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55453488 No.55453488 [Reply] [Original]

And how the fuck does retail even use ccip? As a matter of fact, what the fuck is even ccip? I can’t handle all these meaningless buzzwords

>> No.55453502


>> No.55453510

wtf is that creature?

>> No.55453529

Read a book you uncultured swine

>> No.55453537

Before I answer your question tell me how long have you held crypto and what do you hold?

>> No.55453543

Retail doesn't use ccip
They use products built on top of it without knowing

>> No.55453552

which books, faggot?

>> No.55453593

I must not buy Link. Link is the portfolio-killer. Link is the little shitcoin that brings total financial obliteration.

>> No.55453600
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The Dune series. that is Leto Atreides II. Based off that post, OP is suggesting link will be the spice of crypto and finance. I don’t know if it will reach that level but it might come close

>> No.55453605

"77 days of CCIP."

Some dates to remember:
17th July 2023 EthCC starts.
3rd October 2023 SmartCon ends.

>> No.55453611

Isn't dune that David lynch film? Anyway ETH is the spice... not Link and the God Emperor is Vitalik.

>> No.55453616

It’s actually going to be detrimental to the price of the token, just like everything else the fat scammer released.

>> No.55453636

>Is ccip going to be a big deal for chainlink or not?
Doesn't matter, oracles and the usage of link as collateral is a strong enough catalyst to make the token get to $1000.
>And how the fuck does retail even use ccip?
web3 apps (like uniswap) will be able to integrate ccip to offer (for example) DEXes that allow retail to trade tokens on different blockchains without having to bridge assets.
>As a matter of fact, what the fuck is even ccip? I can’t handle all these meaningless buzzwords
A protocol that allows quick and secure communication and settlement between different blockchains.

>> No.55453674
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The lynch film is based off the books by Frank Herbert and dune is probably the equivalent to Lord of the rings when it comes to influence on SciFi. anyways I disagree. I see ethereum being more like the spacing guild and having a grip on the smart contracts. Link will empower them

>> No.55453760

There will probably be suicides when testnet beta CCIP V0.01 comes out and link is still stuck at $6.

>> No.55453803

>web3 apps (like uniswap) will be able to integrate ccip to offer (for example) DEXes that allow retail to trade tokens on different blockchains without having to bridge assets.
So are you saying it’s just like a uniswap dex page? Basically replace uniswap with chainlink? There are hundreds of dexes that already exists why is this a big deal?

>> No.55453809

The Villeneuve one is so tragic. They made that fucking macaque Chani

>> No.55453818

lmao based chad chris blec's multi sig fud was so good even vitalik refuses to stake all his eth because of it

>> No.55453823


The other ones all get hacked

>> No.55453831

Hi raydolph

>> No.55453852

It takes all DEX markets across all chains and integrates them with each other.

>> No.55453868
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Simply speaking
Is it going to be like this?

>> No.55453882

Why can't they make a good film version of dune? I tried to watch the new one but it was too boring

>> No.55453900

>A protocol that allows quick and secure communication and settlement between different blockchains.
How quick?

>> No.55453916
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>> No.55454065

You hopium peddlers do this to yourselves.
People should of learned after the arbitrum and staking nothingburgers.
Fags always massively shill and hype everything which leads to high expectations which inevitably get shattered and end in disappointment for everyone

>> No.55454094

>should of

>> No.55454098
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poo poo but also pee pee

>> No.55454142

>dude uniswap will integrate link lmao
>bro uni is a "needed" governance token that secures the uniswap protocol lmao
>man vitalik doesnt even trust the fatal security flaw called multi-sigs pioneered by chainshit lmao

The based VCs were right to rile you faggots up sir gay deserves those death threats for not bowing down and kissing VC feets then selling them LINK for pennies OTC
Sir Gay forced the VCs to take drastic action like pivoting away from crypto like based kings
Twitter had to cut our view count so we would stop revealing their plans fellow based kings stay based and redpilled
And all this noise for a token that is literally and unironically not needed LMAO imagine wasting more time fudding an unneedful token than you did on all the vidya in existence

>> No.55454156

It's going to be a big deal for Chainlink but not its token LINK or its holders.

