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55417011 No.55417011 [Reply] [Original]

How to cope? I rage sold some cryptos in 2019 that ended up being worth over 100m.

I then put them in shitcoins that ended up losing me money. I won’t mention the projects.

Anyone else fucked up as badly as me here?

>> No.55417091
File: 146 KB, 828x1067, DOGE RAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and i had a big stack of ETH i bought when it was around $14 and sold when it hit around $120ish then a few months later it went to $4,000 i will never cope and always seethe at my luck. i couldve been retired already instead of waging for 60k/yr

>> No.55417150

>won’t mention the projects
please do

>> No.55417158

I sold my whole dogecoin stack for like nothing a few weeks before elon tweeted about it. I remember jokingly asking my friend if I could pay him for dinner in dogecoins. I still get a slight pain in my chest when someone brings up dogecoin, my stack would have been worth millions

>> No.55417187

Well you could have just bought Litecoin and not make it or lose anything. It's been stasis for like 7 years

>> No.55417216

Same dude. I had 3k spending cash and I only put 100 into doge mere days before elon tweeted. I could have retired if I went all in

>> No.55417231

yee. The Bitcoin Private pump. I got in at like $2 with $20k and sold at $4. It went on to pump to almost $250 a within 10 days

>> No.55417234

it was called zclassic back then

>> No.55417250

im not OP

>> No.55418764

Literally none of these examples come close to me losing out on 100m. Kys you jeets.

>> No.55418850

I sometimes wonder if the mental/physical damage we've done to ourselves worrying about our crypto has been at all worth it

>> No.55418894

the worst part is that you selling something early that is now worth a lot, is that it'll feel as if you lost something, even though you didn't
that's why i just sit on my bags even to total apocalypse, because being where you are now would be so agonizing, enjoy

>> No.55418927

None of the retards in this thread including OP lost anything you simply were gambling with cryptos and are sad other people gambled and won more. There never was a value proposition. You might as well bemoan your luck at a Vegas slot where you only got two 7s but missed out on the big win of getting three 7s. All meaningless abstractions. Just random gambling

>> No.55418950

Nothing like a "woe is me"
thread for hindsight nearly half a decade later.

>> No.55419842

Cute dog

>> No.55419968

This is a LARP. ETH topped out at 1400 that winter. Years later it hit 4800. But you could have rebought under 120 for months

>> No.55420007

Because f this I'll keep my putrid useless shib bag

>> No.55420047

>None of the retards in this thread including OP lost anything you simply were gambling with perceptions and emotions and are sad other people gambled and still seem to have their loved ones. There never was a true conncetion to others just a perception you fell in love with. You might as well bemoan your luck at a Vegas slot where you only got two 7s but missed out on the big win of getting three 7s. All meaningless relational abstractions. Just random emotional gambling.
Thanks robot. I guess our feelings don't matter. We never had anything and all our life's content were empty perceptual abstractions we identified with and became attached to.

>> No.55420064

Fuck you retard. You have never lost anywhere close to even 10 million. Post the proof or shut your ugly cunt whore mouth.

>> No.55420087
File: 61 KB, 630x504, 1685105080051882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all turned into gambling addicts if we werent before. i was already an addict and crypto just felt like a more surer bet. if i was actually prudent investor i would never have put my whole nw into it countless times, maybe 10 percent.

>> No.55420867

You put all in shit coin without cash even a small part?

>> No.55422735
File: 42 KB, 542x527, 1671798153644028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't believe the amount of people that did that same thing and are now in your exact same position. Me included, not to the same extreme of going full shitcoin gamba addict (not saying you were btw) but I've done bad trades too. Some really bad.

Best thing you can do if you still want to play the crypto game is come back now that big institutions are getting into the train and be there for 2024's halve since it's looking very bright. I'm hoping some of my long term assets (Marlin Protocol and Kurama specifically) will take off big time, so "marry" two coins or so + put a lot into BTC and pray.

>> No.55422756

>tfw lost my entire 500k stack on lots of consecutive bad trades
my only solace is knowing some people feel my pain :)

>> No.55422762
File: 31 KB, 559x556, 1671638747422979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For being this much of a stupid troglodyte you sure feel superior to others you stupid fuck

>> No.55423327

It's time to work on yourself anon, profits won't fix your emotions.

>> No.55424620
File: 103 KB, 800x640, 1465758732298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's an ugly ass looking dog

>> No.55425237
File: 11 KB, 320x317, 339493483048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope? You fucked up big time. The economy is not the same as it is in 2019 no way, speaking badly.

>> No.55425390

hey! troglodytes are humans too

>> No.55425450

Fuck shitcoiners.
No different than winning the lottery.

>> No.55425656

notice a theme here? you all sold something because you thought there was no way on earth what you had could ever be worth anything valuable at all. You need to reverse your thinking and find projects that are exactly like this now, that people think are totally totally useless and go all. in. or just keep lamenting that you messed up big and never had the ability to pick a winner in your life not even once and were doomed to be a failure from the start.
>how to cope
there is no cope there is simply just keep going or rope. Fuck all of you, pussies

>> No.55426252

thast what doge was when i bought it. just a useless meme. my only crime was not holding it long enough for elon to tweet