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File: 26 KB, 3840x2160, eBay-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55456061 No.55456061 [Reply] [Original]

>Haven't sold shit in over 2 weeks.
I don't get it bros, what the fuck is going on?

>> No.55456075

Same exact thing and almost the same exact time range. Just sold something last night but I had to adjust my Strategy for most items I have up. They’re shaking people down for “promoting” and sales have really dried up

>> No.55456131

kek this isnt 2004 faggot

>> No.55456194

Everyone is putting money into buying a home and/or getting ready to pay back student loans. The next 3 years are going to be bad.

>> No.55456206

You keep making this thread every couple of days. I don't get it bros, what the fuck is going on?

>> No.55456224


Housing to the moon. lol

>> No.55456245

same here. feels bad man

>> No.55456294

>I don't get it bros, what the fuck is going on?
It's called Summer, people would rather buy stuff in brick and mortar stores than sit inside scrolling through ebay listings.

>> No.55456306

There's something strange going on. On the other site that shall not be named I'm seeing lots of posts about work suddenly drying up and can't find a job. This is on multiple boards and I suspect the overall economy has nosedived recently but without receiving widespread attention in the news media yet.

>> No.55456308
File: 22 KB, 707x257, ebay merchants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so much absolute garbage on ebay that's worth like 50 bucks that people try to fucking sell for 500 it's unbelievable, that's why. I buy your used shit for a deal, not to pay for your retirement.

>> No.55456311

Reminder that several bankers (I think it was JP morgan?) recently quit with pensions to 'make way for new talent' or some bullshit. Every time bankers are silently quitting there's going to be a massive fucking selloff, like what happened in september 2021 before the 2022 bear market. 2024 will make 2020 look like weak shit.

>> No.55456321
File: 23 KB, 368x120, WhoaSoGAYJoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people don't wanna spend money on your overcharged wares knowing you buy them on the cheap from china. stop selling junk and call it a business.

>> No.55456332

Car sales died up too. Insanely fast.

>> No.55456574

everyone has moved on to amazon, dropshipping is dead and amazon killed it

>> No.55456961

I bought a bunch of stuff a couple days ago.
Most people are probably too busy getting drunk and going to the beach to buy stuff.

>> No.55456968

>everyone has moved on to amazon
retard, amazon is garbage for used stuff. it's designed to entice you to only pick new and only pick their brands. the whole design is made that way to encourage spending more money on commission and their brands.
it's a shitty place to sell used without individual listings to let you properly see the quality of what you're buying.

>> No.55457330

Don't know if this is anecdotal but I shopped for used clothes on eBay today and it was unpredecentedly cheap. Almost-new Levis jeans with no signs of wear were listed for $6.

>> No.55457341

it wouldn't surprise me to learn that ebay manipulates the (((algorithm))) whenever you make a few sales, like giving a junkie a free taste. pay the promoted listing fee, goy.

>> No.55457401

just how the fuck selling digital goods on ebay works?
there are accounts with thousands of sells per month, and mine acc got frozen after selling ~20 vidiya codes

>> No.55457466

Ebay isn't real. Its a CIA proxy stimulus program designed to stimulate the economy. You're sending your goods to safe houses.

>> No.55457491

It's not hip anymore.
Someone has to build Instabaytok so retards start buying again

>> No.55457541

How can you even compete?
These fucking animals are on there selling shit for like 99 cents and free shipping? Where is the profit?

>> No.55457674

Your niche is not niched enough. competition is too broad

>> No.55457708

It is the culumination of several factors spanning over long timeframe. Just a bunch of really bad moves from ebay.
>Fee increase for nothing in return
>Relying on third world phone support
>Making it increasingly easy to scam sellers
>Removing paypal
>Making it impossible to leave negative feedback for scammers
>$600 taxation for amerifats
>Taxing everything on behalf of states or individual nations not taking into account if the item in question is taxable
>Not updating their infrastructure, website looks like it is from 2006
>Thinking emerging markets are just noise and not adjusting their pricing accordingly
>Promoted listings
>Punishing sellers for "underperfoming" when in reality they just got abused by a scammer
>Removing email in the contact info after completed sales making it difficult to communicate if a problem should arise
Yes, the economy is certainly bad and all, but on another site i sell i don't have anywhere near the same amount of problems as i have on ebay, plus i sell consistently.. payments are direct and connected to their bank account and phone number, no possibilty for chargeback, only a 24 hour window to "open a case" after receving the item etc and still i have the nicest customers you can imagine. Oh and its free to use on top of that.. they only charge in the case of you selling a car or a house, knick-knacks are free to list because they can easily sustain their business model on ad-revenue alone. Plus i can contact an actual human if i do have a problem. This is the largest ecommerce platform in the country on top of that.

I really hate ebay apologists and shills.

>> No.55457733
File: 84 KB, 1362x544, 1679918927769531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I click on my payments summarization this pops up. Am I fucked?

>> No.55457734

the company even treats its wagies like shit. i had an offer to interview at ebay corporate. they bragged about 15 days of PTO. kek.

>> No.55457737

>>Removing paypal
This isn't even true. You can use normal card, also paypal.

>> No.55457746

Everyone wants something for nothing and eBay wants to charge you extortionate fees for the privilege.
It's over and you must cuck to it else you don't have the reach on any of the other tryhard sites.

>> No.55457757

Yes, but you can't get paid with paypal.

>> No.55457762

>Don't know if this is anecdotal but I shopped for used clothes on eBay today and it was unpredecentedly cheap. Almost-new Levis jeans with no signs of wear were listed for $6.
race to the bottom

>> No.55457765

They aren't even making cars until there is demand. I have been on a wait-list for a new car (Toyota Sienna) for more than a year.

