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File: 785 KB, 1218x1150, bitcoin russia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55414115 No.55414115 [Reply] [Original]

We fucking did it bros.
We made it.

>> No.55414135

One more example showing why crypto "bros" are on the wrong side of history.

>> No.55414136

>US Proxy war with Russia
>Trade war with China
>US represents majority of liquidity
Are you trying to scam us Ivan? Not going to donate dollars to you when I can get 5% risk free

>> No.55414140

>nato crashes the price to fuck over russians trying to skirt around sanctions

>> No.55414203

>US just printing money oyut of thin air when they feel like it
>just printed more money durig the scamdemic than they did during their whole history

enjoy your shitty toilet paper billy

>> No.55414237

Nobody is "printing" money in the US. The Chinese are planning on "printing" money, but I am wondering in what they try to pump that money, the demand for their exports is falling and the attempt to build an "internal" market is a rather foolish attempt that is bound to fail with the youth unemployment going straight to 30%, with their demographic faggot

>> No.55414249

Oh and Russia is also "printing" pumping it into a war and an attempt to revive manufacturing and industry, not yet sure if that works out, the manufacturing, the war they seem to win

>> No.55414262
File: 40 KB, 351x359, 1672788263449518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55414332
File: 51 KB, 569x478, Short end inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god there they are, the soccer hooligans cheering their favorite murderers. don't you faggots ever get sick of listening to yourselves?

the high yields at the short end of the curve is inflationary when taking into account outstanding US treasuries, reverse repo, excess reserves, and Fed+Treasury balance sheets.

OOPS, so much for quantitative tightening.

Plus the $5.4T sidelined dollars.


>> No.55414347

With housing that came in hot as hell at 12% mom, PCE on Thursday/Friday also coming in red hot, and dot plot last year around this time predicting final rat of 3.8%, with the feds current data driven approach; huffing hopium much?
I am not cheering for NATO preparing the Ukies like if they would face an African tribe militia, sending them to their dead

>> No.55414427
File: 52 KB, 1312x584, CPI Housing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tf are you talking about?

YTD CPI for housing is up 1.4%
12M CPI for housing is up 6.9%

y'all niggers keep talking recession meanwhile the S&P is up 13.7% YTD. shits gonna hit ATH EOY and you're gonna shit yourself when you realize you missed the cheapies.

>> No.55414496


>> No.55414564

The more aggressive you niggers become about selling your bags the more desperate you sound.
>Missing out
>The bottom
Hilarious, wait for confirmation nobody cares to buy le bottom. Is ftx and co really that desperate to find those missing 1B they own to their customers?

>> No.55414574

Do you think Putin and Sergey know each other

>> No.55414578

cryptofags is for fags

>> No.55414591

So $3k more liquidity will enter the market. Big fkn deal

>> No.55414736
File: 344 KB, 1119x908, w45z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55414739
File: 8 KB, 1266x745, tesq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we dont do things we obviously do
>look at bad chinamen

>> No.55414748
File: 83 KB, 582x800, bfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55414758

Hey china on a vpn. No, money creation in the USA is currently kneecapped, on the private level by an accelerating credit crunch and on a public level by a FED that is letting its securities mature and not loading up, like it was 2011. China on the other hand has reduced interest rates and is looking forward to stimulus, pumping into a crippled export economy with a declining demand with an increasing youth unemployment and a declining overall demographic, which is hilarious, because it shows again, communists can't into economy

>> No.55414761

Sure china prints, just not as much as the usa.
Also their economy is the best in the world by far.

>> No.55414764


Fake news. I can't find it anywhere. Why you guys do this? Is it fun to edit a text and make people believe things that aren't real?

>> No.55414792
File: 90 KB, 1318x1559, rice m2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure?

>> No.55414805

>I can't find it anywhere
Probably because you're banned from seeing it because you live in a free and democratic country


>> No.55414809

It is an rt article. you need to enable a vpn if you are in a western country

>> No.55414816

>no x axis

>> No.55414825
File: 103 KB, 1315x1678, rice1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could look it up yourself instead of expecting handouts, like the food donation from the 50s-deep into the 10s

>> No.55414836

whatever you say zelenski

Choyna's gonna pump it up. Their vast youth unemployment is going to drive CNY/JPY below 0

>> No.55414924
File: 139 KB, 1304x1671, rice-fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very likely. But Suzuki and Kanada said its not close yet, and Udei is probably letting it go below the last low in dollar

>> No.55414926

So how much did they gdp rise in that time?
And compare it to the usa now gdp wise?
Again yes they print but why are you so hellbend to try to deny that the usa is doing it

>> No.55414949

Because the USA is currently driving a restrictive monetary policy like they haven't done in 20 years, while still beating China is gdp. Also I don't like China and every chance to shit on them is a chance I take. I don't like the USA either but if I could chose I would chose both nuking each other out of history

>> No.55414965

last thing Glorious Chinese Communist Party wants is an overeducated underemployed youth on their hands. they must defeat the samurai by necessity, in a race to the bottom ofc

>> No.55415008

I hope that the situation in the yellow sea is deteriorating faster and maybe the USA gets bored dumping their toys into Ukraine, while losing allies on the International stage and chose to join Vietnam, India, and maybe South Korea and Japan in carving up China, with the expected results; California Kimed

>> No.55415050

Ok so, first paragraph:

>Cryptocurrency will become legal tender subject to strict controls in Russia
>strict controls

Strict controls in Russia means nobody will be able to invest, so it doesn't really change anything.

>> No.55415064

Source ?

>> No.55415138

>Nobody will be able to invest
They were buying this shit up before? Like 90% of Accounts on Binance and Kucoin come from Russia
There are Bitcoin machines at every station

>> No.55415146

you put quotes around the wrong word

>> No.55415259
