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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55418834 No.55418834 [Reply] [Original]

have such a hard time being honest with themselves. It’s not your fault. You bought into the lie from a very good sociopath.

A lot of you still made money, albeit at massive opportunity cost, but profit is profit. But, it’s ok to admit you expected much more

>> No.55418845

why do you care?

>> No.55418849

Suppressing your disappointment isnt healthy. And theres no reason to as we’re all anonymous here. You dont have a “rep” to keep up here.

>> No.55418860

I like helping people and also like pursuing justice against scam artists. I guess you could say Im a righteous dude. Why do you care?

>> No.55419021

I find all the recent Chainlink fud kinda weird. Are you all people that sold near the top and are bragging? Idgi

>> No.55419022

Fpbp OP btfo. Get rekt op kys

>> No.55419086

Swapped my Link for BTC at the end of last year and recovered my losses and now in green. Chainlink closing the comments on their "women of crypto" video was the last straw.

>> No.55419093

Because they shit up this board with their shitty token.

>> No.55419218
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>Chainlink closing the comments on their "women of crypto" video was the last straw.

>> No.55419230

>nooo you can’t discuss crypto on a crypto board
Most link threads are fud like this one

>> No.55419275

Check Litecoin investors they've been waiting for 5k for nearly 7years

>> No.55419283

dude, this is beyond pathetic

>> No.55419284

>I like helping people
Then actually help people; go volunteer at a soup kitchen or something.
Spamming 4channel is the least helpful thing you can do in the entire universe without physically hurting innocent people.

>> No.55419286

There are WAY bigger scams in crypto why are you starting here?

>> No.55419289

you know people can post the same picture right?

>> No.55419310
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>> No.55419334

If you think chainlink is the only scam in crypto wait until you find out cryptocurrency is fundamentally useless. Companies like major banks, Visa and Mastercard have used pseudo blockchain technology since the 80s that make all cryptocurrencies look like they were assembled with boogers and construction paper.

>> No.55419338

it's you though, more than half of these 50+ posts have the same filename

>> No.55419379

Sir thing detective faggot. Its clearly a different file name.

>> No.55419390

calm down ranjeesh

>> No.55419411

>youre not allowed to post the same pictures!! You must be the same person!

>> No.55419431

What would you fags even have to talk about if it weren't for LINK? This place would be beyond dead. Chainlink hate is the new pretending to be offended on Twitter to signal to other faggots

>> No.55419561

kek this
At this point it seems like the majority of conversation on /biz/ revolves around Chainlink, both for and (mostly) against.

Makes sense, since Chainlink is closer to changing the world of crypto and tradfi as we know it than anything before.

>> No.55419767

>Companies like major banks, Visa and Mastercard have used pseudo blockchain technology since the 80s


>> No.55419791

Banks and major financial institutions use the Swift system and Visa uses a token based system that can handle 256000 transactions a second globally using only 4 nodes, Mastercard is less developed but still better than every cryptocurrency out there.

>> No.55419817

If Swift and the internal systems at the CC companies are so good, why are they all spending so much money and effort trying to integrate blockchain in their systems?

>> No.55419910

The higher ups of these companies are encouraged by their shareholders to “share technological breakthroughs” and “develop synergies” with cryptocurrency programmers. Essentially stealing a portion of blockchain technology for a pittance while maintaining a friendly facade, keeping an eye out in case of any actual technological breakthroughs on the part of the programmers and to make acquisitions easier to facilitate. Look at what Google, Microsoft and Apple do to software companies the same thing applies.

>> No.55419913

Holding PLTR was the same experience as holding Link these last few years.

You look at how well the both companies are doing, but wider market sentiment has crushed the price.
Before the fudsters say the stock price of pltr and link tokens aren’t equivalent, all it takes is a cursory knowledge of the tokenomics to see how the token price will soon reflect the overall health and adoption of Chainlink services.

Everyone can see how this is going to play out in the long run, but the argument that trading shitcoins before Link starts to move is contrary to any legitimate investment strategy for most people.
In the same way that people who continued to lower their DCA with pltr are starting to see some gains, taking advantage of the low link price is going to make you a lot of money soon.

If you removed the crypto token aspect from CL, anyone who took a look at what they’re working on would trip over their dick to figure out how to invest.
That said, the amount of time that the overall fuckery of the crypto market dragging down sentiment for CL is coming to an end.
The era of the blue chip token is going to be a true marvel.

>> No.55420343

an overwhelming majority of people don't like reality so they create a different one to live by in their head

>> No.55420905

>If you removed the crypto token aspect from CL, anyone who took a look at what they’re working on would trip over their dick to figure out how to invest.
No they wouldn't. Crypto as a technology provides negatives utility to society, the only reason to invest in crypto is to get in early on pump and dumps

>> No.55420924

I do volunteer from time to time but you're right I should do more. Good for the soul. I disagree with your second sentence. If I can help one person online make money and improve their life it was worth it. I've tried shilling newer alts here and gotten banned for advertising. The moderation here is insane

>> No.55420937

what would you like to talk about? I keep getting banned for suggesting other alts on this site.

>> No.55420969

>the only reason to invest in crypto is to get in early on pump and dumps

the sad truth....there are no "fundamental" investments in crypto. You just buy on red days/cycles and hope other people pump it afterwards.

>> No.55421024

The truth is people have given SERGEY NAZAROV a LOT OF MONEY such that he hire a HR harem and fly to Barcelona to eat fucking buffallo mozarella.

>> No.55421034

are you the same guy from yesterday who admitted to seething and fudding when you're outside?