Used cars are selling for more than new. Not a good sign....

>> No.55457775
File: 46 KB, 2000x1000, discogs-primary-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Discogsbro here

Last month my sales are low as hell, and now with the new INFORM Consumers Act law seems like it will be even harder to sell online...the j00s are really trying to control every buck we make

I miss pre covid online selling, everything was easier, faster, cheaper and you could really make a fortune selling things online...why everything goes to shit bros...?

>> No.55457792


Only as a way to make the payment...you can't get paid with paypal anymore, and I never understood why they did this..it was the moment I left ebay

>> No.55457799
File: 61 KB, 250x152, 1636012784964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell a whole lot of FUD coming from this thread

>> No.55457808

Everything on ebay is pretty much automated. The cost of operation is very low, it is not like storage space or server hosting costs as much as it used to, yet they maintain a high cost for using their "services" and they have all these fatcats and "employees" that think they deserve gold for their minimal effort.
I have seen a once large ecommerce site go under because of the exact same reluctance to adjust to changing market conditions. Instead of doing what needs to be done they would rather try to squeeze more out of a smaller customer base with the end result being a complete disaster. Another factor is that all of these "great ideas" they've come up with will not be reverted because that would hurt their ego and resume so instead they try to pin the blame on others and obviously that is their filthy, disgusting, worthless sellers who drive traffic to their site.

>> No.55457835

Those who have a connection to physical media are getting older. Zoomers don't give a rats ass about cds, lps or cassettes. It will happen to other markets as well, but i agree that all these regulations ain't making things easier.

>> No.55457890

Yep, I just looked and my last sale was a "promoted" item so they took another 11% off the top. Total fucking manipulation

>> No.55457918

As a consoomer I don’t buy anything from eBay because every time I have in the past I got burned. Also I don’t like the way the listings read, I find it confusing, I don’t understand how PayPal works and why it’s such a pain in the ass, I don’t know my eBay password and have trouble logging in (this is where Amazon wins, I’m always logged in) and then when I do order something it’s usually not as advertised and I have to open a dispute and try to return it. Over the last 20 years I’ve probably order a dozen things from eBay because I couldn’t find it anywhere else and probably returned 9 out of those 12 things because they weren’t as described. Fuckin waste of time that place.

>> No.55457940

Was selling roughly ~800$ monthly of used leftover equipment and overstock from my real job but sales have nosedived and the last four months have been ~100$ monthly

>> No.55458025
File: 93 KB, 695x1024, Jennette-McCurdy-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes i feel like ebay is sneakily buying shit from me from time to time so i won't delete my subscriber store account lol since sales are deader than a wuhan bat

>> No.55458190

the economy is in recession, the corporate news and government officials just haven’t decided to tell you yet

>> No.55458234

That's 3 weeks of vacation. Seems pretty standard.

>> No.55458280
File: 234 KB, 1080x1265, Screenshot_20230414_201538_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. What the fuck is up with ebay. All my listings get between 0 and 1 views for the entire duration of this year. I've sold like 5 items out of the 30 I've listed.

Granted the items I have left aren't big sellers, they're "used" conditiok books that I've never read or hardly read, and some computer parts. If I look up what I'm selling and go to "sold", it's at least one of these items selling a day.

I've gotten so pissed I listed all of my books to $0.99 plus the media mail shipping (which is only $3.45) just because I'm so fucking frustrated and figure someone HAS to buy it. I'm literally the cheapest listing by $10, where these books are selling between $10 and $20 used plus the shipping. Literally getting ZERO views on these items even when listed basically for free.

Is it because I have a 92% seller rating? I've sold some shit I've listed as "for parts" or clearly described some defect om the description and have clear pictures and retard boomer will still leave 0 star reviews saying "muh thing don't work!" Ie, I sold some landline telephone that I didn't know if it worked and some stupid boomer left a 0 star saying "I can't get it to work" and then I sold a cable box and the trailer park boomer gave 0 stars because they didn't realize you had to buy a fucking cable subscription with it. And then I offer to give them a full fucking refund to rescind the bad review and they never respond.

Fucking hate this site.

Did I get shadow banned because of nigger boomers?

>> No.55458296

July slowdown you summer fags. Tweak your prices. Put up more listings. Things will be fine in 5 or 6 weeks.
Always B listing

>> No.55458299

used to sell on average 20-30k a year on ebay...not anymore, it is all fucked up..quit using it

>> No.55458316

Lol that's because you want the base model. Don't be cheap and buy a higher trim and you can have it tomorrow.

>> No.55458677

What other site? I've been on eBay forever and watched it spiral down the drain. I need a new platform.

>> No.55458915

It's more of a classified site in yurop so not for you, fren.
The point i was trying to get across is that it is possible to do things differently than on ebay which some seem to think can't be done because
>muh heckin buyerinos won't buy from me if they can't chargeback 2 years after purchase and giving out email is le bad because spammers will steal that information and fill my inbox with super advanced spam that the spam filter cant process and giving negative feedback to buyers makes them not want to buy anymore because i am a retarded super-bommer.

>> No.55458931

So it's a seller's market, who cares

>> No.55458939

Money. They probably had some distribution fees or legislation or got strongarmed by Visa/MC

>> No.55458960

Ah. I see. Makes sense. I've always done a blend of local and eBay. But, most of my sales right now are on local sites. I think if one single thing tanked eBay, it's the fact that buyers have absolutely no repercussions for being assholes. Anyway, best of luck you yurobro.

