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55439815 No.55439815 [Reply] [Original]

I got the cash(200k) to buy a house but I dont wanna buy the top
I feel like many people are in the same situation that is why demand is so high at the moment.

>> No.55439871

riced out.
there is no price for freedom
nobody is selling their freedom
im at 4% comfy.

>> No.55439964

The housing market is reaccelerating now. I think we just gotta wait until so many people have bought Airbnb properties with loans that we get a repeat of 2008 and it all comes crashing down. We either need a black swan event to force selling from invest properties or just wait until high interest rates eventually drain money out of the economy

>> No.55439983
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it's not going to crash or reset unless there is a recession. Nobody is going to give up a 2% rate unless they have too.
shit rate

>> No.55440006
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this is what they took from us

>> No.55440012

those kids look like demonic midgets and that house looks like someplace a murder will occur.

>> No.55440024

Why not build?
I don't know how US works, but here, the only reason you would buy a already made house is if you don't have the money upfront needed to build.

>> No.55440159
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>> No.55440171

Building a custom home in the US costs $350,000-700,000 for a basic >2000sqft home depending on where you live.

>> No.55440197

why so expensive?
People in US have access to really cheap material everywhere. How can it be more expensive to build there?

>> No.55440212

Regulations. This has to be bait

>> No.55440221

Regulations, Construction syndicates, the mafia (i wish I was kidding), taxes and fees, building permits, water and sewage, electricity, etc.

>> No.55440276

I am not a US citizen.

And don't come talk shit about regulations to me. I have seen american houses been blow away by winds that barely move trees.
I have seen Americans use asphalt shingles in their houses just to watch them get burned to the group by any fire in a 20km radius.
I have seen roofs so poor designed that water literary can't run if there is 5cm of snow over it.
Americans use gas in their washing machines because they believe electricity is demoniac, and you want to talk about regulations?
Please, a real country would not allow 120V past 19th century.

>> No.55440291

>Construction syndicates
Just hire mexicans to lay bricks. They are everywhere...

If a meth head can frame a house, a Mexican can too.

>> No.55440326

You euros think it so easy because you dont have regulations up the ass.
If you want to hire the mexicans, you have to pay for their visa and insurance. Then you have to get accident insurance in case on of them gets hurt on the job. Then you have to get a security service because the insurance company wont insure the property and materials unless its actively monitored. Then you have to pay taxes and fees on all of the insurance.
This is just one part of being able to hire someone to work on your house.

>> No.55440339

Thats literally nightmare fuel

>> No.55440351

netflix tranny

>> No.55440358

The whole point of hire Mexicans is doing everything under the table.
All you need is one experienced guy, and 2 helpers. Talk to them, offer to pay as it is build, so they don't slack, or pick other jobs.

>> No.55440362

take the homeless pill, what are they gonna do to you, move you somewhere else? worst case they give u free housing

>> No.55440377

>I've seen
>I've seen

Nobody cares faggot, it's a fact that there are regulations for houses. Some areas having shit regulations or some buildings escaping those regulations don't change anything. They are the exception, not the rule.

>> No.55440383

If you "do it under the table" and one of the workers gets injured, they can sue you for millions.
You wont be able to insure your property and materials so the methheads will rip the copper piping and wiring from your walls and break all of your windows and steal the AC unit.
Like I said, you Euros have it easy. Here in the US, everyone is out to get you.

>> No.55440392

what does that even mean

>> No.55440434

Ok, I got you.
But I don't understand how insurance prevents crack heads from coming to your property. It's like a repellant?

Also, why pay for insurance? Just build a solid house. If you have a really well made house, with long lasting materials, and something manage to destroy it to the point YOU NEED insurance, the insurance company will not be able to pay because the whole town will be a swamp.
Insurance is scam. You can pay for 30 years, and when you finally need it, they will do the impossible to deny you. You will eventually have to spend money with layers to get part of the money you gave them back.

>> No.55440443

Most people don't have 200k saved
Worry not

>> No.55440444

they are squinting because of the sunset you retarded nigger, negroids wont understand

>> No.55440450

Its not a repellent, its so you dont go broke when they cause $100k in damages.
House insurance is mandatory by law, the insurance companies paid off politicians a long time ago.

>> No.55440459
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It doesn't matter if (YOU) don't get to buy. (I) got to buy a house thanks to my shibART investment (in the future, post presale) while you will rot in the streets (it's your canon event)

>> No.55440497

based and AI pilled

>> No.55440535

>everyone and their mom is trying to buy in
Top signal

>> No.55440566

There’s 10 times more regulations in Europe than in the US, Cletus

>> No.55440579
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>> No.55440600

>House insurance is mandatory by law, the insurance companies paid off politicians a long time ago.
Jesus christ. It's like another tax where the money go straight to jewish pockets...

How expensive house insurance is in the US? I mean, the bare minimum to bypass the law.

>> No.55440634

There is a property tax assessor that determines the value of your property. You have no say over what they determine the value of your property is. They could grossly overestimate it by $100k and your only recourse would be to hire a lawyer and fight to have it re-evaluated.
The insurance company uses your "tax assessment" to determine how much the insurance will cost. Current average is around $2000 per year. You might be thinking thats not too bad, but thats just for the basic insurance which doesnt include natural disaster insurance (flood, hurricane, tornado, wildfire, etc).
On top of that you have to pay property taxes to the state government, property tax to the county government, property tax to the school district, home owners association fees, water and sewage fees, etc. etc.
Essentially, a bunch of crime syndicates and > paid off the government to make it as hard as possible to be a home owner. This way they can force people to rent.

>> No.55440643

We are told to look at this and consider it our equal.

>> No.55440680

This is theft.

Does this also apply for rural houses and cabins? Holy shit. Now I get why it's so fucking easy to end up homeless in the US.

>> No.55440719
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checked, but who asked

>> No.55440767

Welcome to America
You will never own anything
You will work until you are physically incapable
You will die for Israel

>> No.55441289

My parents are trying to sell two properties with zero luck. Most prospective buyers they talk to have to sell their current home first

>> No.55441327

Why would anyone buy a house right now? The peak of the market was less than a year ago and it normally takes two to three years for the housing market to bottom after a peak. It will probably take even longer to bottom this time because interest rates were held too low for too long. Personally I would not even begin looking for a house until 2025.

>> No.55441993


what makes you think it will bottom at 2025? This time its different. Housing market will go up forever.

>> No.55442309

>Personally I would not even begin looking for a house until 2025.
What if the Fed pivots by then and house prices double again?

>> No.55442347
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I swear to God the house better not be a complete disaster again and dinner better be ready or that bitch is going to the hospital tonight

>> No.55442354
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>> No.55442385
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Go back to looting Target, DeMarcus.