: 69 KB, 695x793, 1688007482817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think you're missing mypoint because you are an ideologue

No retard. That is YOU.

If you are going to say that rtechnology is responsilbe for something then you need to explain, fundementally how it is. You're caught on the idea of being "forced" but being influenced isn't the same as force.

You can be influenced not to murder people but not forced to no murder some one through law. Retards like you are so fucking annoying and stupid they think that laws don't influence human behavor or that some how people can only do things outside of their own will through some one putting a gun to their head. it's fucking retard and you are fucking retarded beyond belief and need to stop posting and finish your homwork.

You're ignoring the fact that you cannot prove or explain how technology influences people other than through nebulous ideas like "bro peopole are so myopic and shit bro like you don't understand we don't understand what technology is gonna do bro!!!!"

It's nonsense and you are a massive faggot.
I have explained several times how profits influence human behavior and how we make money to these companies who are incentivized to keep us on these screens and its very precedent but you are so enamored by capitalism you will do literally anything and believe literally whatever bull shit (even the bullshit that came out of the mouth of the fucking unibomber) in order to justify su[porting and defending that ideology.
>muhhh technology


>> No.55461876

people use technology for it's immediate benefits

What the fuck are you talking about 'influencing people' you utter retard?

People use their phone (which is technology) because it provides near endless entertainment with zero friction at any convenient time and allows them to access near infinite amounts of information. That is the the immediate benefit of the technology.

That is what 'influences' people. Why is this so hard for you to understand? This obviously changes people's behaviour because they are using their phones as a source of entertainment, and as i have mentioned it has a lot of downstream effects on all facets of society, that were not able to be predicted when the technology of smartphones was released to the public.

Those being, social isolation, addiction to social media and devices, depression, stagnation in social skills as people use smartphones more than actually socializing, breakdown in social structures, changes in the dating market, Stuff that we are all seeing in society as a direct response to the advent of this technology, which is the rise of the internet and smartphones.

Im making literally the simplest of points and you still cannot grasp it. Are you just stupid? Your posts read like you're esl so perhaps you are just stupid.

>> No.55461881

incel vibes ngl

>> No.55461888

I'm sorry you guys dislike that your pet economic system is responsible for destroying humanity, society and the planet.

I really don't want to get into the discussion of the viability of planned economic systems, but,you lot love so much to cherry pick your favorite points in hisotry when I could compare the USSR to many other countries durring that same period in which it was far superior too, but, ,it doesn't do any good because the USSR is cursed by propaganda spread by the united states o I can just point out that other democratic societies that were run and socialist and planned were more successful and we could frankly probably base something superior off these economies and, contrary to the ludditie in the room, we could use technology to our advantage rather than it being a fucking issue like it is under capitalism.

>> No.55461892

But, then again, I'm not sure what we are doing, trying to call the Fed's bluff or "end the Fed". What does it matter whether they cut? They will cut at some point, and then, some time later, we'll be hearing constant whining about the inflation and the "irresponsibly loose Fed monetary policy". It's just how it works: interest rates rise, people buy bonds to "recharge" for the next "rally", leading to inflation. The only degree of freedom when in time the peaks and throughs of these effects overlap and what interactions they cause, e.g. a banking crisis co-occurring with an industrial expansion could halt the expansion due to lack of funds.
The real rate of inflation is not in the S&P, or in M2, or in the bond market, though it's not unrelated. Technically every little mini-market, even a group of a few friends, though there in non-monetary terms, has some rate of inflation, but as an approximation, there's consumer-goods-inflation and capital-markets-inflation, with financial-asset-inflation sitting between them and being affected by both of this, because it functions as the transmission: people sell financial assets to buy real assets, while banks use these financial assets as investment vehicles, and they themselves interact with the money markets. The goals of these three are, to some degree, just inherently incompatible, thus the occurrence of some periodic crisis or other.
The rate of consumer-goods-inflation can be low while the prices of assets are high, but when people try to transfer financial wealth into real wealth, they either find out they can't, because the market has crashed due to disappearing buy-side-liquidity, or because enough people have already sold financial assets for real ones that financial-asset-inflation has already transferred into consumer-goods-inflation.

>> No.55461894

TINDER happened

>> No.55461905
File: 75 KB, 600x450, 1h6oqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the amount of commie cope in this post is hilarious.

>> No.55461909

What the fuck are you talking about immediate benifits? Do you not understand that sociological phenomena effect people or something? Are ypou seriously retarded? Things dn't just happen for no reason people don't just do things for no fucking reason lmao.

