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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55453267 No.55453267 [Reply] [Original]

Bankers and investment firms earn a commission and call it capitalism but if Road builders and masons want a commission for every meter of street and a share of the rent of every house they build they call them communists

>> No.55453305

go to china retard, as a worker and experience communism on your own. Bankers and investment firms carry risk. Masons and road builders carry tools, and get paid for their work and the risk of breaking their nails

>> No.55453314


>> No.55453350
File: 7 KB, 241x209, 5178F46B-D1E6-42B7-9551-A8C837E10EFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of risk are they taking exactly? They‘re gambling with the money of the working class and if they lose they receive billion of dollars from the government

>> No.55453395

Now that is reductive. Governments do not give billions dollar bailouts to individual citizens who gambled with other people’s money and lost it. You can not name one man who this has happened to, because governments do not bail out people, they bail out corporations. The risk in this case for the individual is that he loses his career and possibly faces prison. The risk for an institution is also obvious.

>> No.55453414
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>China = communism

>> No.55453416

>The risk for an institution is also obvious
They have to rebrand and register a new mailbox in the Bahamas? Please jump out of your NY penthouse already you filthy bankerkike

>> No.55453426

No anomz don't you see, making a deal at 3am in a strip club to sell a branch of a business at cost is totally very smart and much needed economic activity, this he has brought value to the world and deserves to be rich :^)

>> No.55453434
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>They‘re gambling with the money of the working class
Not your keys, not your money.
Maybe one day you will lift your ass from the gaming chair and understand the world doesn't work according to your rethoric.

>> No.55453448

risk breaking their body vs risk another bail out