>> No.55458992

how do i exploit this then, genius? tell me what i need to do to get the bots to buy my shit and i will give you a fee we can negotiate.

>> No.55459414

It's high time Ebay pulls up its socks and starts accepting crypto payments. With the option for anonymous transactions, they can keep their secret sauce locked up tight, away from prying eyes.

>> No.55459469

Finally someone articulated it, I am too retarded to compile a comprehensive timeline of eBays 'developments'.
My favourite is the final sale fee being taken out of the shipping cost, so you get assraped for making an international sale for a $20 item. Arguing with the shills in the last thread makes me believe we actually have eBay marketers/boot licking employees floating around on biz. There is no way anybody here will legitmately defend a corpo akin to Youtube or Twitch with a stranglehold of their market.
Its not far off from becoming an Aliexpress 2.0, because its killing any legitmate Western business

>> No.55459498

>Used cars are selling for more than new.
not all brands

>> No.55459544

And how's that possible, do you think anon payment is possible

>> No.55459550

>Arguing with the shills in the last thread makes me believe we actually have eBay marketers/boot licking employees floating around on biz.
Oh for sure. The shill industry is massive and ever-present. You learn to recognize their jargon after a while.

>> No.55459563


Student loans are coming due! Nobody's got extra money for Ebay trinkets anymore. You resellers are going to be going out of business over the next couple years.

>> No.55459766

Anon, nothing is impossible here, Railgun lets you make anonymous P2P crypto payments, for both users and businesses.

>> No.55460426 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 1440x900, promoted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's for the foreverpoor niggers here complaining about promoted listings and leaving money on the table because of it.
1 year and 3 months of data.
$873 spent
248 items sold for $12812
inb4 no valid counter argument. 3 - 2 - 1 here we go

>> No.55460477
File: 184 KB, 1440x900, promoted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is for the foreverpoor gripe merchants that do not understand what promoted listings are and what they aren't.
For you it is a thing to complain about and leave money on the table because of.
For me it is just another way of making money. This is about money after all, not feelings.

Since 1st of January I have done $26,225 in promoted sales for a cost of $1,773.
I guess some cunts are just too stupid to understand the pros and cons. Find products with better margins and promote the hell out of them.

>> No.55460510

Please pay attention to the ROAS of 14.79
"Return on ad spend. Sales divided by Ad Fees. The amount of Sales you generated per dollar spent on advertising."
If you spend $1 to sell for $14.79 and you still can't make money then you are the problem
>inb4 uhhh ebay sucks they take all our money the greedy bastards
Cry moar!

>> No.55460552

Most books are worthless anon. If you look at the sell through rate there are about 100 listings for every 1 sold for most titles.

I've made good money on books, but only by buying huge lots of vintage books from estate auctions and picking the top 1% (usually antiquarian 1sts, folio editions, paranormal/occult, erotica, out of print manuals, guides, sets, and weird hipster edgelord titles). Lower value stuff can be lotted up by author or subject matter if you have enough of it. Otherwise it's donation fodder unless you're an FBA fag.

The upside to selling books is that you can regularly pick up $100 - $500 titles for less than $1 if you know what you're doing. The downside is that you have to go through so much shit to get the good stuff that it's basically a manual labor job. And even the better titles and editions can take months to sell.

>> No.55460592

>find an auction
>see how much a new similar thing costs
>bet for max of 60% of that price
>somebody buys it for 100%
Fine, have it. But why.

>> No.55460598

minimizing losses

>> No.55460737
File: 63 KB, 719x688, 1657305629065097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got scammed twice. eBay always sides with buyers no matter what.
My problem is, to my knowledge, theres no other platform where you can easily make sales with basically no advertising

>> No.55460866

Way to easy to get scammed. You gotta wonder what complete idiot enforced those policies in the first place. Gotta be someone who really hates human beings. I've been scammed several times as well. So much unnecessary stress on that platform. I have to deal with ebay because some of the items i source are valued way higher to an international audience, but thankfully i have been able to make more locally lately.

>> No.55460923

Almost all systems are easy to scam.
Anything except crypto can be chargebacked.
If you want less scams, stop selling products that cater to kids and young "adults".
Ideally you should stop selling stuff like women's fashion too because women change their minds a lot and they feel entitled enough to hit your wallet when they get cold feet.

If you want less BS you should sell B2B or hobby items, preferably to men. They generally accept responsibility for their decisions. I accept no returns and I still have 99.x positive rating.

If you sell stuff with prices in the 1 to 60 dollar range, the amount of scams go down too.That price group is generally not targeted by scammers.

I win like 50% of my cases because I always have tracking. Unless the buyer really understands the finer details of buyer and seller protection on eBay, they will fuck up. I know way more than they do.

>> No.55460971

I had a nigger rip me off 15 years ago on eBay for a laptop when I was on real hard times and needed cash bad. Sold my Laptop for $500 and the nigger said he didn't get the item and shitty eBay sided with the nog.

I was so mad I seriously stalked this nigger and came close to driving a couple states over and doing something I would have regretted.

Niggers. Fuck eBay. Fuck niggers. Fuck kikes.

>> No.55460988

>Anything except crypto can be chargebacked.
Wire transfer is extremely difficult to reverse.

>> No.55461062
File: 951 KB, 1024x886, DF4810C92509479BB820E7C8D07C0836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not updating their infrastructure, website looks like it is from 2006
I don't know about that one, it seems pretty fine to me

>> No.55461147

Phone user detected.

>> No.55461153

If you have tracking these days you would normally be protected.
I love it when they claim INR when I have tracking. Sometimes they even escalate to their CC or debit card provider. Once or twice eBay has hit me with the loss and then I have to point out to eBay that I am covered by seller protection just as they (the thief) are covered by buyer protection. Even had some cases reversed in my favour.

