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55396680 No.55396680 [Reply] [Original]

This is anecdotal but I've spoken to 3 people (all women) who say UK house prices are never coming down from here. This is after the interest rates have gone to 5% in the space of a year.

>> No.55397161

Nobody gives a shit about third world shitskin shitholes Rakesh

>> No.55397170

It's the same social dynamic as during the summer of 2008

>> No.55397184

They're not gonna come down significantly when we're importing 1m jeets per year, and there's a shortage of supply.

>> No.55397246

Rates aren't really 5% though because they're printing more than that every year. Rates are still negative really. Hold printed fiat at your own peril, I'd rather have real assets like land.

>> No.55397257

Who is printing retardat? The fed, no, they are letting all maturing

>> No.55397274

Gov deficit is in the trillions lol, a few billion QT isn't doing shit to offset that.

>> No.55397281

Like women have to pay rent, all they need to do is show their asshole to someone who owns property.

>> No.55397300

You are an idiot that doesn't understand politics or economics in the slightest.
Yes, fed debt to gdp is well over 120%, do you think the next budget is expansive? Do you think powell is loading up on securities or reducing rates? Hold the bags, yes that includes land bags

>> No.55397309

The rates are going up to stop inflation. They want to make everyone unemployed so they can't spend money into the economy which will force prices down. Ever since Volker did that every central bank tries to copy it.

>> No.55397328

wait, sounds like you agree with me, yes hold real assets like land not fake money that they print trillions of a year. 5% interest is nothing when they will print 40% in a year like covid, and then people act like assets values will drop when they contract 5% of it back temporarily.

>> No.55397357

You must be a child, else you would understand what a non expansive budget in combination with a credit crunch while rates are high and the fed not buying securities means. You are going to hold those land bags considering the demographic evolution at a lose for the rest of your miserable life, cancer larper

>> No.55397377

House prices will remain static while other costs increase relative to housing. People are still buying shit. But this cripples the poor whilst others cry wolf

>> No.55397390

"Non expansive budget" lamo The government is never going to balance their budget, you're the child if think that will ever happen.

>> No.55397402

>non expansive budget in combination with a credit crunch while rates are high and the fed not buying securities means
Care to explain?

>> No.55397417

It means that taxes are going up while programs and subsidies are going down. The goal is a hard dollar and low inflation

>> No.55397421

They are obviously never coming down. It's cope to believe they will. People being unable to afford mortgages won't sink prices because we don't live in a free market, we live in a market where the global economy is controlled by a mafia essentially that manipulates monetary policy for its own benefit. When people can no longer afford houses they will be sold to (((funds))) instead and do you really think they won't turn it all into rentals and further squeeze the supply of houses?

>> No.55397424

He thinks the pubs and dems are going to magically work together to reduce spending and increases taxes at the same time a deflationary recession hits and instead of printing massive amounts of money like the fed has always done during deflation they will for reason continue to QT because of wanting a "hard dollar" lmao

>> No.55397440

The private sector is scared shitless at the thought. Sure they would profit from weimar, at least they think so, but politics has other plans and ultimately its politics that decide, not the private sector with their ponzi schemes, be it stock market, real estate or crypto

>> No.55397466

>Always done
Number go up? You are such a child. That is going to be boomers last gift to millennials and zoomers, bankrupting genx

>> No.55397471

I was under the impression that the fed is still buying securities, just at a lower rates than they are maturing. So the net effect is a slowly reducing balance sheet.

>> No.55397472

Politics are dictated by the private sector

>> No.55397476

No. Check the balance sheet. Non bought. The highest of the feeling was a credit line for svb. They haven't been buying anything and listening to powell they are not going to buy anything for the next years

>> No.55397484

This isn't a republican cycle. You play with the cards you get dealt, and the private sector for its infinte stupidity supported the rigging in of a democrat, for whatever reason

>> No.55397487

UBS chief economist Paul Donovan notes that around 0.2% of households roll off fixes every month. Even if rates are still this high in six months -- possible, but not probably, according to Donovan -- a mere 1.2% of households will have been affected. Over a full two years, that number rises to 9.7% of households, according to numbers from Schroders -- nasty, but still a relatively low number

How sticky do you think UK inflation is anon?

>> No.55397490

>He thinks that they don’t bet both sides

>> No.55397500

Thanks for proving you are an idiot

>> No.55397514

>who say UK house prices are never coming down from here
my friend's dad who is a property manager (at peak 30+ properties) has sold off over 50% of his portfolio since 2021 and has about 10 more properties listed which he is struggling to sell. his reasoning is that people who took out mortgages during lockdowns will either need to be bailed out (which the gov has already said they won't do) or will default. he doesn't see demand increasing over the next 3-5y.

>> No.55397521
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If you don't own 100% of your company you are a bitch

>> No.55397523

Your friends dad is a smart man and optimistic

>> No.55397529

Yes, the money supply goes up, forever, its how fiat is designed. Infinite inflation. The slight tick down in the past year is only a partial retraction that only offset a tiny portion of the massive expansion during covid.

