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55396828 No.55396828 [Reply] [Original]

i still dont understand. are the big boys and whales retarded? why are they not buying in? im going insane

>> No.55396887

You still don't understand after we told you token not needed so many times?
You still think this is a joke?

>> No.55396908
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They're the only ones buying.

>> No.55396971

then who is selling millions of link

>> No.55396973

I was under the impression that it was always a joke.

>> No.55396975


>> No.55396996


>> No.55397040

The token has a huge supply while having no use. You think whales want to stake for 5% on an asset with 14% inflation?
Whales want to be the ones doing the dumping not the ones getting dumped on by big serg with his 60% premine

>> No.55397049

Link is the only shitcoin where whales will accumulate in silence and then market dump it all when they inevitably blow up.

>> No.55397251

The Chainlink team.

>> No.55397298
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Your shitcoin is going to zero. The Great Reset is dead on arrival. Many anons here can't wait to offload their bags at even $10, which might not even happen even.

>> No.55397312

I too was under the impression that it was always a joke. I think you may have uncovered one of the so-called 'kekfuddies', you know. Keep your eye on that one. They can be quite shifty and this one will doubtless be no exception.

>> No.55397336

These guys care about your financial welfare so much they'll foam at the mouth to make sure they get to care about you properly (by selling your Chainlink tokens). They really are selfless and devote a lot of time to this admirable pursuit.

>> No.55397376

They've got hundreds of millions of link they'll be given otc
You don't get to change the face of traditional finance without greasing the right palms
Once everyone is in their places, the show will begin

>> No.55397455
File: 278 KB, 1242x1399, 1687721039960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have been warning you to sell since 2020. If you would have listened you would have way more usd, btc, eth and you would currently be able to buy much more link :)

>> No.55397495

>Oh no, his hindsight-benefitted fud has got me so worried I might just sell all my Link!
Have you ever had any success whatsoever with this stuff? It's embarassing, dude

>> No.55397528
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>> No.55397560

What do you have to say to all the anons who lost money because you guys were calling people "fudders" for telling you to sell at $20, $40, $50.
I think you owe them an apology since link didnt get anywhere near the 1k eoy that was advertised.
Go ahead and keep trying to gaslight and revise history but everyone clearly sees through your bullshit

>> No.55397584

Drumpf lost. The Great Reset is habbening and all nolinkers will be enslaved on the digitalized plantation. Your life will be tokenized. You will be sold on the Uniswap clone slave market DEX. You will own nothing and you will be happy.

>> No.55397592

Why does chainlink make some people seethe?
t. Newfag

>> No.55397825

You hold lots of Link but you're a cunt and you're going to lose it all. You already lost a big chunk, didn't you?

>> No.55397887

and watch these same fucking whales sell it all for eth again when we start pumping against the market way too early just like last time
only this time i learned not to fall in love with any project no matter the fundamentals

>> No.55397894

its a scam dude sergey printed 1 billion tokens and gave himself 650 million tokens. it can't be any more obvious.

>> No.55397901

Spam. 6 years of spam. The last 3 years they've bled 90% like every other shit token, and still spam.

>> No.55397906

^^didn't read the whitepaper
Many such cases

>> No.55397958

The fattest fag of them all. Do you not read? He unlocked dormant wallets recently to start dumping again. He is the reason LINK is not $30, not a bunch of VC's or Bulgarians.

>> No.55397975

This person is employed by Sergey to counter sentiment. He is clearly saving face because going from $50 to $5 in 2 years is abysmal.

>N-no you hold LINK and how DARE you speak poorly about it

kek, so pathetic. We are laughing at you

>> No.55397989
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>> No.55398000

boatload of butthurt bagholders of shittokens from 2017 seethe at the only still relevant altcoin from then

>> No.55398016

>still relevant

>> No.55398152

I suppose the subtext here is that you'll sell when it next hits $50, right? Well, we won't be. How about that? We won't be selling at $60, either, or $100 for that matter.
You think by repeatedly barraging this forum with "SELL, SELL" that it will have an effect but all it does is make everyone MORE determined.
How does this make you feel?
PS. I won't be selling at $500 either. Only a little of my rewards, and the rest goes on the stack. I'll be sure to keep you posted.

>> No.55398410

there's a discord called chainlink unofficial
in that discord there's a room called premainnet marines for low iq inbreds with 4 digit stacks that still haven't taken profit and watched their pittance dwindle 90% over the past two years while spamming this board with innane babble

>> No.55398499
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Maybe the big boy whales are focused on utility tokens with working products and not coin with a million bagholders.

>> No.55398723

Not surprised considering the sell pressure that comers with any pump of OG tokens like LINK and ICP.

>> No.55398851

People have been screaming at me to sell since 2017. Sometimes they were right for a while, sometimes they were wrong for a while. Don't really care: not selling.

>> No.55398872

I guess they would rather opt for utility tokens like NXRA and JOE.

>> No.55398937

Token not needed.

>> No.55398978
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>you will be happy.
You will eat the rocks now too apparently

>> No.55399586
File: 891 KB, 1125x1800, EFC9230A-A7CE-43DA-B674-529F2E757295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuude itsthhhhhh LE SEGRETTTTTTT

>-14% inflation less 5% staking, net 9% annual loss guaranteed

>duuuuuuuuuuuude you arent a heckin elite autissssthhhhh like us!!!!

Lmao, you culties are thick

>> No.55399594
File: 480 KB, 1125x1796, EAD00AC5-84B3-4806-8A79-2D709D2CF5A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude youre all da same fuddddderZzzzzs

>> No.55399605

Duuuuude poster is back. He must be riled up. Sup faggot I bought some Link today in your honor.

>> No.55399609
File: 77 KB, 569x660, 920D9E20-42AB-45CC-9379-13A1AA48F2C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuuuuuuude the MOASS is coming
>brooooooo we are OWNING le ebill hediges by losing all of our money

Lmao culties make gamestoppers look sane

>> No.55399620

WOW you boughted moaaar!???? Woaaaaaaaa big spender everyone!!! Surely your lunch money purchase mustve made the price skyrock—ACK!!!!!

>> No.55399621

I think they are, its just moving slowly for now.
As they continue to accumulate and we have steady price growth, normies will take notice and we'll get a bubble.