>> No.55454177



>> No.55454242

>July 3rd
Holy crap ur in da fewcha!

>> No.55454318

Lmao how can one person be so wrong

>> No.55454345

>Not on the Golden Path.
Sorry yangtmi anon

>> No.55454523

CCIP is a bigger deal than you can possibly even imagine.

It completely reshapes the way blockchain technology works and the way the internet works as a whole. It is the equivalent of the internet for blockchain. Just as the internet changed how we use computers forever, so will CCIP.

>> No.55454534

Explain why as if I were a nigger

>> No.55454537
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>as if

>> No.55454553

No. CCIP is a developer tool that allows for communication between one blockchain and another(or multiple). Here is the gist. Imagine you are on chain A, not much liquidity but is very cheap, and you want to utilize services on another chain with a lot of liquidity, thanks to Chainlink you can do that. As long as the networks have Chainlink oracles and the contract/dapp is also chainlinked, i.e also uses Chainlink services such as CCIP.

>> No.55454554

Calling bullshit on that, it's pure hype

>> No.55454555

Uniswap and other dexes will use it on the backend, just like some defi products use chainlink oracles on the backend, without any chainlink branding anywhere.

Regular users won't necessarily know or care that they're using ccip. All they'll know is that they can now sell ETH on ethereum mainnet for shitcoins on polygon/arbitrum/optimism/fantom/ using uniswap, only with one click (instead of having to bridge ETH from ethereum to some L2, and then use a local DEX on that L2 to buy their shitcoins).

>> No.55454638


>> No.55454645
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>> No.55454654

Why will token price go up

>> No.55454696

Retail or enterprise will use CCIP via a combination of a web frontend, plus API's which will abstract away the underlying blockchain.
Much similar to how bankers transfer large sums over Swift, they don't know the underlying message control systems. It is abstracted away, they just hit the send button.
When transferring your friend money, you don't know the underlying tech that does it either.
What becomes important is the platform and design provides an efficient way to transact that provides higher guarantees, lower costs and more visibility than the current systems. Ultimately providing a superior system that outperforms the old.
Average users won't even have to realize they are transacting with a blockchain. They may see a rubber stamp "powered by blockchain and chainlink", but that is it.

>> No.55454698

Ok but why would token price go up

>> No.55454736

Probably because you need to pay in link to use Ccip. Idk lol

>> No.55454742

yeah but token comes from the treasury, causing inflation

>> No.55454758

I’m retarded but I think you’re even worse

>> No.55454810

BUZZZZZZZ WRONG NIGGER the token comes from the open market thereby decreasing the circulating supply and making number go up
use an online calculator to figure it out yourself

>> No.55454823
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Leto II was based. Strengthen the species by governmental stress and hardship. I think I will invent Atreides Coin and then dump on holders. The Salt must Flow. Maybe call it the Solari.

>> No.55454840

Horrible casting and not the best writing/acting.

>> No.55454849
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Niggers LOL

>> No.55454902
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Fr fr, no cap. Chani, Duncan, Gurney, Leto, Jessica being emotional and showing lack of emotional control (though I like the Irish bitch that plays her), the Baron Harkonnen…all the casting is all fucked up, Mang. And don’t get me started on that little French faggot as Paul; Paul needs to be a Henry Cavill with a military style upbringing. The whole thing feels wrong because the casting was all wrong. The French fag could have played Fayde, but that’s about it. The big fucker from the Netflix Reacher series should have been Duncan.

>> No.55454905

ccip is massive but high risk
if they pull it off we will be very though
as for token:
collateral will be the main mover of price long term but that is years away. speculation in the meantime + staking rewards from token emissions + build airdrops will drive price high in next bull

>> No.55454956

I disagree. I think Chalamet made a lot of sense for a future where the Holtzmann shield has rendered brute force combat useless. He should've been forced to work out a little though. The immense amount of niggers just shoehorned into everything is so annoying though. Duncan being some weird metrosexual Samoan freak is terrible too. This happens a lot in science fiction films, the casting directors for all these have to be brutally libtarded or something. Just compare Blade Runner original to the nigger filled neo-Blade Runner. The worst is how they made all Fremen niggers but somehow Stilgar is still a white man.