Technology isn't alienating for no reason you moron it has an economic system BEHIND IT producing and driving it to be and behave a certain way. technology is an objective fact of reality that is neither good or bad it is a TOOL that is used by humans who have no control over how those tools are created or maintained.

the system of capitalism created a walled garden around technology and that's why it's fucking bad. Jesus christ dude you fucking high school fags think everything happens in a bubble. the world isn't that simple kid,.

>> No.55461915

What are you talking about? What cope? I am not the one defending an economic system that is going to cause the extinction of the human race.

>> No.55461960

Why does a man need a woman?

>> No.55461972

They told everyone to go back to school, get loans to get the credit machine moving. A lot of these people had no business being there & they got gender degrees.

Should've ended there, but then they made up BS jobs with no deliverables and six figure salaries. They did it through the language, some form of witchcraft. I could only watch.

>> No.55462002

But leaving Capitalists aside: communism is, as said, does require a change in human nature, that is not a joke. It is not an accidents that the Soviets tried to create a "new Soviet man", and I can believe that efforts of many involved were well-intentioned, but the effort did involve force, and the force in the interaction is self-defeating: force cannot make a "new man". No effort marked by violence can bring about any new man, it can merely beat the old one into submission.
But that they tried did have a reason behind it: people refused to behave how they wanted, and (even if their motivation was to help "the people"), and they did not know why. Thus could not have "helped" them become "new Soviet men" if they wanted to. To some degree, sometimes, but more often than not, it was counterproductive.
So while I agree that the system you're proposing does sound nice, and you do feel, even rightly, maligned because people refuse to see it your way (and I do), being angry about it, even if it is natural, just as a matter of fact, counterproductive. "Communism" as a brand is maligned enough as it is, but over and above that, you would have to imagine yourself how all of this could come about before trying to convince anyone else. Once you do that, you can explain it calmly, but independently of that, you do have to explain it calmly, and not violently, as violence is, to "true communism", self-defeating.

>> No.55462027

Technology literally shapes the very economic and societal system you live under you utter dolt. You are literally to blinded by your commie bullshit to even see what im talking about as anything other than a capitalism vs communism argument.

Feudalism only came about because of the advent of technology allowing people to ride horses in battle and create armour, leading to the rise of knights. These knights were seen as a precious resource, didnt have to work in fields etc and were given land for protecting the townsfolk. This lead to lords and eventually to kings.

Then as the industrial revolution came about the merchant class arose, the use of knights gave way to footsoldiers with guns, people moved from lord owned lands to towns/cities. Agriculture could be performed with machines rather than peasants, mass production became viable, The system literally was shaped by changes in technology, not the other way around.

Lets say for sake of argument, there came a piece of technology that solved world hunger. Like they could magically clone food for free, like you could print it at home with a 3d printer with nothing but sand. The primary benefit of this would be that you could literally magic food out of nowhere, great right. But this would have a profound impact on literally every aspect of society. Every farm on earth would go out of business, the way that society was structured would change because people wouldnt need to work in order to eat. Stores would go out of business and the whole way cities are structured would change. World population would skyrocket. The way government and businesses run would fundamentally change and we wouldnt live under capitalism as we know it now at all.

This is the point im trying to get through to you.

>> No.55462042

>there were no porn and games before 2008

>> No.55462053

technology again is a tool. It's an objective thing that exists. Neither good or bad as I previously stated. It can have a profound impact on human society in cases. But it ultimantly is the economic systems of the time that drive human behavor and the development of technolgoy.

You have the cart before the horse.

the whole basis of the capitalist system is using profits as a means to reinvest in your company and generate greater returns through innovation. That is what drives the development of technology. Wars fought over land, resources, food, etc etc all through out history that is what has driven the advancement of technology.
It's human need that drives the development of technology you have it way backwards.

>> No.55462063
File: 19 KB, 388x406, rs7kpks2sxq51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would women want to settle for low T males like chuds?