>> No.55421057

Based. The one thing fuddies and shills can agree on is that Chainlink is the only thing is this space worth consideration.

>> No.55421080

I've been "investing" in crypto since 2016 and /madeit/ already. My opinion on crypto as a technology has monotonically declined since 2018, but I've learned that fundamentals don't matter and it's all about liquidity flows from the Fed and insider pump and dumps. Chainlink is in the dump phase now.

>> No.55421124
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>> No.55421215

I think we can all agree that investing in “crypto” is a total shot show, but blockchain is going to have a massive impact as it’s use grows.
Unless you’re chasing hourly candles to make it, you have to single out ways to invest in blockchain.
Blockchain being adopted means oracles and cross chain are going to be absolutely necessary. This is especially true as financial institutions implement private blockchains to tokenize assets.
They’ll make trillions through tokenization of assets, but billions will be made in cross chain and oracles.
If you can point to a better investment into cross chain and oracles, I’m all ears, but we all know Chainlink is light years ahead in that space.
Either be patient and buy when it dips, or don’t. God knows we’ve spoonfed enough.

>> No.55421333

I disagree. I think blockchain won't have a massive impact at all. It hasn't made an impact in almost 14 years. No businesses are using this for anything. AI has more impact every 14 days.

>> No.55421578

Checked and blessed trips
The only thing that throws me is every now and then we get the “blockchain is going nowhere, I made millions in crypto by just riding pumps and dumps” poster in link threads (probably the same guy) but never an explanation why they’re so insistent on posting in every link thread. Like if I treated crypto like musical chairs, I wouldn’t waste my time posting in every thread for one specific crypto arguing with people about it. I just don’t see the logic or motivation, I don’t even necessarily disagree with the premise, until an actual paradigm shift (memes aside), it’s absolutely correct that it’s nothing but musical chairs. The whole point of link is a leveraged bet against that though, because everything else in crypto is either boomer tier gains at this point, or throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks.

>> No.55421630

Are there any businesses attempting to use blockchain or actively working toward adopting it?

>> No.55421632

Well, I made my millions in pumps and dumps on LINK so I still have a bit of interest in it. I don't think it has much upside relative to ETH or BTC as the hype cycle is largely played out.

>everything else in crypto is either boomer tier gains at this point, or throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks.
Wait until next cycle when the new round of scamchains drop, probably in ETH L2s this time. QE will be back in '24. Another huge pump and dump is coming. I don't think these represent a legitimate tech breakthrough either, btw, but people will be hungry for gains after the bear market and QE will help crypto go up.

>> No.55421641

Not really. There are a few trials here and there but nothing that ever amounts to anything.

>> No.55421664

You think this will be the last pump after halving? Still holding stink for alt season or only eth and new tokens?

>> No.55421718

No, all assets will keep going as a result of QE. Rates are going back to zero for a long time. I'm only going to hold ETH and new tokens yeah. Sentiment is so negative on LINK that I can't see any upside vs. ETH. No BTC either.

>> No.55421786
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>> No.55421927

>Rates are going back to zero for a long time.

>> No.55421986

>Well, I made my millions in pumps and dumps on LINK
feel free to prove everyone wrong with proof, wouldn't be hard to show and would shut this board up forever. more likely you're just projecting what you wish you'd have done

>> No.55422081

Great posts. Calmly stating the truth and pointing out how well positioned we are leaves anyone posting fud replies looking thoroughly idiotic. You can tell because the cackling/angry ones always back off.
Bravo and well said, Sir.

>> No.55422093

Deflation is coming.

>> No.55422125

We are in the long run right now you prick. Holders from 2017 would not believe how little progress has been done let alone price action.

>> No.55422158
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>7 streetshitters

>> No.55422162

the people who bought in 2017 are thrilled, and contrary to posts on here it is the minority even on /biz/. its the 2019+ buyers that are being shaken out of the market, many larping as og's but actually seething. and this is normal in any investment, fact is the majority of link buyers and new link wallets appeared post 2019, those are the ones that are reaching/nearing capitulation.

>> No.55422222

great thread guys real organic but its time to pack it up and head on back to twitter come on now lets head on back to twitter where all them good poster are

>> No.55422292

Oh wow! Nice digits and I completely agree about Twitter. The fuddies get blocked over there and it makes for a lovely congenial atmosphere, compared to here. WD with those numbers!

>> No.55422377

Checked. Fuddies at this point are either activist VCs balls deep in dogshit like API3 or post-2019 baby's first bear market bagholders. They get btfo by double digit IQ stinkmarines on Twitter and then come here to throw a fit. They're children.

>> No.55423469

please delete this thread thanks

>> No.55423721

Fpbp. OP is annaly annihilated.

>> No.55424587

Calling someone a child in the same paragraph he calls someone “fuddies”. Irony is never lost on biz

I disagree with this prediction. The saddest part is you still eat the lie at the end where youre implying youre privy to some secret information the market hasnt discovered yet. Sad


Agreed. The longer Ive been in the space the more I realize its all bullshit. My 5 year prediction is that in 2028 the cult will still be sitting here obsessing over breadcrumbs of imminent massive changes to the financial system while the coin has been outperformed by btc eth and the majority of newer alts. Just like every other altcoin.

The irony of that last sentence hahahaha. Great stuff

No. Businesses dont need made up altcoins to function effectively

>buys PLTR
>buys Link
>down 90 on both
>other people are the idiots

>> No.55425909

This site is 80% trolling and 19% paid bots, resulting in 99% near-intolerable spam.
And on /biz/ nothing gets spammed more than Link fud.