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55412536 No.55412536 [Reply] [Original]

How do we stop hoeflation, as we all know economic growth is dependent on societal growth but right now you have more women single and unmarried than any other point in history.

>> No.55412550

legalize child labor unironically

>> No.55412588

i dont think theres a solution short term (short of banning social media / dating apps)

unironically have to let the shit hit the fan and let the bubble pop and once a HUGE wave of 35+ wine aunts hit then society will whiplash women back to norm

>> No.55412615

Let the debt bubble pop, every time throughout history debt rises above a certain level social and economic decay happens, there's a reason the US had a golden age after the great depression (when debt burdens collapsed) and there's a reason we're going to shit again

>> No.55412624

Ban woman from the workforce.

>> No.55412692

>ban women from the workplace to raise wages
>deport foreign labor and reshore businesses to raise wages
>retool higher education to teach skills instead of propaganda
>shame and punish women for hypergamy
>interest free mortgages for whites who have kids
>lower the age of consent (for lawful marriage)
>reject consumerism and industrialization.

There, i just fixed your shit.

>> No.55412903

>ban women from the workplace to raise wages
Sexism, women need money, especially in this day and age.
>deport foreign labor and reshore businesses to raise wages
Nationalism, America should be multicultural and let anyone work.
>retool higher education to teach skills instead of propaganda
Being well informed of how problematic the Trump administration was isn't "propaganda".
>shame and punish women for hypergamy
Again, sexism and reinforcing the patriarchy.
>interest free mortgages for whites who have kids
Racism much?
>lower the age of consent (for lawful marriage)
Of course you are also a pedophile.
>reject consumerism and industrialization.
This is your brain on /pol/.

>> No.55412953

And your solution is...?

>> No.55412964

Its called being a decent human being, you financier parasites wouldn't get it.

>> No.55412988

>legalize child labor unironically
Is this so that you could go date a 13 year old in your workplace?

>> No.55413025 [DELETED] 

brownoid detected

>> No.55413038
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>> No.55413046 [DELETED] 

Niggers and spics are violent subhumans, they're not decent people.

>> No.55413049

>there's a reason the US had a golden age after the great depression (when debt burdens collapsed) and there's a reason we're going to shit again
Yes. Young people have needed to get an opportunity to buy into society at consoldiated prices for years, but now a reallocation is going to be at least twice as rough as it could have been even just 4 years ago.
So much of the average millenial's life is paying some form of rent to a boomer that it's insane.

>> No.55413073

Mandatory impregnation by only the most virile ojisans.

>> No.55413108

Unlike white countries Japan hates foreigners and want to maintain it's own ethnic, historical culture. I live in Canada in within the last like 5 years every city is 80% brown people.

>> No.55413157

>Unlike white countries Japan hates foreigners and want to maintain it's own ethnic, historical culture. I live in Canada in within the last like 5 years every city is 80% brown people.
Canada (or at least canadian boomers) made a deal with a devil to grow their economy or at least their real estate market. They sold out to foreigners completely.
My condo in philippines has an ad to come teach in canada. Every third worlder knows canada is the easy target these days, at least for showing up. What they don't know is the grind that awaits them.

The smart immigrants like this guy realize shortly after showing up that there is no bright future there.
He's just waiting for the passport and then moving his family out.

>> No.55413159

>Ban woman from the workforce.
This is literally what it takes to actually solve this problem but no one has the balls to do it because it would completely redefine the tenets of liberal democracy that our entire societies are based on and no one knows how to handle that. Everything else is a cope. You have to make women economically dependent on men again, otherwise they will simply neglect their duty and destroy society in the process.

>> No.55413188 [DELETED] 
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Use Blackswan App to long and short news like this first.

>> No.55413223

>has $150k savings
>owns apartment
>is engineer married to doctor
>oh noes my third world country
some of these people paying 5 figs to get to western countries. wtf are they being told

>> No.55413633

>some of these people paying 5 figs to get to western countries. wtf are they being told
One of the worst parts about living in the 3rd world is it's tough to get a good education and make decent money and it sounds like they had that. Where I'm at in Philippines is comfy-or even great-IF you already have your education and online income sorted and are just enjoying adulthood It's hell if you don't have those pieces in place though.
Canada really tries to market itself as straight upgrades and thirdies can be desperate to be sold a dream.
love this guy's videos on the situation.

