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File: 138 KB, 1093x1126, fucking_rent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55426827 No.55426827 [Reply] [Original]

I just got this email from my the company i'm renting from. I dont get why they do it. I get paid once per month so why the fuck do I have to pay rent every 4 weeks now? It is confusing as shit

>> No.55426833

weird bot. shut it down

>> No.55426835

What? I wish it was a bot, I replied and its legit, not a bot

>> No.55426842

Do you have a periodic or a fixed tenancy agreement? And the answer is obviously to get 13 rent cycles out of you a year instead of 12.

>> No.55426844

>I dont get why they do it.

go back to whatever subręddit you copied this image from and stay there

>> No.55426848

I just pay every month and paid 2 months in advance (as security deposit)

I think the rent stays the same, but they want me now to pay it every 4 weeks instead of every month which sucks cause I get paid only every month

>> No.55426853

So you do actually end up paying more?

Just what I thought, why do they say the rent stays the same then? I'm kinda confused

>> No.55426859

>I think the rent stays the same, but they want me now to pay it every 4 weeks instead of every month which sucks cause I get paid only every month
And I just explained why they changed that.

As for what recourse you have there is none other than trying to negotiate with them or finding somewhere else.

>> No.55426863

I dont think I can find something cheaper than what i'm currently paying. But it just sucks that you have to pay every 4 weeks now instead of every month

>> No.55426865

>So you do actually end up paying more?
Well obviously, 52 weeks in a year divided by 4 equals 13 vs 12 months.
>Just what I thought, why do they say the rent stays the same then? I'm kinda confused
Because it makes it more palatable for idiots.

>> No.55426868

They clearly say the rent will stay the same though

>> No.55426869

You effectively got an 8% increase in rent so factor that in when looking.

>> No.55426875

Yes and it's misrepresentation that if you ask them to clarify they'll clear up.

>> No.55426876

I cannot pay 8% more for rent i'm already tapped out. And they say the rent will stay the same, you just pay more often. So I think the amount will be lower then too right?

>> No.55426886

I explained it like 4 times, unless when you contact them they confirm that your payments will be less (they won't be) you're getting screwed. And sucks to be you then.

>> No.55426893

Holy fucking nigger
Kill yourself nigger
You stupid nigger
Son of a bitch I hate niggers

>> No.55426895

How much do you pay for rent? Maybe the issue is that rent and housing is too expensive. You should explain this to them so they can fix this problem. If they can’t handle giving you a discount well I guess their real estate investment was a bad one and they should let the bank foreclose on their property

>> No.55426902

Your rent is staying the same but you'll be paying more often, which means you're actually paying more.

Let's say you were paying $1000/month before.

$1000 per month is $12,000/year because there are 12 months in a year. So 12 x $1000 = $12,000.

So how many times will you pay if they charge every 28 days instead? 365 days in a year divided by 28 days is 365 / 28 = 13 payments. So the total you will pay is $1000 x 13 = $13,000 per year.

They are trying to trick you into thinking you're not paying more rent by keeping your payment the same but charging you an extra payment every year.

>> No.55426913

I honestly think thats not the case. They say the rent stays the same, but you just pay it every 4 weeks.

Anyway I will maybe call them tomorrow to ask, but it just sounds weird.

If you were gonna pay more i'm sure they would say so

>> No.55426918

When is your contract with them up? You are getting ripped off here and they are violating their contract.

>> No.55426925

I mean you could technically divide the yearly rent by 13 rather than 12 and the rent would be the same but you'd definitely want to make sure that's what they mean.

>> No.55426952


>> No.55426954
File: 64 KB, 1093x1234, fucking_rent2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, they confirmed the rent amount will stay the same so I guess it's just to make it more convenient for them or something

>> No.55426969

it means you are paying 13 times per year now instead of 12 times per year. so your rent increased on a yearly basis

>> No.55426973

Because they get 13 payments a year instead of 12.

>> No.55426974

Thats some top tier Judaism

>> No.55426975

You need to ask if the monthly payment is less or stays the same. Otherwise you are paying more than you were before if it stays the same. This is a common tactic in any subscription/monthly model. These gurus are telling everyone to charge weekly/bi weekly instead of monthly.

Take your total rent across the 12 months, then take that number and divide it by 13. This should be your new payment under these terms (lower). If its not, they are getting an extra payment from you per year.

>> No.55426978

the moral thing to do is to not pay them and dump bacon grease down the sink

>> No.55426984

They could mean either:
>it stays the same and they get 13 payments and not 12
>it stays the same over the course of the year and they get 13 payments and not 12
You need to be specific. It's necessarily bad if they want to be paid every 4 weeks, although it's a pain if you have a direct debit. But you have to make sure that you are not annually paying more.

>> No.55426992

Yeah, you need to bring your lease into this because this is a very sneaky way to increase the price without you noticing. Under the guise of "accounting" - total BS.

>> No.55426994

kek @ this thread.