>> No.55462086

What I'm saying is that communism functions like Christianity. It actually is Christianity-as-an-economic system, but implemented violently because nobody knows how to bring it about. Naturally, being that the economic is political, people try to bring it about by means of political violence - a completely self-defeating effort.
What's wrong about it is, in a sense, that it's an economic system: it doesn't work as an economic system because it is not one. Directly trying to put *mandatory unselfishness* into the political system leads to robbery and murder. It is internal "mandatory unselfishness", which then leads to non-mandatory external unselfishness. Insofar as everyone is voluntarily unselfish, the functioning of even a capitalist system (modulo weaknesses in the financial architecture) would work according to the slogans espoused in communist thinking, but precisely NOT in the violent way. Nobody would be going door-to-door, robbing people; it would be a descriptive, not a normative, statement that "people help those in need" and "share what they have". It works as the *goal* of an economic system. capitalism in the non-pejorative sense works as the means to bring about economic prosperity (which is not the same as human prosperity, since I think you would agree in general that we, as a species, are shittifying the environment, whether you think it's your problem or not).
Marx was a very devout man in his own way, even if he didn't always or even often ethically; but he was religious in the "raw" sense of the word. Having grown up in Christian (and guilt-based) society, he reproduced what was his conception of the "ideal system". The funny thing is that he was even correct, but, even if not he himself, but his followers definitely did not read it in the right way.
Because it's Chrisianity-but-external, i.e. trying to "create the new man", but in others and not in oneself, it doesn't work, the transformation isn't correct.

>> No.55462103

The correct transformation of the value system is not "internal goals => external trying to force it", but "internal goals => external changes in the world that realize the goals", i.e. if, as said, we provide for each other out of our own free will, then the world will move towards such as state that neither poverty nor government welfare programs exist, independently of the appropriateness, efficiency, or practicality of such centralized solutions in the real world.

>> No.55462104

Capitalism is not human nature you moron. Humans existed for millions of years prior to the existence of capitalism. it is not human nature to control massive monopolies and control 81% of the entire housing market. It is not human nature to own property.

No one wants to argue against your strawman about the soviet union for the millionth time actually say something that matters

>> No.55462112

I tell you about true communism, yet you reject it.

>> No.55462114

Are you done jerking off publicly?
you people are literally the worst most ideology faggots on earth kill yourself.

>> No.55462117

you have no idea what you are talking about and you are a snide faggot.

>> No.55462119

>But it ultimantly is the economic systems of the time that drive human behavor and the development of technolgoy.
This is WRONG. I literally gave you numerous examples of technology changing economic systems and human behaviour in >>55462027

>It's human need that drives the development of technology
this is partially correct. Humans want the path of least resistance. So they create technology to do so. They do this independent of which economic system they live under. Communistic tribes will create technology/tools for the immediate benefits they give. But none think about the long term effects of said technology.

>> No.55462125

Every single example you gave can be explained apriori by motives other than technology as I explained. Apperently you cannot read.

Technology is not the modius operandi for society COPE squeaker.

>> No.55462129

Maybe. But what I described is about that "true communism" you, and I know I'm being a bit snide here, but always wanted.
My goal isn't to win an argument or to get you angry. But if you call yourself a "communist" (if you do), why would you not be interested in reading it?

>> No.55462138

> I am attractive and socially competent enough to attract a chick to sleep with me
> I had to pay some whore, whose profession is to whore and spread her legs to any dude who's paying, to sleep with me

Surely you can tell the difference between the two.

>> No.55462145

iPhone released.

>> No.55462146

I have been lurking long enough and had enough of these arguments to know that you faggots on this board are to maligned in your own special snowflake ideologies to change your minds about anything so I refuse to participate in an exercise in futility. You've already decided you are correct no matter what gets said to any of you.

Look at this retard who thinks technology is the modius operandi of all of human society.

It's completely pants on head retarded.

>> No.55462147
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>feudalism broke down at the advent of the industrial revolution because... it just did okay!?! I-it was the capitalists. they want profit!

ah yes of course.

>> No.55462165

No you douche bag as you said: Fedualism a became possible because of horses and technology enabling waring factions and more well defined social rolls.

which might be true but if you are to stupid to see that it was conflicts between pre feudal societies that drove the creation of that technology and not the other way around I cannot help you.

>> No.55462181

What I decided about anything doesn't matter to you. I'm just some anon saying something, not your personal enemy. I said it for your benefit. You don't have to believe me, but it's at least an unexpected thing for someone to say, maybe worth a read.
I said nothing about technology as such, by the way. You said that because I described a technology.

>> No.55462185

>men bad
>women good

>> No.55462193

My guy you don't even know what I believe. You have labeled me as a communist a priori simply for daring to critique the system of capitalism. Simply saying that "profits influencing everything is bad" is apparently enough to get you labeled a communist in 2023

>> No.55462219

Fedualism didnt 'become possible' becuse of these shifts in these technologies. It literally arose because of them. Its not like there were people sat around designing gedualism. It naturally arose due to the change in technology that created the conditions for it .

