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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55454353 No.55454353 [Reply] [Original]

Algorand, the VC cash grab that brought you accelerated vesting (releasing billions of tokens in the span of months to early backers), is at it again!

The foundation behind the VC scam just sold practically their entire allocation at ATL, for a discount, to DWF Labs. Nobody really knows who they are but they're shady just like Algorand and throw money at shitcoins.

>> No.55454681

DWF is laundering money for Russian mafia. This might actually be bullish for once.

>> No.55454957

damn this shit is dead as fuck. People don't even hate post on these anymore

>> No.55455341

Is there a source for this?
I don’t know even know what it means
But yeah Algo is pretty dead

>> No.55455402 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 586x878, Headshot+-+Warden,+Staci+-+Cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t know even know what it means

Algorand foundation ran out of money after paying themselves huge salaries and traveling around the world to throw parties. They dumped the token to the pits of hell and there's no liquidity for them to sell on the open market. They just sold the last of their runway ($50M) to the only willing shady "partner" they could find (Dwf Labs) at ATL for a discount. Clearly they're not running a healthy operation and mismanaged funds.

Their other tokens are supposed to be allocated to ecosystem and community but they will probably take those for themselves too after they burn through this most recent sale.

>> No.55455417
File: 144 KB, 586x878, Headshot+-+Warden,+Staci+-+Cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t know even know what it means

Algorand foundation ran out of money after paying themselves huge salaries and traveling around the world to throw parties. They dumped the token to the pits of hell. They just sold the last of their runway ($50M) for exit liquidity to the only willing shady "partner" they could find (Dwf Labs) at ATL for a discount. Clearly they're not running a healthy operation and mismanaged funds.

Their other tokens are supposed to be allocated to ecosystem and community but they will probably take those for themselves too after they burn through this most recent sale.

>> No.55455622

DWF labs also bought a big stake in TRON, they're shady af to say the least, you can google it or start here if you're lazy: https://twitter.com/ceoleeparsons/status/1674056221479796736

>> No.55455756
File: 146 KB, 300x400, Ozzy-Osbourne-Workday-SB-Commercial-vertical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's kinda going for the Ozzy Osbourne look but with a corporate angle. Pretty cool ngl.

>> No.55456907

>work for vaxx passports
>globohomo when your market is libertarian leaning
>woman in charge

Jeez, I wonder what went wrong

>> No.55458419

>Jeez, I wonder what went wrong

E v e r y t h I n g

>> No.55458862

uh oh, another Algo fud thread, that means something embarrassing happened with hbar. did the price drop again? did a project use their grant to release erc20 tokens again?

>> No.55460028

Why do coping algobaggies always deflect to hbar? Both are ghostchains and it’s a sad competition between losers at this point. Thought you were going to kill ETH. If you want some participation award, you can also mention FTM, EOS, NEO, ZIL etc.

>> No.55461087

source? or how do you know this/where did you really hear. big if true. would not be surprised if foundation completely out of runway now. ALGO probably never reclaims 0.50

>> No.55461115
File: 3.71 MB, 4000x3000, algorand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's one use case that Algo is actually good at, is laundering money
Instant quick access to cash is it's main selling point, so the more criminal use it becomes associated with, the more my bags can actually pump

Monero is fine, but it's waaaaaay too fucking slow and too many issues

I would actually finally be bullish on Algo if they actually pitched to their use-case market instead of fucking

>> No.55461393
File: 92 KB, 1200x673, wardenstaci07121602-cx_1200xx2075-1164-21-317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foundation Endowment: 375.38 Million ALGO
source: https://www.algorand.foundation/transparency-report-oct-2022

Dwf labs agreement for 500M tokens
Source: https://twitter.com/AlgoFoundation/status/1674814108611534849

Notice how they try to say it's a small percentage of their holdings? Their RUNWAY is supposed to only be 375 million Algo, their total HOLDINGS are supposed to be for ecosystem and community, but they will keep those for themselves too

already about 150 million tokens have been sent to DWF, with more daily. Ask yourself how the fuck did they run out of money already? With nothing to show for it except falling down ranks below all the other coins that baggies talk shit about? It's because they fucking pocketed all of it and went on trips and stupid shit like this. A tiny, negligible grain of it has gone to actually growing the chain. IT'S A HUGE FUCKING GRIFT

>> No.55462636
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I don't know he's pretty cool dude

>> No.55463925

It’s over. Is there legal action, or are we left to our own devices

>> No.55464033



>> No.55464895
File: 77 KB, 1506x826, waltonchain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is like a more professional version of waltonchain scam with a western touch. great entertainment value for sure.

