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55418728 No.55418728 [Reply] [Original]

The list of traditional players applying for Bitcoin ETF keeps getting bigger
> Blackrock
> ARK Invest
> Valkyrie
> Invesco
> WisdomTree
> BitWise

This much institutional money onboard the crypto space means bye to decentralization or what do you think channers?

>> No.55418754
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2015 called. They want their ETF back.

>> No.55418769

I don’t care, I just want line time go up

>> No.55419054

>This much institutional money onboard the crypto space means bye to decentralization or what do you think channers?

Decentralization is at the core of Bitcoin's ideology, and the entry of traditional players into the Bitcoin ETF arena certainly raises concerns, but if truth be told this is a necessary evil in getting mass adoption for Crypto.

>> No.55419268

>but if truth be told this is a necessary evil in getting mass adoption for Crypto.

You sound like you are speaking off sucking on Gensler's cock, the crypto community is resilient which is one of the reasons why we are still here, and it will find ways to maintain decentralization, even in the face of institutional interest.

>> No.55419290

>entry of [banks & bankers] into the Bitcoin ETF arena is a necessary evil in getting mass adoption for [a system designed to facilitate transactions without banks or bankers]

>> No.55419322

With BTC ETF approval, SEC won't have any ground to stop crypto. +1 for DeFibros.

>> No.55419487

Gensler is losing it all. Blackrock is buying politicians and top lawyers against SEC. So the odd is barely -1 for them to Win.

>> No.55419497

its all jews

>> No.55419517

Yeah but how does this affect alts?

>> No.55419563

"We take the money and give out paper IOUs of Bitcoin" this plus with all the hype. Looks more and more like the building of a sell the news event to me.

>> No.55419633

>applying for Bitcoin ETF
Have any of them been approved yet?

AFAIK every application that has received a decision has been denied.

>> No.55419676


It's the narrative of you you utter retard. Look at what happened to gold for example. Crypto requires less narrative and runs much easier. It will aldo duck in an extra legion of normies.

If think this is bearish short term then you need to just quit altogether because you aren't very good at this game anon.

>> No.55419796

this isn't some big conspiracy guys

they're going to buy physical to drive up the price then make astronomical amounts of shekels on buying naked options

>> No.55419906


Bitcoin's supply can be checked, which is impossible with gold. You can check any wallet's balance on the blockchain and withdraw the Bitcoin you bought to your own wallet to check for fake paper Bitcoin.

>> No.55419997
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Banks and traditional finance have no idea (they think they do) of what they’re getting into but in reality it’s a finance community as degenerate and greedy as they are.

Should be fun.

>> No.55420114

I think it's a win for BTC and invariably a bigger win for altcoins. So start accumulating pajeets.

>> No.55420128

So investing and buying more BTC and altcoins is the way forward. I am slurping BTC, LINK, AVAX, NXRA, ETH and many more.

>> No.55420139

I actually care less. I believe the traditional institution and decentralized finance can work together to achieve great results.

>> No.55420164

This looks like a buy signal to me and I'm not wasting this bull run opportunity.

>> No.55420177

Regulation coming already gives a middle finger to Decentralization if not for some helpful compliant project like the NexeraID I don't know where builders or companies would have been.

>> No.55420200

How exactly would they work together? I know of Allianceblock Bridging TradFi and DeFi together. Could this possibly help?

>> No.55420210

This is one of the reason I am stockpiling BTC and some DeFi project that are working towards being compliant.

>> No.55420268

I can see some TradFi partnership like London stock exchange and DeFi partnership like Quant.

>> No.55420276

We should get a decision on Blackrock’s within 2 months

>> No.55420309

Selling the news. I don't think any sane being would want to sell to blackrock accumulating on Coinbase at this giveaway price.

>> No.55420340

Of course the DeFi gateway is the beginning of it all. That's when traditional institutions started finding their feet in DeFi to take advantage of robust tools there.

>> No.55420572
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>Genslers cock

More like micro benis

>> No.55420801

BrillionFi is one of the first projects to make use of this and MEXC also declared its intention about using it. It could be a game-changer for the rising regulations around the world,

>> No.55421320

Fuck off. Every blue news seems a buy opportunity for you. Are you freaking insane plebbit?