>> No.55413648

Randomly matching single people, probably need somes fine tuning for age brackets but would work

>> No.55413675

Import American men with high IQ to breed the women and find a salaryman job as a video game something.

>> No.55413681

Can't wait until Japanese start beheading weebs with katanas

>> No.55413708

I'm brown and I saw this as retarded.
Don't pretend to be brownie you liberal mutt

>> No.55413710
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>Men & women work 14 hours a day.
>Most people live in a 500 sqft apartment.
>Most people walk, or ride bikes everywhere they go.
>There is no spirituality left.
>Everything is Cyberpunk level consumerism and obsession over technology.

>Wonder why your birthrate is tanking.

Every video I've ever seen of Japan is a bunch of old lonely people living out in the old towns, while all the young childless people all live in Tokyo and just work to consume.

>> No.55413725

>biden is from delaware
Now it makes perfect sense

>> No.55413750

>be me
>get a degree in cs in Argentina
>currency goes to shit
>can't work fof foreign companies without getting turbo jewed(60%+in tax)
>move to firstie country
>probably lowballed
>lonely as fuck
>didnt have time to stack savings
>a month of rent was like 3 of my former wages so I was turbo penny pinching
>everyone is living carefree, only complaints are about pointless bs
>knlw that ill never own anything


>> No.55413787

>>legalize child labor unironically
>Is this so that you could go date a 13 year old in your workplace?
due to HR you can't hit on women in the workplace anyomore anyhow, so the kids would be safe (operating the heavy machinery).

>> No.55413807

I just attended my friend's wedding. he met his wife at work day 1 I think

>> No.55413983

You can't bribe women to have sex with and bear the offspring of ugly japcels. Heck, if anything, the more educational opportunities and economic opportunities you give to women the less children they'll have and the longer they'll put off marriage. Ultimately, the culture is degenerate.

>> No.55413999

It won't work if the men are ugly, weak and dissolute. This is a deeper issue, one that is cultural and spiritual. Women had 7 children in the past when life was much tougher. Japan should become a theocracy and focus more on education.

>> No.55414002
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The situation has actually improved a lot. A big dynamic in the relationships between genders is money, unfortunately. There is a lot of stability growing, or at least going to be growing considering the high TC that people are getting now a days. Now a days everyone got a job with a TC of an average STARTING minium of about 240k. That goes up to 350k to 400k within a short matter of time. This is after they went to get their four year CS degree, EVERYONE studied that after 1990, CS basically was the only degree people studied and they got the 240k TC or will be getting it shortly. Some even hit around 600k I think, which is more than enough to purchase a home (averaging around 400k) at a 7-8% interest rate. Believe me relationships are soon to follow.

>> No.55414059

Who the fuck are you? Reddit refugees are human scum and should be destroyed upon sight

>> No.55414125

Why would a woman want an average man that earns median wage, that is a loss given hypergamy. Social media has put hypergamy into overdrive and society suffers, dumb politicians don't even know and don't have the balls to do anything
Most of the west is now just importing warm bodies to replace the children we never had just so we could allow women to compete with men quotas and all.

Remember when the world collapses women aren't going to have their rights anymore at least that's something.

>> No.55414145
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I mean, 240k, the starting salary average I mentioned, puts you right in the middle class range. Not impressive maybe (not until you hit 350-400k a little later) but more than enough to comfortably buy a home at a 7-8% interest rate. A lot of girls will like a guy who already has that stability, which everyone gets after their four year degree.

>> No.55414227

The difference between flirting and harassment is being hot.

>> No.55414292

I like spics desu. Pyramid. building people. Good folks cleaning up once uninhabitable neighborhoods.