I would say the 'modius operandi' for society (you're misusing that phrase btw) is biology. It is our own biological framework we are slaves to that shape our very society, ethics, everything.

We create technology to accomodate our biology, to make things easier, to get more out of less effort. We are too smart for our own good because we are a unique species that creates tools that fundamentally shift the way our habitat operates. No other animal does this.

So then you get technological progress effecting the conditions of society, which then change the ideology of that society.

There, now will you shut the fuck up and denounce communism now?

>> No.55462225

But you are correct, I did forget one thing: when I say "things could work in a capitalistic manner" - they could, but due to people's behavior changing, company culture would also change internally. A private company currently works like a dictatorship, not because every boss has the personality of a dictator, but simply because it's expected of him to make all the decisions because he's "the boss". To be clear, it can be efficient that one guy makes all decisions in times of crisis, but the question is whether that authority is consciously freely accorded to him, as in "you take charge now", or whether he does actually behave like a petty dictator. A company could, however, function as a democracy as well (though suffering from the same problems as political democracies). This is what the people wanting those worker coops want to achieve, I would presume. Ownership could also be equally distributed, or the workers and investors together could vote on the members of the board, which already functions like a "senate", etc. This would still be a limited liability in the capitalist sense, though run under a different paradigm.

>> No.55462238

I haven't been following the argument, but I'm guessing it's because pointing to muh capitalism is an easy trick every 15 year old communist learns from watching youtube. you don't realize how dumb you look trying to source all of the world's problems to a loosely defined boogeyman that, once fixed, will return the world to its natural state of good and harmony. it's dumb and reveals your childish perspective.

any excesses of capitalism you can point to can just as easily be blamed on the decline of social ties and obligations and moral boundaries in a "secular" society that can only form a consensus in terms of material benefits.

property rights and the market economy are not the source of all evil in the world. ideological frameworks do not have solutions that work in reality. unwed yourself from that word.

>> No.55462243

youre living under a rock.
Remeber men arent needed all it takes is a few dudes and a bunch of women to populate a place.

>> No.55462311

I'm not an anti-communist, I used the term out of convenience.

>> No.55462358

>Ever noticed that established, soft-regulated red light districts are only part of the safest, nicest societies? Japan, Netherlands, Scandinavian countries
Iceland and Ireland for example are safe and nice and they punish sex buyers. Stop confusing correlation with causation, you coomer parasite.

>> No.55462457
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Those whores are hotter than what I can get locally.

>> No.55462464

Birthrate is cratering

>> No.55462572

>18 pbtid
>all retarded faggotry
Damn you stupid lmao

>> No.55462603

>Midwit take, why the fuck would I blow potentially hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars taking these women in america on dates when i can just hop over to asia and have sex with 7-8+/10 women while i’m there.

Wow, you sound like you're having a great time and really happy. I mean, who wants love and a warm best friend to wake up to in the morning anyway, sharing your life with? Nah, not me. I'm not a midwit, of course.

>> No.55462615
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True. Stay based fren

>> No.55462626

Schopenhauer was known for being a lady’s man and fervent womanizer lol

>> No.55462628

No you moron it became an economic system due to the influence of previous economic systems that came before it. Mostly mercantile forms of capitalism. You're to stupid to understand how ass backwards you're view is. I'm done

>> No.55462634

>keep seething fag
Your hero was literally a tranny lmfao

>> No.55462642

But that's where we disagree. It's not ideas that shape society but society that shapes peoples ideas. Society influences the behavior of people are right now the modius operandi of our society is profits. That is the end all be all to our society and you will have a society that becomes shaped around that as time unfolds. Men create their own history but not as they please.

>> No.55462659

Blood is the only thing history rests on. Niggers and slaves will never amount to anything. All revolts throughout history have been organized by a small elite cadre of men. The Bolsheviks and National Socialists were merely in the hundreds once and they managed to leverage their immense belief in their own superiority to the point where they killed all that stood in their way. Your retarded communigger theories will never be correct.

>> No.55462668

You act like the bottom thing is readily available ever since boomer implemented no fault divorce marriage. For every one that exist there are 10 examples where the girl either cheated or you get divorced rape.

>> No.55462679

>love and a warm best friend to wake up to in the morning anyway
lol. lmao even.

