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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55432052 No.55432052 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain to me how the gender wage gap exists when I see so many women traveling more than their male counterparts?

How the fuck are they affording this shit?

>> No.55432078

obviously theyre not paying for it themselves

>> No.55432084

Wage gap has been debunked 9000 times, it doesn't exist.

>> No.55432090

Numbers that confirm the concept of "gender wage gap" are always manipulated.

If you look at *relevant metrics*, like wages in men vs women for THE SAME ROLES at companies in THE SAME INDUSTRIES there is no gap. The only way to observe a gap is to actively generate it by comparing apples to oranges, like men vs women in a given age group, without considering job positions and industry.

>> No.55432110

"Wage gap" is because men do more of the stuff that actually provides value, have more ambition and reach higher positions, are more assertive in salary negotiations and don't lose as many years of work to child rearing. They want to make it sound like it's evil patriarch fat cats keeping women's wages down but that's false.

>> No.55432281

Women are such bullshit.

>> No.55432292

Her face is eeeeeehhhhhh, but she has a cute ass.

>> No.55432307

I really hate em

>> No.55432318

Women make more than men and work easier jobs. Wage gap is literally disinformation to make women hate men

>> No.55432337
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>more than men and work easier jobs
Sad but true

>> No.55432402

That first one counts as a man.

>> No.55432451

Daddy's money, next question

>> No.55432462

Her parents are probably rich

>> No.55432472

He keeps doing air jerk off… I don't understand

>> No.55432476

none of those things actually mean they're successful
"working on a social fitness app"
"dropped out of stanford"
"raised money to reinvent linkedin for genz...never heard of it"

>> No.55432483

women traveling = sex

>> No.55432493

Women get money for nothing and their tits for free.

>> No.55432495

>How the fuck are they affording this shit?
Only fans + guys have dicks.

>> No.55432561

Probably has a tighter grip than I do.

>> No.55432626

>How the fuck are they affording this shit?

They're kids in their 20s. Mum and Dad pay for flights and emergencies that is then supplemented by having no life savings or outgoings to worry about for their small paycheques. Plenty of guys do it too and it's piss easy to earn traveling money in Oz. There's a whole industry built around it and you actually HAVE to work on Aussie farms if you want the visa.

Literally if you're under 30 and on /biz/ you need to get your life in order and enjoy your youth.

>> No.55432682

In tech they are handed positions. The company I work for has a 30% quota for new hires that requires justification and a grilling if you can't find a female. Everyone knows the hiring pool is 99% male.
Depending on the woman, the ones who have corporate jobs and travel excessively tend to burn every dollar they earn. They will find a male to settle with so they can use his resources for a house.

The wage gap only exists due to obvious reasons - more women are in nursing, childcare and other industries that simply don't pay well due to an oversupply of workers. They shy away from the well paying difficult industries, especially trades.

They are often less capable of running a business since they focus on petty disputes and shy from direct conflict, they make more emotional decisions. The vast majority of female "founders" or leaders either have one or many male partners or have been handed the position.

>> No.55432803

Women are actually out earning men now. Well at least in the millennial and zoomer generations women make more money

>> No.55433394
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>> No.55433442

I can't believe she just up and left her boyfriend at 0:04

>> No.55433473
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>> No.55433477


>> No.55433484


>> No.55433633

you absolute fool. you cretin. you are worse than a worn out shoe.

>> No.55433650

YIKES who hurt you?

>> No.55433658

your self destructive lifestyle will catch up to you in the end, it is inevitable.

>> No.55433664

Jesus Christ talk about staged video.

>> No.55433942

Good legs. Shit ass.

>> No.55434319

Wage gap does exist to some extent. The reason why is that men generally work more. So of course they make more money.

>> No.55434469


>> No.55434489

The wage gap only exists when you compare total wages across all jobs. Some of which are gender specific.
No one ever talks about the benefits gap.

>> No.55434496

I hate rich cunts so much

>> No.55435115

Even then with some metrics women are OUTEARNING men: https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2010/09/01/129581758/
Of course they still need to find a way to make sure "women are most affected" by this, but if even cuckbag NPR can admit this then they're just telling bald-faced lies every time they talk about gender pay gaps

>> No.55435131

Trust fund or living beyond their means.