>> No.55465134
File: 8 KB, 194x259, redditjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek lmao, it's real. they literally get to buy 133% of the Foundation's own endowment at a 20% discount from retail
Reddit ALGO onions boys excruciatingly and eternally BTFO by the tranny

>> No.55465156

>Algorand is based
>JAWs is based
>VEST is based

I'm stacking my ALGOs and VESTs I'm gonna make it. You're not FUDing me out of my bag Anon. This was a turning point. Fuck your FUD, fuck your grifter, fuck your attempts at shaking me out. I'm completely unbothered, extremely moisturized, in my lane and flourishing

>> No.55465175

All you fucking retards don't understand how this deal was likely structured. The foundation may be filled with mouth-breathers but they're not THAT retarded.

They set up AlgoVentures as an attempt at creating a VC-branch. Bear in mind they had entered previously similar structured deals before (do you really think BC, PilarVC, HiveCapital, ArringtonCapital put up billions of dollars liquid themselves, no they were matched/encouraged to some extent by the Foundation as well). What they're selling is part endowment, part AlgoVentures allocation. It's very likely that the discount is structured in a way were they have to invest that % in ecosystem projects so that raises aren't only the Foundation providing all the capital. DFW is also likely going to be given a time-allotment to spend this amount, or else they're likely penalized. What you can expect from this is that we're probably going to see a new round of funding for all projects across the board, maybe some are complete grifts, maybe some prove to be useful. Whatever it may be it's not nearly as bad as the algosoifam thinks it is.

>> No.55465771

>They dumped the token to the pits of hell
it's just the retarded token distribution. it will increase until 2030

>> No.55465941

damn and its still near its ATL so i guess ill buy another 5k

>> No.55465981

>My globohomo coin is better than your globohomo coin

You're acting like kids

>> No.55465987

I got my rewards. That’s something I guess

>> No.55466496
File: 144 KB, 1024x682, 47699315782_24a2b7cc32_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what you're talking about.

The foundation has started to combine all their funds into one bucket. It used to be split for their endowment, ecosystem, and community. But they've blown through their runway, so now they're starting to take from the community. It's why there's one slush fund shown in their transparency reports now and not broken out into separate categories like before.

Dwf got a discount and will be dumping. They won't invest in shit. They have a history of throwing money at dead, desperate coins and asking for a steep discount. Please go look at the shit they've thrown money at, it's all founders desperately trying to get exit liquidity for their tokens that aren't relevant.

The people who run your chain don't care about growing it, they just want the short term profits from dumping your token and then they'll disappear. Their runway was supposed to extend until 2030 and they just sold the last of it. Wake up retard

>> No.55466553

the only algo threads are these weird "algo so bad" ones. why? there is obviously no interest, else there would be regular threads. the only explanation i can think of is that someone got antsy over their failed project, but instead of thinking long and hard about their money allocation, they create a thread to shit on something else to distract themselves. i can see the reasoning behind pitiful hbar holders doing it. just imagine, decentralization sucks, price sucks, projects suck and the only thing that's touted, the tech, is also inferior. shitting on one of the better chains tech wise might make sense in their head

>> No.55467092

Yes, you're right you anon stink beard. They decided to build a novel consensus mechanism, VM-layer, functioning chain and useful product just to make less than a bn when ETH forks are currently sitting at multi billion valuations. You're absolutely retarded.

>> No.55467199
File: 244 KB, 600x450, ScholesMilkenWarden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's crazy how much shittier Algorand has been for retail compared to everything else, isn't it?

lol, they didn't make less than a bn. Are you conflating market cap with how much they've pocketed? Billions of tokens have been dumped, the majority of which were near the top and definitely $1+

You're either new to crypto or downright retarded if you're pulling out arguments about the "novel consensus" tech. You live in a fantasy world and you're naive. It's about greed and the terms that they're selling the token for, which were fucking awful for retail. And besides, the people who work as devs are not the ones running the chain and mismanaging funds

>> No.55467263

DWF just bought 70m Jasmy apparently. I’m not sure what to think of this.

>> No.55468096

Oh no no no no no no

>> No.55469168
File: 4 KB, 249x185, 1687308273157944s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, its best to avoid VC assets anon or you're gonna rope eventually. I'd rather ape in on based gems like Dot, Krest, Matic and Flux for long term gains.

>> No.55469477

> Matic
It suddenly smells like curry in here. Anyone else noticed?

>> No.55470723
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