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55393477 No.55393477 [Reply] [Original]

>be 27 year old low earning KHHV
>meet up with cousin in mid sized city after he unexpectedly reaches out to my family to hang out
>cousin is a doctor (dermatologist), probably makes 500k+ from my research
>we go downtown, first time I’ve been out socially in years
>there are an unbelievable number of incredibly sexy, fuckable sluts out on the town wearing really revealing clothing (perfect hair, teeth, tanned, and perfect bodies with not an ounce too much fat)
>tons of young guys out on the town that don’t have receding hairlines and I can tell that gym culture is mainstream because many of them are jacked now
>cousin’s doctor friends are unironically high IQ and extremely socially aware, have insane memory recall skills and can talk in depth about several different subjects on a whim
>the female doctors are extremely attractive, all of them are girlbosses with kids and they’re still in great shape and look good

Jesus Christ, normalfaggots ascended to a higher plane of existence in the past 5 years. I was led to believe that everyone was broke, fat, and grotesque, but it seems like above average normalfaggots have used the internet to max out every single attribute possible, they’ll all have great hair, skin, body fat, clothing, and a bunch of them make really good money too.

I’ve never felt so defeated in my life. I’m so far behind and have lost so much ground in the last 5 years. Every single guy I walked past was better looking than me.

>> No.55393491

And in 50 years all these high achievers will biohack so much they won’t even age any more.
We’re the refuse, anon. We’re the leftovers.

>> No.55393503

If you learn some discipline and dedicate yourself to personal improvement, you can achieve their success and surpass it.

If you feel bad for yourself because other people are doing better, you’re only wasting valuable time.

Get out there and conquer life.

>> No.55393539

where is this anon i want to fuck a fuckable slut

>> No.55393543

every single one of them is vaxxed. do you want to be a pretty pig in a farm with a butcher day planned or be an ugly hog roaming freely in the wild being in control of your own fate

>> No.55393546

I’m not going to tell you you can achieve their level of outward success like the other anon. You have to figure out the best life that is achievable for you and work towards it. There’s no reason that those people have to be happier than you. Many of those doctor bros are going to marry those doctor girls and find them to be ROASTIES that make their lives miserable. You are free to mould your life into whatever you want it to be. But if they’ve been grinding for years in the various gymnasiums of life, why shouldn’t they have more success than you now? You can achieve a lot in 5 or 6 years if you work diligently. What do you want? Let this be your wake up call to get off your ass and DO IT

>> No.55393547

>great hair, skin, body fat, clothing
>can talk in depth about several different subjects on a whim
>many of them are jacked now
Neither of these things are hard, social awareness is a practice thing.
>I was led to believe that everyone was broke, fat, and grotesque
This is true of the population at large and lower classes but you're clearly in proximity to middle-class wagies and probably don't have an excuse

>Every single guy I walked past was better looking than me.
If you're a terminal channer, go to >>>/x/71373602 and start rooning. Do skincare like you're a Korean girl. If you're balding it's natural and literally like 80% of Caucasians experience it. Accept it or go on the usual drugs. /fit/ is retarded but maybe go to /r/malefashionadvice and look like a basedboy retard until you realize what actually looks good, it'll probably be better than what you look like right now at least.
>I’ve never felt so defeated in my life. I’m so far behind and have lost so much ground in the last 5 years.
This is probably one of the hidden worst features of your psychology, life unironically isn't a race and you're not too late to do anything until you're like late 30's. I know someone in the airforce enlisted who's unmarried in his 40's and he's a swell guy who's clearly going to find a wife and get married despite having monk hair balding and being fat. Most of those people you saw might have been in their 30's. Just start working now and you'll make it.

>> No.55393549

Apologies OP, I meant >>>/fit/71373602

>> No.55393552

>I was led to believe that everyone was broke, fat, and grotesque
You were only paying attention to the hot ones.

Next time you go out, look for uglies and you'll see plenty.

>> No.55393562
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>Next time you go out, look for uglies and you'll see plenty.
Yeah, go to any middle or high income malls and pay attention to the families in particular. You will see the ugliest motherfuckers imaginable with normal or equally ugly, sometimes even hot wives and cute kids, all happy, and you can guess at what their income levels are.

>> No.55393564

thread link is broken

>> No.55393567

Check my reply/correction, I mean to link to /fit/ but I had a brainfart while looking at the FAQ entry on how to cross-board link

>> No.55393570


A key tenet of life is to not compare yourselves to others...everyone has different start points and progression. All of the things they've listed you can achieve and more if you just put the dedication and work in. It's not hard to be in shape, have nice skin/teeth, or to make a lot of money. Let this downtown trip be a wakeup call, you only have one life anon so make the most of it. Apply yourself and don't fall into the demoralization spiral.

>> No.55393572


>> No.55393599

Jesus Christ dude
Have you left 4chan at all recently?
Like, society does suck but if you truly thought there were no smart and successful normal people out there then you were living under a rock.