Fair enough. They can claim that somebody has accessed their account though, I think

Yeah and it will keep on looking like shit
One thing I can not stand is that they don't even show full description on mobile anymore. How the fuck do they expect me to deal with customers that are encouraged NOT to read the finer details in my listing? Classic eBay. Few companies run websites that get worse year by year.

>> No.55461188

The one gripe that l do have is that recently they took away the option for you to filter only showing buy it now listings where you can make best offer.

>> No.55461241

Gotta look at the positive side though. That also means that everybody else has the same issue.
If you are targeting some special niche I would run an imacros script to scrape those specific listings and find those Best Offers the tedious and impractical way

>> No.55461282
File: 27 KB, 600x522, i_made_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess everybody uses ebay in different ways because lm not the kind of person who consooms enough shit to justify buying an amazon prime membership so l don't know why other anons are making a comparison from amazon to ebay saying ebay sucks.
Ebay is still one of the best places to buy used goods online while Amazon is all retail shit so the comparison isn't even fair.

>> No.55461451

I am not talking about consooming. I am talking about hacking the system, since we're at biz. Like those people that used to game eBay for misspelled listings. There are ways of making a fortune everywhere as long as you can scale whatever you do.

>> No.55462815

I'm going to make the same prediction I make every time something like this gets mentioned. They're delaying the economic downturn(recession, crash, whatever it's going to be) and holding off on reporting on it until 2024 because they want to make an electoral issue out of it. I have zero sources or facts to back that up, it's just a hunch.

>> No.55462838

Sound advice, those are generally the guidelines I follow as well.

>> No.55462979

Auction psychology. Some people simply have to be the winner, no matter the game. It's an illogical thing for the people outside looking in, but for them it's just the sensation of winning. A certain kind of person engages in this, they are the whales that the auction world hunts professionally

>> No.55463017

i'll feed you some actionable data because I'm feeling generous tonight

If you really want to sling used books you gotta hit up library sales that's number 1. Be there early and front of the line so you get first pick. Number 2: you gotta have a database program to give you sales rankings. like the other anon said most books are worthless. That being said you can easily go into a library sale with 200$ and walk out with 8000$ in merch.

Scoutly on the appstore, grab a barcode scanner online and strap that to the back of your phone. in this order you want: Education, religion, history, music, then standard nonfiction finally fiction at the very bottom. I'd say i pull about 11,000$ annually on ebay. on amazon i make that per month. My inventory is in the 20,000 region though.

Only religion and specialty items will sell on ebay in my experience, you need to sell on amazon its not that hard to get verified.

last tip never underestimate the resale value of used cds or dvds i buy them for 1$ each and resell for 20x- 100x depending on condition and rarity

t. no evidence given you'll just have to believe me

>> No.55463214

funny how you say that but didnt post your sales from the last two years. lets see it pal lmao.

>> No.55463227

most people dont buy if you have below 98% feedback. you must suck, fuck off with your shitty books LOL.

>> No.55463660 [DELETED] 

Sorry fren, I see now that I read your post too late in the evening.

My answer in 55461282 just shows I did not know what I was reading :)


>> No.55463697

the truth is, Facebook marketplace is completely nuked eBay ,gumtree,shpock.

Marketplace has zero fees and more robust options. The Ui is better.

>> No.55463706

Sorry fren, I see now that I read your post too late in the evening.

My answer in 55461451 just shows I did not know what I was reading :)


>> No.55463710

Sell on all outlets.
That is why one should focus on renewables or have a close to automated system where you can remove your unique listing on all platforsm when it gets sold on one platform.

>> No.55463764

why doesnt someone just make an ebay clone site that lets users pay with crypto so nobody has to pay taxes?

>> No.55464094

It was attempted with openbazaar, but nobody seems to be using crypto for anything but speculating. The only vendors that operated there sold stickers they had made at home or cheap trinkets. Another problem is that buyers are so used to being catered up the bunghole that nobody wanted to take any risks buying there.

>> No.55464109

You're buying stolen merch bro

>> No.55464295

I legit don't get how you got scammed here.

Send it recorded delivery and it will literally show it as being delivered, if its not delivered then claim compensation from the delivery service. Once its delivered they can claim not working all they want. If they do just get it sent back to you and pay for a return label.

If they dont return it within like 30 days then you get your money and the label money returned. If you get it back and its working perfectly fine contact ebay and tell them its a false return and they will cover the return label fee. If anything is stolen from the laptop then let ebay know the guy is scamming. Make sure to take plenty of photos to back this shit up.

I have contacted ebay multiple times for people returning games the clearly work and can easily provide proof. Not once has an ebay representative asked for the proof. They ALWAYS cover any loss from my end and fuck, They've even paid for the game I sold. Meaning I legit got paid for a game and still have it back.

>> No.55464302
File: 15 KB, 310x335, goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped my price 3 times
Set 14% ad rate
still ended up accepting BestOffer for 20% off the price listed.
and now I still have to pay for shipping


>> No.55464309

everyone left ebay. as a seller it sucks because the fees are brutal and ebay will always side with the buyer and let them scam you if a report gets opened. and as a buyer it sucks because sellers are charging too much for their used junk to compensate for all the fees along the way until actually having the money in their bank account.

>> No.55464376

>shares true roas with platform
>gets assraped
Many such cases.

>> No.55464382

I keep seeing this as well that ebays fees are too brutal. Are you guys just incapable of waiting for ebays £1 max fees or 70-80% off variable fees? Like honestly just wait to sell your shit until this is running its not hard.