>> No.55426998

You are getting jewed in a way I havn't seen in a while. Good luck with your ~10% rent increase.

>> No.55427006

Lol, you're so fucking stupid to fall for that wording or a good troll.

And about you landlord, that;s on a level of scummery I haven't seen in years.

>> No.55427015

Your paying for an extra "month"

>> No.55427020

You'll always be poor because you're stupid.
If it's a larp it's boring.

>> No.55427084
File: 67 KB, 1076x845, fucking_rent3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit confused, gonna sleep on it and then i'll call my dad tomorrow to see if he can help me out

Thanks all

have a good night

>> No.55427094

That has zero clarification. Ask them if the new rate is $1108 every 4 weeks.

>> No.55427098

im tired man, i really dont wanna bother them again by spamming them with emails or they might get mad or something

im just gonna call my dad tomorrow see if he can help me

>> No.55427113

are you like 15? people here explained it to you already. you're being jewed goy.

>> No.55427119

This is some next level jew shit right here

>it is more convenient for you to pay 10% more goy

>> No.55427121

>its still the same $1200 goy no changes but we change, dont worry goy

>> No.55427124

I'm just not very good at this kind of shit also because I fucking hate it. However they say the rent will stay the same, so I think i'm just worrying for nothing.

>> No.55427128
File: 98 KB, 1200x630, lie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent is $1200 a month (every 30 days)
$1200 x 12 = $14,400 per year

Now you pay every 4 weeks, 1 year = 52 weeks
$1200 * (52 / 4) = $15,600

Effectively, this means they raise your rent to $1300 per month.
If they want to keep the same, 14,400 * 4 / 52 = $1,107.69. In layman terms, they have to lower the rent price to $1,100 / month so the price is still the same as before.
I'm willing to bet $1 million on this, they won't lower it.
OP, don't get tricked by jew tricks.

>> No.55427133

Let us know bro

>> No.55427134

See this kind of shit is why I hate fucking accounting and math shit. If you were right, then why wouldn't they just say it like that? They confirmed the rent stays the same, so they just want me to pay it every 4 weeks from now on.

>> No.55427138

>[Barter 85] Instead of paying every month its every 4 weeks sir, but nothing change do not worry.
how do I trick normies out of their money?

>> No.55427139

Do the math. 52/4=13 payments unlike my mortgage 12 payments. U pay 1 more than monthly.

>> No.55427144
File: 5 KB, 225x225, flat,800x800,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you were right, then why wouldn't they just say it like that?

>> No.55427164

Do they for example mean you will pay on the 28th of each month?

>> No.55427172
File: 96 KB, 1147x1220, fucking_rent4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so i'm fucking stressing for nothing, the rent stays the same, just when I pay changes

>> No.55427178

>Okay so i'm fucking stressing for nothing
he doesnt know. good.

>> No.55427184
File: 19 KB, 480x400, theft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because otherwise people will protest. Look at what government says in media, they lie a lot.

Here's the math:
Charging $1,100 instead of $1,200 is stupid because they'll lose $7. Charging $1,107.69 is dumb too, because people will say wtf is this $7.69 ? All of this "it's the same" is just lie. They'll charge you $1,200 per 4 weeks and get away with it. Wake up, OP. They're robbing you in daylight.

>> No.55427193

No they charge the same amount that I have been paying already which is $1200 but only every 4 weeks instead of every month because they and other people in the building wanted this. I mean I can see why it's more handy you just now every 4 weeks on this day rent is due but still it sounds confusing for nothing.

>> No.55427228

>i really dont wanna bother them again by spamming them with emails or they might get mad or something
Too fucking bad, they need to be clearer and more concise with their answers. If they don't want to be bugged they need to clearly state what you are paying every payment.

>> No.55427234

Ask them if your pay per year remains the same. I imagine the person you are emailing is retarded as you and has been told that your payment remains the same and think that 1 month = 4 weeks or something equally stupid. If you opt to do this you calculate your daily rate (across the entire year) * 4 weeks using current rate and then pay them that for the first payment and watch them flip out. Do not get them to confirm this, just do it because
>you will be paying the same.
>$1200 x 12 = $14,400 per year
14400/365*28 So pay $1104.66. You have it in writing that your rent will remain unchanged at $1200 per month.

>> No.55427238

I was paying $1200 every month but they changed it to every 4 weeks but the rent amount will remain the same

>> No.55427244

That has no clarification and you're blatantly a troll by how hard you're going to misinterpret my comments.

>> No.55427252

See: >>55427172

The amount will stay $1200 throughout the year

>> No.55427253

Kek I didn't know the goyim are that stupid. Since I own a few rental properties perhaps I'll also "streamline" my accounting

>> No.55427257

No, that is not what their comment reads as.

