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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 251 KB, 896x869, one more lane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55415613 No.55415613 [Reply] [Original]

Poperty tax will see hyperinflation

After 30 years the state needed to repave one lane roads and they like damn we cant afford this and doubled property tax from half a percent to 1%

Now we have 10 lanes of roads reaching the end of the lifespan. Property taxes will be raised from 1% to 10%

>> No.55415616
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state budget impacted by life cycle of roads

>> No.55415623
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jfl we repaved roads with asphat which have even shorter lifespans so they will have to repave roads more often and it cost more in the long run

>> No.55415631


>> No.55415635

my property taxes literally doubled in 1 year. less than half of my mortgage payment actually goes into my house. more goes to jews

>> No.55415640


>> No.55415643

when states build a road the first time the federal government pays half the bill. When the state repaves the road the state pays the whole bill

>> No.55415650

had this theory. though not specific to road resurfacing costs. slamming from inflation to recession. capture negative equity. can’t sell. bamp taxes. le reset

>> No.55415665

Theres a good podcast on youtube called Strong Towns

Its not just roads btw. The sewer pipes, water lines and everything that runs from house to house needs to be replaced. Suburbs are not substainable becuase that plus the cost of extra road to house low amounts of people per acre, eventually the state has to pay for all of this and they cant afford it.

>> No.55415680

If an older retiree freezes their property taxes does the debt just go away once they pass like how gains on inherited property is subject to the step up condition?

>> No.55415683
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i knew one more lane wouldn't fix traffic thats why i said we need to add TWO more lanes

>> No.55415698

> If an older retiree freezes their property taxes

majority of home owners are boomers
Hey lets let boomers off the hook for paying

raise property taxes on the broke young people. Yeah they are gonna need to raise it 10x

>> No.55415715

of course boomers can freeze it. It also doesn't let their mansions appreciate, but who cares. I'm wondering if their children have to pay the back taxes on that eventually

>> No.55415724


>> No.55415733

why/how does it freeze price apprication?

>> No.55415746

maybe not in reality but on paper. Because its the assessors who come and say your house is worth $300k more year over year to squeeze your property taxes and freezing them makes them fuck off.

>> No.55415754

then my guess is the property taxes jumps up as soon as its inherited so the kids would owe the future property tax, not the previous.

>> No.55415762

Fuck your walkable cities commie FUCK.

>> No.55415768

Bro, you want me to fucking commute on a train? Like a dirty European? I need to be in my car so I can take blue tooth calls about work stuff because I'm very important!

>> No.55415780

how can your city afford its 10 lane roads? first time it got paved the federal paid half, state is on the hook for 100% of all future repaving

>> No.55415783

major rentoid cope

many places have property tax deductions in place for people over 65 and below a certain income threshold

my state for example exempts seniors from 75% of the property tax they would otherwise pay

>> No.55415797
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property taxs in california over time

>> No.55415848
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>> No.55415882
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>> No.55415919
File: 115 KB, 1200x987, city-annual-cost-of-services-for-a-suburban-and-rural-house-v0-qjb200ogmeha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the big picture of what this thread is trying to say

>> No.55415932

and we'll pass the increases in property tax right onto you

rent is due

>> No.55415960
File: 191 KB, 575x400, chevrolet_suburban_1994_pictures_2_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread was created by the same /n/ trannies who do this on /o/ every day
seethe and dilate you fucking malding losers
*dumps gas*

>> No.55416040
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, uneducated economist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir, im hear to talk about economics of this topic

>> No.55416075

how do I long civil (re)construction?

>> No.55416085

probably bitcoin. Society collapse as dead beat states trying to suck money from broke ass citizens.

>> No.55416100


Roads are constantly getting repaved/done. It's not like a one time 30 year event.

T. father is a civil engineer director in a top firm

>> No.55416176

in general a raod will last 30 years. Since all roads are built in different years the repave is coming due for different roads each year.

Roads got expanded in masses during the 1970s, so 30 years later is year 2000 is when we started seeing a huge uptick in repaving. And the first time it happens states have some savings to pay for it. The 2nd time they are broke

>> No.55416231

Did you just start reading strong towns shit? I don't even think it's wrong, but they doomsay an awful lot.

>> No.55416241

In fairness, 3 to 4 lanes is about the sweet spot for highways. 2 lanes sort of suffers from a lot more lane changing and differences in speed.