>> No.55455105


>> No.55455947

Woah that's crazy, That guy didn't answer your question!

>> No.55456178

Price of token goes up because people that need the token will buy it. Some will use the token to pay for stuff, others will go stake. Some will store it away or some will just lend them. If you don’t need the token, please I urge you not to buy. I just want a small piece of a world changing process.

>> No.55456184

Sui stack?
Make it stack?
How much will 2k links net me?

>> No.55456201

how's $2,000,000 sound?

>> No.55456203

Too good to be true tbf

>> No.55456231

Give it 15 years.

>> No.55456254


basically you can transact across chains without having to move things manually. what this allows is a backend infrastructure that is faster, more secure, and no hassle to the end user. moving assets between chains, making purchases on chain from conventional banking, investing "real" money in digital assets, converting currencies for global marketplaces, and many yet unforeseen use cases all made possible by CCIP.

>> No.55456261

These days? Sui is like 100 make it is 1k. Just be prepared to serve oysters at the yacht party garçon because no matter what, you’ll never have enough.

>> No.55456296

The most important feature of all of it is that it gives corporations solid ground to integrate with Web3.
Read section 4 of the Chainlink whitepaper 2.0. The issue companies have is that the technology around blockchains changes so quickly that if you dedicate time and resources to building your blockchain solution, the blockchain may not even exist by the time it's ready for launch.
Imagine pouring money into a 5 year dev project based on EOS that finally is ready this year, and EOS isn't even a thing any more.
What CCIP provides is a way to say to businesses "Just build for CCIP, just build for our solution that is specifically tailored to make it easy to integrate with whatever legacy system you have already. Then, CCIP will connect you to whatever blockchain functionalities you want on the backend, and no matter how much the sands are shifting in terms of L1s/L2s/modular vs monolithic/EVM or non EVM etc it doesn't matter any more, because all you have to do as a business is plug into CCIP".

That is the game changing capacity of CCIP. It will be the hub through which every tradfi hybrid solution passes, it will open up blockchains to every single business on the other side (legacy) that wants to dip their toes in.
And when all of that money and talent comes flooding in, most of the existing Web3 incumbents will be automatically demoted. And they know it. And they hate Chainlink for it.

>> No.55456299

Why do you talk about these 'suicide stack' numbers? They're meaningless unless you say what you expect the token price to be. Also, one person's idea of 'making it'could be completely different to someone elses.
I never got this conversation. Totally pointless.

>> No.55456320

You’re right, it’s all subjective. I can go ahead and say $10k/link and you’ll go ahead and multiply that by your stack and let the dopamine rush over you. Or I can say you’ll never have enough. There’s plenty of good explanations of what CCIP can enable, and you’ll continue to think how much is that worth? What are the possibilities? How many Bugattis can I buy? At the end of the day it’s pointless, just a regular display of human greed. The real conversation should be had about
>how much do I need to be free?

>> No.55456367

How much staked to not have to wage, ya think?
60k usd per year ballpark
>t. 14k staked

>> No.55456371

surely you mean
>how much MONEY do I need to be free?
not how much link

>> No.55456376
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>> No.55456521

I have no internet and i must buy link

>> No.55456797

The books can also be quite boring since they are paced very weird. The film isn't half bad imo. I'm just really salty they turned Liet Keynes into a 30 year old black woman.

>> No.55457190
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I can’t wait till 33, life is over by then!

>> No.55457458

And the freeman are supposed isolated on dune for all time just breeding each other, but somehow have intense skin and hair differences like a sampling of urban new York. It's insulting to the audience and removes the viewer from the events of the film. I fucking hate modern movies

>> No.55457906

In 15 years we might have waifubots by then which is infinitely better than your youth right now

>> No.55457923

Checked and yes link is spice. In Dune spice was the essential resource for interstellar navigation, without it you could not power your ships. Without link you cannot use CCIP or chainlink oracles to power your smart contracts.

>> No.55457969

CCIP makes Eth a L2, nobody will be forced to use a particular Blockchain anymore. Users will get to pick their desired level of security, decentralisation, fees, TPS, etc. It will also allow for bank systems to communicate directly with blockchains, cutting out exchanges and their extortionate fees.