>> No.55435153
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>I want my...I want my...I want my HPV...

>> No.55435158

>when I see so many women traveling more than their male counterparts?
You see a carefully curated sequence of content powered by machine learning which meant to provoke your envy and filmed by insecure people living an extremely privileged lifestyle

>> No.55435167

I also love how she tried to turn it into a sacrifice
>it was so hard leaving my EVERYTHING behind
Bitch, you went on vacation for a year and took your boyfriend (who you're trying to keep out of the video as much as possible) with you, and his friends who were probably also dicking you

>> No.55435183

Yeah bro but you gotta admit it's a little unfair that just for existing her best most carefully curated moments are having exotic sex on a resort beach in Bali in the prime of her youth while yours was the day you got that free pizza and won that counterstrike match

>> No.55435204

>literally every second shot is her showing her ass

at this point its pretty much proven that women are sluts by nature and need to have virtues beaten into them

>> No.55435268

Maybe you should think about why you’re imagining being the woman in this scenario

>> No.55435889
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Travelling is unironically based. Lets you see cool things and get some perspective. Lot of people I know who havent left the states just end up being small minded in their ambition.

>> No.55435901

>1pbtid webm bot thread

>> No.55435930

There is no wage gap, it's an hours worked gap. They work less than men. And men tend to support them, fathers or SOs. They fundamentally don't understand life from a male perspective.

>> No.55435966


You aren't "ambitious" because you booked a vacation you idiot. You are doing literally nothing there, just observing things, observing foreign people as they actually do things.

>> No.55435977

>How the fuck are they affording this shit?
They don't.
Debt is a thing.

The average tiktok roastie owns fucking nothing. Her entire lifestyle is rented, and her best gamble is to find a rich guy before she turns 30.
No one accepts to end life as a toilet for some brown guy, and his 6 brothers in fucking Dubai because they like it.

>> No.55436020

>Chinese cartoon pic
Opinion discarded.

>> No.55436083

No hate. I too would be airing my asshole in this situation.

>> No.55436126
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>You are doing literally nothing there, just observing things, observing foreign people as they actually do things.
no you see ancient monuments, historical places and things. Stuff you dont see on a farm in Kansas or walmart. Thats why i said the people that tend to travel a lot have bigger ambitions. It lets you appreciate stuff. Travel isnt just watching foreigners moron. Its seeing part of your history too.
>anime website
>reeee anime

>> No.55436168
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>I'm SEEING things!

Ok, so you're curious. Not ambitious. You aren't doing anything. "Doing" would be setting up business there. Travel isn't as deep as you think it is. This world is actually pretty fucking tiny and it's trivial to get from place to place at this point. You aren't a 17th century sailor.

>> No.55436250

I’m I also would’ve been invited on that guys yacht

>> No.55436267

Ambition comes from curiosity retard. Going to Rome isnt the same as going to town in Omaha. You can attempt to make it seem similar but its not. Your attitude really just reinforces my point. Bet your portfolio is as small as your mind. Bet you dont have any hobbies either besides masturbating all day.

>> No.55436299


No, I do a lot, and I know what ambition is, which is why thinking a vacation is indicative of that is retarded. Rich, spoiled little fags travel all the time and accomplish nothing of worth. Ironic you mention Omaha since one of the richest men on the planet still hangs out there lmfao.

>> No.55436379

I hate cuntoids so much

>> No.55436380

>he richest men on the planet still hangs out there lmfao.
Except hes travelled somewhere besides the walmart. Im just telling you that every small minded person ive met on both sides of politics had never left the country. they can only see in front of them.

>> No.55436418


I think you're missing the point. Merely going and seeing a place isn't ambition, it's curiosity. No one is going to give you accolades for doing that. I've done it a lot, it's easy as shit in 2023. The guy who stayed in his state and built a multi million business is more ambitious than the roastie who took some pictures in Greece.

I've noticed some people get tricked into thinking they're "doing things" in their 20's because they spend all of their disposable income on travel and vacations, that is a trap. You will be working until you're dead.

