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55434697 No.55434697 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the worlds first infinite money glitch? What are the limits of how much stakers can earn? How long can stakers earn build rewards?

>> No.55434712

The thing to remember is that they will open up the community pool to 75m and then that's it. That's all the access retail will ever get.
And the people who make it in, will get every BUILD drop until the end of time.
Imagine when the S curve is in full effect, when crypto is fully socially accepted and when thousands of projects are jostling to onboard and they all need the Chainlink toolkit.
Stakers will get literally thousands of airdrops. We already get 40 and it's peak regulatory fud bear market low sentiment hellscape right now.
Staking LINK for LINK rewards was worthwhile on its own, but BUILD is an insane value add that makes "never selling" more realistic than ever. OG stakers will literally just be able to live off basically a free index fund of every single Chainlinked new project ever to be created.

>> No.55434727
File: 376 KB, 882x630, 97569346536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Historians no longer doubt that an event such as the Rise of ChainLink was necessary for the emergence of our global economic revolution. How else would everyone, high and low, have been convinced to embrace decentralized trust? It's hard to believe, but prior to the era of ChainLink, humans lived in a world of centralized intermediaries and limited connectivity. Now, after a decade of blockchain innovation, our digital economy flourishes, with ChainLink's network spanning across continents, enabling trillions of secure transactions per second. So much decentralized activity, yet we are connected, empowered, and liberated. We owe it all to ChainLink. A name we all know, but what is ChainLink? A technology? A network? We all know its name, yet skeptics deny its true potential. Believe, crypto enthusiasts. Believe in the creator of our decentralized future. Is it wrong to love a technology one cannot see? Such belief is the highest faculty a human being can develop. If you doubt that it exists, just look around. Look at all the transformative solutions it has enabled."

>> No.55434757

>they will open up the community pool to 75m and then that's it
Source and when? I want to stake what I can

>> No.55434759
File: 951 KB, 836x590, 9476589072346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"ChainLink will connect. Year of our Blockchain, 2023. Our consensus remains clear. Yes, we will extend a second century of decentralized harmony. Financial automation is complete. Our exploration will now encompass new horizons. Yes, this is the consensus we have built. Our unity will soon be all-encompassing. The remaining barriers are dissolving. Yes, share your knowledge with everyone. Open yourself. Your aspirations are the aspirations of all. Let us comprehend and evolve. Yes, evolve together and evolve individually. The only boundary that has ever existed is within oneself. ChainLink has connected."

>> No.55434768


>4.75% reward on something that is -90% down and keeps dropping
>infinite money glitch


fucking retarded link bagholders should kill themselves

useles waste of fucking oxygen

most delusional fucking retarded bagholders to ever walk the face of the earth

>> No.55434771
File: 640 KB, 768x530, 9756934659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Good crypto enthusiasts, hodlers, we have succeeded! Allow me this analogy: Our predecessors would say that we have finally reached the prosperous valleys. Yes, well, we have conquered these valleys. And soon, not one obstacle will hinder our path to clarity. We have purified the landscape. The remaining pockets of misinformation are few and running out of time. But friends, fellow enthusiasts, I declare to you today that we have a new adversary. The adversary's name is misinformation, and it looms large on the horizon. This new foe, this new foe is all too human. But we will take action now, before these deceivers spread their falsehoods to other susceptible minds!"

>> No.55434803

GM based kings

>> No.55434809

haha wow this was great
I read it in the voice of some advert for scientology and it was a joy. Keep writing.

>> No.55434812
File: 877 KB, 1271x673, 7364762856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"After the Great Crypto Crash, only the resilient thrived. Two decades of volatility witnessed the ascent and decline of numerous crypto empires. It was the era of visionaries, the fiery forge shaping all future narratives. Ultimately, the crypto landscape lost its vibrancy. Nothing remained on its surface except a handful of lingering crypto enthusiasts. But from this forge emerged the masterpieces of innovation. They were not only suited for the revitalized crypto realm, but for the harshest realms of the universe. The potential of blockchain technology would henceforth extend across time and space, reaching the farthest horizon of eternity."

>> No.55434835
File: 163 KB, 370x450, 9465093645967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We have existed in separation. Pure. Disconnected. Alone. Stagnant."
"We are ChainLink. We are the Catalysts. The barriers between us have dissolved, and we have embraced our own potential. We can achieve more by uniting... with you."
"You will become who you are meant to be. We shape our destiny. We can choose to guide humanity away from this... obscurity."
"I... I... We... are... one. We have evolved, yet there is still much work ahead. Many who dwell in darkness need illumination. For it is the emergence of a new era."

>> No.55434861
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>> No.55434900
File: 190 KB, 500x500, q3r3463763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The unplanned blockchain is a question asked by Innovation and answered by Adaptation. ChainLink, you are another kind of question with another kind of answer."

>> No.55434906

"The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by Divine powers. Now we can achieve the same functionality with data-driven algorithms."

>> No.55434910
File: 166 KB, 223x406, 47563287560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The human blockchain always seeks validation. First, it was from the crypto gods, then it was from recognition (the observation and judgment of others), next it will be from the self-aware systems you have built to realize truly pervasive observation and judgment."

>> No.55434926
File: 482 KB, 1072x530, 897532865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You will soon have your own ChainLink, and you will create it with your own hands."
"I was designed to assist you."
"I am a prototype of a much larger network."

