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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55438786 No.55438786 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto, the stock market, and forex all depend on trying to fuck someone over. It's all about who can trade better, and for every win, there is always someone on the other side of the trade losing

/entg/ is basically the only biz activity here that isn't a zero sum game
Crpyto, smg, and forex are basically videogames, whereas running a business requires actual real hard work. Hence why entg threads often go up to 10 or 20 posts max before archiving. Nobody wants to do actual work.
People who create and run businesses are creating real value for society, presenting products and services which help run and improve society

>> No.55438831

~70% of businesses don't. That's a majority. Therefore it is safe to say that businesses don't create real value and instead take it like everyone else.
But i digress.
Argue me this; why should i create value in society when i can just take it?
>moralfags need not answer

>> No.55438946

>didnt post the lainey molnar edit balloon

>> No.55439030

>Argue me this; why should i create value in society when i can just take it?
You do whatever you want. I'm a NEET, and have been give or take basically for all my life, so I am not one to judge. I just had this thought and wanted to share it here

>~70% of businesses don't
If you say that because most businesses fail, then I don't see the correlation. While they were active, or trying to get and up running, they did provide something to someone in exchange for money

Wut? You mean the agry lainey ball with the gigantic penis? I don't want hard working jannies to nuke my quality thread

>> No.55439049

what does "trade better" even mean?
luckier? more insider info? faster computer?

>> No.55439095

>If you say that because most businesses fail
I say that because most businesses rely on subsidization to operate in 'profits'
The corruption runs so deep a business cannot compete without suckling upon its teat. Like the tour de france or olympics, all participants must cheat to compete against the cheaters.

>> No.55439108

Whales and investment firms can move up or down the market at will, and have the most advanced software and dedicated supercomputers to run trading bots 24/7
So for the average biztard I'd say trading better means "getting luckier" while trading pretty much

>> No.55439288
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So is that all there is then? Debt upon debt upon debt forever...
I still think my thought stands though.
You have massive satanic businesses like apple, or microsoft, or blackrock, etc. but for people who run something from a lemonade stand, to a barber opening up a shop, to someone detailing cars, etc. That's real work, which actually improves the quality of life of people, so it's not a zero sum game, in that both parties benefit. One from the results of the labour, one from getting currency units for the provided labour

>> No.55439386

Starting small businesses is increasingly inhibited and you'll notice than most of them are young. This is because they cannot survive long downturns like big businesses can. Most will also engage in corruption in one form or the other. E.G misreporting, illegal sales, illegal sources, illegal workers etc.
Then there is the fact that the customers of small and legitimate businessess might be employees of corrupt businesses, so they are not immune to exposure by their virtue.

>> No.55439402
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>sells money
>thinks nothing of value
>sells cars
>muh usefulness
Anhero now.

>> No.55439584

a share in a company can go up without anything else going down, if the efficiency of the company is better than it's competitor, if they invent new tech etc it creates value which is reflected in the value of the share
you can win without others losing

of course businesses competing against one another will impact the others if one wins but that is not a bad thing in itself

>> No.55439593


>> No.55439604

Yes, and by how connected we are, we all participating in the slavery shit system. Just by using fiat, you are being part of the banking ponzi.

>Finishes session of trading numbers for different numbers
>I'm such a productive and contributing member of society. Another day of hard work under the belt!

>> No.55439924
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>who are market makers

>> No.55439990

>whereas running a business requires actual real hard work
Yeah and who the fuck is stupid enough to do all that shit when you can siphon that money from some bullshit coin and then listen to all the "hard workers" seethe constantly. Some fag will come and rage saying that were parasites or whatever, but it's meaningless, they are meaningless at that drives the "hard workers" crazy

>> No.55440028

Fiat is only the latest highly corruptable tool. Corruption existed under the gold standards. The common theme is central government.

>> No.55440097

No need to bother with all the noise when you can just focus on your own trades and maximize those gains. It's all about being wise and having the ability to spot the right projects, like Peaq, that's positioning itself as the home for EoT and DePIN. Don't be a retard.

>> No.55440103 [DELETED] 
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try to fuck this


>> No.55440145
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And I use blackswan bot to do it automatically. 2023 is awesome.

>> No.55440498

>entg threads
this is the most pathetic post I've ever read

>> No.55440505

>People who steal my money are "market makers" and are needed in the space
Nice selfie retard

>> No.55440544
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blackswan is the play of 2023

>> No.55440665
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It's not a ticker, it's the name of the general thread for creating and running businesses, newfag

Based oldfag

Based fivver Pajeets husstling day and night

>> No.55441152
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Everyday I'm hustling with the AI bot called Blackswan. (also I'm not a jeet)