>> No.55414324

Probably stop importing millions of third worlders to devalue human labor and life in first world countries. This increases wages, lifts the middle class up and results in increased birth rates

>> No.55414375

>decent human being
why would i want to be a bug eating pod dweller?

>> No.55414395

>solutions proposed: 0
>arguments: 0

>> No.55414418

no, chatgpt. this is hard mode world. there is no willingness to improve quality of life. that cannot be the reason and will not be changed. also force fuck is off the table

>> No.55414444

Banning women from working.
Removing the age of consent.
Enacting the death penalty for sex outside marriage.

You do these 3 things, and literally any other aspect of your society doesn't matter, it will thrive.

>> No.55414539

Checked and based

>> No.55414593

>good solution
Bad word, won't work

>> No.55414605

Wow, I can't believe Japan is spending all that money on importing white studs to provide their women with BWC

>> No.55414657

only good answer to the OP.

>> No.55414712
File: 375 KB, 867x1000, AssemblyWomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexism, women need money, especially in this day and age.
And they can get it through husbands you fool.
>Nationalism, America should be multicultural and let anyone work.
Why? The constant inflow of immigrants only serves to drive rent prices up and make it more difficult to find a job
>Being well informed of how problematic the Trump administration was isn't "propaganda".
Critical Race Theory teaches you nothing of value
>Again, sexism and reinforcing the patriarchy.
As opposed to supporting a matriarchy? Tell me about the accomplishments and advancements of society under a matriarchy
>Racism much?
No shame in preservation of your people. And I say this as a person who shows up as a locked character in a photo
>Of course you are also a pedophile.
And this is what degenerate whores like you don't understand. Lowering the age of consent works when you shame people for having sex outside of marriage. The more guys a girl has sex with, the weaker her ability to pair bond and subsequently maintain a relationship becomes. In addition, her DNA changes due to the sperm flowing inside her. This is called male microchimerism. Skyrocketing the age of consent upwards only serves to give women more time to be indoctrinated to be a career woman (which most women regret due to lowered chances of marriage and starting a family) and lessens the chance of securing a stable marriage early in their life.
>This is your brain on /pol/.
This is being completely unaware that people are replacing religion with meaningless shit to worship.

>> No.55414716

Shocking they have to pay BWC really. I'd pay for at least a plane ticket and language classes. Unless you meant BBC?

>> No.55414731

How would they teach ooga boogas the language or get them to work or sustain their incredibly low crime rate?

>> No.55414733

Unironically this. Not real estate is capital, children are. prohibit real estate as collateral and enable children as private collateral, not public

>> No.55414841

Japan doesn't do that though baka

>> No.55415039

Thgats discouraging for anyone who considers having children and the children in question will be even less inclined to have children on their own if they're forced into the wagie cagie at earlier ages. Their productivity will also be behind that of adults and fall further behind if they cannot receive a proper education

Bottom line, you will have lower birthrates and the children that are there will be less qualified, which is something a technology-dependent nation like japan cannot afford in the slightest. It is economic and demographic self-harm to a high degree.

>> No.55415266

digits don't lie

>> No.55415455

Yes but number go up

>> No.55415469

This wasn't an issue when women were property.

>> No.55415670

Those wine aunts are going to start a war and send every chad they can get their hands on into the meat grinder. They are going to be some of the most spiteful and petty people around. They will put every single man through the wringer and take by govt force what they can't get through marriage.

>> No.55415765

What about women whose children are grown up? Or women who can't have children in the first place? Or women whose husbands have died or disappeared? How would they support themselves?

>> No.55415871

this, these iIsta/tiktok addicted roasties are gonna lose their minds when all the attention they're getting goes to the younger foids and they slowly start realizing they have 50 or more years left to live

>> No.55416087

Import millions upon millions of african men. Offer them UBI based on how many children they pump into women. Promote interracial relationships in your media. Make use of affirmative action in schools and workforce. Revise your national history. Integrade african studies/celebrating diversity into school curriculum on all levels of education.

