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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55395877 No.55395877 [Reply] [Original]

coworker tell me he is waiting for prime day to buy bigger TV. why are people always spending all their money ? don t burgers have self control ?

>> No.55395887
File: 114 KB, 735x467, 1632059967850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to cheat inflation, money has to move
it's losing value every single day

>> No.55395890

You scammers are really desperate

>> No.55395897

normies havent figured out yet that instead of chasing deals to buy shit you dont need, you just ignore every sale and only buy thing when you need it (even if its not on sale). You save much more money in the long run.
Also you know whats better than 30% off, getting 100% off by just not buying it.

>> No.55395907
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ok but i do that by buying shares that would give me back some value....not a fucking TV that will be wortheless in few years. why people can t "invest" instead of buying cheap garbage ?

>> No.55395927

>live in apartment complex
>make barely six figures a year
>trying to save as much money as possible for home ownership
>drive a 7 year old compact economy car
>have a 10+ year old 42" tv
>eat take out/fast food maybe once every 2 months
>cook my own meals 99% of the time
>content with all of this
>see neighbors with 60-70" tvs (literally too big for their apartment's viewing distance)
>see neighbors with $40k+ cars
>see neighbors ordering door dash goyslop every week
>see neighbors raising a kid in an apartment
>see neighbors doing this while making less money than me
most people are mentally retarded cattle. it's in their genetics. 100 years ago they would be retard sharecroppers. 100 years before that, indentured servants. 500 years before that, retard peasants. extremely high time preference with absolutely no thought to their financial trajectory, to their future, etc.

>> No.55395946

How do (((shares))) give back some value? You expect buy backs or greater fools to give you more fiat

>> No.55395961

I know of multiple people who live paycheck to paycheck not because they have all of these necessary bills to pay, but because they dig themselves in a hole by buying pointless crap. $1000+ monthly truck payment, spend another $2000-$6000 on modifications for their car, eat out at a restaurant every other day, multiple televisions, hundreds of dollars in alcohol/drugs, spend money on mobile games and cosmetics in video games that they barely play, brand new clothing to impress others.

>> No.55395965
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yes like the last 100Y

>> No.55395967

what else should he do with his money? waste it on crypto scams?

>> No.55395979
File: 32 KB, 337x460, its a me chiddio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fiat is fucking colapsing
>i know it i need more fiat that will solve it
how can normies of this board not establish basic thinking

>> No.55395983

it's why the economy is so great and you get consumer goods at the finest quality in the world

>> No.55395993

And that was how zoomer that only knows number goes up and was brainwashed by a bunch of genx advertising scammers only out for fiat to pay for their addictions

>> No.55396004

Lambert & Butler Lights

>> No.55396005
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i put mine here for my kids education/house and keep my old TV which i should change according to my coworker to buy one with nano led because image is so much better compare to previous year with only micro led....

>> No.55396039

also just buy the TV you want to start with

Ibought a LG uhd and I would be happy if I never bought another tv

apple vision on the other hand....

>> No.55396046

I have literally had the exact same size 32" TV for the past 14 years.

>> No.55396052

Funny, sold my TV 10 years ago and won't ever buy a new one

>> No.55396064

This. Have a 42" from 2007.
Won't ever buy another.

>> No.55396093
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My coworker, who's a sweetheart, spends like a good fourth of her paycheck on lululemon clothing and dumb things like $600 airpod pro headphones. The year I've known her I think she's saved up $3500 total, in the same amount of time I've put like $10,000 into boomer stocks and crypto

>> No.55396115

That’s a good strategy for women. They aren’t meant to save, just look pretty for a potential mate

>> No.55396126

Why would you want them to? If they stop buying useless shit then the shares you bought don't go up nearly as much. In the ponzi scheme of infinite growth, there have to be losers.

>> No.55396127

We're in the military, she's going to marry her current boyfriend when she gets out of training, since this is 4chan, yeah she's loyal. she doesn't need to attract anyone right now.

>> No.55396128
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women coworker is always traveling and first class only because she say she deserve it after covid lockdown

>> No.55396132

His old LED TV is obsolete. He now needs the TURBOLED version for that slightly better color. The new TURBOLED one basically makes the previous one completely unusable.

>> No.55396136
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>there have to be losers
the last buyers. thankfully europe is moving to retirement by capitalisation so they will buy our bags after few months of manifestations in the street to complain

>> No.55396140

>don t burgers have self control ?
No, just the desire to control others.

>> No.55396149

>Scammer expects somebody else to buy his bags
>Mocking people that have no capital to buy his bags
Classic before a crash

>> No.55396150

LG uhd tvs are shit, unless you bought an oled

>> No.55396189
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OMG a crash ? it will never recover so don t buy stocks

>> No.55396193
File: 35 KB, 861x1174, applePepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consumers spend money they dont have
just buy apple shares. Theres a reason its the most successful company on earth.

>> No.55396209

This is going to hurt the number always up crowd partying because of a pause expecting a pivot or an expansion of fed balance sheets this year

>> No.55396259

Does anyone else flat-out not own TV's or tablets? Tablets are essentially useless for things outside of entertainment so laptops do the same thing. If I watch a movie or TV show it's usually on my desktop screen too.

>> No.55396325

>If I watch a movie or TV show it's usually on my desktop screen too.
virgin shibboleth

>> No.55396376

I own a pc. And a smartphone from 2015

>> No.55396637

i have a tablet with wikipedia and that cookingpedia as offline version in case shit hits the fan.

>> No.55396645

I've never owned a tablet, haven't had a TV in years (and that was only used to play videogames, not watch actual TV), a monitor is enough

>> No.55396661

you are a chink

>> No.55396879

>that video
Holy shit how do people live like that

>> No.55397021

yes and it will never recover.... proof we are below 2000/2008/2020 crash...right genius ?

>> No.55397026


>> No.55397044

>I only watch TV and movies by myself, isn't everyone like that?

>> No.55397070

Nobody ever complained when watching something together on the desktop monitor. Kek at tv producers losing their market share

>> No.55397080
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uhm stocks are literally gambling don't you know! you will just lose money!

>> No.55397114

Depends you stupid frog poster. If you own stock as a way to own parts of the company to have voting rights it makes sense, if you own it in hope some retard will buy it for more than you paid for it, you gamble on a ponzi

>> No.55397928

You ever heard of a movie theater? I also live in a dorm, we have a common room with a huge flatscreen.