>> No.55462686

First world fat roasties are not having children with “high status” (retarded nebulous concept in this scenario used by retarded people like you) men. What’s the point of saying the nonsense you’re saying?

>> No.55462696

You shouldn’t fuck third world roasties either btw. Ultimately all women are whores and you have to figure out something else entirely if you are to find a woman with a hymen.

>> No.55462750

>It's not ideas that shape society but society that shapes peoples ideas.
They are in mutual interaction, in a feedback loop; both are true.
But it is also true that the decision-making, or utility-functions, of people have been systemically corrupted by the prevailing system. It's an inherent effect of it, but it was also caused by it.

>> No.55462771

You can really tell who the sexless losers here are. There no such thing as a trad virgin waifu, at least not anymore that shipped fucking sailed in high school.

That why you can either wait to get chad and tyrone sloppy second or you can go to eastern europe and asia. At least the girls there are more beautiful than their western counterparts on average.

>> No.55462778

How to tell the world you aren't married

>> No.55462816

It really sucks how 4chan is full of normal one having weed smoking disgusting fat ass millenials. Just clear all of these niggers out

>> No.55462822

Hey i’m a weed smoking millenial fuck off. Idk where these blue pilled fags came from. Fuckers will never know how good it feels to nakadashi in a JK.

>> No.55462940
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Hello bot. I think communism is bad because with communism we wouldn't have Yankee Candles. Currently burning Beach Walk. Have you smelled before? Shits so cash. Show me which Marxist candle maker that has over 600 fragrances? I use these because they smell good, same way I use technology (at times) because its entertaining and convenient to make my house smell good, not because of "profit".

Also, the technology we're all complaining about here is brought to us from the military/government. Larger government would not get us out of this. Also tell me in detail what you think about Yankee Candles.

>> No.55463001


>> No.55463014
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it always bounces back so the real question is why didn't it bounce back in the early-mid 2010s? The answer is people are just generally mean or rude these days. I've noticed though that wealthier people are -usually- nicer.

>> No.55463027

You forgot to mention the absolute chads having 20 harem of women they rotate around.
The men having sex with roasties is a small amount hence rising virgin statistics.

>> No.55463044

About time someone said it. This is proof /biz/ is nothing but zoomers.

>> No.55463045

We never had pure kino entertainment so easily accessible.
Getting stiff in the 80s and 90s wasn't easy.

>> No.55463122
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"rich" larp rappers blowing up in late 00s/early 10s making the status game a million times harder. Bitches got on that DJ khaled level.

>> No.55463168
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>> No.55463171

the constant bombardment of negativity from social media has turned people into shut-ins. too many young men have learned how to talk to women from the internet and come to the conclusion that a.) any spontaneous expression of affection is unwanted and rapey or b.) women aren't worth their time.

there's also a huge surplus of men in fields like CS (82% male) and engineering (81% male). these people end up flooding Tinder since they don't interact with women at work or school. they're also socially inept (due to infrequent interactions with women and the fields being filled with the autistic types) and get zero pussy.

>> No.55463250

Really common for young men to be scared to talk and interact with women nowdays. I first thought it was some shit people were just memeing about online but I've seen it happen irl many times. That problem is going to get worse but honestly it's a positive for men who aren't fucking pussies.

>> No.55463263


>> No.55463281
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I eat porn and watch video games and I have hard time getting it up for my cute wife. My hedonism poisoned my body now I don't know how to fix it

>> No.55463282

I would unironically throw myself at this woman and constantly make sexual comments to her face (I have done this to women in the past and has worked fairly well)

>> No.55463288

All of these men are sharing women? They have sex with women who have been creampied by other men?

>> No.55463326

Though physically able to reproduce, the mice had lost the social skills required to mate.[6]

That's every NEET on /biz/.

>> No.55463596

>a vagina
>of some sort

>> No.55463669

Kaczynski's cabin did not have indoor plumbing or electricity and he wasn't doing mathematics there.
He stated in several interviews that he thought math was a waste of time and that he only worked as a professor so he could make enough money to buy a piece of land.

>> No.55463755

Chads do not care about purity, only the larper 'chads' on here bring it up.

>> No.55464027

It's asking what came first the check ken or the egg? You need material reality for history to unfold. That being said sure it's a feed back loop but people and systems don't become corrupt for no reason. It is again the system of capitalism that incentives such behavior

>> No.55464190
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>The fuck happened in 2008
Isn't it obvious? I sold my young male virginity.

