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File: 329 KB, 598x511, Screenshot 2023-07-02 at 21-05-51 Home _ Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55451988 No.55451988 [Reply] [Original]

what exactly is wrong with vitamin?

>> No.55452001

he’s unironically in it for the tech

>> No.55452018
File: 344 KB, 1119x908, w45z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55452026
File: 212 KB, 1230x973, ethereumpedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is wrong with him


>> No.55452030
File: 78 KB, 1006x773, ethereumpedoss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what is wrong with him yes......

>> No.55452034


>> No.55452035
File: 548 KB, 723x1038, ethereumpedosss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah what could be wrong

>> No.55452038
File: 92 KB, 730x718, ethereumvita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just a perfectly normal guy bro

>> No.55452039

Well child porn is legal in Russia

>> No.55452078

>being based is suddenly bad when i didnt buy in

>> No.55452082

yea hes right what did he say that is wrong

>> No.55452100

I am not posting from my phone retard

pedophile shit is not really relevant

>> No.55452109

Oh ok
Then i guess hes really in for the tech

>> No.55452121

of course hes in it for the tech, hes already rich,

>> No.55452124

Normies wouldn’t understand. Please go back to consuming your consensual dick in anus porn

>> No.55452283

He's not wrong though

>> No.55452375

agreed. I always chuckle at normies who seethe at his comment on simple possession. It shows they have little to no capacity to think critically. Although, what's often overlooked, is that in order to come into "simple possession" one must 'acquire' the pornography, and jts in the acquisition that can be argued to have caused harm.

>> No.55452407

they forget that the actual crime is when ur raping a kid

>> No.55452415

they forget that the actual crime is when ur raping a kid

its like saying liveleak is illegal cuz its video evidence of crimes

>> No.55452418

>Although, what's often overlooked, is that in order to come into "simple possession" one must 'acquire' the pornography, and jts in the acquisition that can be argued to have caused harm.
The way he emphasizes "simple posession" makes it clear that he is only talking about the specific case where you don't in fact produce the CP yourself, you only view CP that already exists. While it's sad that this CP does exist in this scenario, that fact would be unrelated to your possession and thus it would be a truly victimless crime.

>> No.55452434

the crime is raping a kid not looking at 1's and 0's on a screen

>> No.55452535
File: 57 KB, 600x498, 1664127511655755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you seek after a product, you are creating a market for that product. When a market is created, producers of the product are incentivized to make more.

>> No.55452567

he's an autistic techno-hypertwink and on top of that he's foreign. he's never gonna be normal. deal with it.

>> No.55452650

Only if you pay for it.
I am very dubious of the notion that merely looking at something for free creates a market for it. If we had to morally consider even such vague correlations, then it would be basically impossible to do anything at all with a clear conscience.

>> No.55453207


See >>55452535
>producers of the product are incentivized to make more.

This is correct. Someone who comes into "Simple possession" of the pornography didn't necessarily have to have produced it. They may have purchased it or they may have traded other porn for it. And the person they acquired it from may not have necessarily produced the material. The point is, a market has now been created, and the incentive to produce more ignited.

The grey area that perhaps only those with maximal critical thinking capacity appear to see is acquisition by third parties, from third party sources.

>Person uploads pornography to a server not controlled by themselves
>Pornography intended to be downloaded only by purchaser
>Third party finds upload address, and downloads files.

Has the third party harmed anyone?
They didn't pay or trade anything for it.
The uploader is unaware that third party acquired it
Third party has come into simple possession, and their acquisition did not create incentive to produce more

>> No.55453225

chinese/treasonous US private sector plant. Its clean up time, and the Shanghai connection ends in front of a wall

>> No.55453284


>merely looking at something for free creates a market for it

Depends on whether the uploader sees that others have viewed their uploads.

It extends to those tiktok prankster videos also.
Tiktok pranksters cause havoc but are their viewers partly accountable for that havoc? What about their followers/subscribers? What about those who respond "great video lol" in the comment section?

>> No.55453318

because it doesn't. One has to be a braindead neo marxist that only sees supply side and thinks centralized steering of supply can make markets. They completely ignore demand, because they are retards

>> No.55453472

This fucking rat jew is always trying to lowkey pump Söylana

>> No.55453588

that's a linux screenshot filename
I bet you use windows lmao