>> No.55436452

Most of the time they aren't paying for a lot of shit, just be a hot women and before you get somewhere use a dating app to meet someone and convince them to let you stay with them and show you around.

>> No.55436477

>They're kids in their 20s. Mum and Dad pay for flights
If they're hot then it's extremely wealthy men paying them to come over and get shit on, not their parents

>> No.55436580

They show their feet online.

>> No.55437554

libertarian trannies are okay though

>> No.55437778

Kek imagine being so fuckin stupid, anons.
This guy thinks he has a perspective worth knowing or that he is clever.
You're not the smartest out there you fuckin faggot. You know what's ironic? Your commentary.
So many people accomplish so much and n3v3r see the world at all.
It doesn't mak3 their mind or perwpecfive any lesser for it.
You stupid pedantic cock sucking nigger loving golem monkey boy.

>> No.55437929
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literally pic

>> No.55438031


>> No.55438070

Nice cope, just like the "carefully curated" cope. You're just fooling yourself into thinking her quality of life isn't better than yours, therefore handicapping your ability to improve your life, so you're just the one hurting yourself in the end

>> No.55438074

richards parents were more fit to reproduce and have thus produced a son who also is. they had better long term planing and were able to proliferate
paulas parents should not have had kids if they couldn't afford it

>> No.55438096

>granite wall
>giant mirror
>non-brick fireplace
I hope they get raped.


>> No.55438126

true, but since we all weren't aborted, what can we do now

>> No.55438128

Your pic is about individual differences in circumstance which can never ever be remedied. It'd just part of the human condition that different people will be born into different scenarios no matter how much leftist drivel about "equity" gets spewed.
What the webm full of thots conveys is that in modern society women are uplifted, encouraged, and given more resources than men to pursue financial ventures due to a false perception of them being "behind" men, which is a fixable problem that starts with the end of women's suffrage and no-fault divorce.

>> No.55438129
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cry baby ass story
Paula was studying polytech and working..
she should have a well paid trades job, not working as a fukin server

>> No.55438150

I have never met a man who traveled like women do. Maybe they have one or two cool stories about seeing Cuba with their bros. The answer is simply that women are broke and their boyfriends/simps/families fund it. People treat young women so exponentially well, but then you see women who are 30+ seethe that no one really gives a fuck about them. The entitlement complex is amazing. Is that what you wanted to hear? It's the truth anyway, I don't see why it needs to be overstated.

Women get stuff for free when they're young, then wonder where their husband is when they're old. No prince charming for aging thots.

>> No.55438174

Men do not have parents who 'pay for flights'.

>> No.55438175

>Can someone explain to me how the gender wage gap
Yes, it is marxist crap promoted by jews in the media which they have a monopoly over.

>> No.55438201

Their daddies/sugar daddies are paying for their travel. It is that way for the last century I don't know why it's a mystery for all of you. If you want to know if the girl have/had a sugar daddy check if her instagram contains photos of her at some random places around the world alone in every frame without any mentions of who took the pictures.

>> No.55438211

your favourite subreddit got closed down, huh?

>> No.55438213

>well paid trades job
without work exp and finished education? what are you, twelve?

>> No.55438218

The first one started various e-shops and used an online tool to value her business and got that number. She was learning how to code to create the 10000th fitness app on the app store but it probably didnt go anywhere, she is her front figure

Second girl also started a few e-shops which makes her a serial entrepreneur and given she didn't even specify how much she sold the "venture" for, it was probably a college project her friend's rich dad put money in to help his son develop business skills, it probably "sold" to the dad's friend for $6000 and they pocketed the spread

Third girl is probably the most legit one but evidently her little project didn't go anywhere either because LinkedIn hasn't been "reinvented for genZ"

Those girls are still worth more than me

>> No.55438223

Travel without knowledge or intelligence is useless. If you cant understand what youre seeing, your experience is trash.

>> No.55438230

yeah, we have a blackout rn

>> No.55438244

I'd eat her shit.

