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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55439046 No.55439046 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a good description of the financial crisis? I heard it’s really good. Other recommendations are appreciated.
Also /bizlit/ thread I guess

>> No.55439069

just read the abstract but completely outdated

>> No.55439091
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He "thinks" the cattle is ever
anything worthy.

>> No.55439227

I don’t understand retards like you. If you genuinely believe that the elites are 1000 IQ super geniuses who can simultaneously obscure every fact you can think of before you can do anything, why not just kill yourself?

>> No.55439291

KEK. Doomer tourists from /biz/

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
t. Edwin Lefevre

>> No.55439305

Just understand that these markets, economies and cycles are fully controlled and created by those who perpetuate these schemes against the toiling masses of glorified tax cattle. Ever hear about Shemitah cycles? Debt Jubilees? Credit Card Debt Wipes? All of the same system. If you utilize the money to gather and accumulate resources, systems and avenues of transportation, then it would allow you to have a stake in this realm; which is played like Go or Command and Conquer+Starcraft. All of it is played by the rules, and cheated with secrecy and comms. They have an inbuilt system of policing to prevent this manufactured system from collapsing into anarchy.
You are a fool and a coward. Being so gullible and helpless through learned behaviors will do nothing for you. Wake the fuck up and play, or leave. Sit on the sidelines, or be harvested like the cattle. Remember, this is played like a game, despite being a real world and a real life of yours is being lived. So act accordingly.

>> No.55439338

So what's the next move ?

What's with all this edge lord speak:
harvested like cattle
Real world
learned behaviors
Built in system
Are you an /x/ tourist ?

>> No.55439416

Your next move is to learn how this system operates. Then, once you are proficient, find openings and exploits. Use said exploits to free those you deem worthy from this system. Spread wisdom. Repeat until all Human Beings are free.

>> No.55439564
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free; anon. They're just that bad. Don't fall for the
>humanity meme
They're all bad. You and I are bad. We are a pest.

>> No.55440030

how does one learn? just studying finance and Hebrew teachings?

>> No.55440343

>They are free
no, no, no. every hobo on the street is freer than them. A tramp might go hungry for a night, but can go, by foot, where he wants, while them, every step, every word, every action could be the last. The "rich" and "powerful" are never free