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55442235 No.55442235 [Reply] [Original]

Inflation has already declined a lot and is still declining, raising rates further makes no sense other than to fuck with people

>> No.55442267

Euro and US stocks are either at new ATHs or about to break ATHs. Housing prices and rent are reaccelerating. NVDA is headed towards $500. There's a recession in Germany and the DAX pumps everyday. Why would anyone cut rates in this environment? If the S&P was at 3000 and houses were getting cheaper than you can be sure the Fed would have pivoted. But if the Fed/ECB pivots now then stock indices will double and the wealth effect will bring inflation back with a vengeance

>> No.55442287

>they can't cut the rates because that would pump our bags

>> No.55442294
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>they can't cut the rates because that would pump our bags
S&P melting up to 6000 while houses double in price again would not slow down inflation

>> No.55442316

Raising rates isn't doing shit either if people are still cramming money into tech stocks and real estate. They're just staunching a wide open wound. Dollar is dead

>> No.55442332

>Raising rates isn't doing shit either
Because the Fed handed over trillions of dollars to megacap companies in 2020, so they are immune to higher rates. The Fed knows this so their plan is to annihilate the consumer by raising unemployment. Like always the biggest companies will come out of this even bigger but everyone else will get poorer

>> No.55442350
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>Inflation has already declined a lot and is still declining
Housing still making ATHs during hawkish ratehikes. ie. stagflation

>> No.55443232

Well yes but don't forget the huge public debt. So they are forced to cut as soon as possible

>> No.55443278

you answered your own quesg2hnrtion

>> No.55443283
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>> No.55443292

Stocks prices are not relevant at all. What a fucking retard.

>> No.55443319

>Inflation has already declined a lot and is still declining
This is patently wrong. Food, housing, transport, bills, etc are all still increasing far too fast every month, so rates are being raised until retards stop spending so much money.

>> No.55443347

inflation is not a smooth curve and its not gone

really i think they need to pull some secret misdirect. The market responds to psychological shifts as it is compromised of people. so if they signaled a pause but came out with a big hike, it could shock the psych of the market. everyone is financially duct-taping their businesses together and living forever like cockaroach they just need to nuke it so ppl take the L

>> No.55443364

stock market is booming, S&P500 entered bull market two weeks ago
stop crying

>> No.55443500

if he forces you to fuck then that's fine, it'll do you good to touch some grass
just try to deal with it, not that we can do much more than pray it doesn't fuck us over financially, I'm scared enough as it is with my OBAYC nfts

>> No.55443565

>Well yes but don't forget the huge public debt. So they are forced to cut as soon as possible

German Bundesbank might need a bailout because they bought tons of south european bonds which are absolute trash when rates are rising.

>> No.55443867

Because banks want to crash house prices so they can get people to foreclose and scoop up cheap property. Banks want to become landlords essentially.

>> No.55443885
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>be goyim
>think your opinion or concerns matter

>> No.55443893
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>the biggest stock market in the world doesn't matter
>the feds gonna pivot any day now just you wait

>> No.55443899

>the jews want to fuck with people
More news at 9

>> No.55443918

Until the 2% goal isn't reached, they won't stop. The alternative is worse

>> No.55444017

The US has been at 2% for nearly 2 months now but we have had +6-12% the last few years prior so we still have a ways to cool off, but not that much more

>> No.55444063

US stocks are nowhere near ATH, they're still over 10% down from 2021 on average (and some sectors like smallcaps are still down over 20%).

>> No.55444072
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The fuck are you talking about, inbred?
>inb4 b-but at least it's going down!?!
It's all fake, metric shuffling bullshit.

>> No.55444095

>Inflation has already declined a lot
you should kys, you fucking retarded nigger

>> No.55444133

>believing government reported numbers

They underreported inflation when it was ridiculously high (reported 8% instead of 12%) and are under reporting how much it has cooled (2.3% actual, gov reporting 4%)

>> No.55444144

That's what I said.

>> No.55444148

>and are under reporting
HAHAHHAHAHA lolno. The government only gets benefits from underreporting, and only gets disadvantages for overreporting. There is no model that would possibly support their overreporting. Moreover, the fed and the government are separate entities.

>> No.55444177

Because the kikes want to steal all wealth from the goyim so we can sail into the brave new world of 2030 where you own nothing

>> No.55444497

we are in a hyperinflation spiral, rates will never go down

>> No.55444575

Are you retarded? It seems so. The main issue is still service, food and housing, and though the supply issues where solved on the production side, the demand and the labor issues still persist and wont go away, not anytime soon, like not in the next 30 years, and that is optimistic. To tackle it, it is necessary, and that is going to hurt as hell, the problem on the demand side; and though Powell tries to smoothen the public perception of his actions by repeating that there is no intend to solve the issue on the demand side, it has to be done, the alternative is societal collapse.