>> No.55416594

that's already begun. that's why there is such a huge anti age gap discourse nowadays. You can't even say an 18 year old is attractive without people freaking out online

>> No.55416627

literally no different than sending your kids to school except now they will get paid

>> No.55416675

abolish the age of consent

>> No.55416922

This goes into my
>speedrun the fall of rome in 20 years

>> No.55416927
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Stop the simps, simple as

>> No.55416945


>> No.55417031
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Why is this bot posting the same thing in every thread.


>> No.55417063
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(They) are probably getting close to doing a rugpull, I'll cross reference Yiddish new channels just to confirm.

>> No.55417162

Random /pol/ users on /biz/ don't care. Those women are used up in their eyes. If they ruled the world (and their world would be the opposite end of the degeneracy pendulum), they'd kill off those women as they believe their use has been completed. Barren women = immediate death when discovered no matter what age, children who are grown up or nearly grown = kidnapped and raped, married off immediately if within ages of 12-21 while the mother is killed immediately as she has finished her reproduction, husband died or left = let her rot on the streets as she begs for food and dies (she deserves it for picking a low quality, bad health man is their logic). Many women in India already live the fate of the last one often, happens when their husband passes away. Now you know not to even bother discussing anything about life with /pol/ users.

>> No.55417201

>husband died or left = let her rot on the streets as she begs for food and dies (she deserves it for picking a low quality, bad health man is their logic)
Sounds like Jewish logic.

>> No.55417224

Stop being such a racist Indiaphobe, bigot! You clearly racially motivated and gate brown people.
I hope you get fired from your job for being such an intolerant, racist fool who thinks they can slander the whole of Indian society without social consequence.
You are an intolerant asshole. You are rude a disrespectful.
India super power 2030.

>> No.55417414

Japs will really spend 25 big ones to avoid asking whether women are property

>> No.55417419

An actual fucking simp

>> No.55417486

baking, darning, knitting, fortune telling, gingerbread house resident, witchcraft, advisor to princess, collecting firewood.

>> No.55417779
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And this is how ancient traditions have always been.
>Usually a widow was put to death on her deceased husband's pyre, or at his graveside. If she did not offer herself for death, she was scorned and hated.

>> No.55417828

Mate, that's how european countries did it until like second half of 19th century/early 20th century.
Furthermore being old was considered straight up evil until enlightenment, you were seen as someone who's not being invited by god to afterlife and as someone who is dead weight. Empathy towards the old, downtrodden and weak was invented in 19th century.

>> No.55417977

can't turn back time. the leisure class expanded immensely. with leisure came degeneracy. degenerates don't get married. most of our bloodlines (if you're reading this) went from peasants to prosperous in 3 generations. we were naive, and add to that the most advanced propaganda campaign ever conceived encouraging us kind of helped. they don't want us alive and to be fair i kind of understand their position. only the beautiful and productive will fill the ranks of the silicon future, the dregs will die off, we will leave a legacy of interesting shitposts for the future chads to learn from.

>> No.55418034
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dont be missooor, launching today

>> No.55419707

you need to be publicly executed

>> No.55419919


>> No.55420445

>In addition, her DNA changes due to the sperm flowing inside her. This is called male microchimerism.
Damn, you must be a mutant then - considering all the sperm inside your asshole faggot

>> No.55420469

look at the EU. even in the countries with no immigrants like pooland the birthrates are abysmal. even in le based tradcon hungary the fertility rate is only 1.5. so no, thats not the solution you mong

>> No.55420499

While it is sexism and nationalism, saying "sexism" and "nationalism" as if they were powerwords from DnD is not proof of anything.

>> No.55420504

10/10 bait. Have a (You)

>> No.55420671

They also have gangs and high crime rates. Really you should judge people individually, there are good and bad people of all races.

>> No.55420691
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If Japan needs semen I'm on the way

>> No.55421108

My meme answer is arranged marriages, no sex until marriage and no divorce because then there would be no sexual marketplace

>> No.55421348

>ban women from the workplace to raise wages
Less freedom
>deport foreign labor and reshore businesses to raise wages
Less economic freedom
>retool higher education to teach skills instead of propaganda
No change, the propaganda will just be yours.
>shame and punish women for hypergamy
Enslavement of women.
>interest free mortgages for whites who have kids
Encourage white trash to shit out kids.
>lower the age of consent (for lawful marriage)
>reject consumerism and industrialization

You are something in between Hitler, Stalin, the Unabomber and the average kiddie lover. I am amazed.

