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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55406532 No.55406532 [Reply] [Original]

Salutations /biz/. Give me the name of a coin or company for my next work.

>> No.55406558


>> No.55406572

Pick a more difficult target, these bottom feeders are mid

>> No.55406573

Chainlink. Might wanna do some digging on the devs offshore bank accounts and the financial loss every bagholder has been left with

>> No.55406611

JP Morgan Coin

>> No.55406622

xrp schizo army

>> No.55406639
File: 69 KB, 612x408, 46554321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out USD
>over 20 trillion supply
>zero audit
>no source code
>devs hold keys to mint tokens
>abused blacklist function
>has basically gone straight down in value for 100 years straight
>devs abduct you and lock you in a cage if you don't pay them

>> No.55407224

Horney Toilet

>> No.55407499

If you really are Coffeezilla then I want to tell you a few things. First of all, I watch your videos sometimes and I commend you on the quality and effort you put in your videos. They are well made and well researched and you are really good at what you do. If you haven't already, do a video on Bitconnect, which was a huge scam back in the day; don't forget to put Carlos in there saying "Hey hey hey!". Also the modern day equivalent of Bitconnect today is HEX. It really is a giant scam and I heard there is some reason to believe that Richard Heart is now missing or straight up dead and that the people running his social media accounts are using AI generated videos and pictures to pretend like he is still around. I don't know how true that is, but what I do know is true is that HEX is a giant pyramid/ponzi scheme (I forget exactly what the difference is). Lastly, I want to tell you that I think you don't fully appreciate cryptocurrencies and I think that you don't really believe in them. I don't think you really believe they are actually a new technological innovation and that (if implemented correctly) they can change the world just like the internet did. I say this because I think I watched a video you did on FTX and if I remember correctly you were very pessimistic and ignorant on a lot of things about NFTs and blockchain technology in general. I know that I'm just some stranger on the internet, but NFTs aren't scams. However, they definitely are stupid as fuck. NFTs are the first example of a trend that WILL become more popular: the idea of tokenization. In the future, many things will be tokenized. Everything from your car, your house, stocks, and all manner of financial products. You will be able to sell your car to someone by transferring the NFT associated with the ownership of your car, and it will be done by a smart contract that give you money and gives the other party the NFT for your car.
.....Or maybe our world will become more centralized.

>> No.55407591


Beerus aka cryptofan777 on twitter stole us$50m worth of liquidity in late 2021, and got away with it.
Sisyphus (0xSisyphus on twitter) was also involved.
Plenty of evidence out there,....

vidrel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8EAc_dhiaM

>> No.55407630

are you brown?

>> No.55407655

I know it's probably not you, but anyway

Pinksale. Do a video on Pinksale. It's pretty much the most popular launchpad website. 95% of the tokens launched from there are scams. And these token creators using Pinksale have KYC and they still scam people and Pinksale does nothing, they extremely rarely release KYC info of the scammers even though saying that they release KYC info of all scammers. Some tokens disable selling and Pinksale still won't release KYC info. Pinksale is making millions and millions from hosting scams and they do pretty much nothing to protect their customers. I'm almost certain they are working directly with shitcoin scammers and call channels

Another video would be to investigate call channels. They also are really dodgy. Especially Vemon and Caesar. They make huge amounts of money manipulating people

>> No.55407662


>> No.55407838

If you really want to take down a scammer look at Harry Yeh and what he did with tomb kek
I've got screenshots of him giving whales exits with news etc. so many others would too
He still continues his ponzis to this day with Lif3

>> No.55409559


>> No.55409563
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I dunno he looks like a manlet fag.
Hard pass.

>> No.55409599

>richer than you

>> No.55409732
File: 28 KB, 357x273, 1620701919737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey coffee, consider doing a video on Ethereum, there's a lot of evidence to it being a gigantic scam. Hell, Vitalik even admitted to rugpulling a few times and nothing ever came of it because it's a big cult.

>> No.55410074

Thththththcoin. It's a blockchain solution for curing lisps and you need it dethperately.

>> No.55410136


>> No.55410145

Yeah I never even heard of trader's domain before. How the fuck do retards lose millions on scams that aren't even well known?

>> No.55410149


>> No.55410762


>> No.55410776

The Holocaust Ltd

>> No.55410884

>Coffee: David Soxl and John Vix they run a disgusting ponzi scheme where they have convinced people buying Triple Leveraged Semi Conductor ETFs is a smart long term buy and hold strategy meanwhile these fiends dump on every pump collecting vast sums of wealth.

>But when asked about these two I was sent to another person... Lum. Who the heck is Lum? Well that is when things got even crazier I was sent to another person Ran and after some deep diving I came to the stunning conclusion... Lum and Ran were the same person.

>Here is one of the victims Bobo Bearburg.

>Bobo: So I was on /smg/ buying Spy Puts when this Pink haired girl started posting saying DIE SOXL DIE! It was then she explained to me that semis will be replaced with full conductors and SOXL will be worth pennies. Trusting her I put all my money on SOXS...
>Coffee: And what happened?
>Bobo: SOXL went up 100% I was wiped out in a matter of days but when I went to confront Ran she was no where to be found, it is just despicable that someone would take advantage of a person like this.

>Coffee: Then there is the story of Mumu PooPooenLuLu.
>Mumu: I has been saven up for some year now to build very nice nest egg an was lookin to find more risky trades to increase wealth. One day on /smg/ a Green Woman appear. She explained how Semiconductors will replace Fiat Currency. So Trusting her I put my life savings into SOXL at $75. But over the next month my positions fell to single digits. I was forced to sell my home. My children asked Papa why are there not presents for my birthday. Do you know how hard it is to look your son in the eye and say we are broke? Lum and David Soxl must be stopped. He can't keep getting away with it.

>Coffee: There were many stories like this and after looking at the evidence I felt it was time to confront David Soxl.

>*ring ring*

>???: Hello.
>Coffee: Yes is this David Soxl?

>> No.55410982

post proof somewhere else

>> No.55410990

nigger coin

>> No.55411069

chainlink and the great big mac conspiracy, the rabbit hole does deep. happy hunting, coffee man. sergey has ties to the russian mob.

>> No.55411098

Dox every Twitter LARP

>> No.55411187

My wealth is measured in inches.

>> No.55411199

>fat jewish goblin makes his money off exposing "scams"
How about you do an expose on yourself coffee.
Also kys and fuck off crypto you little untalented manlet