>> No.55464228

anon, you have to actually include the country you are talking about in the chart.

One of the things that is great about canada is that its an easy place to meet women.

>> No.55464287

You idiot I did mention this, it’s called hypergamy

>> No.55464783 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55464787 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55464795 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55464936

You fucking retarded commie you WERE NOT FUCKING THERE in the communist USSR or in any of the countries post ussr, it was fucking HELL. Machine run on fucking CORRUPTION, nobody had ANYTHING, except for the oligarchs, the elite class. You ate, drank and breathed propaganda. I hate you fucks so much it's insane, living in your fairytale fantasy world detached and deluded, thinking that fucking COMMUNISM is the solution of all things.

There's always people who WILL NOT EVER play by the rules, psychopaths, the likes. And they will exploit your retarded ass, fucking minors on a private island, while you wait in line with fucking foodstamps only to find out that after 5 hours of waiting, there is no more beef in the store and you go home with a fucking sack of potatoes.
I swear you retarded ideologoues should be eradicted from this planet.

How the fuck did you even find your way to /biz/? This must be bait right? And I just ranted for no reason?

>> No.55465054

Seethe and cope USSR boomer retard.
No one in 2023 believes in revisionist USSR bullshit.

>> No.55465227

>t. real incels
Anyone who had real sex with a real woman knows how hard it is to satisfy ONE let alone two or more

>> No.55465250

you pussies just need catgirl coin bag

and 900% of your problems fade away

>> No.55466827


lol its the bell curve thing
>incels: women just want gigachads
>midwits: women want nice guys like me!!!
>gigachads: women just want me

I bang them once every 10 days and they keep coming back happy, always from 2~4 girls on rotation (not exactly like that, it varies)

>> No.55467035

What's your secret? Are you just hot?

>> No.55467068

>what happened in 2008
>he asked on the finance board

>> No.55467079

women dont want to have sex. sex is scary to them. it used to be they didnt have a choice but now they do and they choose no

>> No.55467081

Smartphones and the internet happened.

>> No.55467087

those aren't even symptoms though both porn and games began way before 2008 and both had strong growth trends before it

>> No.55467105

smartphones ----> social media -----> dating apps ------> female hypergamy

Historically men had to compete against other men for women, but due to tech women now compete against other women for Chad. 80% of men are perma-sidelined in the 'dating market' now

>> No.55467111

because the us has retarded laws

>> No.55467115

My meme answer is that most men are now so asexual and awkward that they are wholly incapable of arousing emotion in women, or talking to them in a sexually charged way. I've had good success just saying they had pretty hair or 'seem like a kind person', but many men are terrified of even flattering women, because they are terrified to look 'creepy'. These days, you need balls and some social subtlety to get ahead.

>> No.55467124

don't quit your day job

>> No.55467126

Nobody thinks like this. Everyone knows that women are paid to fuck these dudes.

>> No.55467141

don't even bother arguing with these people they'll claim capitalism is the cause of everything no matter how many times its proven otherwise

>> No.55467147

women are stupid whether you hate them or not

>> No.55467159

Pretty much this. Chad can now bang 100s of whores through social media. It’s unironically over until women’s rights are revoked. Worthless holes have proven themselves undeserving and unworthy.

>> No.55467235

>couldn't settle because of it.
Women do not settle or date-down (date men who they think are beneath them). Men do. Like I said, when men competed against for women, the guys who didn't get the prettiest girl in school would all eventually settle for some other girl, marry, have kids, and society functioned.
Now because of social media and dating apps you have women competing against women for 10% of men and they NEVER settle. If they don't get Chad, they will slut around, sip wine, focus on their "career" until they reach their 30s and have 0 sexual value.

>> No.55467291
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>made by bunch of tech nerds
>Google takes control

>social media
>made by non jewish (myspace, aol, youtube)
>now jewish control facebook, insta, reddit, youtube

>dating websites
>created by non-jews (match, eharmony)
>jews make tinder, bumble, Ashley madison

>created by ??
>sbf and others come along
>completely dominate the industry
>their scams eventually fall apart
>lose control of crypto
>SEC steps in and sues everyone

Really a strange pattern when you think about it. I wonder how a social movement aimed at criticizing the wealthy elite was hijacked by an anti-white middle class smear campaign

>> No.55467312

this correlates perfectly with the popularity of Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare and the porn industry dropping their paywall and moving to tube sites

>> No.55467399

Financial crisis. It never actually went away. People have been robbed of their money, energy, and good will. Lots of people have noped out of society. I've tried for over ten years to reintegrate and there's just no upward trajectory for anybody. I don't know of anybody that has gotten a decent job since the financial collapse that are around my age. Everybody is stuck in the exact same position unless they've moved once every two years. But, those people have no equity.