In short, people need to lose their jobs, business have to go bankrupt, banks have to collapse, credit has to tighten to a degree where a dollar buys you a whole cart of food

>> No.55444596

Codswallop. Inflation is caused by printing money. Nothing more. The rest is cope boomers use to pull up the ladder so no one younger than 60 can make it

>> No.55444606

you are such a brainwashed idiot and should stop posting you childish retard

>> No.55444998


Anon that's the annualized inflation rate which still includes the tail end of high inflation last year over the summer.

Look at the month-over-month increases. CPI was up only 0.1% in May. And during the last 6 months, CPI increased by 1.6%. So once the 2% MoM increases from last year fall off the annualized CPI, it will be back down to 2-3% by later this year if current trends continue. I don't know why central bankers are trying to puff out their chests and act tough, but I don't see the data supporting further rate hikes unless something unexpected happens.

>> No.55445039

because you faggots keep taking loans and try ot live above your paygrade, fuck you, middle class daddy wont sponsor you no more

>> No.55445060

Holy shit you are criminally retarded. My sides! The 2% figure IS FOR ANNUALIZED you clinically insane nigger monkey.

>> No.55445077

A lot of cash is sitting out on the sidelines, getting it into the market and out of circulation will help inflation.

>> No.55445200

>There's a recession in Germany
a technical recession only, the job market is doing just fine over there

>> No.55445578

Yeah kike detected. It's literally currency printing. An increase in monetary supply causing more currency to chase limited goods and services which causes prices to rise.

>> No.55445594

>prices to rise is not inflation
And you call anybody else a jew.
Go jump back into the oven shabos goy
btw, what is "printing" according to you brainwashed by jewish advertising media idiot?

>> No.55445601

Europe's industrial economy is getting so ratfucked by lack of cheap gas (forced sanctions, blown up pipeline) that the Eurozone has no choice but to deindustrialize and become a neoliberal financialized hellscape. This is done by repeating the Volcker shocks (jacking up currency strength until exports collapse, destroying industry)

>> No.55445615

>Companies not finding nearly enough people for the demand
>Its okay
>nothing ever happens
There needs to be laws holding advertisers, promoters and propagandists responsible with their life for the shit they send into the ether

>> No.55445636

>Inflation has declined a lot
The economy is built around the idea of annual 2% inflation. We have been over this benchmark for the last 6 years straight. Hyperinflation might seem far away, but it's a runaway effect. After it gets started, there is no cure.
The feds only goal is to make sure it never starts.

Just because inflation hasn't been 9% yoy for the most recent year doesn't mean it's fixed either. We had high inflation years, but since the hyperinflation threshold is a measure of economic size compared to dollar value, we actually have to repair the damages. This means we can't just move on like it never happened, we have to slow and even reverse the effects of the high inflation. So they'll keep raising the rates until they're confident we can deflate the economy successfully over the next 10ish years

>> No.55445654

>Hyperinflation might seem far away, but it's a runaway effect. After it gets started, there is no cure.
Hyperinflation historically only happens when a country has a large amount of debt denominated in a foreign currency.

>> No.55445844

>Food, housing, transport, bills, etc are all still increasing far too fast every month
>until retards stop spending so much money
Yes, the discretionary spending of food, housing, transport, bills. You're just as retarded as the central bankers that don't realize rates don't matter so much as QT. Now all that QE money is sitting risk-free earning a positive real return. The more rates rise, the more the money supply grows - M2 has started increasing again after April. Rates should've been kept negative while cranking up QT to drain liquidity but then banks would be folding every day. There's still tons of "excess" money in the system chasing goods and reducing capex by increasing rates won't make that better.

>> No.55445851

>Inflation has already declined a lot and is still declining
Dumb fucking tranny

>> No.55445865


>> No.55445919

they cant keep this up forever, in the eu most goverment budgets are blowing up one way or the other
in the usa most of the banking sector is totally fucked as long as rates remain high
so the longer this lasts the closer we get to some sort of unexpected event that forces them to print hard again just like the coof did, didnt matter back then that stocks were still at high levels and were about to lift of to the moon either

still i am thankful crypto exists because even if its a major crash before you know we will lift of first, tech stocks might be more risky here

>> No.55445992

if it bleeds we can kill it

>> No.55446126

>There is no model that would possibly support their overreporting.

goyflation overreporting in 2021 and gradually underreporting as the fed started tightening is one way. it was a pretty effective psyop

