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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55455433 No.55455433 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55455440

Btc glowed from the start

>> No.55455463

I'd say I can't wait for the financial system to collapse so glowies won't keep waging except we all know glowniggers will be responsible and they will position their golem brains into further waging

>> No.55455466

yup. if it's any consolation most high level glowniggers are literally the most autistic, neck beardyest motherfuckers around, so as long as you dont make enough crypto gains to raise a NatSoc army they will probably leave you be once you pay taxes.

>> No.55455481

more than ever

>> No.55455486

We are in a BBC market. Everything Black men do is cool and sexy while everything white guys do is cringe and pathetic.

>> No.55455508

As a contrarian, I'm obligated to tell you that negroes are a short.

>> No.55455513

How do you think they move their funny money? BTC and Monero aren't going anywhere. All this fud is intentional for many reasons. And there are intelligence agency run VC firms that invest in shitcoins to get more of that black budget money. I know of one that is going to take off soon actually but can't talk about it. I'll get banned here. Also this entire site, funny how they wont let you use tor and things to access it why do you think that is?

>> No.55455545

Not really, there are different clicks that have their own cultures. A lot of them are clean cut mormon type guys that went to BYU. BYU is a feeder school actually this is common knowledge. Another type is the typical frat guy idiots that cheated their way through school and treat the workplace like a locker room. Not many are neckbeard autists, there are some older guys I guess that you would call grey beards that have been working for agencies since the 80s but they're not like people on reddit or something, they're usually normal and cool

>> No.55455607


>> No.55455640

>How do you think they move their funny money?
"Art", drugs, shell companies, intentionally "losing" money at casinos, "charities", or just outright stealing it. Probably some obvious ones I missed.

>> No.55455680

And how would you know literally any of this? People with security clearance don't talk about this shit to anyone, let alone on an anime basket weaving forum

>> No.55455697

Insurance fraud is another one I can think of
>be giga kike
>open store in giga nigger city
>wait for racial tension propaganda to escalate
>drug dealing nigger gets shot
>increase fire Insurance

>> No.55455718

That sounds like nigger nigger activity, not glowniggers.

>> No.55455735
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Sounds like something a glownigger would say

>> No.55455740

of course they will, and will be even more ruthless after

>> No.55455939

What are you talking about? There are even podcasts that have 1811s and analysts and all types of feds on that are really popular