>> No.55464396

Another problem is when a seller in a rare instance "wins the case" ebay will only fork over the money from their own pockets, letting the thief continue on like nothing happened. This also adds to the cost of doing business there.

>> No.55464399

What are you talking about? Is this some sort of special they have in the UK?

>> No.55464421

Yeah look it up, In the UK I get 70% variable fees. I used to get 80% but its reduced for whatever reason. Which reduces the 12.80% fee + 0.30p fee down to 3.84% + 0.30p fee. Its a significant reduction

A £50 sale would be £6.70 in fees
with 70% variable off it would be £2.22
with 80% variable off it would be £1.58

You burgers must being getting the fucked by jews

>> No.55464430

Mercari. Still don't get as many sales but man if it isn't competing

>> No.55464440

Speaking of UK.. last year i sold a sealed PS1 game to a "buyer" there.
He purchases the game, i send it, everything is OK. I get my money and forget about it. Then out of the blue i get a message from another seller who had found out that i had sold to said individual and told me that i could expect him to open a return request one day before the limit runs out.. 14 days later exactly that happens.
Buyer now want's to return the item because he found a miniscule "flaw" with it. OK, now here is where the fun starts. Because of eBay wanting to cater to buyers to such an extreme degree i also have to pay for return shipping and not only that i have to navigate through the royal mails website to purchase shipping as a foreign national and then somehow forward it to said loser.. i somehow miraculously managed to do all of this and a few weeks later the game got returned in a tiny box decorated with ebay tape with a few packing peanuts inside which obviously was insufficient and caused the game to crack making it worthless.
>TLDR faggot in the UK probably ran an arbitrage business, trying to flip games within the return time frame and gambling on the difficulty of returning items making him get to keep them for free.

>> No.55464449

I should add to this rant that due to the fluctuations in certain markets such as collector cards ebay limited the return window on that market segment, but in reality they should have done that with everything. There is no reason why a buyer should be given enough time to wear a dress to a wedding and then return it with shart marks.

>> No.55464469

You absolutely right, ebays return policy is a pile of dog shit. I have a women who bought an electronic from me and has zero idea on how to use it. I guarentee shes plugged it into a wall and magically assumed it would work. I send her instructions on how to use it and she blanks my responces. I contact ebay on the last day of the case being opened and an ebay rep has basically forced me to offer a return label even though I have messages proving she doesnt understand how to use it. Being a retard and not understanding what you've bought is still grounds for a return even though I sell as no returns. So I will either get this back or have to wait 30 days for this case to end.

This bitch has over 2000 feedback too.

>> No.55464494

The fag i sold to had done it to several other sellers as well without any actions being taken against his account. I am sure he is still "doing business".
I also had a buyer in New York returning something other than what he bought and defrauded me out of $500 and his account looked perfectly legitimate. Old account, lots of transactions and when i contacted other sellers he had purchased from recently they had no problems.
So in other words if you make it somewhat credible you can get away with it... just steal a little here and there.
In order to win such a case you will have to file a police report and then upload it to ebay so their third world employees can have a look at it. Funnily enough the scammers have even gone as far as to make fake police reports pre-emptively with fictional police departments with answering machines which the pajeets fall for.
>Sell item
>Buyer opens Item not as described case, uploads police report from Disneyland, gives phonenumber to Disneyland police station
>Pajeet calls Disney Land Police Station
>Hello you have come to the answering machine of Disney land police station please leave a message after the beep
>Case closed, you have no tools to fight back

>> No.55464540

Summer is going on.
An annual phenomenon.

>> No.55464554

Checked it out. I am an EU seller. Not for me. It seems to be severely limited for you too. As in max 100 listings, and no "corporate" use. Looks like they will remove your discount once summer is over.

>> No.55464564

Easy way for junkies and high school kids make an additional 1000 a month.
It is easy enough to scam Amazon itself as a buyer. In my country SWIM can get 2-3 phones for the price of one, and still return the phone due to changing their mind. There is a special level in hell for people that scam regular people IMHO. I think people should stick to scamming cunty mega corps.

>> No.55464580


It states 100 max listings, however its offered every 2 weeks and your buy it now listing lasts for a month with this discount applied. So you can juggle 200 listings with this discount and obviously with every sale you can sell more stuff when the next discount period is up. If your planning on selling hundreds or thousands then yeah its not great in that regard.

Where are you seeing this discount ending after summer? I used ebay on an off and only recently have been using it consistantly. I was regularly getting these discounts before I even started selling a lot.

>> No.55464583


>> No.55464613

I was just guessing about it ending. If it is too good for the seller I have a hunch it will.
I have a Premium Store so I have some "for free" too. But I run with 1500 listings so it is barely noticeable to my bottom line.

>> No.55464660

>I think people should stick to scamming cunty mega corps.
That is one of the problems though. Normies think that they are scamming ebay and not individuals. They also think that ebay is paying for return shipping etc.

>> No.55464686

I think normies know. Scamming requires at least 90 IQ and a little research. They just do not care. Fkn maggots.

>> No.55464688
File: 834 KB, 1135x756, stank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone bitching here about ebay and fees and shipping this blah blah that.

Can someone show some statistics? How many of you anons actually make six figures doing this? Or at the very least, profit high five figures?

Let's see it anons.

Also, what type of niche is good for ebay. I heard shoe flipping but people spend hours and hours of their days looking for sneakers at sales from different shoe vendors and they barely make a few hundred bucks off it if they're lucky.