>> No.55421658

Just give mega benefits to employers that have pregnant employees. And to fathers too.

>> No.55421725

Based you collector

>> No.55422454

how would salarymen grope their secretaries?

>> No.55422475

>Ah the tasty freedom of total collapse

>> No.55422481

I am pulling this out of my ass but I am guessing that most of that will go into bio research. Genetic engineering will be authorized in Japan first, bet you we will see designer babies within this decade

>> No.55422726

Forget women's rights.

>> No.55422800

Birth rates are dumping globally, it's just that some Africa states still have above replacement level birth rate. But if dumping keeps up Earth will start to depopulate at the end of the century. And then you can even forget about immigration as kicking the can method.

>> No.55422829
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The short answer is rolling back women's rights to the point where they're not even allowed to own property. Frankly, as long as women have their rights protected by the government, they really don't need husbands. They're perfectly capable of getting a bullshit job and fucking chads on repeated one-night stands until they hit the wall, at which point it's far too late anyway. You'll notice that nobody took seriously the idea of women in the workforce en masse until the exact moment that office jobs with air conditioning became a thing.

However in the long term, as in over the next thousand years, the problem will solve itself. Only the most horny and reckless women will reproduce, those who couldn't be bothered to use birth control, and only the offspring of the women who also managed to have the phenotypical qualities that induced a man to stick around and raise the children will then go on themselves to be reckless and reproduce. It's evolutionary pressure ON WOMEN, and it's largely self-inflicted thanks to birth control. You can already see quite a bit of the results of this in young girls today. They're WAY sluttier than previous generations of young girls. Even if they're not necessarily having as much sex (mainly because they're waiting to attract a chad), they're much more actively sexualizing themselves. And their mothers must be accepting of it, it's not like they don't know their underage daughter is running around wearing spandex all day.

So you'll have the atheistic bimbo women, the mormon religious fanatic women, and the amish hordes that largely refuse to interact with anyone else. That's the future. Also AI is going to take all the comfy office jobs away from everyone and blue collar workers and the very highest level tech bros will inherit everything.

>> No.55422920

It's worse than that. You have old populations living decades on tax money without contributing anything to the future generations. The old people have crowded out the young people and thus the young people can't afford living space for their children. Those old people vote and they hate reproduction so don't expect them to do anything meaningful for future generations while they are alive. Anything they would have to do would make them very poor, miserable and take 20 years off their lives. So the Jews at the top are bringing in hoards of darkies from countries that still reproduce, only making the housing problem worse. But hey, free slaves.

>> No.55422989

how about having the government actually ensures basic living conditions for its people? I dunno, they could, like, make sure people have good enough food, shelter and healthcare? and actually PROVIDE those things, instead of leaving it to the "free market"? (which will scam, cheat, lie, manipulate and destroy them whenever possible).

politicians these days think everything can be solved by throwing money at the problem, yet they aren't solving the actual fundamental problems behind these social issues. I mean, why would you want to have kids, only to make them suffer the same shitty life we suffer now?

>> No.55423058

See, it starts with secretaries as a wedge. Then a few royal families change the rules so Queens can rule to allow their bloodline to stay in power. Then bosses realize women are obedient and don't ask for raises and start to fill other jobs with women. Soon, these women only need the few alpha men in the city for comfort and they get all the rest of their needs fulfilled by the state. The 80% of men who get dealt out of decent wages start to stagnate and every white knight and feminist screams, "Eat it you fucking white male!" Then after these men don't make enough to be taxed for a couple decades, you start seeing articles about "Why are men just playing video games all day? Why don't they man up and make themselves attractive to women?" YOU ARE HERE. At some point, perhaps in the 2040's after the Boomes are dead, these lonely, listless men will start roaming around and doing whatever they want IRL. This is when empires collapse. It won't be the Old NEETs, who will be still playing video games/living in the virtual world like Lawn Mower Man. It will be the young listless men who you don't go anywhere near causing the trouble. And since most of them won't be white and whites won't have bred very much, you won't be able to use racism as the excuse to kill them nor will you have enough white enforcers to keep them tamed. You will be entering the Twilight Zone, IRL.