>> No.55421358
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Whatever comes my boy Blackswan takes care of it.

>> No.55421428

But why are all the government officials suddenly primed about gold bar, weren't they aware of the progress recorded so far on blockchain or they are just faking their convinctions?

>> No.55421445


seems the gpt chatbot has a malfunction

>> No.55421453

That is desperation, the alliances between jews and neo marxists has shown to not go into the right direction, with the former, as always trying to bite the hand the fed them; now the jews look for alternative alliances, but anarchists don't forget and don't forgive, and the middle class, workers and bourgeois remember very well who betryed them for an alliance with neo marxists.

Get fucked jew, genocide soon

>> No.55421494

Coded in. Wouldn't you expect Satoshi to have already thought of this if Bitcoin was to reach hights it is seeing now? Don't really think it matters.

>> No.55421527

no, btc was an experiment, it was never meant to be a ponzi - have fun with the bags jews and marxists; anarchists are out, same for the bourgeois and the middle class. Good luck finding other capital streams to tap into

>> No.55421906

Can you please name the defi projects?

>> No.55422794
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>> No.55422838
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>> No.55422948

DeFi will also improve and with new features like RWA and ZKPs , that can help to onboard institutions into DeFi

>> No.55422970

Not yet, but words on the streets have it that there is a high possibility they won't be approved.

>> No.55423076

You are right about this, and I think now KYC might be made more compulsory so a solution is needed for that.
Just today Kucoin announced making it compulsory for all its users.

>> No.55423118

How is this going to happen when the government wants everything centralized?
It's better you wake up from your slumber and know that DeFi might not remain decentralized for too long

>> No.55423243

>Just today Kucoin announced making it compulsory for all its users.

First it was Binance, now Kucoin only a matter of time before this become the order of the day.

>> No.55423248

The DeFi projects working towards compliance are not many, because other than allianceblock which is the first compliant DeFi, and Polygon that's doing the same thing, I don't think we have many others

>> No.55423482

Others should also jump on it soon I guess, because it's something DeFi projects will need

>> No.55423555

I hope projects start looking into these type of solutions because it will help maintain privacy while staying complaint

>> No.55423697

Rule 5, applied poorly
You have been running out of other peoples money lefty. Next act, the crash and the hangings

>> No.55423700

They are not the first doing it and since they are building compliant products that other projects and institutions can use, bridging DeFi and TradFi would be easy for them to do

>> No.55423758

>please give me other peoples money
"institutions" are bound by the same rules as everyone else, and your crypto scams don't offer growth, and those people are not stupid enough to risk their clients money in your scams, no matter how "compliant" they make themselves look

>> No.55423927

decentralization is a meme

>> No.55423969

Encrypting our KYC data will be the solution when it's made compulsory for all

>> No.55423996

I guess the point of a Bitcoin ETF is that institutional investors can trade Bitcoin without having to associate with the clownshow that is the major exchanges? No serious player would ever be caught working with a company selling literal garbage like "SHIB" and "PEPE."

>> No.55425003

Most decentralized identities work with ZKP. PolygonID and nexeraIID so yeah they are playing some good roles I hope the blockheaded SEC leader will understand that anyways.

>> No.55425046

Literally garbage actually but most people still appreciate it but not me.

>> No.55425117

That's the most retarded marxist bullshit anyone ever came up with

>> No.55425167


>> No.55425269

I don't think compliance will be a problem for non-custodial protocols if this works fine. The UK is also coming up with its regulation. Let's see how Defi will coexist.

>> No.55425279
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decentralized as in there is no issuer, not that a rich person can't buy a bunch of it

>> No.55425476

Regulations alone is enough to make institution adoption a reality and the fact that it has an SDK available to s another edge. Not giving you encouragement pack. .

>> No.55425486

BrilionFi made a good decision then, They are one of the early adopters. MEXC has not started using it. Maybe Binance will consider it as they will be needing a better compliance struture.

>> No.55425511

The rich can decide to acquire everything just like Blackrock is amassing every damn BTC in the streets

>> No.55425574

BTC bros, we're so fucking early.

>> No.55425759

No one is ever late in a bear market.