There's gotta be a smarter method to gambling degeneracy and angry mobs of flippers scavenging for shoes and thrift store clothing

I don't get it. All I hear about is people trying to flip shoes, clothes, or random toys and trinkets they find at garage sales and swap meets

Is ebay flipping really this degenerate?

>> No.55464717

The one's that bitch are not neurotypical. There are one or two weirdos, I think it is the same guys that do the "I have tried everything and I can't make it". This is of course a relevant issue for some but with these guys it seems pathological.

Yes, eBay sucks, the fees suck. They have fewer sellers and they are increasing their revenue. This of course means that they are taking more from us sellers. However it is just another platform. The methods one uses on eBay that one uses anywhere else.

Lots of guys on the Daily Refinement podcast flip shoes. They seem to be making way more than a couple hundred bucks

If I was looking for new products right now I'd try to source these alloy toy guns and sell here in EU
I would ofc have to make video content in order to sell.

>> No.55464728
File: 797 KB, 1250x1280, Neck-and-the-PampF_2_copy_2__72369.1611157633[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for what to sell:
Feeling like giving protips to anyone here. Just noticed something yesterday... giving this away for free because I do not have the time.
Did you know that a PAMP gold bar, fitted into a cheap 14k bezel pendant to be worn around the neck, sometimes sell fo about twice the price as the actual gold value? This also works with Krugerrand and a bunch of other bullion.

Now there are lots of females that would love to carry a PAMP bar around their neck. Do stupid bitches keep track of the value of gold? No, they don't.

>> No.55464746


Ebay flipping is whatever you make it, selling on ebay isn't the hard part as long as your selling shit that people actually want and care about. The real problem is sourcing stock to sell to people. For your average joe going to places like car boot sales, charity shops or buying on ebay itself or facebook market place is where people will get their shit to flip. Unfortunately every cunt know whats valuable and swipes it quickly. If you want major money your on to buying pallets from businesses to resell etc I don't know enough about that shit.

>Why is everyone bitching here about ebay and fees and shipping this blah blah that.

Its really important to know how much something costs before bothering to source and sell it.

Buy shoes for £5
Try to sell it for £15 (free delivery to intice customers)
£15 - £2.22 (full fee) - £2.99 minimum delivery cost for small parcel
£4.79 profit. 31% profit margin.

If you bought these hypothetical shoes for say £10, you'd have made -0.21p. I haven't even bothered to include fuel costs to the post office. If you can't figure out how much it costs to even sell and deliver your products then you can forget about hitting 5-6 figures.

>> No.55464898


Mine has been doing the same, on mobile it's fine, website is just shit.

>> No.55465364

flipping is a side hustle that you do because you like the hunt or are already shopping for other shit. you will never make good money doing it because sourcing is unreliable and sometimes you find shit and sometimes you go months without finding shit. this is true for all flipping objects not just shoes. the peole here making 5 figure profit and up are reseling chinkshit from aliexpress

>> No.55465374

thats literally all jewlery retard. all jewelry sells for 300%+ its spot value.

>> No.55465477

Same. Last sale on 18th June.
July-aug is usually bad for retail in general but this is clearly people also cutting back heavily imo. People are squeezed right now. They arent gonna buy my retro games.

No idea if Ebay is trying to get promotions going. I dont promote much. I have a bigger feeling its just a bad time of year and a shit economy.
Maybe i’ll promote everything for 30 days and see. I doubt it will make a difference. Most my listings are pretty niche and low competition. I assume if someone wants what im selling they’ll search it and buy it rather than browse and find it

>> No.55465517

>INFORM Consumers Act law
ebay was already KYC'ing sellers since it always went thru paypal which is KYC.

Anyways that impacts supply not demand.

>> No.55465529
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, rossman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google ad spending has decreased. Ebay sometimes pays ads and the item you are selling gets boosted when someone searches google for it.

>> No.55465537
File: 77 KB, 239x211, student loan crisis solved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is made by someone who started a dropshipping service during the pandemic.

>> No.55465545

>jewlery retard
The only thing in there of real value is the gold bar, retard. It is not jewelry. A PAMP gold bar is 30% more expensive than spot price, not 300% you cunt. Look it up.
Cry some more please.

>> No.55465552

I said the same thing, they have folks buy items to keep the hamster wheel going

>> No.55465568

Cuz he’s the real nigger. Too stingy to pay for tracking on 500$.

>> No.55465572
File: 151 KB, 1706x631, PAMP1OZpriceidjeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You blew it. Now wipe your chin.

>> No.55465584

>global economy in decline
>"why aren't people buying my chinkshit?"

>> No.55465587

>Ebay buys people's stuff to keep it going
Yeah? No. Moron. How do you reckon they would explain that expenditure at the stockholders meeting.
"Yeah we bought 3 billion $ of Funkopop and panties. Then spent another 500 million to put it in landfills"
You're just the resident shitposter. You reckon we don't recognise your style?

>> No.55465598
File: 135 KB, 1270x635, UG0rcJ8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a buyer, I see virtually no good deals on Ebay. Infact I usually only see sellers overpricing shit items/used junk most likely to compensate for scammers & brutal fees.

Infact, I have found that simply buying the items from Amazon OR DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURE in cases of electronics is both cheaper, safer & more convenient at this point.

That sight will die, the only good purchases I've ever bothered to make is clearly old boomers who didn't have a clue what hardware they were selling. Like very rare vintage computers for like 20 dollars which u can resell for 500 dollars. But that is essientially once again, scamming the seller (without them knowing)

>> No.55465714

There are no good deals on ebay. You will never get any offer if you continue to focus there alone. Not diverse payment options, say integrating with Visa, CryptMi, Alchemy etc to enable transactions on blockchain tech.