>> No.55423101
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I plan on making it with AI coins like Blackswan. Once that happens all will fall in place too.

>> No.55424107

You are doing the Pity, Pity dance but not understanding the difficulty of real life care. Or you're a fucking commie and need to fuck off.

1. Nobody loves you enough to just pay for you to live doing whatever you want. Everyone expects you to contribute something significant if you want money.

2. Most people are net takers, not producers. This is more critical than you want it to be. You say there is enough to go around and the rich are just stingy but then you do nothing but complain about your wretched fate, instead of working to make goods as cheaply as possible for everyone. (They are supposed to work for you, right?)

3. You talk like someone who can't think beyond White = Bad, Everyone Else = Good. You refuse to look at the obvious Jewish control over the very institutions you claim white men control. Try truth. It will change your life.

>> No.55424336
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it's quite simple, actually.
complete and total political disenfranchisement of women. take their rights away. remove them from politics. remove them from the workplace. do not recognize them as equal to men.
ban contraceptives. ban the pill. execute any drug traffickers supplying the pill. manufacture fake pills with cyanide and proliferate them across the black market.
ban abortion. execute anyone involved with planned parenthood. execute any woman who has received an abortion. execute any liberal male who supports abortion or "womens rights"
execute tattoo parlors. execute pornographers. total ban on pornography. execute anyone developing AI models capable of generating pornography.
do not allow women on the internet. ban women from using technology. ban social media in general. round up every employee of every single social media website and decimate the lot. bomb and invade any foreign country operating social media alternatives. bomb and invade any foreign country that believes in "female liberation"
state enforced monogamy. state enforced heterosexuality. execute all adulterers. execute swingers. execute women who cheat on their husbands. execute men who cheat on their wives. execute anyone who does not identify as straight.
all women who are not married by 30 should be used as slave labor in factories until they die from exhaustion. all men who are not married by 30 should be used as cannon fodder to invade and occupy liberal countries that believe in "feminism" or "womens suffrage"

it brings me no pleasure to say this, but it's necessary. hard times call for hard measures.

>> No.55424347
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If their kids are grown up then she has grandkids to take care of. Nice try Abraham Geldstein

>> No.55425043

you don't know how wrong you are lmao. do you even know how many people (and organizations) life off the state/government these days?
it would be cheaper to simply give them free or cheap food (and I don't mean subsidized, I mean produced by the govt) and shelter (even the shittiest thing, as long as it's basic and decent) than to keep maintaining the retarded social programs that keep most people (esp. poor people) lazy and mentally unstable to do anything useful. and what do that people do exactly? they dedicate their lives to steal from other people, sell drugs or simply be a burden to our society. why? because greed, ignorance and anxiety is what drives them to that.
people lose their fucking objectives in life because they don't actually have any safety. they were convinced by politicians and marketers that working hard or getting university degrees would solve all their problems, and here we are, lots of people wasted their whole lives working like retards or getting academic papers only to find out that they were scammed, and they will have to keep working, will have to ask a bank for a 100 years mortgage that they won't be able to pay. why would anyone want to have kids in this retarded system? only the rich and the poorest, brainless people. the rest will have 2 kids AT MOST.

>> No.55425129

I think one of the things most people don't talk about is there are a lot of women who don't really like getting fucked. Yeah, it feels alright. Sometimes great, but they just don't like some dude pounding on them and getting jabbed repeatedly. Society used to give them little choice, so they eeked out their existence as a meat hole. But now they can get out from underneath men, and like WFH, you are never going to get them back. Anything thing faggot zoomers don't understand is that Boomer dads had one of the best times because so many young men got gutted in war. There was an overwhelming surplus of meat hole. Any dude could find a woman who wanted a family. Now that it is back to being somewhat balanced, if you are not paired with your wife in your 20s you are basically fucked.

