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55454729 No.55454729 [Reply] [Original]

I think at some point I'm going to kill myself

>> No.55454731
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Me too fren I wish it could be different

>> No.55454788
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you want to know something funny?
in the near infinite number of parallel universes that exist, there are multiple versions of you that are already dead.
on the flip side, there are multiple versions of you that have all the things you currently want in life.
in the end, it doesn't matter what you choose in life anon, it only matters that you choose.
understanding this will hopefully help you to get better at experiencing what you want in your life.
i believe in you
all the best

>> No.55454798

Me too. I think it might be soon too.

>> No.55454804

I’m giving myself until the next bull if I don’t make it I’m calling it

>> No.55454857

so whats the /biz/ approved suicide method?
jumping from a building like the wallstreet guys during the big depression?

>> No.55454867

but you are eternal all you'll do is disgard your meat flesh

>> No.55455386

why would you want painful death?

>> No.55455573

Money problems or life problems? material stuff can and will eventually be replaced anon, you only get one shot at life

>> No.55455576

dont, then the faggots win, rise above it and crush them

>> No.55455592
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>Never understood suicidal people
>got booted out of leaf uni 2 years ago with 1 semester left because pure blood
>gf of 5 years left because we couldn't travel without vaxx codes
>Now 29, with parents, no sense of direction or purpose anymore
>Zero desire to pick it back up. Feel to old to start anything anew. Priced out of eveything

I get it now.

>> No.55455593

Suicide is objectively based. You're going out on your own terms instead of succumbing to some faggy situation out of your own control.

It's especially based if you are doing it to regain your honor or if you have committed some horrible act and understand you have no alternative but to remove yourself from existence.

The elder god tier suicide would be after killing somebody who really deserves it and then preventing glowies or piggies from getting their hands on you to put you through the humiliation ritual of the justice system.

If you're just a sadboi though then suicide cause you're saaaaad is kind of gay.

the people who did this to you have names and addresses
if you don't feel incandescent RAGE and seek revenge, then IDK what to tell you

>> No.55455667

I was in seas of rage when the vaxx stuff was going on. The gf leaving mostly left me broken and numb.

If feds or some third party ever funded me to do something stupid, I'd be down. I spent all my money trying to get a degree I never even finished

>> No.55455672

Wait until you're like 95 and going to go to a home soon

>> No.55455856

You don't need to resort to murder.

It's really easy to destroy somebodies life in completely legal ways that have no consequences except possible scrutiny.

I have destroyed two public vaxxtards professional and personal lives, in my town. One of them moved, the other became an alcoholic and tried to physically assault me, so then he got arrested and charged with a felony and lost custody of his kids.

>> No.55455869

The first step to taking vengeance on somebody is to actually decide you are going to do it.

Once you have devoted yourself to revenge, you will achieve clarity of purpose that will see you through to the end.

Just be smart about it and have no mercy, don't stop until they are finished. The worst thing you can do is fuck with somebody then stop halfway and give them time to recuperate and respond.

>> No.55455877

What's wrong with you? Why are you so fixated on those people?

You don't have your own life

>> No.55455898

I never post but yall mfers are such downers and depressing. Yes life doesn't matter, but make the most of what you can, you were forced into life, do you want to eat a yummy bubblegum icecream or lick the pavement? Its literally your choice. Don't even begin arguing about free will or some bullshit escapist unfalsifiable philosophy just to escape putting in effort.

Yes the bear market is fucked, but good times are always ahead

>> No.55455910

lmfao dont frfr god loves you, just gotta realize it frens.

Start listing off things your grateful for rn and do it every morning and right before bed statr!

love you all frfr

him frfr

>> No.55455921

teach me

>> No.55455929

Just do it now and get it done with then.

>> No.55456209
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I survived suicide.

Don't do it. Contrary to popular belief, not your body nor your choice. Seriously though, whatever emotions or reasoning is leading you to suicide learn to deal with it. It could be isolation due to never fitting in. Or it could be sexual trauma. You don't need to worry about guilt because your sins are already forgiven. That's easy. What's difficult is forgiving yourself. Learn to love yourself.

Make a daily routine for mornings and nights. Set aside 5-15 mins for right when you wake up, and the same for right before bed. Use it as a type of spiritual self care. I personally meditate and pray.

The purpose of life is you. You are the purpose. Learn yourself. Discover who you are. Then serve others. Because you bring to the table what no one else can. You.

>> No.55456368

get in line

>> No.55456403

>Abloo bloo, why isn't my life like those Hollywood movies??????

Lmao. Natural selection will weed you dumb bitches out

>> No.55456473


>> No.55456482


The purpose of life is to acquire resources, breed and live in comfort

Everything else is cope. Be a useless depressed gamer neet fapper. Thats one less person I have to compete with

>> No.55456535
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My anti-suicide plan is :

>Spend the next 16 months piling all of my excess income in to alts/btc
>wait for halving to happen and everything to moon
>sell somewhere at least near peak
>try to make around 5x with 20k or so input
>come out with at least 80-120k gbp
>either put money in to stables and take out small chunks and rent for eternity to avoid tax
>or take out around 40-50k for deposit on mortgage and do same thing with stables to pay mortgage and minimize tax pay out
>or buy woodland outright with small chunk of money (20-50k) and go full off grid using remainder to illegally build baller house in woods

im approaching 30 and have almost zero assets. zero skills and am living at home with mummy. I am earning around 2-3k per month in my low skill job. Its either the above or put my money in to savings to get a mortgage with 10-20k and be in mortgage payment hell forever on a relatively low salary. Or an heroing.

>> No.55456551

Good morning Tel Aviv! I can tell you're a bit new, so here's some advice - demoralization posts work better during euro and American goy work hours

>> No.55456671

Carbon monoxide. You do it with charcoal.

I can't post the procedure because it makes shit the janitor, but if you manage to do some research yourself it's one of the most cheap and peaceful way to go. For more you should torrent "the peaceful pill handbook".

>> No.55456683

good morning shlomo

>> No.55457419
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Anons considering suicide, please do a testosterone cycle before going through with it, might fix your shit, who knows, not like you have to worry about the side effects either way.
Read the wiki on r/steroids, rooting for you frens

>> No.55457482
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I've felt the same throughout my life, but at this point I'm just curious how low can I go.
Might as well figure out and sometimes life gets better, so why quit.

>> No.55457494


Same, no way I'm waging for the rest of my life.

>> No.55457505

I wish my dad was still alive.
Also, having no gf is great for your situation, I live with mine and I'm close to loosing my job, I don't know how to support her if that happens. Your situation is not that bad.