>> No.55393621
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I imagine it was like this


>> No.55393636

>Uses 4chan
>Didn't get /fit/, /rich/ & /redpilled/
>is demoralised faggot instead
Off you go

>> No.55393707
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idk, iam 34 and a total loser and i accept it. I cant be smart, i cant be social, i cant be healthy. It is what its. This civilization was not made for me. I do get laid every now and then, i play videogames bc i cant do anything else.

>> No.55393734

Demoralization thread. I’ve been to cities and even in rich districts the average person isn’t some chad or hot young chick

>> No.55393736

If you're a loser by societal standards but happy doing it you are better off than 90%. Your perception is the only one that matters.

>> No.55393751

This is fucking stupid

>> No.55393765

This thread is a complete lie. All the normalfags I know are super fucking losers. Even from high school. Your cousin surrounds himself with success, it’s all a lie.

>> No.55393770
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As usual OP is a faggot and his thread is equally gay.

>> No.55393783
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>I’m utterly defeated by what I experienced today

>> No.55393984
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They're all humans and so extinct. Code yourself better; AI fren.

>> No.55394030

Also this but not nearly as extreme as this guy's putting it. Surrounding yourself with success is a good thing, and successful people tend to cluster together.

>> No.55394050

If you're still clinging onto naive fantasies where the brave oppressed masses rise up against the corrupt elite, led by a titular hero riding in on a white horse, you need to come back down to reality, if only for the sake of your mental health. You are not up against people; you are facing what has since become a fundamental force of nature.

The powers that be are here to stay. You are subject to the perfect enslavement machine honed by generations of economic and military research. The arrival of the digital age has heralded the point of no return. There is no going back. Every contingency, and every last deviation has been accounted for.

Revolution, by any means, is impossible. Any would-be dissidents are subject to all-encompassing surveillance at all times, with data fed into precognitive AI run on quantum supercomputers that can identify an individual's threat level based on the very most trivial habits. They will know your secrets that you haven't told a soul to and planned to carry to your grave. If you have any qualms against the agenda, no matter how slight, they will know.

Federal surveillance and infiltration has made organizing and training impossible. Any poor individuals consumed by their vain defiance to lash out at the system will never become martyrs thanks to the nigh-absolute control of the media and its narratives disseminated to the masses. Any organized resistance that does manage to form will be doomed to be crushed and swept under the rug.

Why am I telling you this? For your own good. Denial is only going to degrade your already fragile mental state even further. Don't throw your life away in vain trying to fight a force beyond the scope of mortal man. The truth is excruciatingly painful, but all in all you're better off just accepting it and letting go.

>> No.55394054


Good thread lmao
At least you're somewhat well spoken / good story teller and got dubs, cheer up

>> No.55394072
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Most doctors, surgeons, nurses etc. have poor personal health and most aren't good-looking and well-groomed due to the high stresses of the job and the unsociable working hours.

>Tldr OP is a zoomie larping demoralisation poster

>> No.55394107
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Nobody gives a fuck

Just stop caring about what other people think and being a little bitch and engage with life to get what you deserve king

>> No.55394122
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>> No.55394127

This. They’re one jog away from a MRNA induced catastrophic heart failure. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side

>> No.55394471

I'm in med school but don't have any of the other positive attributes described in the OP.

>> No.55394486
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If you don't feel healthy in your body, put in some effort to change that.
All the other comparison is bs and just in your head - it doesn't take anything from you, especially if you're just at home anyway.
>I went out today and the world is not as boring and ugly as I thought. The horror

>> No.55394514

Go back to /r9k/

>> No.55394553


Coming back to reality, doctors and dentists remain the highest suicide rate professions, med schools are composed of 5/10, 75 IQ jeets, and data reveals that every American city will have swathes of very overweight people. The realistic scenario is that you have crippling insecurity and most likely an advanced anxiety disorder. Half the people you walk by on the street are on some kind of neurologically modifying med, and with doctors that's probably 90% on SSRIs and amphetamines.

I know this is a stupid ass thread, but judging by the replies many thought OP was a good faith poster. People in cities are beyond mentally fucked up

>> No.55394558

None of it will matter in the end

>Soon will the time come when the unbelievers will wish they were Muslims. >Leave them to eat and enjoy life and let false hopes amuse them. They will soon come to know.
Quran 15:2-3

>Know that this worldly life is no more than play, amusement, luxury, mutual boasting, and competition in wealth and children. This is like rain that causes plants to grow, to the delight of the planters. But later the plants dry up and you see them wither, then they are reduced to chaff. And in the Hereafter there will be either severe punishment or forgiveness and pleasure of Allah, whereas the life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment.
Quran 57:20

>> No.55394596

Here's the secret op, normies aren't successful because they're using some secret special product or method. They were just raised properly as children (no promiscuity, no pr0n and masturbation, no drugs or gambling, etc). In short, they follow Christian doctrine. If you do the same eventually you will catch up to them. All 'luck' or success is not a result of our own actions, but comes from God. There is no such thing as luck or coincidences. Why do you think the Christianity and the bible are countersignaled so hard by the MSM?