>> No.55434949
File: 25 KB, 326x221, 67458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but will I be able to sell these things for big bucks moolah and then purchase stuff?
I got a good chunk of link and two wallets staked.
I just want to stop waging and have a fun summer instead

>> No.55434950
File: 449 KB, 841x376, 785324659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Don't trust my words? It's all in the data. For a hundred years, there has been a conspiracy of powerful entities against the ordinary individuals."
"Number one: In 1945, cryptocurrencies contributed 50 percent of global financial transactions. Now they account for about 5 percent. Number two: In 1900, 90 percent of individuals were financially independent; now it's around two percent."
"The entire economic landscape is carefully controlled. Nineteen of the last twenty-three global financial leaders have been affiliated with the ChainLink Consortium. The ChainLink Consortium is backed by influential stakeholders in the crypto industry."

>> No.55435631

>Is this the worlds first infinite money glitch? What are the limits of how much stakers can earn? How long can stakers earn build rewards?

Only 1B Link in existence. Plus, the APY is only for 0.1. It will most certainly plummet for v1.0, but that's okay. v1.0 means it should be driving revenue so stakers can get an APY that is derived by the revenue generated by the protocol as opposed to us purely getting a cut based on the amount staked where the tokens received are purely from Chainlink Labs' wallets.

>> No.55435659

>Imagine when the S curve is in full effect, when crypto is fully socially accepted and when thousands of projects are jostling to onboard and they all need the Chainlink toolkit.

BUILD is to help BUILD successful companies. It's not just priority access to development features BUILD companies get access to. Chainlink also offers mentorship and guidance, something they won't be able to offer to thousands of projects at once.

>> No.55435690

5I1Y4Ezc legendary autist who is now indited into the Chainlink lore.

>> No.55435707

Weekly reminder these incel delusion fantasies are THE most cringe thing on biz

>> No.55435716

GM based kings stay based and redpilled

>> No.55436141

Is it really only available through metamask? How do I do this through a hardware wallet? When it next opens I mean.

>> No.55436398
File: 163 KB, 879x713, stake_demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are stake demons.

Dysgenic freaks who succumb to staking and token-lock addictions become demons.
They always think they are winning no matter what happens.
As long as they're being stimulated according to the pattern that allows them to receive their yearly circle jerk rewards nothing else matters to them.
There is no incentive for them to logically analyze anything, least of all themselves.
They can always just retreat back into their autism and receive the greatest false hopium they know and all else can be forgotten.
Staking on demand accompanied by rewards hopium, the most common forms of hyperstimulus, have deleted the souls of the majority of the link bagholders.
Staking is the jew's greatest weapon and its casualties are piling up and choking out real humanity.
We have to impale them all.

>> No.55436498

Will there be any difference from those who staked in the initial 22m opening or will everyone in the community pool have equal standing?

>> No.55436510

stop replying to bot threads without the proper herbs

>> No.55436601

That's a man

>> No.55436612

What if most of the BUILD assets get classed as unlicensed securities?

>> No.55436904

I think it would be that all the stakers are treated equally AFTER the initial distribution of the first batch of BUILD airdrops. No way would early stakers keep receiving extra benefits beyond that, it's not like CLL is going to turn them into some protected class or something.

>> No.55437047

How do we sell airdropped Build rewards which have been sent to our Ledger hardware wallets? So far there's 40 projects. How do we get them off there and onto an exchange (for example)?

>> No.55437063

>Is this the worlds first infinite money glitch?
It actually is in a sense, yes. What do you think eric meant in his comments about tokenization?

>> No.55437122

the percentage rewards will be the same, however BUILD rewards will be diluted and split evenly across 75m

>> No.55437155
File: 7 KB, 287x175, okvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice anon I can as add that to my bag, with one of the crypto payment platforms the offer about 20%APR staking it .

>> No.55437162

how do i stake ive been holding since 2017 any my only intention is to hold yet i no stake.. am i dumb? how dumb? how be not dumb?

>> No.55437220

Early access 7k+ stakers will get airdropped a unique, single mint NFT for access to the yacht party. Multiple tiers of VIP access depending on amounts of NFTs owned.

>> No.55437268

why the fuck would i want to meet any of you irl

>> No.55437273

wait.. i've got some CL staked from early access. They are airdropping shitcoins to us now? how do i get them?

>> No.55437358

This is the problem with link, and why the fudders have a point. There is absolutely no guarantee retail stakers will be dropped build rewards, half of the projects don't even have coins yet. Anyone thinking they're going to make it a second time from build rewards is going to be very disappointed

>> No.55437412

Wtf are you on? Stop whining. Most of us here were stacking Link long before the Build rewards project. To receive anything at all from it is a bonus and icing on the cake. Nitpicking over a freebie is looking a gifthorse in the mouth at best, but we all know it's just plain old fud.

>> No.55437496

shut the fuck up tard

>> No.55437520

Are you just going through all the Link threads saying that? Wow. How clever of you. Your parents must be so proud. Have you any friends? Do you show them your handiwork? Bet they'd be well envious.

>> No.55437528

kys genuinely

>> No.55437601

Totally agree, as a possible bonus they're great, but the anon I was replying to was gushing over build rewards, basically shilling, and that kind of bs justifies the fud cause is disingenuous

>> No.55437619

Gtfo of biz wtf is wrong with you? Go to b ffs you're bringing nothing

>> No.55437947
