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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 632x632, twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55447058 No.55447058 [Reply] [Original]

What do we do now bros?

>> No.55447063

as a twitter user biz is only good during the bull run
i had a good thing going curating my feed then elon fucks it up

>> No.55447069

Works on my machine.

>> No.55447081
File: 21 KB, 200x266, 1674605505114160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang yourselves, as your only purpose is wasting oxygen, post screenshot about from literally who about shit nobody cares and being the lowest normalcattle around, twitterniggers deserve to rope and die.

>> No.55447089

we wonder if Hsaka is also a greasy Jew without ruining our careers

>> No.55447097

>biz is only good during the bull run
No one tell him.

>> No.55447105

“post screenshot about from literally who about shit”
The correct English is
“posting a screen shot about literal who shit”

The ESL tries to insult us but trips over his own words.

Places to learn English are:
Rosetta Stone

>> No.55447111

You will always be a nigger eating e-celeb shit, no amount of english errors can deny that.

>> No.55447130

He is

>> No.55447133


Post hand rajesh

>> No.55447137

Welcome back faggots.
I'm spodermon and I'm gonna shoot you.

>> No.55447142 [DELETED] 

twitter crypto is the height f cringe tho

>> No.55447160

wait a day for your limit to reset

>> No.55447172

I hope it's a full 24 hour from last view down to the minute and not a midnight reset.

>> No.55447197

Elon is such a retarded nigger faggot holy shit what a dumbfuck

>> No.55447224

There’s a loophole. Download the app and when you reach the limit, delete app and then redownload. Back to normal. At least for me anyway and I don’t even have a Twitter account lol

>> No.55447229

ChainlinkGod is here at this very moment

>> No.55447235

Enjoy our Saturday?

>> No.55447236

Oh yeah?
Where's he at, let me at him.

>> No.55447247

I'm depressed. My coins could moon and I wouldn't even know.

>> No.55447249
File: 344 KB, 1119x908, w45z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55447253

You niggers are save anyway already.

>> No.55447255

I can't see it

>> No.55447261

Probably. But I’m not gonna lie if I was offered a bunch of money to shill something like rollbit I’d for sure take the money and run.

>> No.55447274

where put comma?

>> No.55447284


>> No.55447306

10k is never gonna happen, bobo Elon

>> No.55447325


>> No.55447362

Qrd? Why is Twitter here? Wtf more reddit tier shit?

>> No.55447392

Biz during bullruns fucking sucks it's just full of dog shitcoins

>> No.55447399

Dumb autistic tranny, hang yourself. It is painfully apparent that you don't even know English.

>> No.55447406

it sucks this bear run too, people are still shilling the same dead scams from 2018-2020

>> No.55447416

>Biz during bullruns fucking sucks
No one tell him

>> No.55447429


>> No.55447450


Places to learn English are
Stanford Online
Smith Academy
Centum Speech

>> No.55447475
File: 88 KB, 652x617, 2023-06-23 01.22.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U know what to do

>> No.55447500

What was that ESL-kun? Are you having a seizure again?

>> No.55447512
File: 108 KB, 640x640, bs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't effect Blackswan so doesn't matter.

>> No.55447620

>biz is only good during the bull run
9/10 bait

>> No.55447626

kek it's cancer during a bull run. best for me so far was summer of 2020. that free 2.5 ETH airdrop because of UNI. damn.

>> No.55447748

This may make sense in your monkey language but not in English.

>> No.55447750

Blackswan is a jeet pumping shit into the free tier ChatGPT API, and taking screenshots. With the Twitter API changes you jeets are really in trouble kek. Based Elon: Jeet Annihilator.

>> No.55447875

Twitter crypto/nft grifters should be publicly bludgeoned. Can’t ever say this on Twitter because muh toxic positivity

Motherfucker if you steal my life savings and you’re already rich I’m going to give you these hands.

>> No.55447887

goto twetch

im not joking, its based af and free from the coomers and consoomers that plague the internet

>> No.55447945

Dog shitcoins were the best way to make money during 2021. Useless scams will lea the market in 2025 too

>> No.55447989

learn to code

>> No.55447997

The average crypto twitterer is insecure and unhappy

They flock to influencers that are dedicated to punching down and revel in negative energy

They hate /biz/ and anons and would prefer if we disappeared from the earth

They redirect their love to dog coins because they are unable to maintain normal human relationships

In short they are a Doomsday Cult

The only solace is that they are a relatively small and completely politically irrelevant slice of the population, and outside of crypto twitter they are shouted down as fringe maniacs

Which fuels their insecurity

And turns the crypto twitter wheel of hate and nihilism even faster

Which works just fine for Elon; an amoral engine of retard-supported profits

>> No.55448056


Biz is dogshit. The last good call from biz was chainlink sub 10 cents. Twitter is multiple magnitudes better and you will make far more lurking twitter than this crab infested stank pussy that is biz

>> No.55448057
File: 191 KB, 1536x839, 1683739858849273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55448072
File: 162 KB, 1024x1024, can't corner the blackswaner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

affect , effect its a common error. And an easy one at that. And the Twitter changes don't mean shit, he's only hurting his own business.

>> No.55448173

Yup. Biz has become a shitposting only board. Real money is made in twitter and telegram.

>> No.55448183

Twitter is dead. What will all the cryptotwitter users do now that the noaccount copytraders can't get scammed with their shilling? Can they shill to their fake purchased followers?

>> No.55448598
File: 773 KB, 333x358, 57656756785654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