>> No.55446270

>you can only "print"
>doesn't know that "printing" requires risk taking
>Thinks the fed is just going to load up on securities again
>while having the clear statement to let them mature
There is another way, let the zombies and funds go bankrupt and blame it on them

>> No.55446311

it doesnt matter what the fed loads up on that liquidity while spread throughout the entire market
also letting zombie companies and funds go bankrupt does nothing to improve government budgets if anything due to no cap gains taxes will deteriorate them
again its all about that .gov spending, everyone saying the fed is real about fighting inflation and pulling a volcker at present day debt levels silently implies that all gov gibs ranging from snap and ebt to the mic will go to near zero
what do you think are the chances of that happening especially when the debt ceiling has been raised to the moon a month ago

>> No.55446330

>Inflation is just """"""""""""""""""""""""printing""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>Its just gubermint spending
>numba go up
>please hyperinflation save my porfolio
There is nothing to discuss on this dead spammed child forum with one spamming fury that is going to die

>> No.55446408

It is the velocity of the money supply retard.

>> No.55446574

is this the level of shill they send here know this is simply embarrassing
there is absolutely no plausible reason why a good faith poster would go seething in impotent rage like that
this board doesnt move the price of anything and is it really worth it to stop a few dozen autists from getting mid tier gains compared to tradfi aum

>> No.55447207

Into which market? Those cash sitting on the sidelines know they'll be swallowed immediately they step into the ring and that's why they prefer to remain there. Some have even taken a totally different route away from stocks into relatively safe strategies on crypto.

>> No.55447226

They want to be extra careful, it’s hard decision but will be best for everyone once this is all over. They are financial experts and are much smarter and educated then you are.

>> No.55447256
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millennials and zoomers refuse to move out their parents houses and contribute to society, it's over

>> No.55447338

How do you mention "safe" and "crypto" in the same statement? Lol. Fucking jeet

>> No.55447442

Lol. Their parents ain't ready to push them out though.

If I can improve the value of my pf significantly over the lat year by leveraging my stables on SpoolFi while others were having a bleeding pf, I can confidently say it's a safe investment option. I don't even need validation from a airheaded prick.

>> No.55447567

How much improvement did you get? You sound too cocky for a broke fag.

>> No.55447583

You're ignoring the fact that Core inflation (what the fed actually cares about) was 0.4% for May, so 4.8% annualized. Still well above their 2% target

>> No.55447700

A 20% increase in my pf's value while other's were getting as much as 80% decrease is enough for me to sound as cocky as I want biztard

>> No.55448905

>Why the fuck are central banks still raising rates?
Because they need to, mainly because for years shitty underperforming markets and assets have been dragged along by low interest rates.

>> No.55449493

Lol do any of you even do any research or do you just get mad when the real answers are given to you?

On one hand they're still printing currency, and I'm the other hand they're still increasing rates. Do you see what that does? That fucks over the working and middle class while transferring wealth to the rich. Simple as. We're being systematically demolished by DESIGN. They want more slaves, and the kikes want every penny from you, they literally don't care about you.

Go subscribe up Gregory mannarino on YouTube. He'll give you the real deal lowdown. Anyone with Gregory is so far ahead of the curve that it actually feels like we're losing because we need more resistance but you dummies aren't awake to the crimes and how to deal with it. In fact most of you NPC's will reject sound money, and go for crypto and screw yourselves over.

>> No.55449510

Another kike detected. Must be a female kike too with this level of retardation. Imagine trying to claim inflation is not the increase in currency chasing limited goods and services that causes prices to rise as the market attempts to reach equilibrium between monetary supply and limited goods and services. Holy shit these people are retarded, we must be overrun with kike feds over here for these posts to keep being made.

>> No.55449512

They want a collapse before they implement CBDCs.

You realize that they can't put in something that radical unless they have a crisis as cause? They'll manufacture the crisis if required.

>> No.55449521

because their actual goal is serfdom in usa and europe

>> No.55449529

The elder population needs to die off to implement CBDC's in place of cash.
I.E 10-30 years.

>> No.55450022

>everyone having their net worth doubled will create no inflationary pressure

>> No.55450043

in some euro countries inflation is still at 8%

>> No.55450046

Higher rates would kill the green economy that's why they're not really tightening, real rates in EU are still negative.

>> No.55450061

This. The real purpose is to kill all the small fish so the mega corps can steal even larger share of the market. They want you to stay poor and unable to get wealthy. You will stay a wage slave for the rest of your life. You will be in eternal debt. You will never own a house. You will be happy.

