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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 225x225, 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5537607 No.5537607 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink: 1 Billion supply / $0.52
Litecoin: 84 Million supply / $270
Monero: 18.4 Million supply / $388
Ethereum: 96 MIllion supply / $755
Bitcoin: 21 Million supply / $16100

Stellar Lumens: 227 Million supply.
How high will it go?

>> No.5537862

If it gets to same market cap as BTC today (very, very likely), you’re looking at $1,000. It’s currently around 20 cents. This is the coin that will make the millionaires of tomorrow.

>> No.5538015

stellar has 17 billion circulating coins, what do you mean??

>> No.5538090

Moon mission trifecta is prepping. We'll get a major announcement from the devs or a partner. Then there will be a Teeka pump. Then there will be a McAfee pump. The order might be different than what I posted, but both Teeka and John have insider info that they are going to use to make them a ton of money. You don't need to be with them to join in, just need to be able to see the clues

>> No.5538093

how about you pajeets try to look at the products itself, it's ripple's shadow.

>> No.5538266

That doesnt account for the parabolic deflationary algorithm.

>> No.5538491
File: 551 KB, 1410x1145, Ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool meme fellow 12 year old

>> No.5538548


It's about to go parabolic

>> No.5538595

Triggered pajeet detected.

>> No.5538599

Fuck off Linkie Pajeet
I ain't into garbage or shitting on streets.

If you look at Paypal/Amex/Alipay and the stunt that Ripple pulled a few weeks back
despite its market cap, it could hit >$100.

But its practical ceiling is $1000. It will never go beyond that not unless it wants to be economically-viable and not another BTC/LTC.

>> No.5538648

There's not a single indian on the dev team you lil memer. Go repeat your memes somewhere else you cool kid

>> No.5538659
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New ATH soon?

>> No.5538699

Go poo in the street pajeet.

>> No.5538716

If this shit was 1000 dollars I would be getting my dick sucked by 10 women at once

>> No.5538732
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>> No.5538760


If this shit hit 10 I would never have to work a day in my life again.

>> No.5538788
File: 18 KB, 427x365, 1511704010706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only hodling 70 bags
>if it hits 10 ill be able to afford a bus ticket to another state

>> No.5538789

No one is gonna suck your tiny pajeet dick.


>> No.5538808

I still don't understand Ripple's value. You need to burn 20 to open an address..

>> No.5538816

top text
bottom text

>> No.5538822

Thats not what this thread is about, fuck outta here pajeet

>> No.5538856

Ehm.. no.. you don't... a parity of BTC's current Mcap is 11 dollars

>> No.5538884

This meme is a picture of me losing $100 and it will haunt me always

>> No.5538909


>> No.5538953

Good cause I want to get into Lumens, I think this is one of those coins that will be around and I need something stable in this weird ass industry

>> No.5539007



>> No.5539079

I see it maxing out at 40-50 bucks a lumen. Still Lamboland for most of us.

>> No.5539168

Looks to me like a cup and handle is forming on the 1H chart. I don't believe in TA; but enough people do to make a difference

>> No.5539305

I'd gladly take that and I only have 200. I mean shit, that's still at least a uses Impala. It's not the bus!

>> No.5539350

Lol poo in the loo

>> No.5539366
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>only enough for me to buy a used motorcycle if I hodl 70

>> No.5539389

Holy shit, I have 70% of my shit in stellar lumens atm, I have 5500, that money took me like 6 months to get, if this shoots up, I have fucking made it

>> No.5539430

if this hits 2 dollars we are fucking rich

>> No.5539484

Unless there is a burn mechanism you're deluded to think this will ever reach >$10.

Feel free to screencap

>> No.5539533

That would mean 400B market cap. Very very very unlikely. 10 bucks more likely.

>> No.5539545

I mean it could but then btc would be like $100-200k. So it may be 2 years.

>> No.5539554

Last thing I know IBM was talking about 20$ in mid 2018 so

>> No.5539623

Each transaction burns 0.00001 lumens... but yeah, needs to be used a lot for that to have any impact

>> No.5539711

>The base fee is currently set to .00001 XLM—a fraction of a fraction of a penny. The sender of the transaction incurs the fee.

