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File: 214 KB, 828x733, D98CF972-9C42-4E66-A943-721939D8960A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55436365 No.55436365 [Reply] [Original]

I hate western world so fucking much…I’m thinking of migrating to an Arab country and becoming a radical muslim…seriously fuck the Jew infested western christiancuck world

>> No.55436478

How can I make money streaming. Not a girl or gay. Is Kick worth it?

>> No.55436562


>not girl or gay

It was over before it began for you

>> No.55436579

how many wives can I get for $10k in Aladin land?

>> No.55436595

>I’m thinking of migrating to an Arab country
Who do you think is watching this shit in the first place? Third worlders who already do weirdo shit like masturbating in public and having sex with goats.

>> No.55437113

who pays for this bs

>> No.55437124

you're just jealous, because if you could pull it off and make that money, you 100% would

>> No.55437163

Wait till you find out that it's the same cons anywhere else. In arabian countries, the millions go to sheikhs or techbros and the like.
Same as sadghuru in india making bank with bullshit.
All you need to do is peddle something that's in demand while acting like you're infallible. People love it.

>> No.55437168

Do you know how boring it would be to watch someone sleep? You would never pay for it unless you were mentally I’ll.

>> No.55437201

or really really lonely

>> No.55437209

dude who cares? it's literally not your problem.

>> No.55437212

It looks like the "I make $7000 per week working on my laptop at home" comments section spam has made it to the headlines.

>> No.55437214

That has got to be a money laundering scheme. I refuse to believe anyone can make $24 million per year by streaming while sleeping, no matter how hot you are.

>> No.55437221

he's jealous, that's why he cares, duh

>> No.55437313

People in the countries OP wants to flee to because they are hornier, more degenerate, and more confused how to spend their newfound paychecks from offshoring companies than anyone in the west could imagine

>> No.55437386

Literally know a rich guy from Qatar that just buys a new high end luxury car every few months because he has nothing to do. Just replace his $1m/year car budget with $1m/year for simping.

>> No.55437976

What do I sale to those degenerates though?

>> No.55438196

the same people who demand you pay their student loans

>> No.55439303

I hate the West for not giving me 1B$.

>> No.55439328

you're just seething that capitalism comes with these goodies and you don't get to benefit
then stop thinking of capitalism as holy, except you can't do that because you yourself are a westerner

no, but it's not going to be better there for sure (because of other reasons)

>> No.55439362

There's always going to be people that have it better than you, it's just a fact of life. Even the people that are in these privilege positions think that there's other people that have it better than them so there's always going to be people that have a better than you as well, that's just not going to change. Even if you go up the ranks and start winning in life a little bit you'll then think again that other people have it even better/easier, just suck it up

>> No.55439405

Atheism unironically caused your problems. If you were able to become a muslim, you'd already be a fundamentalist christian. In the end you're another coping fedora seeking meaning but blaming christians for things jews caused, because the same jews told you christianity is bad.

You are the pawn and will only make any muslim country worse with your stupidity.

>> No.55439422

100% money laundering

>> No.55439634
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Now that's a S.W.A.N. investment!

>> No.55439662

>find niche market
>realize there's a low supply of hot females sleeping on camera
>do market research to find the demand to watch hot females sleeping on cameras is sky high
>create product that caters to this demand

fucking nerds don't know supply and demand. this is no different than any influencer getting rich doing something people enjoy watching.

if you have something that many people want to see, you will be rich. no matter what that thing is. you have *thing* that 10 million people want to see -> you sell access to videos of *thing* -> you sell ads of you doing *thing* -> rich as fuck

>> No.55439680

It's literally just the free market and incentive systems. There's no reason to be salty. It's like being mad that actors make 10's of millions, or athletes. It's simply the result of a free market, and if you're seething about it you're a midwit.

>> No.55439756
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i do not believe those numbers. until i see some legitimate receipts i will continue to presume this is just a giant demoralization psyop to create enmity between men and women

and if i do actually see some receipts, i am going to presume its just blackrock giving free money to whores for the aforementioned psyop. lonely incels do not have this much money nor are they this irrationally desperate and pathetic. it defies all logic and reason. this isnt how human beings function.

>> No.55439794
File: 74 KB, 976x549, _113925212_spree_sundance1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

midwits have no ideia how many ppl lie how much they make.

High quality bait for simps to watch her...

>> No.55439927

I make $14 Trillion per hour squeezing my left elbow on onlyfans do i get a book deal and a movie please

>> No.55439960 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55440015
File: 16 KB, 1240x840, 1vhTy-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine unironically believing it's third worlders paying these sluts.

>> No.55440050

Majority of those are bots.

>> No.55440055
File: 249 KB, 1767x1311, twitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely.

>> No.55440124
File: 150 KB, 1024x682, tedtalks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The so called Jews are in fack gnostic, just like muslim. In fack the so called Jews are the same gnosticd thst Hitler and his nazies were, Frankist Sabbatean. The real Jews were killed by the Nazi, just like the Confessing Church, and the German tea party. The survivors became Sonderkommando and prostitutes.

>> No.55441585

I would never pay for it

>> No.55441623

It's just humanity + technology + free market

>> No.55441818

>I launder 2 million a month for a cartel and they let me keep 1% of it as payment.