>> No.55467552

>Men are weak and more scared to walk to women today.
Me Too ruined that

>> No.55467589

This and
>Bitcoin/ crypto is invented
Number of incels increase

>> No.55467679

incel vibes

>> No.55467696

Yea why the fuck am I going to risk my livelihood and my career for a mid piece of ass. I’d rather go abroad and go balls deep in a JK.

Same cucks in my work place that say happy wife equals happy life.

>> No.55468064

>The fuck happened in 2008

>> No.55468189
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Project harder, Schlomo.

>> No.55468199
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>Really a strange pattern when you think about it. I wonder how a social movement aimed at criticizing the wealthy elite was hijacked by an anti-white middle class smear campaign
No one nose.
Must be a cohencidence.

>> No.55468485

I got a rating service from some looksmax guy, he said I'm a 5 LMAO, maybe the field is easier here in Brazil, but there is definitelly game involved because before I read theredpill, I wouldn't get laid. And I started fucking imediatelly after.

>decent body
>no shame, I can make sex jokes or cold approach whenever I feel its "valid"
>confidence in that I'm amazing
>good verbal skills

thats it man, also I don't fuck the hottest girls, I'd say most I fuck are 6's, some 7's, very very few 8's if any.
>have been to a bachelorette's party, 9 women and me, four of them sucked me off, the bride was "faithful" and only licked my balls

I'd teach if there were people interested

>> No.55468554

homosex got invented.

>> No.55468577

>That last story

Well you could teach but if I hear this it's just confidence and the Red Pill. Is there anything you could teach that is not taught by a Red Pill guru?

I can see why the Red Pill works but it always seemed like you need to destroy your emotions to use it desu. You constantly need to game women and keep them on their toes with that method

>> No.55468597

Also with reading the Red Pill, do you mean reading Roissy? The reddit? There's not really a book called the red pill

>> No.55468803 [DELETED] 

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55468825

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55468968

indeed you could just read the sidebar and start approaching girls yourself, but I could help with the process. Same as going to the gym with or without a personal trainer. Especially since today the sub has gone to shit and there's a lot of mra/incel stuff there. To make it clear, men have been fucked over by the (((system))) that is correct, but thinking about it doesn't get you laid

I don't "game women" too hard, in fact it's more what I DON'T say than what I do. For example, I don't talk about myself. About my stories etc unless they ask. I don't say sorry when I cum fast etc. And good dread game is when you're just enjoying yourself and forget about them, not the stuff nerds do on purpose (trying to attack the girls or make them insecure, bragging about fucking other women)

First of all read the sidebar of reddit/theredpill. I don't know today but it used to be very good. Learn how to deal with shit tests.
Back in the day I remember I liked Whisper, some others I forgot. The rational male is a basic read, Mark manson (models and stop giving a fuck), Book of Pook, Patrice O'Neal is a tryhard but it's fun to watch, Craig Ferguson is more of my style (just having fun with them),

Today's best of the best author is Woujo. Coroneus Phocis on youtube is very interesting . I prefer learning the whole dynamic between male/female than just looking for "cheap tricks". Not because I think it's wrong or I'm morally superior, but because once you understand and internalize the principles". You just ARE the man!

>> No.55469047

I'm 32 and never even had a date. Its over. I wish I was born in 1930s. I would've had a loving wife and kids and I would've died a fulfilled and happy man.

>> No.55469170

Thanks for the tips. You inspired me to finally grab Heartiste on game, it can be found online. It's very good.
If you ever teach some guys, it's probably best to do in real life coaching. Most austists just need to be Red Pilled thoroughly but then get practise, that's what they ultimately lack.

>> No.55469254

The red pill is a lie. The black pill is what we’re really living in. Your “game” tips are cope and a waste of time UNLESS you’re a chad. But (you) are not.

>> No.55469259
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this is cope. women are also having less sex as well

we are going full japan

>> No.55469270

cope. NTpill is a blackpill on its own you poser.

>> No.55469274

you wouldve been died in the dust bowl or lived long enough get drafted to ww2 and die there

>> No.55469283

Yeah I wish I was born before modern technology.