>No one profits from the base fee. The ledger collects the fees and redistributes them in the process of inflation.


>> No.5539724

My dick is more solid than snake if thats true

>> No.5539904
File: 170 KB, 3032x657, ibm-blockchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only time IBM has mentioned Stellar / blockchain in their investment documents. End of FY 2016.


>> No.5539966

So it's all literally just a pajeet memecoin?

>> No.5540000

my boner is gone, give it back

>> No.5540045

Not necessarily (nice quads and double dubs)

It just seems that HyperLedger is not necessarily IBMs, but if you watch their video, it says they have a $4 BILLION stake in a computing function related to it.


>> No.5540092
File: 243 KB, 736x660, Stell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus people do some reading before you FUD


>Interview with CTO and Blockchain Leader for IBM

>Stellar Lumens (XLM / STR) is already active and being used in very practical ways. Volume will only increase as more partnerships are announced. Results will be seen very soon – Q1 2018.

>> No.5540229

Let me continue accumulating in peace.
These weak-handed betas do not deserve Stellar gains

>> No.5540231

This why this crypto market makes no sense right now. These idiots can't even do a proper research and believe in everything they read in /biz/. Hopefully they will lose all their money.

>> No.5540258

how the fuck do you even get this

>> No.5540296

i linked his video you dumb kike


>> No.5540332

>Fat manlets upset chad thundercock gets other people to do his research for him

>> No.5540551

fud me, how can this fail?

>> No.5540600

That Asian lady literally smiled

We're gonna be fucking rich boys

>> No.5540649 [DELETED] 

https://discord.gg/7Cjzc9p join and get in on pumping and dumping tomorrow morning.

>> No.5540677

What does fud mean?

>> No.5540723

when a coin is fud it means you need to sell or you'll take a huge loss

>> No.5540785

Fear Uncertainty Doubt

Google it, often used as ”anti-marketing” but sometimes legit reasons

>> No.5540791


fear uncertainty or doubt

>> No.5540903

Wakey snakey

>> No.5540963

>bought at 1465 sats

>> No.5541069


>> No.5541178

Nice projection retard

>> No.5541232

t. Rakesh

>> No.5541598


>> No.5541632

fuk ur dad

>> No.5541689


>> No.5542168

Looks like there's about to be a nice discount on lumens if anyone was thinking about jumping in

>> No.5542357

binance my dude

>> No.5542792

d-did i miss the dip

>> No.5542831


>> No.5543034

Yes ya did

>> No.5543239

always tomorrow

>> No.5543377

It's a HODL for sure, will take awhile but it'll get there imo.

If you're looking for something more short term check out this discord, their calls have all been realized, massive gains if you follow them.


>> No.5543394

fuck off, pajeet

>> No.5543404

https://discord.gg/vNGsENy come discuss, pumps about to happen for easy profits

>> No.5543516

This or Tron? Red pill me boys

>> No.5543533

Xlm goy

>> No.5543622


>> No.5543661

When do you predict gains?

>> No.5543693

$1,000 would need a 100 TRILLION dollar market cap. Face it, this rocket only goes sideways.

>> No.5543804

you're acting like thats impossible gayboy

>> No.5543874

The entire crypto market is ~550 billion. Yeah, it's impossible faglord

>> No.5543982
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Name a more stable coin/token over the last month. I’ll wait. This alone should pique your interest. It’s got stability in a fucking rollercoaster market. I’m giddy about this one. I’m pouring everything in it. In fact, cashed out all of my BTC at 17k into this. Why not? It’s not going to crash, and the potential is huge. I feel safer in Stellar than BTC atm. Besides, fuck those transfer fees. I have ominous feelings about btc. I may be wrong and pink wojacking my ass into a whiskey bottle but who knows for sure

>> No.5544034

The entire crypto market has grown 30x+ in since Jan 1st 2017 shit brick.

