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55443202 No.55443202 [Reply] [Original]

Why did none of you fags recommend me the milk diet for money saving?
>1L of fullfat milk goes for around 1€
>if you're normal weight you can get by on ~4L of milk daily
>perfect macronutrient ratio
>has almost all the minerals and micronutrients you need
>super easy digestion (sorry niggers)
>easily available everywhere
Just eat occasional meat for iron, maybe a little bit of liver biweekly and you're all set. You can eat super healthy for such a low price and you all keep recommending crap like rice and beans or grains/pasta, disgusting.

>> No.55443206

eggs are better than milk

don't eat rice, it's arsenic

>> No.55443211

Yes eggs are great too, but bad calcium:phospate ratio. That's why milk is always superior to eggs or meat, though all are good.

>> No.55443213

Is this actually true? Seems like an irl cheat for some reason but kinda makes sense

>> No.55443212

also nice milkers

>> No.55443224
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Milk is literally the elixir of life. It's what makes mammals superior to other lifeforms. And what makes milk drinking races superior to non milk drinking ones.

>> No.55443227

too high saturated fat, you cant drink 2l+ of milk a day lmao

also enjoy constant diarrhea

>> No.55443238

>saturated fat is bad for you
get with the times gramps
oh you're a nigger

>> No.55443246

>too high saturated fat
lol lmao

anon eats canola oil and palm oil

>> No.55443249

saturated fat is the bad fat kek, the other ones are fine

no im not just talking lactose, if you only drink liquid you only poop liquid

>> No.55443256

What to replace rice with?
Bread is shit, pasta too heavy

>> No.55443258

Milk good for you

>> No.55443259

/fitbiz/ has always been
70% of the planet is lactose intolerant by the way. Milk makes people seethe. See >>55443227 >>55443249

>> No.55443260

>anon eats canola oil and palm oil
those are actually lower than milk for saturated fat (and no i dont drink litres of oil a day tard)

>> No.55443268

For your own sake you need to immediately read up on damage done to your body by PUFAs. The myth that satuurated fat is bad because it increases your cholesterol and cholesterol apparently causes plaques in your blood vessels. However that only happens when cholesterol oxidizes into oxysterol. And try to guess what causes such oxidative stress?

>> No.55443271

milk truc jus arive

>> No.55443280

The source of your saturated fat determines it's healthiness. Same as cholesterol, which was long considered bad because of (one) kellogs funded study about "eggs" that they paid to insert into every media outlet.
This anon knows. Cholesterol is necessary for health.

>> No.55443281
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No one has ever successfully countersignaled milks

>> No.55443286

White rice is fine, pro bodybuilders eat it with all their meals. It's brown rice that's unhealthy for you

>> No.55443287

Enjoy your prostate cancer

>> No.55443289

To clarify. Saturated fat is not inherently bad.
It depends upon what it is saturated with.

>> No.55443293

Post study linking milk consumption to prostate cancer, the easiest form of cancer to treat.

>> No.55443294


>> No.55443296

First sentence on google
>Polyunsaturated fat is a type of dietary fat. It is one of the healthy fats

>> No.55443301

That is straight up a lie. PUFAs will ruin you. Read Ray Peat.

>> No.55443302


>> No.55443308

>Polyunsaturated fat
Foods high in polyunsaturated fat include a number of plant-based oils, including:
>basedbean oil
>corn oil
>sunflower oil
Three of the most profitable industries capable of bribing and corrupting regulatory bodies. Many of which are governed by former employees of said industries.

>> No.55443314

Ray peat is a moron who kinda created a cult based on pseudoscience. plenty of scientific evidence that shows seed oil dont cause inflammation

>> No.55443315


Non human sialic acid, serum sickness is a potential drawback. Add some plant fiber to diet too.

>> No.55443321

sounds schizo to me sorry

>> No.55443323

I would avoid those highly processed oil to cook though

>> No.55443324
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>> No.55443329


>> No.55443341
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Read your study.
> there were no important associations reported with cheese and yogurt.
This indicates it's not a dairy problem. If the increase in cancer rate is due to milk (unproven) then it has something to do with the process, not dairy itself.
>“Most of the continuing increase in risk is done with by the time you get to 150 grams, about two-thirds of a cup of milk per day,” Fraser said. “It’s almost as if some biological or biochemical pathway is saturated at about two-thirds of a cup of milk per day.”
Again, nothing to do with dairy then.
>“One interpretation is that dairy foods, or some closely associated unknown risk factor, are causally related to the risk of prostate cancer,”
See middle of sentence.
>However, Fraser says this study does not yet conclusively indicate that milk causes prostate cancer.
These "studies" are done by students on a particular group of people. This leaves the study open to exploitation through funding. Untrustworthy in my opinion.