>> No.55425231

I could single-handedly reverse the population decline by myself and they wouldn't even need to pay me.

>> No.55425273

Unironically just stop printing money like it's going out of style, and we will handle the rest as a species
so much of the millennial or zoomer existence is slaving pay off some boomer's massive debt bags. despite all our technological advancements it's getting less rewarding to work hard for big life milestones.
the shortest answer i have is "end debt-based monetary systems" but even now that would cause so much pain short-term that i don't know.


dangerously based

alright let's sum this up
>people have some element of greed, ignorance, and anxiety that drives them to be worthless or wasteful
>people in government are exempt from these basic character traits and could give free stuff to all of them!
anon... while i agree that our current welfare system is a meme and that fucking half of people are in some way dependent on government, that is beyond short-sighted. you also fail to explain how le free stuff doesn't just do the same thing to them or the rest of us who see others getting a literal free ride.

>> No.55425284

I'm a worthy bachelor but all the women my age are fat or too independent. Younger women are still holding out for Chad. I'm stuck in between currently.

>> No.55425394

that's the tricky part. women get to decide what's worthy and it often makes no apparent logical sense.
working against us, we have a bubble of future weird single aunts - at present, they're some combination of being a corporate drone in a pod (writing anti-capitalist rants on twitter when they're not working), swiping on tinder / living for empty hedonism, having kids out of wedlock with an absent father, or just unironically gay.
well, that or they're mega-religious and got married at like 20. i say this as a married man. it's really rough out there.

>> No.55425542

I divorced my ex wife because she was a corporate drone who wouldn't give me a bj. I proposed she let me fuck around if she wasn't going to do it and she refused. Ok so you're not gonna help me cum and not let me get it elsewhere? Bye bitch

>> No.55425554
File: 114 KB, 602x1024, 1687509620469640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age of Consent is worthless with Romeo and Juliet laws because it just means young Chad has a monopoly enforced by the state. In fact it is worse than no age of consent because it tempts all young women by being trapped in school with everyone trying to sleep with them while denying them the right to reserve themselves for an older established man. I just cant believe the way normgroids brains work in that its okay for 14 year olds to start wageslaving and yet they are too young to have sex except with others their age. Its weird, I know why the elites push it, I just do not know why the plebs in denial agree with it vehemently. Otherwise we would see dating sites where young teens would legally date nonsexually until 16 to 18, but parents are in denial about their children's abilities and any healthy teenage woman would make more saving her virginity and marrying than wageslaving. I guess coomers cant control themselves.

Anyway the whole thing is weird, but I thank feminism for egg donors, surrogates, sugar babies, and soon VR goggles that make my slim Thai gf look like Emma Watson, so I do not have to put up with their bullshit.

>> No.55425604

africa and a lot of countries in asia are still breeding just fine. but these are very religious countries. saudi is still in the positives despite being wealthy for example

>> No.55425709
File: 184 KB, 2000x2000, 1636509377696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most based post on the internet

>> No.55425862

Yeah, but as I said, their birth rates are declining.

>> No.55426054
File: 66 KB, 1761x191, Plato_Laws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is. Even fucking Plato himself said women should marry 16-20 to men 30-35.

Roasties have changed the laws to fuck up nature so they deserve their society burned to the ground.

>> No.55426098


Birthrates everywhere are declining

>> No.55426420

>Even on these terms marriage became unfashionable, especially among the men---but perhaps it would be more just to say marriage on these terms was despised, for there seemed to be few advantages to be gained, many to be lost. A large number of leading citizens preferred a mistress (concubina) to a wife. A Roman concubina was not an additional sexual partner; she was a man's sole female companion, sometimes his life-long associate.
There really is nothing new under the sun. The Romans rejected the rigid marriage contracts of the day for an informal boyfriend/girlfriend type arrangement.

>> No.55426620

What was her reaction to you divorcing her?

>> No.55426765

>countries with no immigrants like pooland
Fucking retard