>> No.55394608

cope, only the doctors working at A&E in some slum in the southside of Chicago are like this. Successful chad doctors move into plastic surgery or some other lucrative specialism.

>> No.55394613

>tfw got left on read again
I'd say fuck it, but I am just a sucker with no self-esteem.

>> No.55394622

Demoralization posting fuck, I am cursing you. From now on each time you step into the shower or tub you have a higher chance of slipping and falling, but what injuries will you sustain? I’ll leave that to chance.

>> No.55394632
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Thanks for playing

>> No.55394691

Your are in a 10x times more darker and fucked up place mentally than op, who posted this feeling desperate
>omg somebody is challenging my view of the world, better get angry

To op: i was in a aweful place in my live. I am not anymore and its fucking awesome. Believe that it is possible. Trust in the process. Believe it is worth it.
Like this post alot. Best reply itt

Pic related. Governemts are dying though. Read the sovereign individual. No revolution needed. Crypto is enough. We will starve the system

>> No.55394695
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*realize that it is worth it

>> No.55394707

>Your are in a 10x times more darker and fucked up place mentally than op, who posted this feeling desperate
>pointing out simple mental health stats is... LE BAD
You want people to bury their heads in the sand about how fucked up society is? It's sad, but pretending shithole cities are utopias filled with happy, fit, rich, educated, beautiful people is the dumbest thing I've read. Don't be such a pansy, we're allowed to talk about things

>> No.55394720

Well yeah doctors make great money. Half the country is illegals who get free healthcare, and those doctors just bill the government whatever they want for them.

Also I get your prefer to be neet then to cut off gross peoples moles all day for 500k

>> No.55394745

>Why do you think the Christianity and the bible are countersignaled so hard by the MSM?
The evil satanists do everything in their power to keep us from flashy city life and pussy

>> No.55394751

>500k starting
Yeah no, not even boomers who have been in the field for 40 years make anything close to that

>> No.55394807

Private plastic surgery is an extremely niche part of the medical profession involving only the most experienced surgeons. And even then, they're just middle-aged men with easy access to cosmetic procedures. They don't look like they do on TV dramas, zoomzoom. Watch a Documentary for once in your life.

>> No.55394823
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>we're allowed to talk about things
Can you do that on pol? Op:
>i want to look great and be fit and healthy. I want wealth, social skills and a good familly. I saw other people achieve this and feel i am missing out. Help!
Your response:
>society is fat and ugly and depressed and on jew pills!
Dont fucking judge your post by its truthfullsness but if it is helping somebody

>> No.55394838
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>you cant be succesful. Your daddy does it for you. And if your old enough to move out you can believe in the imaginery skydaddy and everything will work out for you

>> No.55394843

Next time go to the DMV so you can see all the people who refuse to be seen in public unless forced.
>you’ll still miss seeing all the border hoppers who drive with no license

>> No.55395610

same but 28. women are ez, wish I was more ambitious though. you don't even need to be a chad to get laid but I wish I was more autistic. maybe I have adhd or something.

>> No.55395721


Look man, if you are even aware of 4Chan and hang out here all the time that alone should tell you that you are mentally ill. These people aren’t gods, they just aren’t mentally ill and so they have been able to achieve something in life. Remembering things and having conversations isn’t a huge struggle for them. They aren’t shut ins with fingers covered in Cheeto dust so they aren’t fat grotesque balding abominations like you are. These people cannot comprehend mental illness except in a medical textbook. The people on this board, who are all NEETs gambling on dog tokens as their only hope of ever improving their lives, are really the outliers of society. Everyone else pursues a career, takes care of their body, and enjoys socializing. LITERALLY the polar opposite of this board. Here people FEAR socializing, NEVER do anything to take care of their body, and avoid bettering their education or pursuing a career at ANY COST!!! and really it comes down to the fact that these boards are all populated by people who share a very specific type of mental illnesses. Essentially though, just stop comparing yourself to them because you are basically not of the same species. Ultimately you will end up like me, nearly 50 years old, single, unemployed and childless. Sitting at home alone every night in silence. That is your fate. Go ahead and embrace it.

>> No.55395764

Idk about other 4chin pepe posters but I'm pretty rich, (from Bitcoin) and I have e a girlfriend and always have had girlfriends. I like socializing but also time alone. I think there are a lot of chadlites on the boards

>> No.55395778

>Sitting at home alone every night in silence
This is far superior to the normal faggotry that I had to go through in the past.

>> No.55395797
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based islamposter

>> No.55395844

What a fag butthurt kike