>> No.55416245
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The left is affordable still, even for a lot of middle class people. Consider 3462 over a full year ( a lot of ways to only really play 11 months) is < 40,000. That's a small fortune of a lot of peoples total TC. Now a days everyone got a job with a TC of an average STARTING minium of about 240k. That goes up to 350k to 400k within a short matter of time. This is after they went to get their four year CS degree, EVERYONE studied that after 1990, CS basically was the only degree people studied and they got the 240k TC or will be getting it shortly. Some even hit around 600k I think, which is more than enough to purchase a home (averageing around 400k) at a 7-8% interest rate. At at the 7-8% they would really need to stress as someone who is middlecalss to get a house they cant afford, which the bank wouldn't even grant a loan for in the first place.

>> No.55416323

>Property taxes will be raised from 1% to 10%
I rent an apartment in Northern New Jersey, and 18% of my rent is property tax.

>> No.55416442

The 30 year repaving OP mentions is proof he dosen.t know what he's talking about.

Every 30 years interstate highway type roads need to be rebuilt to the point that all the asphalt is removed and the gravel the road is built on is recompacted. City streets don't need this since they receive far less heavy vehicle traffic.

>> No.55416470

I too have thought about this conundrum. A lot of America will look like Michigan. Infrastructure in disrepair and suburbs degrade. The train derailments, water crisis, airplanes crashing, and more are on the way plus pot holes

>> No.55416483

Federal funding and local debts give the appearance that everything is okie dokie. It is over.

>> No.55416504

2.5x is a bargain at thrice the price to lack 'vibrant and diverse communities'

>> No.55416518

Walkable cities minus niggers is a good deal.

>> No.55416579

We need to privatise the road system

>> No.55416645

Don't forget EV's weighting 20%-30% more than your average already overweighted SUV tearing everything faster. I just don't get auto-industry consumers, you would think that the car was going to evolve in something small safe and fuel efficient, instead we now just have oversized cars(and overpriced). Last week I saw this Mexican obese women(4'11" max) pushing his obese daughter up to get in their Ram 2500, it was like a fucking circus act.

>> No.55416660

100% they will. Not out of pocket, but definitely out of the estate. If there are any debts associated with the property those will be need to be paid.

>> No.55416668
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Move to Texas
69% of homeowners in Texas are non-hispanic and white. If they have 10 kids, they pay zero property taxes. You can be one of the white people having an army of kids and paying no tax.

>> No.55416679

Fisher is a jewish name.

>> No.55416733

flying cars is unironically the solution
road maintenance is too expensive, the only thing that should travel over land is trains

>> No.55416810
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Prop 13, get fucked losers

>> No.55416943
File: 1.52 MB, 320x180, FHzeu-.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck your walkable cities commie FUCK.
Behold the car cuck, who (finances) a goybox to get from point A to point B

>> No.55417025

>flying cars is unironically the solution
>road maintenance is too expensive, the only thing that should travel over land is trains
This. It is called the locomotive. Don't fix it if it ain't broke, simple as.

>> No.55417134

i dont get it. are they including the difference in number of children in the average? and wouldnt lack of suburbs just raise rents in the center and necessitate expansion on the periphery? wouldnt it also prevent the flow of new migrants moving near the services needing to hire them?

>> No.55417169

>Just use bigger blocks bro that'll fix BTC

>> No.55417197

Funny how you retards use concrete for roads which require little maintenance while you use timber to build your matchbox houses which require lots of maintenance. So you faggots end up paying property taxes on high maintenance houses to service low maintenance infrastructure. Hmm i wonder who thought of this and why ameritards don't question this retarded scheme and instead always parrot the timber is le cheap talking point.

>> No.55417256
File: 65 KB, 1600x900, vince_mcmahon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am streaming 1999 WWF wrestling. Created my own stream since youtube kept taking me down for copyright. Staying awake for the next 30 hours. Feel free to join. troll or don't. I will appreciate if you don't troll


>> No.55417281

Use public transport.
>but muh blacks
Ship them back to Africa.

>> No.55417294

How much does the FBI pay nowadays to wear rainbow lanyards?

>> No.55417461

back to Wakanda

>> No.55417553
File: 878 KB, 1200x1183, c6731c88026c7db4ece8a70d2307269b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trains suck ass. Filled with niggers constantly breaking down. Always late.

>> No.55417583

If you want us back in the cities, dismantle section 8 and implant sub dermal narcan devices in anyone without an address.

>> No.55417626

I'm not American, but I have lived both in outskirts of a small town (essentially suburbs, but at the same time town is essentially muh walkable city due to small size), and a commieblock flat in a city/capital, and in many ways you are better off living in the commieblock with how much less you have to stress over maintenance. I suppose it doesn't matter if you have "fuck you" money and there are handymen available, but otherwise it's still a drain of your time + money to do maintenance.
Might as well live in the flat and have some cheap summer house for summer vacations, although, annoyance of mowing the lawn might still exist.