It doesn't really matter. Most of the assets the fed holds are derivatives of its own currency, dollar denominated gov debt. its leveraged / circular backing and doesn't strengthen the currency at all. Like Powell said last year, "we understand better how little we understand," about sums up how much the fed knows shit about shit.

>> No.55397540

They are doing everything but kidnapping people from other countries to add to the UK GDP figures. Otherwise your friend’s dad is wise

>> No.55397543

You think only retail took loans during the lockdown shit and bought a bunch of worthless already overinflated crap? The Larry filling for an spot etf, with a bunch of other private sector scammers following his example to create hype, should have been the red flag. Good luck. Carry a 5d camera when you jump off a high building

>> No.55397644

It's over. The crash in real estate is going to make 2008 look like a mild correction

>> No.55397768

they just put a 12 month moratorium on repossessions in the UK.
do you think that's because housing is going up?

>> No.55397818


>> No.55397843

to all the people shouting muh 2008 itt
back then there was housing construction and land development allowed
now with green initiatives these are banned, while they still import many rapefugees every year
do you really need a masters in economics to tell where this is headed price wise
heres a hint: price out the rabble into permanent rentslaves

>> No.55397847

You are really desperate jew
Nobody is coming to buy your bags

>> No.55397872

once the homo-torium is over the stock market will crash 80% and we will live in another reality, more like 2010

>> No.55397892

The green initiatives would have no traction if the oligarchy wouldn't see a benefit from restricting access. This agenda is being amplified because it makes assets more scarce and therefore the price higher.

>> No.55397905

Then they are idiots. As expected by communists. If the supply is low and drmand falls, what happens then. If lucky crab usually dump

>> No.55397921
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Cant wait for the prim and proper camping gear wearing mummies, queuing up to get on their knees for this months mortgage payment.

>> No.55397956

>Nobody is coming to buy your bags
buying pressure is one variable the other is sell pressure
as explained the land of the commoners is being swept up by the big bois, they dont intend to ever sell and collect the rent income forever
this has nothing to do with bags, the generations that browse here arent the ones holding any kind of land in ol blighty

yes of course the initiatives have nothing to do with the environment, green shit is the lie the oligarchy uses to make the masses except their enslavement
everything seen so far shows how brutally effective they have been in their endeavors

>> No.55397972

>The big bois
Not worth reading your bullshit further. Not when the "big boys" don't get loans same as every one else that would make getting the loan rational with demand present

>> No.55397992

You think demand for housing will fall? Everyone needs a house. The supply is increasing way, way less than the amount of fiat that gets printed every year. Its not a hard equation, infinity fiat / fixed housing supply.

>> No.55398013

It's too annoying to discuss with jews. Get fucked
>Everyone rents
>But their is demand
>To buy my boomer box
Holy shit, I really hope it doesn't take until fall

>> No.55398060

Where do you think rent goes lol? To the owner. It doesn't matter if everyone rents, that means more revenue for housing, and higher rent revenue = higher housing prices.

>> No.55398067

I could no go on an excurse about when it makes sense to buy to rent out and how it relates to interests and such, but, it's pointless to discuss with a baggie jew

Get fucked

>> No.55398151

wherever did you get the retarded concept that landmagnates in the uk cant get loans right now and at very reasonable rates at the matter
or even better they arbitrage foreign markets to make the most possible
are you seriously claiming that uk billionaires cannot get any loans anywhere in the world via the city right now

>> No.55398159

They can, like everyone else. But is it rational?

>> No.55398165

are you retarded enough to think every household can only hold one house or something

ah this is your retardation thinking that billionaires work on the same retard logic as you
protip those tbill returns you are bitching about are very transient, those housing returns are forever and the underlying serves as a safe haven diversification for people with lots of money

>> No.55398176

yes very, if you are a billionaire you dont care to efficiently allocate the entirety of your capital every quarter
you make choices that secure long term return of capital, that you cant even on an abstract level understand this tells me you are poor without you telling me you are poor
i dont have the patience to explain this in detail to you, maybe some other anon is feeling generous

>> No.55398185

>Big boys
>Safe haven
You must think they are stupid like you jew. Your brain is worth nothing. You too get fucked, keep taking loans and hold those bags tight

>> No.55398209

keep being antagonistic and lashing out to all people pointing out your retardation and giving you a moment to learn
i am sure protecting your ego from anonymous online people is worth the price

wherever did i mention i or anyone in this thread should take loans or that i or anyone in this thread has bags
protip you can comment on an asset and its implications to the broader market without owning it or is this concept too advanced for you
tell me op how would you feel if you didnt ate breakfast this morning

>> No.55398225

Okay so nobody needs a loan to buy real estate bags, mortgage not needed? They just buy cash all at once. And you have the guts to call somebody retarded

>> No.55398231

ooo recession, spooky word, bad.

