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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55426426 No.55426426 [Reply] [Original]


Is it over for Airbnb, biz bros?

>> No.55426435

Are any of these cities summer holiday destinations?

>> No.55426441
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>> No.55426447

No, they're both absolutely irredeemably shit.

>> No.55426459

It happens this summer. Don't be long on anything

>> No.55426489

Airbnb re worked their website last year and, in general, the search doesn't show you what you are looking for anymore.
They push themed houses like lakefront A-frame cottages or all glass and concrete beverly hills style modern boxes.
It's basically upselling their customers constantly. The search hides regular apartments/homes that are nice and affordable depending when you check.
Their fucked up algorithm makes the experience worse for everyone involved and has been absolutely raping regular people who are renting out their spare room or their vacation property, in favor of people who have $500,000+ properties.
I think its intentional. But every market is different so dont get too excited thinking youll actually be able to afford to buy a house anytime soon.

>> No.55426496
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>it's the heckin algo

>> No.55426523

Aribnb has had profitble quarters while their user base of hosts have been losing their properties.
There are a lot of variables like the overall market, but Airbnb's business plan to change how their customers interact with their marketplace is significant.

>> No.55426646

>nick gerli

>> No.55426650

Airbnbs "business model" if you can call that scam that way is to scoop off some of the profit from a hot turd named reals estate speculation and QE distributed to champagne socialists scamming the entire population and future generations