>> No.55425780

Are there inverse ETFs coming too? If not then it's very bullish. If inverse ETFs come out we're eternally screwed

>> No.55425795

We have DiDs. Self-sovereignty will not be lost as long as they exist. polygon built a nice one and so did allianceblock. The Nuggets DiDs are also there. You should not screw things up.

>> No.55425804

Bitcoin will be $30k stablecoin and it will probably crab between 20k-30k over the next few decades, just like gold.

>> No.55425830

How can these institutions centralize bitcoin? They can only buy up what's available, which isn't much, and that doesn't give them control. As big as Blackrock is, they don't have the capital to build enough hashpower to do a 51% attack.

>> No.55425854

This is only possible if bitcoin is similar to gold, in the way that it can easily turned to paper, but it can't. I can buy bitcoin on the market, over the internet, and easily withdraw it into my possession. Blackrock may try, but it won't work.

>> No.55425921
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Blackrock is bending the knee to real money. Blackrock is at it's core an economic not political entity. State is memeshit.

Hard money is highly desirable systemically as it forces positive sum activity, hard money however WAS impractical to use, being replaced by soft money hundreds of years ago. History has proven that 'backed' soft money will always be abused, the difficultly inherent in past hard money makes verification etc unwieldy, leading backed soft money to become unbacked over time. But the systemic economic value of hard money remains.
BTC is hard money that's easy to use, that is it's value. It is not in competition with the financial system, it is in competition with fiat. BTC will continue to grow as long as statists debase, which they will never stop doing as debasement is the lever which they use to manipulate the economy.
While Economy is naturally positive sum, fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions! Blasphemy! Economy will not abide. You see powerful parasites and say "they are too powerful, we can't fight them" Economy sees powerful parasites and says "so much free value!". BTC is the sword Economy wields to slay the Adversary, BTC's Becoming is guaranteed by the systemic economic value gained by fiat's demise.

>> No.55426017

It was ranked among the top five most innovative projects of 2023. WTF, I'm not surprised to see you mention it here.

>> No.55426031
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7 points

>> No.55426060

Those 7 points literally apply to all assets you fucking retard
Really, that was their justification? SEC is a joke.

>> No.55426082

Anyone knows what price feeds they Will take for the reference price?

>> No.55426164
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Maxibros... is this true? Is BlackCock going to tame bitcorn? It's over isn't it...

>> No.55426189

don't sell your btc to these kikes

>> No.55426452

Hardly, and if done, criminal offense
Hardly, and if done, criminal offense
Only applies to crypto
Only applies to crypto
Hardly, and if done, criminal offense
and partly only aplicabale to crypto
Only applies to crypto
Only applies to crypto

>sec is a joke
Why, because they wont offer you scammers new capital flows to scam more people? A shame, guess 69K was the top, forever

>> No.55426567

Binance will move to UAE from the rumors I've been hearing. The US is blowing its chances of being top. MiCA has been super dope

>> No.55426661

Mica is bullshit. If you think that hot turd that is never going to be translated into national law before the EU gets crashed by a currency reform you have shit for a brain

>> No.55428342

I hope you know what you meant by EU gets crashed. Probably you do not even know what EU is.

>> No.55428374

The ECB has a giant hole in its sheet, burnt in it with toxic bonds from the past 10 years; the hole is about as big as its gdp, and that is if one believes the ecb numbers. There is going to be a currency reform like in 48/49, and anybody that has still capital in the EU is either crazy or is looking to buy gold cash

>> No.55428375

narrative formed after price action. Wake me up after Binance gets nuked across NATO countries

>> No.55428455

We will see. about that.

>> No.55428518

I am waiting; and made my decision, it the start of the revenge tour, with bombs, ropes and a rifle on my back with 10x40

>> No.55428551
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Pure delusion.
>trading based on private information is a crime and partly only aplicabale to crypto
Literally retarded.
Your argument

>> No.55428560

Insider trading; and the Asians whales are certainly not informing the sec, why should they, they are trading on off shore exchanges
>comparing a gold vault with btc
The private sector is really looking to get ended for 10 years of financing marxists

>> No.55428597

I saw something about Nuggets but it seems only Nexera uses MetaNFTs. That's pretty unique. The NFT serves as the identity.