>> No.5544048

100 trillion anon. let it go. it's not happening.

>> No.5544064

I was using a bot to trade, and turned it off since it was shit. I now unintentionally have accumulated 15k XLM by mistake. Best mistake of my life.

>> No.5544074

i'll be back when it's 100 trillion fag

>> No.5544080

all in at 0.002900 eth how'd i do?

>> No.5544133
File: 30 KB, 298x403, Waiting-Skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll be back when it's 1000 bajillion gazillion fag

ahhhahahahahaha my fucking sides!

>> No.5544165

I happen to agree with you completely. BTC @ 17k is a good time to cash out. Of course, we do not know the future, but I would take my bags, and run, just like you did.

XLM will be huge, though it might take another 6 months to a year for it to really start flexing its muscles.

>> No.5544192

the highest I see it going is $20 bucks, and thats 2-3 years away

>> No.5544216


can I make an ICO using Ripple?

>ITT Ripple bag hodlers BTFO

>> No.5544362


>Bithumb releases Stellar XLM on its exchange
>Q2 2018


>> No.5544384

lmao true

>> No.5544469

feeling very comfy, I bought in at $.03 and haven't sold yet. Currently have 4800

>> No.5544583

Teeka already signaled on XLM: Buy up to $.24

>> No.5544586

8 am pump tomorrow:


>> No.5544615

17,000,000,000 in circulation

1-2$ is imminent


Ellia Qiang confirmed that there will be a decentralized exchange on the stellar network that has fiat cryptocurrency and other tokens/assets to make everything interoperable and that its their #1 priority... decentralized exchange is coming (FairX) but people dont yet realize that the stellar network is the exchange itself bringing everything with value together..

lmao those who dont invest in stellar going to be real mad next year

>> No.5544668

when's the right time to buy in? missed today's dip

>> No.5544707


Are you even human? You sound like a bot designed to troll this board.

>> No.5544718

Sell when?

>> No.5544832

how long do you want to hold?

short term it could dip a bit more if you want to 100% maximize but doesnt matter in the slightest if you plan on holding until announcement

not anytime soon thats for sure

>> No.5544857

new to XLM whens the announcement?

>> No.5544975

Definitely long-term.

>> No.5545031

I think Jan 08 but not sure, that's the only thing on coinmarketcal

>> No.5545177

I have 15k xlm. Can i put this on a nano s ledger?
How much will xlm be worth 1 year from now?

>> No.5545252

why does it not matter in the slightest btw

>> No.5545391

Because when it’s $10 are you going to kick yourself for buying at 20cents and not 19cents?

>> No.5545404

fair lol

>> No.5545405

why do you think this will moon?

>> No.5545635

that fucking wall @ 1500

>> No.5545868

Where can I buy this without having to make a selfie with my ID

>> No.5545906


whyre you afraid of taking a selfie? if you wear a black shirt you can hide 33% of your cheeto rolls

>> No.5545918
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why does it seem like such a huge deal at the time? even 20cents difference?

i feel like i'm missing something by thinking so much about it.

>> No.5545978

Because I'm a European and don't want to cooperate with your bullshit US burger tax laws that have no effect on me.

>> No.5546214

It’s all relative my friend. Watching fractions of a penny go up and down makes it look like you can get a good deal or be a bag holder, it won’t matter in a year or two. Look at Ripple, everyone was fudding it all year long and wouldn’t buy it for 25cents. Now people are fomoing and getting in because they don’t think it’ll be under a dollar again. I’m no saying xlm is the same as ripple, but they are similar and both have bright futures. I personally have 12,000 xlm, it’s about 25% of my holdings and plan to hold for a year. Fucking taxes, I’m going for long term cap gains, so iron hands for 2018, but it is a comfy hold.

>> No.5546284

I’m on binance, no selfie needed for regular verification, is it a euro thing they make you take a passport selfie? I don’t know what the restrictions are for basic/enhances verification but I’m only shifting 1btc around and have no problems with binance.
Same for bittrex too but I left them recently for reasons.