>> No.55469356

You're not wrong. Women my age have all spent a decade or more riding CC.
>Just date younger bro
Some zoomer with pink hair and tattoos that twerks for niggers on TikTok? No thanks.

>> No.55469373

Yeah I remember being in college back then. Was easy for average guy to get an average girl. Now average guys are supposed to settle for used up whore that's fat covered in tattoos and fucks niggers? No thanks.

>> No.55469939

>you wouldve been died in the dust bowl or lived long enough get drafted to ww2 and die there
and I'd argue that that would be preferable for a lot of guys.
At least his life would be determined one way or another.
for a lot of history, you're either dying real quick in a war or returning home to fertile pussy. Life gives you a decision by age 25 or so.
now we have a bunch of 30-some year old virgins in purgatory that should have found glory or death on a battlefield.

>> No.55470160


Why don’t yall go overseas and pay for an escort. Seriously it not hard and with a western salary you are getting the cream of the crop.

>> No.55470173

most poor men were not getting married. ever read of mice and men? tons of men, only one woman who is dating the rich guy

>> No.55470175

I've slept with over 50 women, had a few 3 year relationships, lost my virginity a decade ago. I'm just able to acknowledge the chart and what it is telling me. As the anon said, we're going full Japan, even if I'm personally having sex.
I make $250k/year, so ya I could also pay a top tier foreign escort if I wanted.

>> No.55470201

I mean it fucked because the breakdown in marriage/family unit. You can either wallow in misery or you can control your own actions and do you.

I think the right way is to just go overseas and get laid, it cheaper, it more cost effective and the quality is miles above anything else.

Inb4 some incel thinks this is exclusive to Asia. You can go to fucking eastern europe and fuck the whores there if you like white women so much.

>> No.55470491

/fit/ tourist here, that image is obviously fake. there is no woman alive that can squat or deadlift 760 pounds. The highest is just over 600 and the woman that did it looks like a gorilla. I have nothing else to contribute to the thread.

>> No.55471312

Obama and his friends pushed their trash "culture"

>> No.55472654

>most poor men were not getting married. ever read of mice and men? tons of men, only one woman who is dating the rich guy
I've read of mice and men.
What came just after the time period of that novel? A massive global war
shit is cyclical I guess.
to me, the best period to be alive seems to be returning from a war you won with minimal homeland damage

>> No.55472676

The wealthy statrted to horde everything on account of the scare. The boomers lost the generosity they were taught. It all trickles down to free sex being faken away at the bottom.

>> No.55472914

A recession happened, anon.

>> No.55473518

Buddy, just from the tone of your post, we know you aren't getting women. Nobody believes that you have any success with women when you sound like a whiny incel spouting out the most terminally online talking points about women. The fact is that chances are you're meeting the bottom-of-the-barrel women, but that's because all the best ones have already found a great dude to settle down with. You aren't having trouble pulling women because they're getting worse, the fact of the matter is you're just getting older and you're getting to that point where the younger women don't want to sleep with you because they see you being old and single as a red flag and the women your age who are still single are still single for a reason and it's not a good one. Sorry to break the news to you bro, but you missed out on finding a good wife, they've already settled down.

>> No.55474660

I can't wait until we put people like you against a wall, or through the hole of a noose. You will drag us all kicking and screaming back to the stone age.

>> No.55474687

>The fuck happened in 2008
Bitcoin got invented

>> No.55474696
File: 126 KB, 631x903, 1688518702226764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say this every time this specific statistic and/or chart is brought up, but get a new chart. 2018 was six years ago, we've had camsites go mainstream and covid since then to make the percentages even more terrifying, so the 27% figure is somewhat misleading because it makes you think the situation is better than it actually is. This chart also only considers female sex partners, so volcels who are gay or transitioned inflate its numbers.

>posting in a demoralization thread

>> No.55474997

it’s the opposite, anon. legalizing prostitution would fix most of the problems people are talking about in this thread.

>> No.55475092

those are relatively recent changes, it was legal there for a long time.

>> No.55475114

No it doesn't.
t. virgin Dutch gigamanlet

>> No.55475147

I thought you turned 29?

>> No.55475279


>> No.55475335

anon, game is the only thing that can save you
divorced three times
>Will Smith
not divorced but his wife publicly cucks and humiliates him
>Brad Pitt
>Tom Brady
money, looks, fame, power, none of them can save you. only the ability to control her emotions.