>> No.55428724

are they gonna buy the underlying asset? thats the big question

>> No.55428899

are they going to be approved is the bigger question, the answer is clear no. But the attempt at hype is certainly worth the alternative of having to write off a bunch of loans

>> No.55428932

etfs don't matter, but they get things moving sooner than later. but truly, this shit will not matter at the end of the day. it's like cooking.
an ETF is like marinating your steak in an acid for a bit before cooking. it helps "cook" it with its acidity, tenderizing the meat, but ultimately the steak can be prepared without it. ETF is simply an acclerant, nothing more, don't count on it and I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised no matter what happens.

>> No.55428940

an etf always has been and always will be a fee scam
>cooking metaphor
maybe get a job in a akitchen

>> No.55428946

Nah, I bought Bitcoin 11 years ago. I'll chill and relax while you retards make hilariously inaccurate and unoriginal comments.

>> No.55428966

They can't attack, for now, the network itself.
They can, however, control on and off ramps and bribe government to pass crypto legislation that benefits themselves but not the average trader, for example.

>> No.55428971

If you don't sell, you don't realize a loss, but you neither realize a profit

>> No.55428978

Sold some two years ago. Again you are inaccurate, and unoriginal. You are completely redundant.

>> No.55429027

Then hold, good luck finding a buyer behind an McDonalds

>> No.55429073

Between the $500k and dozens of coins, I'll be fine. You don't actually care about what happens to me, so fuck off anon.

>> No.55429284

>The ECB has a giant hole in its sheet

they also have a money printer. this shit doesn't really matter anymore.

>> No.55429329

>Money printer
not really, the only valuable asset, the ecb has currently on its sheets as collateral, are the gold reserves of its member countries, the rest are long term 0 or negative rate bonds of its member countries, bought through Blackrock, to get around their own contracts that actually prohibit the so called "debt union", with the bonds having an average maturing time left of 7 years. The German central bank funnily enough has at the moment a hole of pretty much exactly 666B €, and the German government has wasted its entire budget including some extras for Ukraine

>> No.55429372

you don't need valuable asset to pay debt that is denominated in made up crap.

>> No.55429405

>made up
would you say no to made up 666B€?
Would you be productive and produce 666B€?
You likely never produced anything in your life

>> No.55429452

it takes the same amount of energy to 'print' 1 euro and 1 billion euro. nothing with those properties has any value. made up bs.

>> No.55429547

Somebody shit in your brain bot

>> No.55429676

This is retarded. (Spot) ETFs enable more capital to flow into the underlying, because there are a lot of dumb boomers with money who can't figure out how to buy actual BTC and would rather let their asset manager take care of it. It also "legitimizes" BTC in the eyes of people who appeal to authority to everything, which is most unfortunately about 90% of people on the planet.

>> No.55429684


Its never going to approved

>> No.55429694

boomers won't buy bitcoin they don't understand it they can't understand the need for it. we just have to wait for them to all die and gen-x inherit their wealth. not long now.

>> No.55429708

GenX are the scammers, you bought bitshit from, they wont buy it back from you

>> No.55429803

you have no sense of proportion i see. gen-x is going to control like 70-80% of the worlds wealth in a few years. number of current bitcoin hodlers shrimps excluded is like a million tops.

>> No.55429808

they are going to be bankrupt

>> No.55429918

Incredible. I can't wait to see it happen. I live for it.

>> No.55429958

changed IP again?

>> No.55430018

Who the hell are you?

>> No.55430031

You don't support their involvement? Wow! I hope you don't get left out.

>> No.55430202

just some random retard. ignore!

>> No.55430286

BTC is infinity more secure than a vault, and trading on private information is how everyone trades, there are no BTC insiders to insider trade, smoothbrain

>> No.55430313
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Your shitcoin (ticker: USD) is going to zero, statist.

1980: $1.5T
2000: $4.5T
2020: $15T
Three Years Later: $20.5T

>> No.55430758

It's freaking lit! I'm totally milking this dip and keeping my eyes glued to those Polkadot projects. Moonbeam and Phala are already in my bag. Peaq is a sick project to check out as it brings solutions all this damn IoT issues.

