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55438932 No.55438932 [Reply] [Original]

But how do i profit from it.
>Source: Shibart

>> No.55438967

Here we go again

>> No.55439045

EZ — you don’t partake

>> No.55439053

when everyone can create it then it has no value

>> No.55439165
File: 953 KB, 1440x1993, 20230629_105959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Everyone has access to an alphabet but that doesn't make them Shakespeare. The prompts are the new writing. Not all know what and how to request; even if mediated by AI itself. They're, simply, too stupid. The value now is where it once was: in the mind.

>> No.55439364

Well, SHIBART just launched the prerelease. Maybe try to buy and see how much it lasts until they rug

>> No.55439647

Holy fuck imagine being fucked like this on a shitty ass dead nigger board like biz, apply cream to the burn my man

>> No.55439656
File: 111 KB, 640x1280, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prolly gonna get banned for this but who the fuck cares. AI crypto projects are the future, that's it
>>how do i profit?
buy into them, sell if they ever rug otherwise hold
>>what do?
you're literally holding art of a just launched project, do it
>>am i retarded?

>> No.55439665

It's funny. I remember when I was young taking traditional art classes and then digital art tools started making themselves available. Being interested in technological advances and artistic advances I remember spending countless hours exploring those new tools and what I could do with them. I remember being told by traditional artists that what I was doing wasn't real art. That the time and effort I spent towards building experience with those tools was worthless because it wasn't real art. That I was just taking away from traditional artists. That using traditional art as reference to practice digital art was stealing those traditional artists "real" work; even when just using it for practice or to occasionally show off in what equates to a digital version of a sketch book. That digital artists were just here to steal jobs away from hard working traditional artists who put real time and effort into their trades.

Fast forward to today. I am still interested in technological and artistic advances and as such have started exploring AI Art. Yet again I find myself in the same situation. People telling me that the pieces I create with AI Art tools aren't real art. That the time and effort I spend towards building experience with AI Art tools is worthless because it isn't real art. That using traditional or digital art as reference to practice digital art is stealing those artists "real" work. That AI artists are just here to steal jobs away from hard working traditional and digital artists who put real time and effort into their trades. It's the same thing all over again. The same sickening gatekeeping of artistic expression.

>> No.55439669

Honestly, I'm getting tired of it. That any time I try to share a piece outside of the AI art community that I spent hours or days working on through thousands of iterations and passing back and forth between photoshop, AI tools, and a number of other editing solutions until I created something that I felt proud of. Only to have traditional or digital artists shit all over those efforts because they believe that it is not real art or that because it's AI that it by definition can only exists as theft of other artists work. It's such a closed minded and bigoted way to view the art world.

Sorry for the long ass piece of shit text i just needed to vent because I've seen the same thread THIRTY TIMES ALREADY

>> No.55439678

why does it matter if some group of people “approves” of your art?

Are you creating art to have validation or because you enjoy it?

“art” is a moving target, the definition is always changing. it really doesn’t matter.

>literally seeking attention from the worst crowd in the internet

kys quickly if this really mttters so much to you

>> No.55439684

ticker OP, hand it over

>> No.55439687
File: 26 KB, 739x96, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck do you mean by this anon it's literally on the top of the board. Click it

>> No.55439691

My biggest worry is that specific group of people gatekeeps the job market. For example, publicly shaming their fellow artists who adopt AI tools. That type of controversy is bound to happen any moment now. Heck it could even happen to me. I make all my art digitally, I've never used AI for my art process (yet). But if I can teach an AI to replicate my inking/brush style, then why the hell not? It's just something that exponentially speeds up my progress.

And I know for a fact that if I do it, there will be certain people in my industry that'll shame me for it despite the fact that I know how to professionally ink manually. Just the existence of AI bothers a lot of them. It's not something that'll stop me, because I love making art and no amount of public shaming will prevent me from working harder. But it'll probably be annoying (and mentally exhausting) to deal with and continuously justify to others why I'd choose to use AI tools to speed up my workflow.

>> No.55439700

Once diffusion tech is offered in PS (and covered by the adobe Creative Commons license) it'll be all over. It's like auto tune in the music industry. It's still there, it's just so pervasive now that it is in almost 100% of new music, people don't really complain any more (cept maybe the boomers on social media who complain it's not "real music" - sound familiar?)

>> No.55439701
File: 356 KB, 512x512, 00001-748536959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This profit-based mindset has to be why it's so annoying to learn. I just use Stable Diffusion to make beaches and shitposts

>> No.55439709
File: 136 KB, 330x330, image 8.35c18f5c3025e712da21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check art
>Good quality gatekeeped by the need to buy the coin to access it
Mmmst im still on the fence about this. For now im keeping this one, she's my wife

>> No.55439754

High IQ
Die jeet
Low IQ, ngmi
>so close to satanic trips
Art is first and foremost about self expression and coping with your morality. Anything else is just bennies. Calm down and carry on.
This happens whenever money is involved get over it.
checked but do many of those boomers even know?
>inb4 mass replying faggot kys

>> No.55439785

Unhinged and based. I've seen enough.

>> No.55440595

They talks this shit but the falsifications of art its valued in millions an the collector loves this, even when they go to the museum they don't are admiring the real art haha, its like when people talking of the photographs dont are artist, i think everything create of man whit effort and love (includes ia) its art, food, buildings, etc, for the correct eyes