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File: 408 KB, 764x467, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55448015 No.55448015 [Reply] [Original]

If you tell a normie you're into crypto they think you're a loser

>> No.55448022

Beware of COVID...not over by a long shot.

>> No.55448026

And in 2 years they'll think you're a lucky loser. Ask the normie question "why should I care?". Why should (You) care about normies? They're retarded npcs

>> No.55448028

You are far worse than a loser. You are a parasite

>> No.55448037

It's called speedrunning

>> No.55448052
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>the normies keep laughing at me

>> No.55448066

if you are still into crypto and havent sold, you are the normie

>> No.55448102

That's why in bear markets I "work in finance" as a "digital asset manager" and I leave out the fact I'm only managing the digital assets of me and mom.

>> No.55448105

the chud meme was the best thing to ever happen to this place kek

>> No.55448237

Have you ever met anyone winning at crypto? I only see 99 losers and maybe 1 or 2 winners.

Just like a casino. House always wins. A couple dudes win just to keep the losers coming.

>> No.55448244

normies are retards that got vaxxed and maskkked

>> No.55448301

I can't agree more or less, but I think majority of the folks that lose their pie of funds are basically cowards who are not smart. They basically lose to whales that control the entire market system.

Nevertheless, we are in for another amazing cycle. Those that buy during the bull market will be used as exit liquidity.

>> No.55448382

Still early

>> No.55448409

Everyone that walks in a casino thinks they are smart. Everyone that wins money in a casino and keeps playing ends up broke.

Now replace casino with crypto.

>> No.55448415
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Replace your throat with this knife faggot

>> No.55448422

Be a normie in front of normies. Make fun of how gullible they are later.

>> No.55448427


>> No.55448435

all they care about is how much money you have in crypto. if you dont tell them that right away you might as well be talking about unintelligible gibble garbledygoo

>> No.55448440

>bear market with 100k
>you are retarded
>bull market with 100k
>you just got lucky
Why even bother telling them?

>> No.55448449

I'd love to be in a bear market with $100k. You could flip 1%-5% spikes for hundreds, sometimes thousands of doilars.

>> No.55448508

yeah that's like right before it goes up and then everybody thinks its cool again

>> No.55448558
File: 22 KB, 500x332, 1666654137415873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the ideology you have is not it. The crypto space is a moving truck of technology, and it is still in its infant stage. Based on experience, if you want to profit from the space, now is the right time to start investing. So many indications have shown that we are close to the bull run, and web3 gateways and smart wallets like Brillion, Jark Dorsey Bitkey, Magic, and many more are building innovative products to onboard millions and billions of users to web3. Anytime you see a drastic interest in Web3, it means we are closed, and Innovation reacts to this. Don't be left out, son.

This is how dumb some folks can be. They basically want to be spoon-fed at all times.

>> No.55448605
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>the chud meme was the best thing to ever happen to this place kek

>> No.55448611
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>the chud meme was the best thing to ever happen to this place kek

>> No.55448621
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> Anonymous (ID: OIFe72Pl) 07/01/23(Sat)21:21:06 No.55448605▶>>55448611
>File: 876587658758.gif (321 KB, 661x522)
>>the chud meme was the best thing to ever happen to this place kek
> Anonymous (ID: 8glw0L+Y) 07/01/23(Sat)21:22:51 No.55448611▶
>File: I'm here.jpg (10 KB, 300x302)
>>the chud meme was the best thing to ever happen to this place kek

>> No.55448646

This thread in a nutshell:

>> No.55448648
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>> No.55448651

Jannies gave you gigachad ID

>> No.55448661
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>> No.55448847

That's just how it always goes, which is why I couldn't care less. It's just a phase, bro, and it's gonna blow over for sure, so I'm capitalizing on it. Gotta be smart and get ready for the bulls' comeback by digging into research and scooping up those sweet low or early buys. Tools like tokenmetrics make it even easier to do my due diligence. There are tons of tools out there, man, for everyone to get in on the profits.

>> No.55448859
File: 8 KB, 168x193, download (15)~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've reached a point where I don't give a damn anymore, kek. Instead, I'll flex my alts and stack NFTs with thingies, seekers, or even coolcats, underpriced with growth potential! Let them believe I'm a fool until I snag that sweet stashes of cash in the bull.

>> No.55448881

If you are into crypto & arent rich then you are a loser.

>> No.55448885

>tfw more money than a normie will make in their entire career
The pain is too great to go on

>> No.55448898

Not the normies I know.
They're actual NPCs who wear masks in public, stand on escalators, overeat, pay money for TV subscriptions, enjoy Disney live action remakes, use cars to drive short distances within walking range, and watch CNN.
They believe crypto is some kind of tool of the alt-right from the mysterious 4chan hacker.
When I tell them I'm into crypto, they accuse me of being racist.

>> No.55448902
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>> No.55448942

i look like this

>> No.55450726
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>> No.55451303
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I couldn't give two shits about what people blabber on about. I'm confident as fuck that crypto's gonna pave the way to my sick future, as long as I put my cash in projects that actually do something in the real world. Think iotex, peaq, hbar, and cspr and these are gonna skyrocket, mark my words.

>> No.55451344

The normies are onto us.. we should stop using words like crypto and blockchain, instead using words like networks, decentralized and finance; then they might not be able to accurately identify us as losers.

>> No.55451438

at this point unironically do exact opposite of what the normies want to. normies are far gone, giving into the peer pressure will fuck you up. literally. the covid shit is tangible proof.

>> No.55452756

>protip; don't tell people stuff, let them tell you stuff and repeat it back to them and they think you're smart because they think they're smart
Infinite likes glitch.