>> No.55427258

Well I asked them to clarify and they said it stays the same at $1200 so fuck it i'm not gonna keep spamming them or I might piss them off

just gonna call my dad tomorrow and ask him

>> No.55427262


1 month = 4 weeks you retards

>> No.55427267

So you were paying $1200 a month previously, and now you are paying $1200 every 4 works? If yes, they have effectively increased your rent on an annual basis. How are you not grasping this?

>> No.55427274

I dont think so or they would say the rent increases, but they say it stays the same. I'll admit it's a bit confusing indeed.

>> No.55427277

>Well I asked them to clarify and they said it stays the same at $1200
And they didn't clarify it at all and your dad is going to call you faggot tomorrow if you bug him with this. There'll be no problem with bugging them as it's their own fault that they're being bugged by being vague. Ask them if the amount you pay every 4 weeks is $1108 not whether your rent is increasing as they're obviously stonewalling with that. Do it now.

>> No.55427285

I sent them like 7 emails already if I keep spamming them they might actually increase it for bothering them so much. Some people do pay more (people who have pets etc) and I dont wanna be one of them.

>> No.55427298

Either bait or anon is full retard
>get paid once a month

>> No.55427304

>if I keep spamming them they might actually increase it for bothering them so much.
It's their own fault for taking over 7 emails to clarify. Which you're going to say they did and they said it was $1200 because I'll obviously believe you're that retarded and not trolling.

>> No.55427337

Just ask them what the annualized rent is and compare that to your previous annualized rent

>> No.55427344
File: 105 KB, 1093x1247, fucking_rent5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so they tell me it stays the same. So i'm just gonna stop bothering them before I piss someone off and they take my security deposit or something

>> No.55427354

Oh you are 100% trolling, no one is that retarded.

>> No.55427358

If you don't throw a molotov cocktail into their bureau and start a mold farm under the sink and in the bathroom you are a KEK

>> No.55427389

pour cement down the drains, pussy you won't

>> No.55427402

>Hi I'm really sorry to have to email you again but our previous correspondence hasn't cleared up my concerns. Every 4 weeks my rent is changing to $1108 or it is staying at $1200 that I pay every 4 weeks instead of every month? As I would be paying an extra payment cycle every year I'd like to know now so I may budget for it.
Send this, fucking retard.

>> No.55427404

No I will do no such thing and please keep it friendly here cause I sent them a link to the post containing the math that says that I will actually pay more in 4 weeks instead of 1 month.

>> No.55427406

how to start a mold farm? who buys the mold? artisinal penicillin producers?

>> No.55427413

26 weeks left as of 7/1
pay every 4 weeks, 6.5 payments
rent = $1200/mo (it would've been 6 more payments)
so just ask them to tell you the payment dates.
if they tell you there are 7 payments left in the year, then only pay 1200/6.5=$1108 every 4 weeks.
they will likely tell you, you only have 6 payments left this year and the last 2 weeks is dropped.
this is still slightly worse for you that you'd essentially be paying the 2 weeks earlier throughout the 6 months, but that's probably not really worth arguing about.

>> No.55427424

Reply "thank you greatest ally"

>> No.55427428

you should tell them to keep within the terms of your lease and pay all rent as late as possible still within the original terms of the lease
unless they had a change of payment clause
which is very non standard

>> No.55427440
File: 176 KB, 1091x1085, fucking_rent6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they cant really do this right?

It wasn't me who posted those things

>> No.55427457

whoa bro you just got paypal'd

>> No.55427467

Im in fucking tears

How the fuck is that possible it wasnt even me who posted any of that stuff

>> No.55427471

Woah haha I am trolled epic style

>> No.55427475

WOW that guy is dumb

>> No.55427478

Fucking finally, we've been trying to get your neet ass out of there for ages.

>> No.55427482
File: 51 KB, 704x659, 1631072222862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are all getting trolled hard by OP. You fucking retards think any company types like >>55427344

>> No.55427766

So basically they raised rent in the middle of anon's contract... anon should sue them

>> No.55427791

>or they might get mad or something
what a wimp

>> No.55427802

holy fuck masterful troll OP

>> No.55427813

>OP posts a shitty bait thread
>retarded GME tourists are eat it up and reply like it's an actual reddit thread
God I hate bear market biz

>> No.55427949

>no one is that retarded.
never been to australia mate?

>> No.55428265

>or they might get mad
Fuck them. Get them mad. You have a contract written up and your going to pay according to the contract, and if they try to come down on you then you'll sue. They can get bent.

>> No.55428290

>they might increase it
Bro. You and then signed a contract. They cannot legally increase it.

>> No.55428325

unless op does a retard and agrees to their kikery

>> No.55428329
File: 520 KB, 576x704, 1686279873290570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

52 weeks in a year, 13 4wk periods per year

>> No.55428358

Kek some countries probably have laws where they can kick you out due to antisemitism. I say we believe this on its face value and keep financially advising OP

>> No.55428573

Sweet bait bro

>> No.55428619

make it more believable next time

>> No.55428726

No they are lying