>> No.55417694

Are you saying
>live in a pod because mowing the lawn is hard
What the fuck is wrong with zoomers. I'm as right as it gets, but the trannies are correct. Literally TOUCH GRASS.

>> No.55417717

I inherited a multi million dollar property and only pay $3k.

>> No.55417744

kys amerilard
euro chads hate cars

>> No.55417751

here is ozfaila, there is no property tax on the house you own and live in.

One of the reasons the house price goes up forever here and never crashes

>> No.55417759
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i dont care cause im gonan make 10x today with this baby

>> No.55417854
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But the cost of rent in a nigger free neighborhood is similar to a mortgage in a nigger free neighborhood. May as well build some equity. Just think of the trillions of dollars probably lost in economic inefficiency caused by needing to avoid niggers. It's holding the country back from what's important like fighting communism and bombing brown people.

>> No.55417866

That's why I suggested the summer house where you can touch grass all you want. When you life up north you don't even go to touch grass for half a year, because it's snow or mud and you also have to bother with heating on top of regular maintenance.
>muh pod
It's not a pod, it's a flat.

>> No.55417889

It's not that cars are evil and to be hated, real problem is when you are forced to own and drive one.

>> No.55417893
File: 690 KB, 1178x1015, 22A9B61D-E66B-49E2-85C0-4DEAB0F4AF4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go somewhere where they can’t widen the roads.

>> No.55418021

OK, so I'm sure you're recognizing at this point that different strategies make varying degrees of sense for different locations with VERY different demographics.

Here in the states, you move to the suburbs to escape the Doom levels created by Democrat voters, or you pay multiples more to live in economically segregated sections of the city.

Living in a diverse "commiebloc" here would essentially be suicide, and you can just do that for free.

>> No.55418100

I can understand that. But the thing is, homicide rate in my country was higher than in the US per 100k people and only has been lower since like 2016/2017 yet I didn't/don't feel unsafe myself. But maybe there is a big discrepancy between rural and urban.

>> No.55418155

Our statistics here in the US are deceiving. If the data was properly parsed, you'd see Africa tier levels of violence and property crime in the urban core that were substantially higher than what you're seeing in Lithuania.

>> No.55418316

so Jewish businesses can overcharge you on tolls? the root cause is roads being unsustainable, dipshit.

>> No.55419018

suburbs are spaced further apart and have less people per acre. if you have 5 houses per block vs 50 houses per block, you have the same amount of road, sewer, water line. But the cost is split by the number of houses.

clearly it should be 10x cheaper to serive the city homes for this, but the reality is the city homes and suburbs pay the same amount meaning the poor people in the city are subsizesing the rich people in the burbs

>> No.55419044

in theory this makes sense but in practice cities have even higher taxes than suburbs -- and it's not just because of nigger gibs programs. it's a jewed if you do, jewed if you don't scenario.

>> No.55421233

You are forgetting that getting any sort of construction/maintenance done in densely populated areas always ends up costing a lot more to do the same work than it does in less densely populated areas. Part of that is the inherent challenges of working around more people & traffic (planning & permitting alone take a shit ton more time & money) part of it the awful corruption every densely populated part of the US has. Those effects basically wipe out any savings you may find from cramming people close together. There is a reason so many of the dense, high tax cities have chronic budget issues while more spread out places don't have nearly the same trouble.

>> No.55421359

Don't bother with these /n/iggers they just escape their containment board.

>> No.55421372
File: 159 KB, 888x499, 1dy1tb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op see pic.

>> No.55421393

So what's your solution then? Train/transit systems cost even more for the government to run than it does to build/maintain roads - look at the UK for example; the Britbong government spends about £7 billion a year on rail subsidies, and £12 billion on roads; however the roads carry roughly 8 times as many people.

I suppose you could just reduce immigration; that is driving population growth these days, and if you just held the population static we would not need any new lanes or roads.

>> No.55421470

what about the cost to society in acquiring hundreds of thousands of cars
sure, it is each persons own financial investment but macroeconomically the cars must be produced
also compare ease of use and pollution in dense areas, public transport is faster and easier in places like london

>> No.55421495

Interesting that they chose Halifax of all places as their study example. I wonder if they had a good reason for it, or did they just cherry pick a metro region that happened to have spending that agreed with their narrative. Either way, I would be willing to bet that the Halifax local gov is far less corrupt than any major American cities' government, which of course makes everything in the more dense areas more expensive to do.

>> No.55421534

>just be old bro
Based suburban poster