>> No.55438254

no, this is about how
>modern society women are uplifted, encouraged, and given more resources than men to pursue financial ventures

it was just made by reddit trannie many years ago and tables have turned since then

>> No.55438258

Only way it makes sense is with retirement money. If you phrase it as men on average earn more money over their lifetime, as long as the woman has many years off work looking after kids, and hasn't been making payments into her 401k. By the time she retires he would have earned more.
The rest have been debunked many times.

>> No.55438269

>No one accepts to end life as a toilet for some brown guy, and his 6 brothers in fucking Dubai because they like it.
They choose that lifestyle themselves.

>> No.55438298

It isn't a mystery for me, that's what I said- boyfriends/simps/families.

>> No.55438300

Literally on hank hill type timing comparing to the gyatts I see on the street everyday? This is 0/10

>> No.55438316

This is a board where we make pictures on charts and then scream when they don't play out, while insisting you can be a millionaire by 30 if you work hard (but say that hard work is teh ghey).

>> No.55438332

man White people sure live good

>> No.55438349

The final frame is where paula divorces richard for half his shit and richard is posting about bitches and whores on the internet.

>> No.55438374


>> No.55438409

Sounds a lot better than "I do whatever Mr noseberg tells me"

>> No.55438426

>without work exp and finished education? what are you, twelve?
wha huh cry baby get no job? i can no gets teh jobs!!

>> No.55438434


Retard take
Wow im so ambitious and open minded i
>bought a plane ticket on my laptop
>flew on and aero plane
>bought a nice hotel to stay at
>saw some scenery
>ate some food
>went to party


Absolute retard. Why are you here

>> No.55438436

>OMG travelling around the world to party and suck dicks FOR FREE was like SUPER HARD wow not everyone is as tough as me!!

This os why I don’t feel bad for single women who get raped and killed while travelling abroad

>> No.55438888

is this ebonics?

>> No.55438970

Every time you see a hot woman post pictures of herself vacationing somewhere really exotic, eating at nice restaurants, etc etc but you never see photos of the person that's taking her picture, it's because the sugar daddy/client is the one taking the photos. Sometimes they fuck it up and you see part of the guy's face or body in the photos lol

>> No.55439487
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>> No.55439505

>P E R S P E C T I V E
Travel is based when you're in your 20s and trying to bang foreign chicks. In your 30s you're just chasing your 20s because you missed out and foreign chicks. In your 40s you're just a sex tourist and not in a 'finding yourself' meme way but in a 'middle aged man in bali' kind of way.

>> No.55439519 [DELETED] 
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devs are from USA - voldemorttrumprobotnik69pepe2.news

>> No.55439637

Show hand nigger pajeet

>> No.55440607

You do know Kant never left konigsberg and he's probably the most galaxy brained nigger to ever live, right?

>> No.55440648

And this doesn't even take into account any simps a girl has engaged with in "dating" or otherwise

Women are overpowered now and could use a patch. They can earn just as much as a guy, get a guy to pay for things or even both.

>> No.55440850


no, the big metric people don't include is time worked. women work much less than men typically. if you calculate wages per hour worked it disappears. women also get more leave in general even in the same positions (e.g., disparities in maternity/paternity leave). white women are frankly one of the biggest grifters in history, and they keep getting away with it

>> No.55440896
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i don't understand. why do white chicks travel to get mamba. when there's mamba locally? are they aiming for exotic mambas?

>> No.55440898

women are favored over men so when you see a man in a job that a bunch of women are at it is because they NEED him there so they have to pay him more. So the company employs 10 women at 50k a year and one male subject matter expert at 100k and everyone loses their shit.

>> No.55440923

beaches are for niggers, free pizza and CS that's a comfy night that normies need drugs to capture the feeling of.

>> No.55440984

Traveling is based. You're not going to learn anything you couldn't read on the internet, but it signals to everyone that you have low inhibition in a good way. You can cope all you want because you're too broke or too much of a pussy to go to new places.

>> No.55440988

Guy I used to work with was telling me one time in the department he used to work in the was a woman who kept making the same mistakes over again etc. so he went to HR and they told him they can't really do anything because she's a woman and women are considered a minority.
There are more females than males that work at the company, but they are a protected minority group. What?

