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55424931 No.55424931 [Reply] [Original]

Time passes too fucking fast I’m literally going to be 30 in 6 months even though I’m financially/career successful I still fucking hate getting old. I should be 25 years old at the youngest. Holy shit I’m going to be an old man and then dead before I even know it

>> No.55424935

25 years old at the oldest* see my fucking brain doesn’t even work anymore

>> No.55424938

oh herro prease

>> No.55424944

Check your phone retard
You're about to be 40 not 30

>> No.55424959

I hope you have at least a million dollars

>> No.55425037

We are nearly the exact same age. I feel the same way. It’s over bro. The only upside is if you are career oriented you’ll get a little more respect no longer being in your 20s.

>> No.55425055

>1995 was 40 years ago

>> No.55425062

I'm 36. Chicks live for thick Dad dick. Deal with it, younglets

>> No.55425073

Absolutely based and true

>> No.55425083

wait here ill get u a viagra

>> No.55425151
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>> No.55425204
File: 316 KB, 1577x2418, What the fuck did you just fucking say about me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna see my 8 inch cock fren? Your zoomer ex did

>> No.55425213

Get one for me too
>T. 32 year old nearly dead elder

>> No.55425218

I’m 28 and I can’t tell if my hairline is slowly moving back or if I’m just going crazy

>> No.55425226
File: 21 KB, 540x540, 1625224658210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is like a rollercoaster, you're just experimenting on the downside of life and once you reach the good parts of growing old you'll learn to enjoy it.
>t. 55, two kids and a successful company, i enjoy working and i stay up to date on the new things because it makes me feel alive, just got into my first alt (rebate) and even tho im a long time biz lurker i enjoy the bullshit of crytpo and biz

>> No.55425233

Don't kid yourself
It's receding

>> No.55425234

I'm 28 and never had sex.

>> No.55425239

Checked and yes its me next year

>> No.55425240

How old are your kids ya old fuck

>> No.55425332

>arms are showing

the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.55425340

It means she's turned on you fucking retard

>> No.55425566


>> No.55425586


>> No.55427381

are asians incapable of expressing emotion with their face?

>> No.55427396

Fun fact: women are generally more attracted to muscular arms than any other body part

>> No.55427399

theyre 3 and 5 he lost his virginity at the age of 49

>> No.55427555

Try being (YOUR_CURRENT_AGE + 5) friendo. It only gets worse :-)))

>> No.55427787


>> No.55427811


>> No.55427827

Yes they have resting chink face

>> No.55427869

I'm in a similar boat here. Let me share some advice. Enjoy your time, don't get over stressed with financial goals. For sure, keep them and reach them but remember your time here and your youth is limited. Make the most out of it. Traveling can be a meme for some but it's also really enjoyable. Visiting Tokyo, Italy , etc can be done when you are older and more financially secure, yes. However there's nothing like going when you are young and perhaps carefree.

>> No.55427902

>Holy shit I'm going to be

The key is to stop saying "going to be." You are an old man, I am an old man. We could both die any minute. We're still going to keep going and working. If all goes well we are rich in our 40's/50's and get to experience the full life.

>> No.55429054

The thread of your life was measured and cut the moment you were born. There's no use worrying about it, just enjoy the ride. Also: your perception of time will speed up as you age, so get 'out there' and do what you want right now.

My 30's were better than my 20's by a country mile anyways.

>t. 39 year old.

>> No.55429127

It is truly pathetic to see how shallow and soulless these posters really are. These are people who both irl and online larp as based while having no internal monologue extending beyond hedonism and aesthetic values.
>I live for sex and money but I'm not happy wtf
It's almost as if they are the definition of an NPC

>> No.55429150

Some are legit 100IQ NPC's, a lot of people out there are just lost souls that got caught up in consooomerism because everyone around them does it.

Breaking out of the mold isn't easy and most people have zero guidance or leadership on the issue. It used to be that religion covered it, but that's essentially dead in the west now. So you get what we have today: people finding meaning in youth and consoooming, not contributing and aging gracefully.

>> No.55429208

Based, 34 here and slaying as well.
But remember love of Allah is eternal, ethots are temporary

>> No.55429222

not if you are out of shape and poor. Women will fuck guys of any age under 50 as long as they are wealthy, good job, house and nice car.

>> No.55430772


Will you be a wizard?

>> No.55430828

>no wrinkles, no grey hairs, no baldness, no visible signs of aging
>look 22

What the fuck is this power

>> No.55430916

>Holy shit I’m going to be an old man and then dead before I even know it
great right? Personally I can't wait.

>> No.55430919

WHy the long face

>> No.55430951

do people really expect 32 year olds to have grey hair and wrinkles?
the only ones I know in their 20s or early 30s that aged prematurely either took lots of drugs or spent too much time outdoors with no sunscreen

>> No.55431054

I've seen kids in their 20's look fucking 40, with their cheeks drooping and inflamed eyebags. They look like shit, probably from doomscrolling tiktoks which is worse than drugs.

>> No.55431179
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Posts like these make me laugh because the thought of a 30 y/o not making it while im out of highschool and have already saved up from my crypto gains (mostly vinu) to almost buy a house is laughable. Maybe you should check inwards my man, you're the problem

>> No.55431336
File: 122 KB, 1200x675, ftk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just turned 19 last week and already have three properties here in Toronto fully paid for, netting $8500/mo from Indians desperate to live here. Crypto has been good to me, sucks if youre 30 and poor. Not sure how you live with yourself being old and broke.

>> No.55431346

>immediately shills a dog token
Paneer post

>> No.55431364


>> No.55432419

Travel will also teach you things that cannot be taught. The earlier you learn these things, the better decisions you will make. This is not some new-age diversity and inclusion bullshit, rather the opposite. You will learn that come cultures are extremely insular and racist, and you'll see exactly how that benefits them and you. You'll also see how globalism works on a global scale, which is absolutely impossible to understand without traveling - I mean this should be pretty obvious, but people forget that the internet is not reality.

>> No.55432456

Never fails to make me giggle

>> No.55432529

The pajeetery is off the charts.

>> No.55432581

Where do you meet??? I interact with maybe 5 girls in my weekly routine as an in shape 34 year old.