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File: 6 KB, 600x82, bitcoin cash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55433146 No.55433146 [Reply] [Original]

pro-BCH anons make your case
anti-BCH anons make your case
i need to figure out which side im on. arguments ive heard against BCH are: no network of millions of ASICs like BTC, nobody uses it, cant scale

arguments ive heard in favor: more efficient, faster transactions and lower fees
so does this shit have a future or not?

>> No.55433178

I'm up 25% in 2 days.
Anti bch tards can suck this bag.

>> No.55433185


>> No.55433195

yeah but how long are you gonna hold and is this gonna rug in 2 days or moon 10x?

>> No.55433212
File: 115 KB, 1066x758, Screenshot_20230629_195857_Edge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCH shills tounge my anus. No one even uses the network. BSV is the real Bitcoin.

>> No.55433215

Based I'm up 30% today

>> No.55433256

where does this graph come from, source? i want to verify this isnt a shill post

>> No.55433258

I've never heard of anyone holding this coin since like 2018 and now suddenly that it's pumping everyone has a stack and is up a billion % in a week

>> No.55433259


>> No.55433264

watching now, this better not be a waste of time its 45 minutes

>> No.55433273

I use it, to purchase VPN services and to pay for my seedbox. I also use it for transferring funds between exchanges because fees are so low and I can use CashFusion to obfuscate the transfer so neither exchange knows about the other one. It works for me.

>> No.55433275


>> No.55433289

you are the real deal anon, i wasnt expecting any legit posters or help ITT but im glad i made it now. thanks a lot.

trying to figure out whats goin on, why are the transactions so high on BSV but market cap is all on BTC?

>> No.55433297

5 mins in and i can tell this is actually a legit documentary so far thank you. never heard of e-gold before

>> No.55433298

I'll set it up to close if it drops below whatever the profit is tonight minus a few percent. Until then I'll watch, should have time to close even if it dumps as fast as its pumping.
Me too now. 5 more percent since I posted. Should have staked more but I've at least doubled today's wages if this goes well.

>> No.55433309
File: 49 KB, 414x532, 1686706643885381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own 43 BCH. I just think it makes far more sense than BTC because BTC is clearly being pushed to a third party dependant system. There won't be any way to verify the third parties.

>> No.55433311

>why are the transactions so high on BSV but market cap is all on BTC?
That's a deep rabbit hole, anon. Start with Craig Wright and digital currency group

>> No.55433312

BCH is fast with cheap fees, well distributed and Kim Fat Dot Coom shills it. Bitcoin is slow and expensive. BCH is superior but BTC is legacy shit and I can buy it easily as fuck on my phone. BCH takes an extra step and I really don't like using coinbase. This could easily get back to $1000-$1500 because it's useful. Now, I didn't say it gets used so don't drip your cunt water on me. Just saying if I had a choice and buying both was just as easy I'd go BCH every single time.

>> No.55433405

holy shit if anything this documentary is convincing me that BTC is 100% globohomo intel agency controlled and developed

>> No.55433521

can you watch this vid though and comment on it?


>> No.55433524
File: 53 KB, 1024x683, 9875410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55433535

Remember that bitcoin is not just a payment system. Its a public ledger. All transactions by everyone are recorded by every node. Not even a centralized service like VISA can do this at scale. Image if you got a constant stream of every credit card payment in the world to your phone. Now imagine everyone's phone streaming to every other phone. It will never scale because of the actual internet not being able to do that, it has nothing to do with bitcoin's block size. The reason why lighting scales is because to make a payment you just send 1 person a piece of data. That's it. No one else needs to know about it.

The block limit doesn't matter. Its a trade off between slightly higher capacity and decentralization, but either way its a moot point because you cannot make the blocks big enough to scale as a global payment system. No where even close to being close. So payment systems have to be built on top. Bch also doesn't solve the issue of confirmation time needed for point of sales, it still takes 60 minutes for a 6 conf. And if any bch shill tells you otherwise its because there are centralized bch payment systems that do it faster but they're essentially centralized services like paypal and aren't worth discussing. They are cash grab scams.

The chinese guy that actually created bch (Jihan Wu, ViaBTC) know this, they were just using the bitcoin name to push their centralized payment system and taking advantage of people who don't know how crypto works to think changing some variables in the code magically makes bitcoin scale. The probably paid rodger or something to promote it. But that was years ago, bch is essentially a dead coin brought to life because a boomer exchange randomly decided to list it 5 years ago and it would be like steering the titanic for them to update their coin list, so its having a nice pump because it is actually scarce just like bitcoin and pump if there is demand.

>> No.55433583

Dude just watch this video.

>> No.55433826

so what system solves the problems you outlined? i am getting a lot of conflicting info from this thread. i just watched this guys documentary and it made a convincing point against BTC because of the centralization >>55433259

>> No.55433870

To add on to what this anon said:
>It's a public ledger
BCH proponents often claim "you should be able to pay for coffee with crypto". But why would I want to pay for coffee with crypto? There's no need for such a trivial transaction to be recorded on the blockchain, nor is there any risk of chargeback fraud for an in person purchase like coffee.
Crypto has much more utility when I need to do online transactions, especially when selling virtual goods because Paypal will almost always rule against me if a chargeback is initiated.

>> No.55434037
File: 821 KB, 599x1116, canada thugs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well theres censorship reasons. like maybe you want to buy from a store that the govt blacklisted for political reasons?? did you even watch what happened to canadian truckers? even if you are leftwinger, you dont think they can do the same shit to you for another issue??

>> No.55434045

As far as use for a currency, BCH can actually be used as a currency unlike bitcoin which will eat you in fees. Other than that it's literally BTC. From a tech perspective it's better. That said, from a tech perspective, Monero is probably the best, but seems most exchanges are most interested in compliance.

>> No.55434087

Also will add, "no network of millions of ASICs, nobody uses it", that kind of a fallacy.
>A is not A because it isn't A, okay anon?
Um, well let's be honest, IF the market decides "hey, this is useful" then that goes away right? Now dollar for dollar, my portion folio is 10:1 BTC to BCH. But Crypto for me is just a store of value. But if I ever need to use it to make transactions, I could do it in BCH and not be eaten alive in fees. Granted I have some Litecoin too, but it's hard to justify putting a lot in LTC because let's face it, BCH does everything LTC does, but better and is more scarce.

>> No.55434127

>bcash is the real bitcoin
>flipppening will habben
>operation dragonslayer, soon bitcoin will die
>Oh look at this small store in Aruba we totally not bribe into accepting bcash as a payment..
>bcash is getting adopted on a large scale guys really just look here, they even put up a bcash sticker on their window

>> No.55434135

Has anyone got the video of that skinny guy Randy or whatever it was, freaking out and spitting feathers about B-Kash being the real Bitcoin? That was funny af

>> No.55434270

It's what Bitcoin was meant to be.
Has pretty decent (although different) Smart Contract capability via that last CashTokens upgrade too (will scale far better than ETH as it's UTXO).
Not sure if the tooling for all that is there yet, but looks pretty awesome.

>> No.55434291

glownigger post full of lies