>> No.55441028
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If Paula would've gotten into HVAC shed be making more than Richard.

>> No.55442520

Why is 4chan so anti travel? This anon actually makes a good point. Being anti travel is just being contrarian because normalfags like it.

>> No.55442568
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she abandoned her dog and family to globetrot, eat good food, and socialize with europeans. sounds like a good deal, but i hope the dog is her parents' dog

>> No.55442592
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wait, do women ever actually go to their jobs or are they always out on maternity leave(s)

>> No.55442598

Ahh so this is why I was promoted

>> No.55442618
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Because anon is broke and full of cope and can only frame travel in terms of sex with strangers because he is an incel

>> No.55442621

IIRC, the first one did porn

>> No.55442642
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>> No.55442651


>> No.55442652

You just don't get it, males are the slaves, always were, always will be.
Think about it, some daddy's little girl want's 7-th pair of those beautiful, cute Louis Vuitton shoes and somewhere 500 men are blast to pieces.

Direct example: Putler has 1 daughter in that mancave mansion complex(probably safest place on the planet) and 1 daughter out of marriage somewhere in EU(Luxemburg or some such richbitch place).
What do you think how many human lives is he willing to throw away just so they can have what he didn't had.

Women rule the world because men think with dick, simple as.
And, don't get me wrong, there are male idiots and female idiots and cases where women get extremely used and abused but they are more vocal about it, while males are taught to keep quiet and endure.

>> No.55442672
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the graduate speaker of my hometown was one of those needlessly aggressive feminist types that got a great job working for a congressman and would post self success stories. Thankfully her salary is googleable and I calculated how much her net worth is increasing and compared it to mine where I work for minimum wage, but own my house for $15,000. The salt mines were overflowing from even the most conservative boomertards.

>> No.55442681


>> No.55442802
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The pancake butt of the female honkaloid

>> No.55443028

>staying in the shielded off part of a foereign country, means you gain P E R S P E C T I V E ... on the live there.
oh no no no no reality bros, do we tell them?

>> No.55443039

men are at the top and bottom. women are middle class consooomers who are played like tools by media and corporations. They dont run shit.

>> No.55443328

Because it's not about "perspective", it's about taking selfies so you can brag about where you've been. The only travellers I respect are the ones that actually live in the country for a while

>> No.55443399
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>> No.55443428
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They have tits and pussy , sexy lips, ass, some of them might have gambling tokens.... Who knows really, and who cares, the principal objective of a Man should be to MAKE IT.

Are you going to MAKE IT Kek?

>> No.55443458

I got head and an explanation from one of these once here's what they do
take two weeks off their office job and blitz 3-6 cheap countries that are close together, then trickle the social media uploads throughout the year so it looks like they're always traveling, all paid for by parents or simps

>> No.55443502

Why do Americans think travelling is extremely expensive? you can get a flight to Australia for $900 return and a good hotel will only be $140 a night. a two week holiday would only set you back maybe $3500.
Now imagine how much less it would be travelling to a cheaper foreign country

>> No.55443503

Do you realize how much damage it does to a womans future expectation to spend one whole year travelling and fucking guys abroad?
Just imagine you get together with such a girl.
> Travel .. yeah we could travel together. No not to Asia, already been there and had a great time fucking Chads.
> Restaurants .. yeah no prob, although it probably won't be as good as the Pad Thai I got in Phuket or the artisanal chocolate in Rio but yeah.. I guess it'll do.
> Sexual energy .. ugh when I was 19 I would do suck Chad off twice a day but now .. I'm just tired. No blowjobs I'm not in the mood.
Meanwhile you slaved through your study and now are in your thirties, she wants to settle down with you? Like .. just wow.

I totally get why muslims insist on female virginity. Its something that should be mandatory for marriage, anything else should just be concubinage. The west is just so rotten and the biggest burden do Western males bear - but they bear it voluntarily so no pity from me.

>> No.55443504

Is the meme trying to imply it's about gender somehow? The real issue is rich vs poor, that's actually true and a good point to make but trying to confuse gender into it simply makes no sense in 2023.

>> No.55443525

love from kazakhstan

>> No.55443596

white femoids*