Using Amazon as a case study, there is much to improve on Ebay.

>> No.55465746
File: 81 KB, 309x349, 31c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add a system that verifies with the carrier that the shipping address on the package matches the buyers shipping address and there will be an end to the horror.

>> No.55465757

i was talking about the product idea of the pendant you stupid faggot. acting like its some revolutionary genius idea when its not. you little faggot acted like its so suprrising a necklace sells for more than spot gold. everyone knows that retard. there are a thousand boomer women selling exactly what you posted on ebay, etsy, every fucking where.

learn some reading comprehension

>> No.55465910

>dis here jewlerydidi cost 300% more than spot valuh
>I got kalld uht on and pruhven vrong nohw I will sperg out
>No U retahdu!
Nope. Not impressed maggot
>there are a thousand boomer women selling it
Yes. Homemade (bezel + bar + screwdriver). At a shitload of profit, wanker. Check completed listings.
Tell us again about your crypto fortune independence. It was hilarious last time :)
We know you are the threadshitter. You can't even change your style enough to bamboozle anyone

>> No.55465944

I buy on eBay but the prices just hint compete with Amazon and others. I just looked for a ps5 diablo 4 game and it’s $60. I have a target card that gives me 5 percent back. I’m saving 2-3 bucks going with eBay. It’s not worth the hassle for a used game

>> No.55465991

105th post best post.
I don’t give a shit about eBay but this thread is entertaining.

>> No.55466085

Schizo, this is legit. eBay is full of bullshit with their extortion schemes including the new pay for play promotion

>> No.55466089

then capitulate on your little business and head on back to real work

>> No.55466107

>samefag retard is speaking again
You better be quadriplegic and seriously bored. Nobody else can waste this much time on garbage theories.
Ebay aren't buying shit from you. What would be the payoff? You will need more than the feelz of you and your alter ego to support this argument.

>> No.55466129

I love when sub-100-IQ people try to keep up btw
Your theory is:
>let us buy some stuff from these people that are very bad at selling, so they do not stop selling.

You should have been aborted in the womb.

>> No.55466158

>t. eBay mafia employees

>> No.55466505

people getting ready to resume their student loan payments, hope you weren't 100% reliant on ebay bro

>> No.55467156
File: 163 KB, 360x270, bogdadgob calls it in (big investor for you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the average person is just cognizant that money is tighter and they will need to save more. There are fewer unnecessary purchases.

>> No.55467376 [DELETED] 
File: 262 KB, 750x429, CA and Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear that. Maybe look into a AI coin called Blackswan. The trading bot uses AI to execute instant trades based on news releases. It helps you to enter positions before the market reacts, whether it's bullish or bearish news. You can specify the events you want to trade on. their twitter/website has more info on it

>> No.55467448

Feels good to make 120k a year flipping and reselling and seeing people not know how to do it. Makes me feel like less of a retard

>> No.55467752

How large are your taxes?

>> No.55467923
File: 89 KB, 900x900, AGIKgqNLL5w3In8Esj9X_t66b4X3ys31n9tgdlKRg28TKQ=s900-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on this dude's level

>> No.55467928
File: 52 KB, 500x375, 1423940616333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped using ebay because it's no longer a deal and they assrape sellers.

>> No.55468848

eBay is dead, check the analytics for keywords like screen protectors and a bunch of other stuff, the trends are all downward. Amazon and Marketplace killed eBay. eBay is just a niche site now and even for that it sucks because of all the fees and headaches sellers have to deal with for some chump change

>> No.55469131

>eBay always sides with buyers no matter what.
If that's the case what prevents everyone from just scamming sellers 24/7 and ruining the site?

>> No.55469718


>> No.55470300

I am interested in the resell hustle, I feel like the items need to be either outright cheap and easily marked up or highly in-demand. Sometimes I watch videos of people doing this and while it seems simple enough I have a hard time believing they're making decent money like they claim.

>> No.55470996

>Get new inventory supplier, and list multiple days a week in excess of $5k of shit or whatever.

>Be me.
>Be tired.
>Buyer personal item on business account again by accident.

fug :DDDD

>> No.55471001


I can't even type correctly

>> No.55471044

>lost 10-15% of screen protector sales over the last 2 years according to Terapeak
>also lost 15% of sellers according to all news sites.
That means that the screenprotector market should be roughly unchanged. What did you expect? Klondyke General Store level of sales?
Not saying it's ideal. You have a fair point. But hyperbole won't help.
Amazon is not doing too good either FYI and i also a place you can get canned with no explanation and literally outcompeted by Amazon itself.

>> No.55471059

>>Haven't sold shit in over 2 weeks.
then lower your price. it's the law of supply and demand

>> No.55471061

>Car sales died up too. Insanely fast.

based. boomers were asking too much. do they KNOW WHAT THEY'VE GOT now? lmao

>> No.55471078

>captive market where businesses just refuse to sell PRODUCT unless they can rip people off
Surely this won't cause horrible economic meltdown.

>> No.55471122

>why everything goes to shit bros...?
Stolen elections have consequences.

>> No.55471150

>businesses just refuse to sell PRODUCT unless they can rip people off

that's why i moved from the west. everything feels like a ripoff.
it's boomer and jew management. they can only run monopolies/cartels. and even that they do poorly

>> No.55471153
File: 111 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the problem. Too many retarded niggers want shit for $0.01 with free shipping. My prices are always the lowest and my sales are still shit

>> No.55471180

They're old fucks who nevre had to genuinely compete in their lives, they got whatever they wanted so they can't mentally process basic business rules and just scream that their no-good millennial kids need to pay up. The concept that there is no juice left to squeeze, or that people will just learn to repair their own vehicles, is beyond them. The 1980s after all, after the recession of 82, was a time of simply buying a new car when you got bored with the old one.

