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File: 848 KB, 953x818, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55450931 No.55450931 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't this headline a little inflammatory during these pressing times?

>> No.55450936

its meant to demoralise you, the media is just a buck breaking machine

>> No.55450937


>> No.55450945 [DELETED] 

she can spend her time riding black dick now. pure heaven.

>> No.55450955

The fuck is this shit? Who are those people? What's a pen license?

>> No.55450961

No, not really.
You know her moms name is in the title right?
She makes all the money and exploits her child for more money.

>> No.55450987
File: 114 KB, 240x247, 1466900944285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55450989

>Australians need a license to carry pens

>> No.55451028

She probably has an onlyfans with her moms id.

Dammit now I'm horny look what you did op

>> No.55451039

good for her

>> No.55451049
File: 124 KB, 2818x442, 1686191596734461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55451175

A fairly famous Aussie radio/talk show woman is pimping out her daughter on instagram, seems to be using her to sell girl products and then a probably tries to push the notion that her girl is an entrepreneur as well, perhaps to create hype/clout to pretend as if other girls can do the same thing (obviously they can't because their mum isn't rich).

>> No.55451191

15? that girl is like 10 years old

>> No.55451193
File: 715 KB, 304x248, DevotedEasyHorseshoecrab-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly agree but I'm legitimately demotivated by not having groupies. Maybe I was just born to need them

>> No.55451201

She already hit the wall at 15. Brutal. I wonder how many taxes she paid.

>> No.55451261

about 4 inches thick

>> No.55451268

what the fuck is a pen license

>> No.55451292


>> No.55451325
File: 791 KB, 1853x1902, Welcome to the Men's Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah another Peter Steele fren

>> No.55451334

3 more years

>> No.55451379

Just pimp your kids out to the globohomo bro

>> No.55451414

Oi you got a license for those letters?

>> No.55453418

how much money for her to be my wife and give me daily paizuri ;_;

>> No.55453527
File: 386 KB, 936x1280, b37d461fe004da821b38316b8fe08e05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the next episode of MTV's Pimp My Cunny

>> No.55453553
File: 276 KB, 400x243, honor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting my pen license soon. #feelsgoodman

>> No.55453564


>> No.55453991

no, remember that you are poor because you are less competent than a 15 year old girl

>> No.55454024

If you could do anything with your time, not having to work, how would you fill your days?

>> No.55455261

The Jewish/globalist media’s primarily function is to confuse and demoralize you so you don’t fight back, or really do anything at all other than consume and masturbate. Nothing from the mainstream media is real. Sometimes they craft narratives that they try to make real. Some times they’re successful, other times they call you a racism antisemite then craft a new narrative, taking into consideration how the last one failed. Long term they want all European peoples and cultures genocided and their former lands filled with a mulatto/Brazilian immigrant race of 90IQ consumer hedonistic retards.

>> No.55455957

wasn't that pic about the film where the the film where a photographer fucks and marries a 12 year old girl who is the daughter of a whore or something? Also wasn't it made before cp laws?

>> No.55455973

Poor girl if this is true

>> No.55455978
File: 281 KB, 696x623, 1687745157869955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know fren, I don't watch movies about cp

>> No.55456012
File: 109 KB, 1200x630, 0a710d00-5656-11ec-a418-ab5307ae5a78_1200_630[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure who in their right mind would buy her garbage but I would pay in XMR for her services.

>> No.55456023

Are you talking about Lolita? Came out back in the 70's I think.

>> No.55456036

no the other one, brookes was only like 13 or so when filming the film I'm talking about

>> No.55456505

I agree with this especially about confusing us. I read stuff like "diversity" and "inclusion" and I feel like I'm trying to strangle the people writing it for a definition of what that stuff actually means. Because it's progressive/Jewish it means a different thing every time they say it.

>> No.55456540

They make these articles to gaslight you.

>> No.55456619
File: 536 KB, 1064x1049, nambersendme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55456639

This is definitely some kind of Jewish humiliation ritual.
>Create company in your child's name, use them for PR
>Go to the media, show everyone what "your kid" did

>> No.55457902

What the fuck is a pen license? You need a fucking license to write with a pen in britong or some shit? Or did their autocorrect turn "penis?"

>> No.55457914

Don't worry

Soon enough the people who love money are going to be beating themselves with sorrow

>> No.55458108

with money you can pay legit model tier escorts who dont come back to fuck you up later with rape allegations
in regards to the groupies didnt work out so well for the rammstein frontman he is cancelled now, unpersoned as if he never existed at all

parents have been pimping their kids to hollywood in a quite literal sense for decades, its btw also always the parent that walks away with the cash

>> No.55458131

I would say that too, if it was fake, but it isn't just made up shit, there ARE kids and dummies raking in millions.

>> No.55458183

>Isn't this headline a little inflammatory
Send a strongly worded e-mail to the President of the Internet.

>> No.55458184

blue lagoon?

>> No.55458198

Some schools don't let students use pens until they have mastered handwriting. A pen license means your skilled enough to use a pen.