>> No.5546316

god, i don't understand the xrp gains at all

>> No.5546584
File: 37 KB, 650x793, whatADay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm looking to hold for a year, too. got XRP and XLM so far.

i hear sometimes about people just buying at like 3pm on a tuesday. no matter what. every couple of weeks. i guess i shouldn't worry so much about a relatively small difference.

i'm not a daytrader, just looking for solid investments for long term. what else are you holding long term?

>> No.5546612
File: 1.37 MB, 1125x2436, 5C907D4D-08F0-4F45-81F0-1169C76E820D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banks have all the money in the world, literally. And that money needs to be transferred quickly with low cost. Ripple does that for them. I have a couple thousand ripple too, like I said though I’m in it for long term gains as fun as moon missions can be. Forbes is regularly talking about it, as are others. Not trying to derail the thread, just saying if it’s a good product with real, actual use, there’s a good chance it’s undervalued right now.

>> No.5546639

No it's not a EU thing, I thought it was a US thing due to the new tax regulations. I used Bittrex since 2014 but recently they locked my account and if I mail them I get automated responses saying that I need enhanced verification to unlock it. Also Poloniex requires ID verification before you can withdrawal.

I'm now using hitbtc (EU) and cryptopia (NZ) and they both don't require ID. Definitely going to make a Binance account today, would you recommend buying XLM in ETH or BTC?

>> No.5546742

Yeah, it’s tough picking now knowing a ton of new coins and such are coming out next year. But I have Xlm, xrp also. I have 20% in monero, I feel it’ll blow up next year, it’s the best privacy coin. 15% in icon, kinda worried about that, I’m down, but who knows and a good 15% in bitcoin either to hold or buy if a good opportunity arises.

>> No.5546930


i hear good things about monero. i like that it's been around for a while. i will probably try that one when my next deposit comes in. probably won't clear til the new year, tho.

>> No.5547133


>normie frenzy
(all i hear is DUDE I need to buy some ripple DUDE; literally the same bag hodlers from January and August return)

>BTC & BCH pump&dump forced correction

Im just going to say that Coinbase 'wasn't' involved

>everytime BTC crashes, whales dump their reserves into Ripple to stabilize through the storm

This happened in the last few corrections as well but because you have the new wave of normies + BCH destroying the image of BTC (thanks RogerVers/Coinbase/Antpool) + whales pumping Ripple + the news frenzy trying to post about crypto (but the only thing rising is ripple)....... and there you have it, a chaotic mix of all 4 things are making Ripple explode atm

Expect a dramatic dump when BTC stabilizes for a bullrun back to 25k, if you're a Ripple hodler, I would put a stop loss at 1.20$ and buy back when its cheaper

>> No.5547412

>>BTC & BCH pump&dump forced correction
>Im just going to say that Coinbase 'wasn't' involved

what's your theory?

>> No.5547779


Insider info about the release of BCH on Coinbase and a warning to whales that a dump was imminent

The normie money got scared and even made it go lower

Whales come back in at the dip and play with the market until it stabilizes, thus making a shitload of money and resetting the market for the 4th time this year (or re-positioning their power position in alts)

>> No.5548157

you gotta believe!

>> No.5548199


i always here about whales in every coin.

how many BTC would someone have to own to have that kind of power in the market? to drop the price 8k in a few days? why would they do it intermittently? why wouldn't someone just sell 80,000 btc at once?

or is it just the imaginary name that everyone gives to when massive amounts of people all do the same thing?

>> No.5549527

where would the buyers come from?

>> No.5549694


Well, at 20,000$ USD, 1000 BTC would be 20,000,000$

And usually, Whales hang out together, so when one dumps, they usually dump together.

Once the support line is found, they then pump all back in and accumulate more from the bear trap and up/down swings

FYI, they did this with all the ALTS too so imagine a bunch of whales with sophisticated bots.

Pretty much imagine how the stock market was back in the day and understand that the crypto market is being heavily influenced by the actions of a few players

Whales also aren't going to leave, these are long time hodlers (idk how they're gonna deal with the tax regulation though)