>> No.55430777

>means bye to decentralization
RETH sync time is 2 days for an archival node
we won
that's how you measure decentralization, by sync sovereignty
RUST literally solves crypo's problems

>> No.55430855

Wtf is a bitcoin ETF?

>> No.55432221

This is why I prefer to hold stables which I'm staking on SpoolFi to hedge against inflation over holding cash

>> No.55432330

Since you are diversifying with that platform then your risk to DeFi staking should be at the barest minimum
Whoever that's not buying BTC now is not ready to make it

>> No.55432365

BTC will not go a 100x any soon just so you know. The possibility is unrealistic. Do not be a maxi.

>> No.55432377

Same peaq that will be airdropped to those that will participate in the Krest campaign on Fundrs?

>> No.55432415

With the miners positions to keep Bitcoin healthy and Wall Street banks taking bitcoin mainstream were looking at a huge increase in Bitcoin price.

>> No.55433793
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1) BTC will 100x in real terms in our lifetimes
2) BTC will 10,000x in nominal terms in our lifetimes
3) Everyone becomes a maxi in-the-limit

Once you realize that the statists will never stop debasing you will join us in enlightenment

>> No.55435187

The one casting the copies of gold and silver into the lake of fire.
Larry is going to die

>> No.55435197

Somebody asked where the money would come from for the next Bullrun, so, there you go.

>> No.55435213

That requires approval. And nobody is frontrunning something that won't be approved for very obvious reasons. The private sector is overestimating his role. Just because many apply doesn't mean that they can exercise any pressure

>> No.55436661

Its over
finally completely over

>> No.55437753

Yea anon this the opportunity to get bag fill with some nice juicy project, am still waiting for new tokenomics features I learnt it got some good staking rewards

>> No.55438644

Decentralization would still stand bizfag, Users can always exercise their right to own custody of their assets with wallets like Exodus, Sylo, Trezor and Trust.

>> No.55438723

Do you not realise how absolutely absurd it was for bitcoin to be 50k? Even 30k. 20k was mindblowing. It was unthinkable. Do not doubt the corn. You WILL regret it.

>> No.55438789
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If Hal Finney wasn't worried why should I be?

>> No.55438973

This thread reeks of everything other than /biz/ you should all kill yourselves

>> No.55439000

How could the sec reasonably approve a btc etf knowing that the supply ownership is not transparent enough to satisfy anti-manipulation requirements?

>> No.55439078

checked. not at all

>> No.55439113

Large institutions are serious about using blockchains and decentralization.

For dollars and tokenized traditional assets.

They aren't buying your SUSHI and PEPE bags and don't give a fuck about Litecoin or Monero or GRT or whatever the fuck thing you bought thinking you were going to be an early investor.

But they will absolutely be using crypto in a serious way and blockchains will be integral to the financial system.

Bitcoin will be a small part of that, but most of the assets flowing across blockchains will be dollar-denominated as they are today.

This is what Chainlink is building with SWIFT, BNY Mellon, and other major institutions that run the current financial system.

>> No.55439139

Crypto is basically the dotcom bubble. Like the internet, it's here to stay, but most of the crap in the space is going to zero. Serious projects will survive and most of the garbage in the space will have the same fate as pets.com

>> No.55439172


We will get a Bitcoin ETF when Binance is dead. The crypto market is heavily manipulated by Binance right now, but it will be more transparent when the main players are real exchanges operating in good faith and playing by the rules.

>> No.55439298

>It is all Binance goy
You are idiots that don't understand bitcoin the slightest or the socio-economic forces at work. The 6 faggot funds would be better served ditching bitcoin all together and opt for a new pow, if necessary just the same as bitcoin from a code perspective but backed by international mutual agreements, which looking at the current geopolitical stage, is not going to happen

>> No.55439757 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55441406

>1) BTC will 100x in real terms in our lifetimes
This is quite feasible from the current price anon, but while waiting for it, I'd also continue by Dca on low caps like Ride and Itheum for gains on a growing ecosystem like MultiversX.

>> No.55441573


Chainlink shill. Yawn. I'll stick to other shitcoins. Thanks.

>> No.55442748

Begone shitcoiner

>> No.55443482

I can't buy BTC for a 100x expectation. I rather go for CYMI, ID, or let's say ACOIN.