>> No.55458415

Too busy getting laid and lifting weights to read your gay nerd faggot books you little bitch

>> No.55459072

It's going to be a complete disaster.

Chainlink is abysmal at marketing. No one outside of the Chainlink baggie echo chamber knows or gives a shit.

There's no liquidity in the markets anymore. Retail ain't gonna buy this shit. VCs ain't gonna buy this shit. It's a dead alt from the old cycle.

And what's the purpose? Cross chain is a meme. There's barely even real usage on ethereum, it's all casino quick flips and ponzi scams. Whole crypto is worthless. All other L1s are dead, flat lined, no organic TVL, abandoned by their VCs already. So what's the value in connecting a scam chain to a ghost chain? Zero.

Even if it did have value? Chainlink doesn't know how to monetize their shit. Token unironically not needed. Which is why they're still subsidizing by dumping obscene amounts on baggies' heads, even when there's no demand and liquidity. Utterly shameless.

And this was the big news linkies hyped forever. SWIFT. Blog post came out and the market reaction was clear. Zero reaction whatsoever. Nobody gives a single shit. Once it's out, they have nothing left to hype up too, so even faint hopes of pumping based on future hype disappears.


>> No.55459102

I'm not reading all that mate

>> No.55459117

Part of me thinks this will be true. The other part of me thinks they’ve been waiting because ccip really will melt faces. Retail may not know but if all the sudden the big blue chip defi names are all using it, profits will rise, and eyes will be on link.

>> No.55459153

Okay but for GODS SAKE WHEN, though? I have 6 figures in fucking Pepe that I could accumulate another 10k+ LINK with but I feel like Pepe is gonna rip harder than LINK until CCIP actually goes live.

>> No.55459255


>> No.55459638

essentially, the market priced in SWIFT and the impact was minimal. hard to explain this away, imo

>> No.55459671

The grand reveal of CCIP will be Sergey on stage at next smartcon he will drop his pants to his ankles and proclaim “SEE SEE I PEE!!” And start pissing on his audience

>> No.55459881


I fucking hated how they butchered Jessica, trembling like a leaf every scene instead of being a badass

>> No.55460022
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It wont lmao. The supply will inflate by 14% per year while linkfags have their tiny cocks locked into 5% staking for a wonderful -9% per year.
Hundreds of millions of useless unneeded tokens is exactly why the price is dogshit and the based CL team just threw more fuel on the fire that is the link chart

Link was the same price as it is now when btc was 16k. Its dumped 50% against bitcoin in the middle of a bear market. Notice how link baggies arent even coping with their saying "bear market coin" because even they know how stupid that sounds at this point. The only true link slogan is
>pumps the least dumps the most

>> No.55460064

In other words: LINK is a bargain right now.

>> No.55460284
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I look like this and say this and think like this

>> No.55460303

I look like the chudjak in facial structure but have a chin and am 6’ 3. I have lots of sex. You will never be a woman thoughie

>> No.55460313

I liked it. Thought they did an excellent job at a few key scenes
>Herald of the change
>Sadukar throat singing rave

>> No.55460318

Yeah, and I've heard lots of fud in my day. Plus, I started masturbating with Icy Hot over 5 years ago and have complete control over my mind, body, and spirit.

>> No.55460357

that chudjak is unironically based & right

>> No.55460467

How would a book, with words, reveal what this picture is from... its from a movie. his mind could paint a totally different image while reading the books.
>Its dune and its shit>>55453510

>> No.55460547

I also look like a chudjak but I’m 5’9 with a small chin and get no pussy :(

>> No.55460847

So what's to stop people creating an illiquid shitcoin and using its fake mcap to manipulate liquid chains like eth and scam for profit?

>> No.55461137

go ask in the developers github chat, assclown

>> No.55461251

The market is fucking retarded if it has decided that chainlink's Swift connection is only worthy of being rank 22 in a sea of worthless dogshit

>> No.55461293

>buy high sell low

>> No.55461399

Ngmi. I'm listening to that right now.

>> No.55461500