>> No.55398271

you really are fully legit medically declared retarded arent you
however could you draw those conclusions from my posts
i said nobody itt has bags or should get loans, however did you draw to out to nobody ever needs a mortgage ever buy all cash

>> No.55398277

Seems legit. I'm sure the three women you spoke to are right. Act accordingly. On a serious note prices aren't coming down, but houses aren't selling either. There's very few mortgage products available compared to a couple of years ago, and lenders are pulling the existing ones at an alarming rate. Once rates shoot up and Deano and Stacey can't afford their mortgage, we'll have rock bottom cheap cars (they will probably get rid of their range rovers and BMWs before losing their homes, but who knows nowadays), and then rock bottom cheap houses because of all the repossessions. It will be a good time to be cash rich (99% of the country aren't tho) and very bad to be in any form of non-fixed interest debt. We're in stagnation phase before the storm now. The people taking out mortgages etc. now are financially illiterate or have no choice.

>> No.55398285
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Could you please expand upon this statement?

>> No.55398297

Question again, with current demand, current supply, current interest rates, current renter protection laws means risks, as demographic outlooks, is it rational to buy real estate at the current prices for a long term "passive" income investment. No of course not, unless you are a total retard, you put those millions into bonds. Safer haven

>> No.55398325

Dip buyers, retarded dip buyers, woman and late comers, screaming all in the choir now is the time to buy houses to rent out for passive income, we are going to be rich.

>> No.55398378

i have already told you this, current is transitory broaden your horizon
there really is no point in continuing to talk in circles with you

>> No.55398381
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It's over.

>> No.55398403
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it's general news but here's a jpg

>> No.55398417

anyone who thinks this is anything other than a huge panic move needs to think again

>> No.55398430
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What the fuck are they thinking?

>> No.55398432

whenever you see female influencers on social media shilling any asset class you can safely assume that market has topped

>> No.55398450

>current is transitory
It's so over

>> No.55398463

they are thinking
> oh god jesus no fuck

>> No.55399207

I know people who used covid money to get cars

>> No.55400153

But honestly though when shit hits the fan how do you:
1) get the government to acknowledge your claim of the land
2) get nogs to give a shit about a piece of paper and not squat in your property
Unless you live in the US with guns and have a big family for surveillance, it's otherwise quite a challenge.

>> No.55401482

They know how fucked we are, they'll never admit it but when they start making policy changes like this they are basically admitting there's going to be a fuckhueg crash

>> No.55401619

It's happening.

>> No.55401661

I remember a friend of my step father. He bought lands in Argentina dirt cheap.
Found clean water, started to produce old potatoes specie.
He earned 1M $ / year as a local Argentinian.

Yes land is horrible to baghold, it's only the best & most resilient asset ever what a nightmare. It's way better to buy ShibaxInuAssloserCoin crypto, it's a proven fact.
This board loses 1 IQ point / day

>> No.55401667
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>Wife + me rent because we're likely to move to the US soon (and pay peanuts because we are basically long-term house-sitting for a wealthy family friend)
>Parents paid their mortgage off years ago
>Brother is well off
>Wife's family lives in the US
Glad my family isn't going to get slammed by this mortgage bomb. I have a lot of friends who rushed into ridiculous mortgages on shitty flats and some of them are going to get rammed.

>> No.55401703

House prices will never drop because of rising population + limited supply

No one wants to be a rentoid

>> No.55401731

Population in the west despite the imports isn't rising goof ball
>Line always goes up
You are retarded to a degree where you must be bots

>> No.55401734

You have to be under 40 years old to post here, lol.

>> No.55401822

No one cares about your cope shit lmao

Even if I lose 100k on a house in next year (NEVER gonna happen lmao) it's better that I still have 400k worth

Being a rentoid you have nothing.. 0.. you pissed your money away

And guess what rentoid, in another 3 years I hold and the 400k house becomes 600k.. then I upsize to a 900k house

And you have ..0 .. lmao you spent it all on rent :^)

>> No.55401839

It's really over, you are the top
>If i lose 100k next year
>To the moon
It's so fucking over

>> No.55401859

Line always goes up rentoid :^)


>> No.55401956

>trolling outside of/b/
You are cancer and your dead is agreed on

>> No.55402031

Do something, zoom zoom

>> No.55402072

Clearly you are not good at math and do not understand inflation or costs. NGMI

>> No.55402555

i live in a new estate in a small city in the uk. 10 years ago there was only a few asians. now half of the people in this estate are Indian or Pakistani. all my neighbours are brown and walk around in robes outside my house. i grew up here and moving back it is fucking weird

>> No.55402603

You could have rented and invested the difference but instead your house dropped 100k (not even considering additional mortgage cost). Buying a home is a midwit trap, it's a good idea but it's not a guaranteed get rich scheme

>> No.55402650

Top signal