>> No.55443345

Define saturated fat without google.
Nice selfie

>> No.55443350

Are you 18 or so?
These schizo things came with corona, not every anti mainstream opinion is schizo you retard, in fact most are not.
Saturated fat is incredible healthy, and plant oils are toxic.
Read up

>> No.55443351

I eat ice cream almost every day after work does that count? basically just sugar milk, right?

>> No.55443353
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>First sentence on google
No way you guys give me financial advice

>> No.55443356

You might as well be shooting yourself with oestrogen drinking that much milk. Enjoy your gyno

>> No.55443373
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vegan lie

>> No.55443374

If you drink water without reverse-osmosis you are likely ingesting estrogen.
To prevent gyno you can simply increase androgens through exercise to correct the imbalance.

>> No.55443382

Ice cream is ideal desert, basically just milk sugar cream and choco/vanilla or fruits. Just makes sure it's not a processed one that contains seed oils or onions lecithin and such garbage.
Estrogen in milk is inactive (mainly through high calcium content). The same cannot be said of estrogen found in basedbean oils or onions "milk" or xenoestrogens from plastics.

>> No.55443397

GOMAD used to be a thing on /fit/

>> No.55443419

Is that really true of milks oestrogen content? I hope so.
I live between the uk and Thailand and when I’m in the uk for more than a few weeks I can literally feel my test collapsing and oestrogen rising. Not sure if it’s the food, tap water, weather, but I’ve suspected it’s that I drink about 3-4 pints of milk whereas in Thailand I don’t. I even exercise more, eat test boosting foods and take vit D but it happens every time. I just love me milk and can’t stop drinking it

>> No.55443422

>hahaha we are on 4chan so we come up with whatever little lies we tell ourselves

>> No.55443432

Potatoes have poison, eat sweet potatoes.

>> No.55443445

You're talking bull son. Out of all vegetable type foods roots and tubers are possible the healthiest. Anything that grows underground is anti-bacterial and anti-septic by nature, otherwise it could never survive. Carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, beets, good stuff.

>> No.55443469

Bullshit, every plant has some poison but potatoes have very very little. Sweet potatoes have mass oxalates.

>> No.55443475

If you drink it raw milk is great
Its the sun almost surely
Also hard exercise lowers testosterone

>> No.55443499

Who dat

>> No.55443509


>> No.55443530

Extremely based

>> No.55443576

human women dont lay eggs tho

>> No.55443585

Why would brown rice be unhealthy? White rice is like eating sugar.

>> No.55443598

>that autistic retard who drinks a gallon of milk a day

>> No.55443693

It's because they supplement the milk there with test.
It's a hold over from the 80s when they tried to root out the whole 'ladyboy' thing.
It was back when Dutch Mill was originally called 'Pro Milk' back in the 80s before changing their name to Dutch Mill.
They marketed it as something that would help with sport as well. And still do to some extent. But I don't think there is nearly as much free testosterone in it now as there was in the 80s.
Obviously it didn't work in the sense of stopping ladyboys. They just didn't drink it and you can get hormones over the counter there anyway more or less. So it was never going to work lol.

>> No.55443794

Shame about her dog face

>> No.55443836

NOOOOOOO You can't open your post with a coomba roastie toastie and then post heckin wholesome animols now I jizzed all over myself and have to look at foxes wtf man why would you do that???

>> No.55443983
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It's the
>if you can't digest cows milk without getting some inflammation you're not White
Love me some goats milk. Love me some breast milk. Processed cows milk gives me gas like a mf'er. Yes, I'm White.

>> No.55443997

This is possibly the most zogged post I have ever read on this website

>> No.55444381

too much sugar in milk for that to be a good idea. milk is great to supplement calories in a normal diet, though. like 1L a day is probably fine, thats 40g sugar. 2L is already pushing it at 80g of sugar

theres a pic that goes around /fit/ of someone trying gallon of milk a day, not realizing that you;re supposed to eat normally otherwise to gain weight, and suffers for it

>> No.55444735

>sugar is bad for you
this nigga get his science from facebook boomers

>> No.55444823


>> No.55444867

That is a very british picture