>> No.55450082

It would be really really funny if they jacked interest rates back to the 35%-45%+ medieval tier interest rates that used to grind entire fuedal kingdoms into the dust

>> No.55450091

>M2 keeps rising constantly
>FED reserves are incredibly high
>The US government is constantly spending more than they earn from taxes. The amount rises every year
>Everything constantly going up in prices
>US dollar has lost 90% of its purchasing power in 40-50 years
>Nooooo it's not money printing! It's x y z because MMT and made up banking words and a b c!!! It's not money printing!!

>> No.55450132
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Milton Freedman was right.

>> No.55450237

It's incredible watching it play out in real time. Like how the Fed is keeping interest rates high but at the same time injecting liquidity so that speculation mania persists and housing prices keep going up. Now we'll enter a situation where unemployment will start to rise but housing will keep surging and food prices will double again. The end result will be living in pods and eat bugs for a big portion of the country, eventually trickling up to everyone else over time

>> No.55450245

It's all kinda meaningless if people are prepared to sell their houses for other things other than fiat.

>> No.55450266

You made about ten claims in your post and are wrong about 8 of them.

>> No.55450273

Which ones?

>> No.55450559

whois getting that interest rate money. Is there a way to give simple version of it ?

>> No.55450631

how can inflation be meagerly 2%(long term) but the currency loose it's value way faster?

>> No.55450650

They can't stop the money printing and debt demand is lower, means you get some big inflation soon.

>> No.55450833

Because if they don’t raise rates the bond market will just do it for them, this is all fallout from them artificially holding rates below zero for 10 years they’ve totally fucked the system and now it’s slapping them back in the face

>> No.55451484

could you please elaborate a little more ?

>> No.55451675

>until retards stop spending so much money.
if the money is losing value, then the intelligent solution is to purchase goods before they increase in value. the only way to stem the tide is to remove incomes, which increases the burden on the welfare system. But the spending habits wont change.

>> No.55452864

It is not printing. Printing in the sense of a bunch of mouth breathers is broken down to the absolute basics 2 things in a fiat system.
Private sector takes a bunch of credits from a fractional reserve banking system collateralized with the deposits and assets owned or held in custody by the bank
That is currently not the case because at one hand banks have issues with their collateral, lot of 0 to negative bonds and a few bonds from last year together with declining deposits and higher capital reserve requirements and on the other hand higher interest rates overall
The "public", in form of representatives issue a lot of debt notes, mainly the treasury, and need to find private investors who take those bonds and hold the risk, also currently not really happening, they might try but the auctions show, despite debt ceiling risen again, the investors wont take the risk at these interest levels, with the fed also saying no to taking those risks, while at the same time letting older risk mature

So in tl;dr, nobody is "printing", except china with number 2, and they are printing into a declining demographic and a busted export economy

>> No.55452882

And the next person that says "printing" to my face in the context of money irl, is going to need new teeth printed

>> No.55452937

Woah! Anon! You’re NOT retarded?! What are you doing here?

>> No.55453576

>still i am thankful crypto exists because even if its a major crash before you know we will lift of first, tech stocks might be more risky here

Certain if we get a crash soon, the crypto market would most likely get hit the most but it would certainly bounced back just has fast it can.

Inflation is getting crazy, not a great time to keep cash i must say.

>> No.55453703

>declining overall demand coupled with worker shortages and attempts at planning economies
There is one rational choice

>> No.55453962

Because everyone is already at 100% debt to GDP ratio and they have nothing positive on the horizon.
They can keep shitting out money to projects like "aren't niggers amazing!" and crater their economies or they can disincentive people from wasting money on worthless bullshit that nobody wants to buy by raising the interest rates and making investors think twice about their choice of investment.

People act like they're going to start incentivising giving away free money in the near to medium future are fucking nuts. Until Western economies realise they have to produce something that people want to buy/invest in instead of paying more and more people to push a button marked "push button" and thinking that somehow equals productivity then high rates are here to stay.

>> No.55454047

they know inflation isn't actually slowing down significantly enough, they can smell their own bullshit ofc

>> No.55454088

>not a great time to keep cash i must say.

How do you then save for rainy days or you eat with your ten fingers.

>> No.55454175
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You been to the grocery market recently, asshole?

>> No.55454199

They expect nationalization and that the "state" is going to feed them while they gamble on shitcoins

>> No.55454218

You’re the nigger monkey. He’s saying MoM are indicating that we’re at inflation rates that will stabilize around 2% annual once the outlier data from last year rolls out of the accounting.

>> No.55454437

>How do you then save for rainy days

I opt for decentralized opportunities quite risky but i tend to manage my portfolio well by diversying through SpoolFi.