>> No.55471206

>As a buyer, I see virtually no good deals on Ebay

this. i usually find similar or the same item new on aliexpress for less and less shipping.
boomers and jews can't compete

>> No.55471214

your based. yes, i had to learn to sew, fix things, cut my hair and you name it just to get by.
it's hard work, but it sure beats dealing with boomers

>> No.55471326

Unironically Mercado Libre.

>> No.55471714

How do I do this and where do i source and fuse it without gold chiseling or chink or kike fuckery?

>> No.55471815

Do negative reviews count as negative feedback?

>> No.55471843

Went home to visit mom and grabbed all of my childhood power ranger toys. I even had some things still sealed in near perfect condition. I put it up as a lot on ebay, priced reasonably because I just wanted a quick sale, and it sat there for weeks. This is right when the green ranger dude died. I said fuck it, listed my lot on FB marketplace, and I sold it that day to a local buyer cash in hand, no fees, no taxes. Ebay isn't worth it for people like me who sell the occasional thing here and there. I had most success selling on FB marketplace or highly moderated niche groups on FB.

>> No.55471939

Ask pol?
Unironically, buy Apartheid era Krugerrand.
It is the same thing. However, if you have received a negative text below a positive rating or vice versa, support wll remove it for you if you can navigate past the Indian gatekeepers.

> isn't worth it for people like me who sell the occasional thing here and ther
No shit. That is not business though.
I found an antique enamel cigarette sign from the 20s. Sold it for 400 euro by locating collectors online. Just seeing the collector geek website he had, I knew he would buy it and I knew he would pay whatever I wanted for it.

>> No.55471961

suck a dick faggot

>> No.55471971

nothing, thats why selling there sucks retard

>> No.55471981


>during your audit next year the IRS agent asks what the business purpose of your vibrating but plug is

>> No.55472020

>muh cope

>> No.55472046

Its chinese sellers. They get the items for close to nothing and abuse their status as a "developing country" in order to get subsidized cheap shipping, which ultimately we all end up paying for.

>> No.55472159

I'm convinced it's a gov backed program to siphon the wealth from all other countries by selling cheap junk, and the politicians are in on it. This is why politicians freaked out when Trump put a shipping tax on them.

>> No.55472429

well boomers like you want to pay workers 99 cent and hour. so it makes sense. compete and lower prices boomer or die

>> No.55473796

it's cause zoomers are on depop now

>> No.55473901

I'm averaging about $600 a week take home during the summer showdown

>> No.55474042

>he thinks recession is over

>> No.55474222

What prevents it is that there are more good people than bad, but the bad ones are essentially given free reign.

>> No.55474235

It all depends on what you are able to source. If you hit up obscure auction sites, thrift shops, garage sales, classifieds etc you are sure to find something.

>> No.55474399

What you sell?
Some things dont really get hit. If you sell clothing, people go out still.
If you sell nappy rash powder, people still need it. If you sell toilet brushes, again, needed. Or if you sell daily necessities etc.

Me? I sell japanese retro games. My sales fucking died. Lol. I could branch out to popular less niche item with lots of volume but then i’d be in a race to the bottom with tiny margins. However, maybe its a strategy i can think about for next summer.

>> No.55476447

Just got btfo by USPS, sold item for $8.85 incl. shipping, was too heavy and priority mail was required, lost money on the item. Fuck

>> No.55476493

You should never sell gold on ebay. Chargeback fraud is rampant, you'll get a 'woman' buying your gold and then charging back claiming they never received it.

>> No.55477562

The bread and butter items are vintage/ limited edition clothing, but I also sell a lot of vintage books, toys, niche hobby items, various old ephemera. Some electronics, depending on the margins. I have enough inventory to where I can be picky with what I buy.

>> No.55478323

sounds good
ppl have way less cash in their pocket these days for this stuff though
its all going on groceries and bills
cost of living is at least 40% higher and this is where you're losing out whereas a few years ago that 40% was for buying other shit
priorities over disposable income etc.
sux af

>> No.55478595

>recently quit with pensions to 'make way for new talent'
what's the meaning with quit with pensions and what has it to do with 2021 when people at FED sold their stocks?

>> No.55478600

an electoral iusse for what? What's the purpose?

>> No.55478640

>I have been on a wait-list for a new car (Toyota Sienna) for more than a year
reminds me of people in communist east germany being on waiting lists for cars. weird. i though capitalism was supposed to keel the shelves full because it anticipates demand and tends to overshoot on supply? well maybe not.

>> No.55479798

> all links open new tab by default
Death penalty.

>> No.55480155

Fair point, but if you are in the US the eBay genuine product verification (new service) could fix that. It is free (for now).

>> No.55480175

yeah, I just saw a well maintained old bentley go for less than 9k on an auction site earlier. Speculative market seems to be topping out at least on cars and houses and superfluous spending

>> No.55480221

>after 20+ years, ebay finally decides to add something which could (?) protect sellers
Naw. I still wouldn't sell anything more expensive than like 100 bucks on ebay.

>> No.55480222
File: 254 KB, 331x478, hinata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the CIA have a naruto leaf village headband ? Yes I bought one

>> No.55480230

You exist in a state where boomers are deliberately tanking their businesses because they believe the FED will bail them out. You vill pay for zee new car.

>> No.55481008

i actually never noticed because i middle click on all listings while scrolling down so they open in a background tab until i have a selection of everything im interested in, then i slowly compare them and eliminate the worst one until i get the best one for sure.